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Sunday, January 31, 2016

Urgent News for All SDCA Parents

Due to the high possible of rain, we are going right into our back up plan today.

Students meet in classrooms at 1:30pm to take roll calls, then follow teacher instructions:   Performance has been moved to Community Hall.  Due to the limited space, we will have VIP and all performance class/parents will be stay in the community.  The non-performing class, please stay in your class with your teacher.

We will be having our carnival half hour earlier as scheduled at 2:30pm.  All booth will be placed in the cover hallway in the middle school area.  Center booth will be located in the covered quad to the side of the office.  Room parents will come early around 2 pm to start setting up your booth.

Let's continue our fun and make this raining day more festive!!    
Our room parents has been working very hard to prepare for this day and we hope to see you there at the carnival.  Don't forget to buy your raffle tickets for the big prizes!!! 

Friday, January 29, 2016

1-31-2016 Week 17:  Chinese New Year Festival
1-31-2016 第十七週: 大家一起來慶祝中國新年!

****!!!        Mark Your Calendars  重要活動日期      !!! ****
1.   1/31/2016:   Chinese New Year Festival
2.   2/07/2016:   Chipotle Fundraiser (50% proceeds go back to SDCA)
Chipotle 晚餐募捐活動
On Campus Yoga Class Starts
Return Report Card
Poetry Recitation Contest Sign-Up Continues
6,9,12 Year Study Award Application Deadline
6,9,12 年學習鼓勵獎報名截至
3.   2/14/2016:   Regular School Day
4.   2/21/2016:   No School (Teacher Spring Training)
放假 (教師春季研習會)


Win a prize at a fraction of the cost! Support our school!
Check out the following raffle and silent auction prizes. Raffles start at 4pm, you must be present to win. Silent auction closes at end of the carnival, you need not be present to win the auction.

  • Chin’s Restaurant Gift Certificate
  • Sipz Fusion Cafe Gift Certificate
  • Free On Campus Yoga lessons (Therapy and Fitness)
  • Haircut Gift Certificate by Sunny Day Hair Salon
  • Deluxe Anti-aging Facial Service by Angel Skincare
  • Casio Electronic Keyboard
  • Electronic Learning Toy
  • Smithsonian Magic Rocks
  • Build Your Own Train Kit
  • Lego Creator Treehouse
  • Bow and Arrow Toy
  • "Your Choice" Designated Parking Spot for rest of school year
  • Orthodontic Specialists gift certificates, $1000 value

Click here to see pictures and descriptions of the prizes.

During Performance:
Please listen to instructions by Principal Sun and the teachers.
  • Grade 4 and above, follow the teachers and go back to respective upper school classrooms
  • Grade 3 and below, follow the teachers and go to covered lunch area
  • VIP guests, please go to the Community Hall
  • Parents, you may follow your students or go to Community Hall

During Carnival:
  • All booths will be pushed back to the covered area, the room parents had been given booth map and rainy day instructions, please follow their lead
  • Let the party continue!

Spring rain has always been precious and welcomed in Chinese culture. Let’s incorporate the weather with a festive mind and enjoy!

****!!!      School Administration  註冊及校務      !!! ****

Perseverance Award for Chinese Study: To encourage Chinese study, we provide awards to our students who have continuously studied Chinese for 6, 9, or 12 years. If your child qualifies, please obtain an application form from your teacher. If the previous years of study were from another Chinese school, proper documentation (transcript, certificates of completion, etc.) must be submitted along with the application form. Application deadline is Feb 07, 2016. 本校為了鼓勵孩子們堅持不斷的學習中文,我們有連續就讀中文6年,9年,12年的獎勵,如果您的孩子符合條件,請向老師索取申請單。如果是轉校生,則必須提供外校就讀的證明,例如成績單,獎狀之類的文件證明,申請日期到 2/07/16截止

****!!!         PTA Announcement  家長會與活動  !!!      ****

Dine-Out Fundraising
Not feeling to cook dinner on Super Bowl Sunday Feb 7th? Come to dine out with your fellow SDCA families and support a good cause. Show the above flyer to the cashier, eat in or take out, and 50% of the proceed comes back to our school.

