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Thursday, November 21, 2013

Week 11 第十一週



***** Important Dates 重要活動日期 *****
11/24/2013 SDCA Cultural Day (Holiday Eat and Shop)  
12/1/2013 Thanksgiving Holiday (No School)
12/8/2013 Speech Contest

***** School and Administration Office 校務、教務與註冊 *****
  1. Thanks to everyone's help , our Class Chinese Character Writing Contest was a success.  This year the work of first place winner from each class will be sent to North County Chinese Education Center for display.  All of our students did a great job and we are so proud of them.  Congratulations to the winners, if you did not make the list, keep practicing and good luck next year.  謝謝大家的幫忙,班級寫字比賽已圓滿結束。今年的班級寫字比賽第一名學生的作品將送到北郡中文學校參展。學生們的作品都好棒! 我們也以他們為榮! 因為名額有限,恭喜得獎同學,沒得獎的同學明年加油!
  2. This year we have about 100 students participating in the speech contest, so we need to split the contest into two days.  Thank you for encouraging your student to participate.  This week we will have drawing to determine the competition order.  If your child cannot make it to the drawing, his/her teacher or school will draw for him/her.  Next 2 weeks, 12/8 and 12/15, is the school-wide Speech Contest. Parents please encourage your child to spend some time everyday to practice. Practice makes perfect! 今年演講比賽參賽的學生已接近100人,所以我們需要分兩天舉辦,謝謝家長們給學生的鼓勵。本週有演講比賽號碼抽籤,老師會帶學生到辦公室抽籤,缺席的學生,由該班老師代抽。下兩週12/08/2013 及12/15/2013 (感恩節放假過後)是今年度的演講比賽,請家長們抓緊時間幫孩子們練習。
  3. There is a teacher training on 2/16/14 from 8 am to 5 pm at Chapman University, if you are interested in becoming a teacher at SDCA, please contact Vice Principal Law to register. 明年春季教學及行政人員研討會2/16/2014(星期日)上午8時至下午5時於Chapman University 舉行,有興趣加入中華學院教書行列的家長們,請與羅副校長聯絡。
  4. LJCDS has a no-food policy inside their classrooms. Please remind your child to snack outside during recess. Thanks for your cooperation!  租借學校非常介意孩子們在教室裡面吃東西或是喝飲料,請家長幫忙告誡貴子弟不要在教室裡進食,謝謝大家的幫忙!
  5. There will be no school on 12/1 due to Thanksgiving Holiday week. The school will re-open on 12/8. Have a great Thanksgiving week and we’re looking forward to seeing your children on 12/8. .12/1日感恩節週本校放假一天, 12/8日恢復上課。我們祝您有個快樂的感恩節假期, 12/8再見 。

