12-06-2015 Week 11: Ready for the Speech Contest
12-06-2015 第十一週: 演講比賽準備好了嗎?
****!!! Mark Your Calendars 重要活動日期 !!! ****
1. 12/06/2015: Speech Contest
Yearbook Cover Contest begins
Scrips Sale
2. 12/13/2015: Room Parent Meeting 3pm @ Community Hall
班代表會議 3pm @ Community Hall
3. 12/20/2015: Final Exam
Speech Contest: This week (12/6/15) is our speech contest. Parents, please be enthusiastic and supportive. The most important part of your child’s Chinese speech experience is not about winning, but rather that she or he develops the self confidence to speak Chinese in public and exercises discipline while preparing for the contest. The preparation and practice for our speech day event will help them to be successful later in life. Good luck to all contestants. Parents please remember not to use flash photography during the speech contest. Note that check-in time for the 1st group of contestants is 1pm. Thank you. 家長們請拿出您的熱情和鼓勵以協助孩子們準備這週的中文演講比賽。輸贏不是演講比賽的目的,整個準備過程和上台的經驗都會幫助孩子們未來的人生更成功。請家長們注意,若是您要拍照請不要用閃光燈以免影響學生,謝謝。學生們,加油! 比賽程序:
13:00-13:15 第一場參賽者報到入場 1st group check in (幼稚組,初級組,雙語甲組CSL-A)
14:45-15:00 第二場參賽者報到入場 2nd group check in (雙語乙組CSL-B,中級組,高級組)
****!!! School Administration 註冊及校務 !!! ****
Important Notice: Due to a number of reasons beyond our control, our December, January, and February school calendar had to be adjusted. The updated school calendar has been distributed to teachers and room parents. 重要通知: 因為一系列不可控制的原因,我們不得不做以下學校行事曆的修改。更新過的行事曆已發放給老師及班媽班爸。
12/13/2015 Room Parent Meeting
01/10/2016 Coupon Day (1)
01/24/2016 New Year Program Rehearsal
01/31/2016 Chinese New Year Festival
02/14/2016 School Day
02/21/2016 No School
*****!!!!! Ground Supervision 校園巡邏 !!!!!! *****
Please remind your children to only play by the grassy area during recess time. Do not go to places where there is no adult supervision. Although there are four parents doing ground supervision every week, we still need your children’s cooperation to ensure our campus safety. Thank you. 請各位家長告知家中子女,下課時間請小朋友盡量留在草地上玩耍,請勿跑到建築後面或是人少的地方,以維護自身安全。雖然校園內有義工家長巡邏,但還需要大家配合,才能確保校園安全,謝謝。
Please remind your student again not to touch and/or use anything in the classroom, including the trash can. We are grateful to be able to use this wonderful campus. Please help take care of LJCDS classrooms and its campus so we can continue to use it. Parents, if you visit a classroom with a young child, please watch your child to make sure he/she is not touching anything in the classroom. Thank you. 麻煩家長持續提醒孩子們,教室内的所有物品都不能使用,移動,和破壞。也不能在教室裡吃東西或用教室裡的垃圾桶。我們感謝 LJCDS 借給我們這個美麗的校園,整齊的教室和安全的環境。我們很珍惜能和 LJCDS 維持良好的關係。所以希望學生們都能確實遵守規定。如果有家長帶小小孩進教室,也要特別提醒家長注意自己的小孩,不要亂動教室内的東西。
****!!! PTA Announcement 家長會與活動 !!! ****
Our Culture day was a big success and we want to acknowledge and thank all our room parents who put in extra time and effort in making the dough and soups as well as spending time in the office making the rice ball and serving our children. We saved over one third of disposable bowls and spoons than last year, and we were all excited to see our children come in with their own bowl and spoon. We definitely helped to be more environmentally friendly this year!
湯圓文化節兩週前圓滿結束了, 我們要感謝所以辛苦的班代表及參與的義工們, 不只是幫忙做湯圓, 當天還很盡力的為我們的小朋友服務, 這次很開心的看到許多小朋友們都帶了自己的環保碗和環保湯匙, 讓我們節省了多於三分之一的寶麗龍碗. 感謝各位家長的配合及幫忙
We are fortunate to have parent photographers to capture touching moments in great events. 感謝義工攝影師和我們分享活動照片! Click below to access the links:
Student snack store 學生福利社:
Snack Store during 2nd recess will start this week. Your choice of snack and a juice box costs only $1. Please encourage your students to stop by and get some treats. We will also have Jamba Juice coming on campus once a month. 點心時間到囉! 第二節下課時,我們將有小點心販賣的活動,自選一樣點心加果汁只要一美元,歡迎您與您的孩子前來購買。
All SDCA families are cordially invited to the SDCA End of 1st Semester / Holiday Party!
