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Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Special Summer Edition 1: 暑假七月刊

Summer Break Special Edition!!
暑期特刊, 大家有沒有盡情的玩啊?!


***** Important Dates 重要活動日期 *****

1. 中華學苑中新學年度將於九月十四日開學~~   
 Our First Day of School for year of 2014-2015 will be on Sunday, 9/14/14

Congratulations!!!   SDCA has been granted $1,500 recognition award by San Diego Chinese Women’s Association to support our student scholarship and trainings for our teachers.  Our continuous efforts of providing excellent learning environment for our student has been commented!    You have chosen the right Chinese school for your kids.  We hope to fully utilize this fund to provide a better place for all of our children in the upcoming school year!   恭喜中華學苑在新學年度獲得 SDCWA 榮譽獎金 $1500, 這獎金學校將會用在鼓勵學生繼續學習中文的獎學金以及相關的活動~~

***** School and Administration Office 校務、教務與註冊 *****

1.  Online Registration. SDCA office has been closed for summer, please submit your registration by mail. Our mailing address is SDCA -- Registration, P.O. Box 910093, San Diego, CA 92191-0093.  For more information please review the 2014-2015 Registration Notice & Online Registration FAQ or contact Registrar, Lesley for technical support or any registration questions. 網上註冊
所有舊生新生註冊請以郵寄的方式寄給我們。我們的郵政信箱是SDCA -- Registration, P.O. Box 910093, San Diego, CA 92191-0093.   詳情請參考2014-2015註冊須知與網上註冊常見問答集。有任何問題或需要協助請電郵到註冊組長 Lesley
2. Volunteers Needed!!   We still need volunteers for the following positions in the new school year.  Please contact us if you have not submit your preference!  Your help could be a big contribution to our school. Please email:
新學年學校需要您的熱心幫忙以下義工, 請有興趣的家長或朋友們跟我們聯絡, 謝謝!  請郵電
  •   Teacher 老師
  •   TA 助教
  •   Room Parents 班爸班媽
  •   School Publication Graphic Artist 學校刊物美工
  •   School Publication Editor 學校刊物編輯
  •   Event poster 美工宣傳組

3..  Fundraising:  Another way to help earn $$$ for SDCA!

Do you shop online on Amazon? Use your Amazon sign-in information to log into AmazonSmile and the Amazon Smile Foundation will donate 0.5% of the price of eligible purchases to our school. Amazon Smile is a website operated by Amazon that lets customers enjoy the same selection of products, prices, and shopping features as on

How does AmazonSmile work?  When first visiting AmazonSmile, you will be prompted to select a charitable organization -- select "San Diego Chinese Academy" from the drop-down menu. Then browse or shop just as you would on Amazon and help our school!

Here is the link to share with all your family and friends to help us earn more donation:

Happy shopping and thank you for your support.  
希望常在 Amazon 買東西的家長們, 能夠一起來幫助我們學校來做一些 fundraising 吧~~


***** Community Corner 社區活動  *****

1.   Here is a link to some great information for family who are going back to Taiwan.

2.  Upcoming production of the Orphan of Zhao, starring BD Wong.  Performances just began in San Francisco and the reviews have been fantastic!  This co-production begins at the Playhouse on July 8 and runs through August 3.  I also wanted to mention that we have a $19 student group rate available.  Please let me know if there is anyone else that you think might be interested in this exciting opportunity!  
You can catch a video of the production here:

3. 由台灣書院協辦,北郡文教中心主辦第二場書畫篆刻演講於7/12 舉行.如果您對書畫的評斷和欣賞有興趣,這是值得聆聽的演講,如果你您已經在作畫或寫書法,更歡迎您來參加.  舉辦這個活動的目的是要推廣正體字,宣揚中國書畫藝術. 敬請共襄盛舉. 謝謝.
7/12/14 (星期六),上午十時      陳遠放老師

9888 Carroll Centre Road, Suite 122, San Diego, CA 92126.
聯絡 Email:
