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Thursday, March 31, 2011

Week 25 第二十五週

1. New Principle for Next School Year
Ms. Showlin Law has been elected to be the new principle next school year. We would like to congradulate Ms. Law and thank Principle Mei Miaw Cheng for directing SDCA to successful years during her term.
下學年度新校長已經選出, 由羅秀琳老師擔任新校長. 我們要恭喜羅秀琳老師, 並且感謝鄭美妙校長這幾年來帶領我們為學校的努力.

2. Volunteer Appreciation Party
Please bring a dish to share at the Volunteer Appreciation Pot Luck party on 4/10/11. Please email Bing Han with what you are planning to bring by 4/4/2011. The party will be held outside parent's lounge. We look forward to a fun gathering with you.
2. 義工表揚大會
4/10/2011 將舉行義工表揚大會, 歡迎大家各帶一道菜來聚餐. 請讓家長會長韓冰在 4/4/2011 前知道您們可以準備的菜餚. 聚餐將在家長休息室外面舉行, 期盼跟大家有一個歡樂的聯誼活動.

3. Spring Break this Sunday
A remainder that there is no Chinese school this Sunday due to Spring Break. Have a nice break!
3. 禮拜天放春假
這個禮拜天因為春假不上課. 祝大家過節愉快!

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