Date: Feb 7th
Time: 4:30pm - 9:30pm
Place: Chipotle UTC, 8750 Genesee Ave

Looking forward to see you there!

New Yoga class hosting at SDCA campus
Our SDCA parent Celine Chen is offering a series of Yoga class for our parents while your kids are in their Chinese class.   See the Above Flyer for details.  Please come to office to register!     
嶄新的 2016,正是開始鍛鍊身體的好時機!九週的課程讓你體驗瑜伽的魔力!   孩子們努力學習,爸爸媽媽們把握當下,擁有健康就在現在!

Yearbook Cover Art Contest 年刊封面設計比賽
This is an annual event to enrich campus activities and provide a channel for our students to show their artistic talents. The winning entry will be used as the Yearbook cover art for the current school year. All other entries will be used to enhance the Yearbook. This year the theme is Chinese Cultural Celebrations (主題: 中華文化的慶祝活動). Click here for contest guidelines. Please turn in artwork entries to the office by Feb 07, 2016. 請家長們鼓勵您的小孩參加一年一度的中華學苑年刊封面設計比賽。 第一名的作品將會作為本學年度的年刊封面。 所有其它參賽作品將用於年刊內頁的插圖。所有參賽同學都將得到獎勵。 詳情請看比賽規則。 收件截止日期為 2016 年 2 月 7 日

Volunteers Needed  家長會義工:
If you have not yet been assigned a volunteer service and would like to help, please email We will find a position so you qualify for your service refund.  
如果你還沒有被安排到義工職位而且還願意在學校幫忙, 請務必通知家長會, 我們還有許多地方需要各位家長的同工.  

****!!!         Community Corner  社區園地       !!! ****


1981年1月25日中國最高人民法院林彪、江青集作出裁決 - 1981年1月25日, 特法庭庭法庭判決。判決,林彪、江青集的犯罪活前後達10年之久,殃及全國各個地區和域,使中國政治制度和社會制度受到重的危害,國民經濟和其他各遭到極其重的破壞,人民來極大的災。特法庭根據江青等10名被告人犯罪的事、性、情於社會的危害程度,分江青、死刑,期2年行,剝政治身。判王洪文無期徒刑,剝政治身。判姚文元有期徒刑20年,伯達有期徒刑18年,李作有期徒刑17年, 吳法有期徒刑17年,黃永有期徒刑18年,邱會作有期徒刑16年,江蛟有期徒刑18年,以上7名罪犯均剝政治利5年。林彪江青判由最高人民法院特法庭於1980年11月20日正式開庭。 1983年1月25日最高人民法院江青、原判無期徒刑。The Gang of Four was a political faction composed of four Chinese Communist Party officials. They came to prominence during the Cultural Revolution (1966–76) and were later charged with a series of treasonous crimes. The gang's leading figure was Mao Zedong's last wife Jiang Qing. The other members were Zhang Chunqiao, Yao Wenyuan, and Wang Hongwen. The Gang of Four, together with disgraced general Lin Biao, were officially blamed by the Chinese government for the worst excesses of the societal chaos that ensued during the ten years of turmoil. Their downfall on October 6, 1976, a mere month after Mao's death, brought about major celebrations on the streets of Beijing and marked the end of a turbulent political era in China. On January 25, 1981, the Gang of Four and their subordinates were sentenced. Jiang Qing and Zhang Chunqiao received death sentences that were later commuted to life imprisonment, while Wang Hongwen and Yao Wenyuan were given life and twenty years in prison, respectively. Supporters of the Gang of Four, including Chen Boda and Mao Yuanxin, were also sentenced.