**** PTA & Activities 家長會與活動 *****

  1. Please come join our Cultural Day (Holiday Eat and Shop Event) this Sunday, November 24th. We will be making rice balls for the entire school. If your child is allergic to glutinous rice and any other food items, please let the teacher know.  Please also make sure you tell your child to not eat things that he/she is allergic to.  There will also be a raffle and other fun activities, please don't miss this great event.  本校理事會/家長會將於11月24日舉辦中華學苑文化節活動(假日美食),是吃湯圓的日子,有甜和鹹湯圓,如果貴子弟對糯米或任何食物過敏的話,請通知老師。當天在辦公室內,也有摸彩和義賣,歡迎家長們一起來共享美食及理事會/家長會精心設計的各種活動。
  2. Buy raffle tickets to win the big prize and support our school.  We will be selling raffle tickets in the office during the Cultural Day event. Tickets are two dollars each. This year we have many great prizes including Google Tablets, Legoland tickets, Yoga lessons, Chin’s restaurant certificates, etc.  We appreciate all the people who donated the prizes. The drawing will be held in the courtyard at 4pm on the 24th.  Please do not miss it! For those who have already bought the raffle tickets, don’t forget to bring your tickets and put it in the drawing boxes on Sunday.  Good luck everyone!!  歡迎大家來買摸彩券抽大獎及支持學校活動。我們將於本週在辦公室熱賣摸彩券,一張兩塊錢。今年我們募集了許多大獎 特別感謝所有獎品的捐獻者,獎品包括有Google Tablets、樂高園入場券、瑜珈課程、餐廳禮券...等等。我們將於24日下午四點,在辦公室外的庭院將公開抽獎,請大家不要錯過。在此也提醒已經買好摸彩券的家長們,不要忘了在活動當天將摸彩券投入摸彩箱裡。祝大家幸運中獎!!
  3. Fun Iron Chef SDCA Cooking Show on November 24th. We will hold a fun Iron Chef Cooking Show event at the school during Culture Day this Sunday (24th). Our four invited chefs are all SDCA parents (dads).  Please come to the courtyard outside the office to join us..  為配合文化節活動, 家長會將於11月24日舉辦型男大主廚趣味表演賽活動,四位被邀請的廚神都是學校的家長(爸爸),歡迎大家告訴大家一起來觀賽, 並和我們一起同樂
  4. Parents/Staff Chinese Character Writing Contest (11/24) 1:30pm-2:00pm - Last chance to join and win prizes.  In addition to the Chinese Character Writing Contest in each class for the students last week, this year we initiated a fun Chinese Character Writing Contest for all the parents and staff at SDCA. The contest is easy to join and it won’t take you more than one minute to complete.  You will have the chance to win the biggest raffle prize on Culture Day (11/24).  For the people who missed the event last week, your last chance to enter the contest is from 1:30-2:00pm this Sunday (24th). Please come by the office to participate. 為了響應本校的班級寫字比賽,鼓勵大小朋友一起參加,今年我們特別舉辦超級簡單版的大朋友寫字比賽。上週推出後反應熱烈, 我們特別延長30分鐘讓上週向隅的家長與老師們這週可以來參與,只要花不到一分鐘,在我們準備的紙上寫下"我愛聖地牙哥中華學苑"十個字,就有機會贏得當天文化節摸彩大獎
  5. Be Green and Sustainable The PTA would like to promote the concept of green campus particularly for our cultural day by reducing carbon footprint!  Please encourage our students to bring their container and spoon for rice ball soup! The school still has soup cups and spoons prepared if they don't have their own!  Thanks!. 地球只有一個,為了讓文化節湯圓活動更環保,我們鼓勵您帶自己的餐具來校享用湯圓
  6. Parents Ninja Workout Club (NWC) and Snack Store Due to the Culture Day event, this week’s exercise/practice and student snack store will be cancelled. We encourage all parents to participate in the Culture Day event. We will resume our regular programs next week. 這週因為有文化節活動,健人就是腳勤活動與學生點心時間將暫停一次。希望各位家長踴躍參加文化節,我們下週會恢復繼續進行。

***** Community and Parents Corner 社區大小事與家長園地  *****
  1. 駐洛杉磯台北經濟文化辦事處首度在「聖地牙哥華人服務中心」提供領務收件
    1. 張貼日期:2013/11/14
    2. 為落實服務南加各地區僑民,駐洛杉磯台北經濟文化辦事處將於本(102)年1123日下午1時至430分首度在「聖地牙哥華人服務中心」(5075 Ruffin Road, Suite A, San Diego, California,92123)提供領務收件(該日原訂於橙縣僑教中心之領務收件服務暫停乙次),欲申辦護照、文件驗證及簽證之僑胞可多加利用。當天現場並提供入出境相關問題諮商服務,有回台設籍定居、役男申請再出境、大陸人士申請赴台等方面問題者,可與該處工作人員面對面諮詢。未來該處亦將視收件及辦理情形不定期赴聖地牙哥提供領務收件及入境問題諮商服務,以擴大服務僑民。
    3. 另因場地時間及人力限制,現場將發放100個號碼牌(授權書類50位申請人,護照及簽證類50位申請人),依號碼順序收件,號碼牌發完後恕不再受理;所有申請文件將攜回經文處製作完成後再郵寄回申請人。相關資訊可於上班時間電洽駐洛杉磯台北經濟文化辦事處(TEL:213-389-1215)或上該處網頁(查詢
  2. 每週五早上出版的《華人週末》、月刊、英文雜誌和週報,再加上新出版的《華人新一代》都可以在網站讀到電子版。
<<   Parents Corner 家長與班級園地專欄  >>
This year the Community Corner and Parent Corner here also serves as a bulletin board which is open to all parents and staff at SDCA. If you have anything you want to share with others in this big family, please send your brief posting (such as sharing a good Chinese children’s book, Chinese movie/drama, class or personnel intro, baby announcement, party information, none business sales item, funny story and homework, etc.) to here.
今年本社區園地及家長與班級園地專欄也開放給學校所有師生及家長, 如果您有好消息想跟大家分享(如好的中文童書分享、中文電影戲劇介紹、班級或個人介紹、新生兒、趴替、個人拍賣物品、 或是有趣故事或孩子作業等), 請寄簡短信件至此信箱

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Week 10 第十週

字如其人 傳承漢字美學

***** Important Dates 重要活動日期 *****
11/17/2013 Class Chinese Character Writing Contest
       Parents/Staff Chinese Character Writing Contest
       Speech Contest Sign-up Ends
11/24/2013 SDCA Cultural Day (Holiday Eat and Shop)  

***** School and Administration Office 校務、教務與註冊 *****
  1. Class Chinese Character Writing Contest (11/17).  Preschool and kindergarten classes will not participate. This year the work of first place winners from each class will be sent to North County Chinese Education Center for display. 本週(11/17)班級寫字比賽,學前班和幼稚班的學生,無須參加。今年的班級寫字比賽第一名學生,他們的作品將送到北郡文教中心參展。
  2. Speech Contest Sign-up Ends This Sunday (11/17): Please encourage your kids to sign up for the annual speech contest. It’s a great opportunity to help your children build confidence and polish their Chinese. The contest is fun and everyone who joins the contest is a winner!! 演講比賽報名這週結束! 中文演講不但有趣, 也可以增加孩子的自信心。請給您的孩子一個上台磨練中文的機會吧!
  3. Last call for family contact information for our school directory. Our school directory has very useful school information and your contact information is important for other parents to reach you. If you’d like your email address and phone number to be listed in our school directory or if you are not sure if you checked ‘Yes’ to be listed when you registered your kids, please contact Lesley as soon as possible. 學校通訊錄既將要印製. 通訊錄裡有很多重要的學校資訊, 而您的聯絡方式也是其他家長聯繫您的重要訊息。如果您願意將您的電子郵件地址與家裡的電話號碼編列在通訊錄, 或是您不確定您在註冊時的選擇, 請把握最後機會盡快與 Lesley 聯絡。

**** PTA & Activities 家長會與活動 *****

  1. Please come join our Cultural Day (Holiday Eat and Shop Event) on the November 24th. We will be making rice balls for the entire school.  If your child is allergic to glutinous rice and any other food items, please let the teacher know.  Please also make sure you tell your child to not eat things that he/she is allergic to.  There will also be raffle and other fun activities, please don't pass this great event.  下週(11/24)本校理事會/家長會將舉辦中華學苑文化節活動(假日美食),是吃湯圓的日子,有甜和鹹湯圓,如果貴子弟對糯米或任何食物過敏的話,請通知老師。當天也有摸彩和義賣(地點在辦公室),有各項大獎包括知名餐廳禮券等,歡迎家長們一起來共享美食及理事會/家長會精心設計的各種活動。
  2. Parents/Staff Chinese Character Writing Contest this week (11/17).  In addition to the Chinese Character Writing Contest in each class for the students, this year we are initiating a fun Chinese Character Writing Contest for all the parents and staff at SDCA. The contest is easy to join and it won’t take you more than one minute to complete.  You will have the chance to win the biggest raffle prize on Culture Day (11/24). Please come by the office to participate. 為了響應本校的班級寫字比賽,鼓勵大小朋友一起參加,今年我們特別舉辦超級簡單版的大朋友寫字比賽(11/17)。歡迎家長與老師們來辦公室,只要花不到一分鐘,在我們準備的紙上寫下"我愛聖地牙哥中華學苑"十個字,就有機會贏得11/24日文化節摸彩大獎
  1. SDCA Culture Day (Holiday Eat and Shop Event) will take place on 11/24. PTA is accepting gift donations for the raffle. Our school is a non-profit organization so your donation is tax deductible. It’s time to clean out your closets and bring in those unused gifts that you have been storing for years and put them to good use! Please help us pass along the news. You can drop off the gifts with the Parent Lounge Duty Volunteer. Thank you for your help! PTA 將在11月24日的文化節(假日美食購物活動)上舉辦摸彩活動,我們需要許多豐富的獎品來讓摸彩活動更精彩,希望能收到大家的捐贈。我們的學校是一個非營利組織,您的捐贈可以抵稅。現在是清理你的儲藏室,把那些未使用過的禮物, 捐出來做更好的用途,請把這個消息大家告訴大家。您可以把禮物交給家長休息室值勤義工。感謝您的幫助!
  2. Children’s Cultural Activities and Snack Store during 2nd recess. Your choice of snack plus a juice box for only $1. Please encourage your students to stop by and get some treats. Also come and play Jianzi with your friends and kids. 點心時間與兒童民俗體育活動持續展開! 第二節下課時,我們將有好玩的踢毽子與小點心販賣的活動,自選一樣點心加果汁只要一美元,歡迎您與您的孩子前來參與及購買。
  3. SDCA Clinic - Family Health and Wellness Parents Seminar (11/10) was a great success! The 8 SDCA parents/doctors from different professions contributed their knowledge and experiences, and provided great health suggestions to the attending parents. All speakers and parents also enjoyed healthy snacks during this first parent seminar party. 11/10 的 中華學苑保健室 - 家庭健康與養生之道講座成功結束。八位各科的專業醫師家長和與會的家長們大方的分享了他們的知識、經驗以及提供了各種健康的建議,參加的家長獲益良多之外,也和各講員一起享用健康的小點心
  4. Parents Ninja Workout Club (NWC) We will resume our Ninja Workout program this week. Tennis, badminton, baseball, cycling, hiking, and yoga will all take place at different locations. Please contact Jerry and come to the office at 1:40PM. 我們這禮拜健人就是腳勤活動將恢復繼續進行,網球、羽球、棒球、單車、健行、瑜珈都在不同地點展開。請與Jerry 聯絡,並在1:40PM至辦公室集合。

