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Friday, December 18, 2015

12-20-2015 Week 13: Final!  Final!
12-20-2015 第十三週:  準備好要期末考了嗎?

****!!!        Mark Your Calendars  重要活動日期      !!! ****

1. 12/20/2015: Final Exam
Chinese Study Perseverance Award Application
2. 12/27, 1/3/06: Winter Break
3. 1/10/06: Student Store (1)
學生商店 (1)

Perseverance Award for Chinese Study: To encourage Chinese study, we provide awards to our students who have continuously studied Chinese for 6, 9, or 12 years. If your child qualifies, please obtain application form from your teacher. If the previous years of study were from another Chinese school, proper documentation (transcript, certificates of completion, etc.) must be submitted along with the application form. Application deadline is Feb 07, 2016. 本校為了鼓勵孩子們堅持不斷的學習中文,我們有連續就讀中文6年,9年,12年的獎勵,如果您的孩子符合條件,請向老師索取申請單。如果是轉校生,則必須提供外校就讀的證明,例如成績單,獎狀之類的文件證明,申請日期到 2/07/16截止。

****!!!      School Administration  註冊及校務      !!! ****

Important Notice: Due to a number of reasons beyond our control, our December, January, and February school calendar had to be adjusted. The updated school calendar has been distributed to teachers and room parents. 重要通知: 因為一系列不可控制的原因,我們不得不做以下學校行事曆的修改。更新過的行事曆已發放給老師及班媽班爸。
01/10/2016 Coupon Day (1)
01/24/2016 New Year Program Rehearsal
01/31/2016 Chinese New Year Festival
02/14/2016 School Day
02/21/2016 No School

*****!!!!!      Holiday Greetings from the Board of Directors  !!!!!! *****

Click here to see the letter in its original format and to access the embedded links

*****!!!!!      Ground Supervision 校園巡邏  !!!!!! *****

Campus Recycling Effort:

As we have announced at the beginning of this year, LJCDS has a recycling policy starting this year. There are tall recycle bins labeled “Adopt-A-Bin” with laminated signs attached to them containing instructions regarding bin use (i.e. what does & does not go into them). Please use these bins correctly to help protect our planet. Also, there’s an effort being made to reduce the number of plastic water bottles on the campus. We encourage everyone to bring reusable water containers to school.  Thank you for your cooperation and assistance. 大家好。剛開學時,我們就已宣佈了一項地主學校(LJCDS)今年開始實施的新的回收政策。在校園内,大家可以看到寫著” Adopt-A-Bin ”的回收桶。請注意上面附的詳細説明來使用這些回收桶。(像是哪些東西可以放進去,哪些不行)。請大家正確並確實的使用這些回收桶,共同努力保護我們的地球。同時,為有效推廣在校園内減少瓶裝水的使用,我們鼓勵大家自己帶水壺上學,這也是一個幫助地球的好方法。 謝謝大家的合作與協助。

Please remind your children to only play by the grassy area during recess time. Do not go to places where there is no adult supervision. Although there are four parents doing ground supervision every week, we still need your children’s cooperation to ensure our campus safety. Thank you. 請各位家長告知家中子女,下課時間請小朋友盡量留在草地上玩耍,請勿跑到建築後面或是人少的地方,以維護自身安全。雖然校園內有義工家長巡邏,但還需要大家配合,才能確保校園安全,謝謝。

Please remind your student again not to touch and/or use anything in the classroom, including the trash can. We are grateful to be able to use this wonderful campus. Please help take care of LJCDS classrooms and its campus so we can continue to use it. Parents, if you visit a classroom with a young child, please watch your child to make sure he/she is not touching anything in the classroom. Thank you.  麻煩家長持續提醒孩子們,教室内的所有物品都不能使用,移動,和破壞。也不能在教室裡吃東西或用教室裡的垃圾桶。我們感謝 LJCDS 借給我們這個美麗的校園,整齊的教室和安全的環境。我們很珍惜能和 LJCDS 維持良好的關係。所以希望學生們都能確實遵守規定。如果有家長帶小小孩進教室,也要特別提醒家長注意自己的小孩,不要亂動教室内的東西。

****!!!         PTA Announcement  家長會與活動  !!!      ****

Yearbook Cover Art Contest 年刊封面設計比賽
This is an annual event to enrich campus activities and provide a channel for our students to show their artistic talents. The winning entry will be used as the Yearbook cover art for the current school year. All other entries will be used to enhance the Yearbook. This year the theme is Chinese Cultural Celebrations (主題: 中華文化的慶祝活動). Click here for contest guidelines. Please turn in artwork entries to the office by Jan 16, 2016. 請家長們鼓勵您的小孩參加一年一度的中華學苑年刊封面設計比賽。 第一名的作品將會作為本學年度的年刊封面。 所有其它參賽作品將用於年刊內頁的插圖。所有參賽同學都將得到獎勵。 詳情請看比賽規則。 收件截止日期為 2016 年 1 月 16 日。

Student snack store 學生福利社:
Snack Store during 2nd recess will start this week. Your choice of snack and a juice box costs only $1.  Please encourage your students to stop by and get some treats. We will also have Jamba Juice coming on campus once a month.   點心時間到囉!  第二節下課時,我們將有小點心販賣的活動,自選一樣點心加果汁只要一美元,歡迎您與您的孩子前來購買。

Holiday Lunch Invite.jpg

All SDCA families are cordially invited to the SDCA End of 1st Semester / Holiday Party!
Date: Saturday, December 19th
Time: 11:30am
Place: Savory Buffet
7040 Miramar Rd, San Diego, CA 92121
Cost: $10 per person for 11 year old and up, $0.80 per year for 3 yrs - 10 yrs,
2 year olds and under free

Enjoy good food, mingle with the Principal and staff, teachers, board members, and be merry! Pay by cash (exact change please) or check made out to “SDCA” at party check-in. Please RSVP  here so we can plan accordingly. Thanks and see you at the party!

****!!!         Community Corner  社區園地       !!! ****

1900年12月8日 中國抗日名將孫立人出生 - 孫立人(1900年12月8日-1990年11月19日), 安徽廬江人,抗日名將。歷任國民政府師、軍長,東北保安副司令長官、中華民國陸軍副總司令、總司令、總統府參軍長。抗戰時期,參加“八一三”淞滬會戰;中國遠征軍入緬甸後,取得仁安羌大捷。1943年協助杜聿明等率軍入緬北反攻,連戰皆捷。1944年10月,新編第一軍孫立人部將再度入役的作為七七事變爆發藉口的失蹤士兵志村菊次郎打死。1945年日本投降後率國民革命軍新一軍進駐中國東北,期間與中國共產黨林 彪部隊發生激戰,進而取得四平、長春,逼近時中共中央所在之哈爾濱。但之後因與國民黨內其他將領如杜聿明等不睦,於1947年8月為蔣中正所調離東北。一年之後,他曾指揮的新一軍,在遼西會戰中損失殆盡。1950年4月,孫晉陞陸軍總司令,致力於國軍的現代化事業。然而由於孫將軍是少數受美國軍事教育,又無加入中國國民黨的將領,加上1949年前後,美國國內台灣地位未定論甚囂塵上,美國國會關於美軍執行台灣託管的聲浪不斷, 時任中華民國總統的蔣中正對孫疑慮重重. 1955年8月20日,蔣介石以縱容部屬武裝叛亂,窩藏共匪、密謀犯上等罪名,革除孫總統府參軍長職務。孫被判處“長期拘禁”,直到1988年5月才解除長達33年的監護。1988年一月孫案獲得“平反”。同年五月,國防部長鄭為元將軍宣佈孫立人出入自由。1990年孫立人將軍辭世. Sun Li-jen (December 8, 1900–November 19, 1990) was a Chinese Nationalist (KMT) general, a graduate of Virginia Military Institute, best known for his leadership in the Second Sino-Japanese War and the Chinese Civil War. His achievements earned him the laudatory nickname "Rommel of the East". His New First Army was known as the "1st [Best] Army under heaven" and credited with effectively confronting Japanese troops in the 1937 Battle of Shanghai and in the Burma Campaign, 1943-1944. Perhaps because of his foreign training, he did not have the full confidence of Chiang Kai-shek. Sun was relieved of battle command in the Chinese Civil War in 1946, and although he was made Commander in Chief in 1950 after the retreat of the Nationalist government to Taiwan, he was given only ceremonial roles. He was charged with conspiracy in 1955 and spent his last thirty years under virtual house arrest. More than 300 of Sun's close subordinates were placed under arrest and many more were relieved of their duties. Sun was finally released in 1988, and passed away in 1990. His funeral was conducted with full military honors and with the presence of the Minister of National Defense and top generals. In 2001, Sun's reputation was cleared after a government investigation into the purported coup attempt. In January 2011, President Ma Ying-jeou formally apologized to Sun Li-jen's family and Sun's house in Taichung was opened as a memorial hall and museum.

1936年12月12日 張學良、楊虎城發動“西安事變” – 1936年,日本帝國主義不斷擴大對中國的侵略,蔣介石堅持“攘外必先安內”, 繼續進行內戰。以張學良為首的東北軍和以楊虎城為首的十七路軍被蔣調到陝甘一帶進攻中國工農紅軍。但張、楊與紅軍實現了停戰,並要求蔣介石聯共抗日。蔣不僅拒絕了張、楊的要求, 而且調集嫡系部隊至豫陝邊境,壓迫張、楊繼續進攻紅軍。12月4日,蔣介石飛往西安督戰。7日,張學良到臨潼華清池向蔣“苦諫”,請求“停止內戰,一致抗日”,遭蔣拒絕。9日,張向遊行示威的學生表示,一週內用事實答覆他們的愛國要求。12日,張學良、楊虎城發動了西安事變,在華清池武裝扣留了蔣介石,囚禁陳誠等十餘人;宣佈取消“西北剿匪總部”,成立抗日聯軍西北臨時軍事委員會,張學良、楊虎城任正副委員長,並通電全國,提出改組南京政府,停止內戰,共同抗日,實行民主政治。16日,南京政府下令討伐張、楊,並任何應欽為總司令。親日派汪精衛、何應欽企圖藉機擴大事態,奪取蔣介石的統治權力,進一步和日本妥協。中共中央應張學良、楊虎城電請,派代表周恩來、葉劍英等到西安調停。周恩來等於16日到達西安以後提出:只要蔣答應抗日就釋放他。並於15、19日通電南京國民黨政府,促其接受張、楊主張,和平解決。22日,宋美齡、宋子文與蔣介石顧問澳大利亞人端納飛往西安談判。24日,蔣介石接受停戰議和、聯共抗日、釋放政治犯等條件。25日蔣介石獲釋,由張學良陪返南京,“西安事變”到此和平解決。蔣介石飛回南京後,立即把張學良拘禁起來至1990年始恢復人身自由。楊虎城被囚十二年, 於1949年9月6日在重慶中美合作所之戴公祠被殺. The Xi'an Incident of December 1936, an important turning point in Chinese modern history, took place in the city of Xi'an during the Chinese Civil War between the ruling Kuomintang (KMT) and the insurgent Chinese Communist Party and just before the Second Sino-Japanese War. On 12 December 1936, Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek, the leader of the Kuomintang, was arrested by General Zhang Xueliang, a former warlord of Manchuria, and General Yang Hucheng. The incident led to a truce between the Nationalists and the Communists so as to form a united front against the threat posed by Japan. Some facts about the incident still remain unclear today as most of those involved died without revealing details. Before the Xi'an Incident, the Chinese Communist Party had established itself in Shanxi province following being driven from Jiangxi and other regions by KMT. Japan had invaded northeast China in 1931. Chiang Kai-shek's response to the invasion had been weak, because he was more focused on getting rid of the Communists. The Xi'an Incident is seen as turning point for the Chinese Communist Party, as before the incident the party itself was facing a new round of assaults by Kuomintang forces. Chinese nationalism had been roused by the Japanese invasion, but potential Chinese resistance was strengthened by the Xi'an Incident, leading to the united front of Kuomintang and the Chinese Communist Party.

1937年12月13日 南京大屠殺 - 1937年12月13日 ,日本侵略軍佔領南京。在華中派遣軍司令官鬆井石根和第六師團長谷壽夫的指揮下,日軍在6週內共屠殺南京市民和放下了武器的中國官兵30餘萬人。曾在長江岸邊參加毀屍滅跡的日軍少佐太田壽供述,經他與安達少佐在南京下關碼頭處理的就有10萬以上的屍體,其中掩埋、焚燒的約3萬多具,其餘投入長江去了。南京市崇善堂在難民區內組織了崇字掩埋隊 共收屍112266具。 世界紅十字會南京分會共埋葬男女屍體43071具。中國紅十字會掩埋屍體22300餘具。日軍這一舉世震驚的暴行,受到世界輿論的譴責。1946年遠東國際軍事法庭在審判日本戰犯的決議書中指出,“日本兵完全像一群被放縱的野蠻人似地來污辱這個城市”,“實行殺人、強姦、搶劫、放火”。經遠東國際軍事法庭審理,鬆井石根被判處絞刑。谷壽夫被引渡給中國政府,於1947年被處以死刑。The Nanking Massacre or Nanjing Massacre, also known as the Rape of Nanking (Nanjing), was an episode during the Second Sino-Japanese War of mass murder, rape, and looting by Japanese troops against the residents of Nanjing ( spelled Nanking at the time), then capital of the Republic of China. The massacre occurred over six weeks starting December 13, 1937, the day that the Japanese captured Nanjing. During this period, Japanese soldiers murdered an estimated 300,000 Chinese civilians and disarmed combatants, and perpetrated widespread rape and looting. Key perpetrators were tried in 1946 at the International Military Tribunal for the Far East and the Nanjing War Crimes Tribunal, found guilty and were executed.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