1945年1月27 中國收復北,打通中印公路 - 1945年1月27日,中國和中國甸芒友會,打通了中印公路。1941年12月23日,中民國政府與英國方面在重慶簽署《中英共同防禦滇定》,中英事同盟形成,中國支援英在滇時為英屬地)抗日本侵略者、並了保中國西南大後方,建了中民國。此軍史稱中國駐印軍。 1943年8月,魁北克國際會議決定向緬北日軍發動進攻,軍事行動由中國駐印軍和新調集的中國遠征軍承擔。10月下旬,中國駐印軍向緬北進行反攻。1944年5月,中國遠征軍由雲南向怒江以西日軍反攻。1945年1月27日,兩軍在緬甸芒友會師,中國西南國際補給線中印緬公路完全打通。這是中國與盟國直接進行軍事合作的典範,也是甲午戰爭以來中國軍隊首次出國作,立下了赫赫功。從中國軍隊算起,中印大戰歷時3年零3月,戰爭艱苦而慘烈,中國投入兵力總計40萬人,亡接近20萬人,取得了巨大利, 完成了中國略大反攻的全面利. X Force was the name given to the Chinese Expeditionary Force that retreated from Burma into India in 1942 during WWII. These troops were originally sent into Burma from Yunnan by Chiang Kai-shek in 1942 to assist the British in holding back the Japanese. These Chinese forces became broken up, while most retreated back to China, two divisions retreated to India where they were placed under the command of the American General Joseph Stilwell. These forces were re-equipped and re-trained by American instructors at British expense. They were named X Force and used by General Joseph Stilwell as the spearhead of his drive to open a land route to China (the Ledo Road). The outstanding Chinese commander in X Force was General Sun Li-Jen, who led the Chinese 38th Division and was praised by the British Fourteenth Army Commander General (later Field Marshal) William Slim in his book Defeat into Victory. In August 1943 during the First Quebec Conference, the Allies decided to lunch attach to the Japanese forces in Burma. The X force launched its attack on the Japanese from the India side in October. In May 1944, a new Chinese force, known as the Y Force, entered Burma from Yunnan and launched attack on the Japanese from the northeast front. On January 27, 1945, the two sides joined forces in Muse, Burma, and took complete control of the Burma Road / Ledo Road. The first trucks reached the Chinese frontier by this route on January 28, 1945.

2007年1月27日 台灣十全能運動員、“人”楊傳廣逝世 - 1933年出生的楊傳廣,在1954年的尼拉運,以5454分拿下田徑十的冠,而當地報紙就以“ASIAN IRON MAN”稱呼他,也是楊傳廣“人”稱號的由來。接著1960年參加第十七屆羅馬奧運,十動獲牌,首開台灣在奧運得獎紀錄;1963年參加美國聖安尼運會,以9121分打破世界紀錄,也改日後十分方式,往後再也沒有十項選手打破九千分大關。2007年1月27日, 罹患肝癌且中亞洲鐵人楊傳廣在妻兒的陪伴下,在洛杉磯西北方的聖費南度過世,享年74Yang Chuan-Kwang, or C.K. Yang (July 10, 1933 in Taitung, Taiwan – January 27, 2007 in Los Angeles), was an Olympic decathlete from the Republic of China. Yang was a member of the Amis, one of the fourteen officially recognized peoples of Taiwanese aborigines. He attended UCLA where he trained and competed with teammate and Olympian Rafer Johnson. Known as the "Iron Man of Asia," Yang won the gold medal in the decathlon at the 1954 and 1958 Asian Games. He went on to win the silver medal at the 1960 Summer Olympics in Rome. In 1963 Yang finally took the Decathlon World Record from his friend Johnson at the Mt. SAC Relays. He was the first man to break the 9,000 barrier under the old scale. When the new tables were re-evaluated, this same score was the first to break 8,000 points under the new system. Yang, who contracted liver cancer in 2001 while he was the president of the National Sports Training Center at Kaohsiung, Taiwan, died on January 27, 2007, due to a massive stroke. He is buried in Ivy Lawn Memorial Park in Ventura, California.