***** Scrip Sales, Publications, and Miscellaneous  禮券, 校刊,  與其他 *****
Scrip Sales: We’ll have Scrip Sale Day in the office this week (11/17) from 1:30 to 4pm. 賣禮券囉!! 禮券組將在11/17 下午一點半到四點在學校辦公室販售禮券。

***** Community and Parents Corner 社區大小事與家長園地  *****
  1. 為推廣臺灣美食國際化,使海內外網友進一步認識臺灣美食,僑委會即日起至12月8日起辦理「食不相瞞,獻上我的寶島家鄉味!」活動,邀請海內外朋友將懷念的臺灣家鄉菜或個人拿手菜上傳網站推薦,並可廣邀好友投票抽精美獎品。請見活動詳情
  2. SDCA teacher, Meiling Miera prepared a Thanksgiving shopping list for your family. 本校老師朱美玲提供一份感恩節購物清單給大家參考.
<<   Parents Corner 家長與班級園地專欄  >>
Please see HERE for English Version.
< Our Family 我們的家庭 >
Parents:  爸爸許詩中, 媽媽何娜 Andy Hsu and Susanna He
Children:  許蓁瑜(十歲) ,許書弘(七歲) April Hsu (10) – Stone Ranch, 4th grade; Aaron Hsu (7) – Stone Ranch, 1st grade
Parent’s Hometown:  爸爸 – 台灣高雄,媽媽 – 中國哈爾濱,Andy – Kaohsiung, Taiwan; Susanna – Harbin, China
Parent’s Occupation:  Andy – Director, Qualcomm; Susanna – Technical Writer / Trainer, CGI Consulting
Community:  4S Ranch / Palomino since December 2009

「勇於承擔與家庭責任心,這兩點對我們而言很重要。」 基於這樣的信念,何娜毅然決定減少工作的時數,將時間投入孩子學校的義工工作,陪伴兩個孩子一齊成長。

爸爸許詩中則認為「運動」非常重要,他在家中的角色是私人運動教練,推動一家人運動的好習慣。他們夫妻倆慢跑時,孩子們在一旁騎單車。另外,他也鼓勵孩子們踢足球,在比賽時為他們加油打氣。姐姐的足球隊更在之前的球季贏得 Presidio League與 Presidio Cup的頭籌。

兩個孩子也培養了其他嗜好:弟弟有副好歌喉,姐姐擅長彈古箏。喜歡閱讀的他們,更是4S Ranch圖書館分館的常客。此外,多才多藝的姐姐更在學校Stone Ranch Elementary擔任學生會的副會長。今年夏天在San Diego County Fair,她的繪畫作品也深獲好評呢。

在此特別感謝何娜與家人的分享。(內容摘自92127 Magazine。)

This year the Community Corner and Parent Corner here also serves as a bulletin board which is open to all parents and staff at SDCA. If you have anything you want to share with others in this big family, please send your brief posting (such as sharing a good Chinese children’s book, Chinese movie/drama, class or personnel intro, baby announcement, party information, none business sales item, funny story and homework, etc.) to here. 今年本社區園地及家長與班級園地專欄也開放給學校所有師生及家長, 如果您有好消息想跟大家分享(如好的中文童書分享、中文電影戲劇介紹、班級或個人介紹、新生兒、趴替、個人拍賣物品、 或是有趣故事或孩子作業等), 請寄簡短信件至此信箱