12-13-2015 Week 12: Room parents meeting!
12-13-2015 第十二週:  班代表會議

****!!!        Mark Your Calendars  重要活動日期      !!! ****
1. 12/13/2015: Room Parents Meeting 1:45pm @ Office
班代表會議 1:45pm @ Office
2. 12/20/2015: Final Exam
3. 12/27, 1/3/06: Winter Break
4. 1/10/06: Student Store (1)
學生商店 (1)

This week (12/13/15), we will have our  room parent's meeting at school office at 1:45 PM to discuss the preparation of Chinese New Year, please make plans to attend.  Please make sure at least one representative from your class attends the meeting to draw lots to decide who should do which food/game booth.  本週(12/13/15)有班代表會議、家長大會, 請家長們踴躍參加,謝謝!  我們將要簡單的討論第十七週舉行的中國新年準備事宜。請各班至少派一名代表參加抽籤決定新年食物或遊戲攤位。

****!!!      School Administration  註冊及校務      !!! ****

Important Notice: Due to a number of reasons beyond our control, our December, January, and February school calendar had to be adjusted. The updated school calendar has been distributed to teachers and room parents. 重要通知: 因為一系列不可控制的原因,我們不得不做以下學校行事曆的修改。更新過的行事曆已發放給老師及班媽班爸。
12/13/2015 Room Parent Meeting
01/10/2016 Coupon Day (1)
01/24/2016 New Year Program Rehearsal
01/31/2016 Chinese New Year Festival
02/14/2016 School Day
02/21/2016 No School

*****!!!!!      Ground Supervision 校園巡邏  !!!!!! *****

Please remind your children to only play by the grassy area during recess time. Do not go to places where there is no adult supervision. Although there are four parents doing ground supervision every week, we still need your children’s cooperation to ensure our campus safety. Thank you. 請各位家長告知家中子女,下課時間請小朋友盡量留在草地上玩耍,請勿跑到建築後面或是人少的地方,以維護自身安全。雖然校園內有義工家長巡邏,但還需要大家配合,才能確保校園安全,謝謝。

Please remind your student again not to touch and/or use anything in the classroom, including the trash can. We are grateful to be able to use this wonderful campus. Please help take care of LJCDS classrooms and its campus so we can continue to use it. Parents, if you visit a classroom with a young child, please watch your child to make sure he/she is not touching anything in the classroom. Thank you.  麻煩家長持續提醒孩子們,教室内的所有物品都不能使用,移動,和破壞。也不能在教室裡吃東西或用教室裡的垃圾桶。我們感謝 LJCDS 借給我們這個美麗的校園,整齊的教室和安全的環境。我們很珍惜能和 LJCDS 維持良好的關係。所以希望學生們都能確實遵守規定。如果有家長帶小小孩進教室,也要特別提醒家長注意自己的小孩,不要亂動教室内的東西。

****!!!         PTA Announcement  家長會與活動  !!!      ****

Yearbook Cover Art Contest 年刊封面設計比賽
This is an annual event to enrich campus activities and provide a channel for our students to show their artistic talents. The winning entry will be used as the Yearbook cover art for the current school year. All other entries will be used to enhance the Yearbook. This year the theme is Chinese Cultural Celebrations (主題: 中華文化的慶祝活動). Click here for contest guidelines. Please turn in artwork entries to the office by Jan 16, 2016. 請家長們鼓勵您的小孩參加一年一度的中華學苑年刊封面設計比賽。 第一名的作品將會作為本學年度的年刊封面。 所有其它參賽作品將用於年刊內頁的插圖。所有參賽同學都將得到獎勵。 詳情請看比賽規則。 收件截止日期為 2016 年 1 月 16 日。

Student snack store 學生福利社:
Snack Store during 2nd recess will start this week. Your choice of snack and a juice box costs only $1.  Please encourage your students to stop by and get some treats. We will also have Jamba Juice coming on campus once a month.   點心時間到囉!  第二節下課時,我們將有小點心販賣的活動,自選一樣點心加果汁只要一美元,歡迎您與您的孩子前來購買。

Holiday Lunch Invite.jpg

All SDCA families are cordially invited to the SDCA End of 1st Semester / Holiday Party!
Date: Saturday, December 19th
Time: 11:30am
Place: Savory Buffet
7040 Miramar Rd, San Diego, CA 92121
Cost: $10 per person for 11 year old and up, $0.80 per year for 3 yrs - 10 yrs,
2 year olds and under free

Enjoy good food, mingle with the Principal and staff, teachers, board members, and be merry! Pay by cash (exact change please) or check made out to “SDCA” at party check-in. Please RSVP  here so we can plan accordingly. Thanks and see you at the party!

****!!!         Community Corner  社區園地       !!! ****

save the date flyer 02.jpg

We have limited # of tickets for sale of the above event, interested parties please inquire at the office.

1922121 退位皇帝溥儀舉婚大禮 - 1922121日凌晨,居住在紫禁城中的最後一位皇帝, 16歲的儀舉行結婚大典1日零時,溥儀穿著袍褂來到乾清宮. 1時,溥儀派人把一柄如意放到鳳輿裡邊,然後由載振押著出發。這頂鳳輿比普通轎子大得多,需16個人抬;轎頂涂金,正中有一隻很大的金鳳. 迎娶儀仗隊出神武門,以大鼓100對及牛角號齊鳴。軍警憲機關派來騎、步兵2000多人壯威保護。迎親街道實行戒嚴,馬路兩邊人山人海3時左右,皇后婉容登輿,由8名御前侍衛執藏香在前引導,原班儀仗隊護送,經東華門,把皇后迎入乾清宮。婉容皇后下輿,溥儀揭下她的蓋頭,一同走上喜床,吃孫餑餑,窗外有一個官員用滿語高聲念誦祝詞。宮內另擺下合巹宴”. 儀夫婦隨後向東南方坐帳,一同吃長壽麵。婚禮第一天的儀禮結束3日上午,舉行賀札上午10時,大批駐華使節來到東暖閣,向穿龍袍褂、戴珠冠的溥儀和穿旗袍、梳兩把頭的婉容行鞠躬禮. 儀又坐上寶座,接見黎元洪大總統的致賀專使黃開, 又接北洋政府文武大員和各省軍閥的代表40多人接著又鳴鞭、奏樂,滿蒙王公、舊臣遺老向行三跪九叩禮。On December 1st, 1922, the abdicated last emperor, 16 year old Pu Yi, married his empress Wanrong. The ceremony took place in the Forbidden City. On Dec 3rd, the married couple received congratulatory greetings from the warlord government officials, foreign dignitaries, and previous Qing dynasty officials and supporters.


1950年12月4日民間音樂家阿炳逝世 - 阿炳本名華彥鈞,1893年8月17日出生於江蘇無錫。阿炳父親善於演奏各種樂器,阿炳從小就跟他學習音樂。18歲時阿炳的演奏技藝已經被他的同行所公認,被稱為“小天師”。阿炳一生擅長演奏笛子、琵琶、二胡、鼓等多種樂器,能演奏300多首樂曲,並擅長演唱。阿炳一生坎坷。由於貧病交加,阿炳30多歲患眼病雙目失明,後被人們稱為瞎子阿炳。由於阿炳積勞成疾,於1950年12月4日吐血而死,他編奏的更多曲子沒能被採錄下來,這成為音樂界的一件憾事。已錄下來的只有琵琶與二胡樂曲:《二泉映月》、《聽鬆》、《寒春風曲》、《大浪淘沙》、《龍船》、《昭君出塞》六首。阿炳的音樂造詣已被中外人士所公認。美國波士頓交響樂團,費城交響樂團,德國斯圖加特室內樂團,法國里昂交響樂團等一些享有世界聲譽的外國樂隊都演奏過經過改編的《二泉映月》。Ābǐng (17 August 1893 – 4 December 1950) was a blind Chinese musician specializing in the erhu and pipa. Abing was born on August 17, 1893 in the eastern Chinese city of Wuxi to father Hua Qinghe, who was a Taoist priest and was proficient in a number of musical instruments. His father trained him at a young age.  Abing lived a poor and difficult life and lost his eyesight due to health issues when he was in his thirties. He was only recorded very late in his life, but despite the scarcity of documentation of his music he is nevertheless considered to be one of the most important Chinese musicians of the 20th century. His signature pieces have become classics of Chinese erhu and pipa music. His music can be heard on The Norton Recordings, ninth edition. Abing's most famous piece is entitled Erquan Yingyue (二泉映月), which is named after a spring in Wuxi. It has been played by symphonies around the world.