Date: Saturday, December 19th
Time: 11:30am
Place: Savory Buffet
7040 Miramar Rd, San Diego, CA 92121
Cost: $10pp for 11 yr old and up, $0.80 per yr for 3 yrs - 10 yrs
Enjoy good food, mingle with the Principal and staff, teachers, board members, and be merry! Pay by cash (exact change pls) or check titled to “SDCA” at party check-in. Please RSVP here
so we can plan accordingly. Thanks and see you at the party!
****!!! Community Corner 社區園地 !!! ****
We have limited # of tickets for sale of the above event, interested parties please inquire at the office.
1850年11月22日 清末民族英雄林則徐逝世 - 林則徐(1785年8月30日-1850年11月22日),福建省侯官(今福州市區)人,是清朝時期的政治家、思想家和詩人,官至一品,曾任湖廣總督、陝甘總督和雲貴總督,兩次受命欽差大臣;因其主張嚴禁鴉片,在中國有“民族英雄”之譽。1839年,林則徐於廣東禁煙時,派人明察暗訪,強迫外國鴉片商人交出鴉片,並將沒收鴉片於1839年6月3日在虎門銷燬。虎門銷煙使中英關係陷入極度緊張狀態,成為第一次鴉片戰爭,英國入侵中國的藉口。儘管林則徐一生力抗西方入侵,但對於西方的文化、科技和貿易則持開放態度,主張學其優而用之。根據文獻記載,他至少略通英、葡兩種外語,且著力翻譯西方報刊和書籍。晚清思想家魏源將林則徐及幕僚翻譯的文書合編為《海國圖志》,此書對晚清的洋務運動乃至日本的明治維新都具有啟發作用。1850年11月22日,林則徐在普寧老縣城病逝。Lin Zexu (30 August 1785 – 22 November 1850) was a Chinese scholar and official of the Qing dynasty, hailing from Fuzhou, Fujian province. As a child, Lin was already "unusually brilliant". In 1811, he received a jinshi degree in the imperial examination and was appointed to the Hanlin Academy. He rose rapidly through various grades of provincial service. He became Governor-General of Hunan and Hubei in 1837, where he launched a suppression campaign against the trading of opium. In March 1839, Lin arrived in Guangdong, with an imperial commission from the Daoguang Emperor to halt the illegal importation of opium by the British. Upon arrival, he arrested more than 1,700 Chinese opium dealers and confiscated over 70,000 opium pipes. Eventually, Lin resorted to using force in the western merchants' enclave and forced the merchants gave up nearly 1.2 million kilograms (2.6 million pounds) of opium. Beginning June 3rd 1839, 500 workers laboured for 23 days to destroy it, mixing the opium with lime and salt and throwing it into the sea outside of Humen Town. June 26th is now the United Nations International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking in honour of Lin Zexu's work. Lin's forceful opposition to the opium trade was a primary catalyst for the First Opium War of 1839–42. He is praised for his constant position on the "moral high ground" in his fight, but he is also blamed for a rigid approach which failed to account for the domestic and international complexities of the problem. The Daoguang Emperor endorsed the hard line policies advocated by Lin, but then blamed Lin for the resulting disastrous war. In Chinese communities around the world, Lin Zexu is popularly viewed as a national hero. June 3, the day when Lin confiscated the chests of opium, is celebrated as Anti-Smoking Day in Taiwan. A statue of Lin stands in Chatham Square in Chinatown, New York City, United States. A wax statue of Lin also appeared in Madame Tussauds wax museum in London.
673年11月25日 唐代傑出的天文學家,中國佛教密宗創始人僧一行出生 - 一行(673.11.25~727),中國唐代著名的天文學家和佛學家,本名張遂,河北巨鹿 人。張遂的曾祖是唐太宗李世民的功臣張公謹。張氏家族在武則天時代已經衰微。張遂自幼刻苦學習曆象和陰陽五行之學。青年時代即以學識淵博聞名於長安。為 避開武則天的拉攏,剃度為僧,取名一行。先後在嵩山、天台山學習佛教經典和天文數學。曾翻譯過多種印度佛經,後成為佛教一派——密宗的領袖。中宗神龍元年(公元705年)武則天退位後,李唐王朝多次召他回京,均被拒絕。直到開元五年(公元717年),唐玄宗李隆基派專人去接,他才回到長安。開元九年(公元721年),玄宗命一行主持修編新歷。一行一生中最主要的成就是編製《大衍歷》,他在製造天文儀器、觀測天象和主持天文大地測量方面也頗多貢獻。Yi Xing, born Zhang Sui on Nov 25th 673AD, was a Chinese astronomer, mathematician, mechanical engineer and Buddhist monk of the Tang dynasty. His astronomical celestial globe featured a clockwork escapement mechanism, the first in a long tradition of Chinese astronomical clockworks. In the early 8th century, the Tang court put Yi Xing in charge of a terrestrial-astronomical survey. Yi Xing had thirteen test sites established throughout the empire, extending from Jiaozhou in Vietnam — at latitude 17°N — to the region immediately south of Lake Baikal — latitude 50°N. There were three observations done for each site, one for the height of polaris, one for the shadow lengths of summer, and one for the shadow lengths of winter. The latitudes were deciphered from this data, while the Tang calculation for the length of one degree of meridian was fairly accurate compared to modern calculations. Yi Xing is well known for applying the earliest-known escapement mechanism to a water-powered celestial globe. As a buddhist scholar, Yi Xing wrote a commentary on the Mahavairocana Tantra. This work had a strong influence on the Japanese monk Kūkai and was key in his establishment of Shingon Buddhism.
1926年11月25日 物理學家李政道誕生 - 李政道,1926年11月25日生於上海,江蘇蘇州人,哥倫比亞大學全校級教授,美籍華裔物理學家。1957年,與楊振寧一起,因發現弱作用中宇稱不守恆而獲得諾貝爾物理學獎。1980年以後,他發起組織美國幾十所主要大學在中國聯合招收物理學研究生,為培養中國青年物理學家作出了貢獻。1985年,他又倡導成立了中國博士後流動站和中國博士後科學基金會,並擔任全國博士後管理委員會顧問和中國博士後科學基金會名譽理事長。1986年,他爭取到意大利的經費,在中國科學院的支持下,創立了中國高等科學技術中心(CCAST)並擔任主任。其後,成立了在浙江大學的浙江近代物理中心,和在復旦大學的李政道實驗物理中心。2004年任RIKEN-BNL研究中心名譽主任。2006年至今任北京大學高能物理研究中心主任. Tsung-Dao Lee, born November 24, 1926 in Shanghai, is a physicist known for his work on parity violation, the Lee Model, particle physics, relativistic heavy ion (RHIC) physics, nontopological solitons and soliton stars. He holds the rank of University Professor Emeritus at Columbia University, where he has taught since 1953 and from which he retired in 2012. In 1957, Lee, at the age of 30, won the Nobel Prize in Physics with C. N. Yang for their work on the violation of the parity law in weak interactions. Lee received his secondary education in Shanghai, Suzhou, and Jiangxi. Due to the Second Sino-Japanese war, Lee's high school education was interrupted. Nevertheless, in 1943, Lee was admitted by the National Che Kiang University (now Zhejiang University). Initially, Lee studied Chemical Engineering. Very quickly, Lee's talent was discovered and his interest in physics grew rapidly. However, again disrupted by a further Japanese invasion, Lee continued at the National Southwestern Associated University (國立西南聯合大學) in Kunming the next year in 1945. Professor Wu nominated Lee for a Chinese government fellowship for graduate study in USA. In 1946, Lee went to the University of Chicago and completed his PhD thesis in 1950. Lee served as research associate and lecturer in physics at the University of California at Berkeley from 1950 to 1951. In 1953, Lee joined Columbia University, where he remained until retirement. Soon after the re-establishment of China-American relations with the PRC, Lee was able to go to China, where he gave a series of lectures and seminars, and organized the CUSPEA (China-U.S. Physics Examination and Application). In 1998, Lee established the Chun-Tsung Endowment in memory of his wife, Hui-Chun Chin, who died 3 years earlier. The Chun-Tsung scholarships, supervised by the United Board for Christian Higher Education in Asia (New York), are awarded to undergraduates, usually in their 2nd or 3rd year, at five universities, which are Fudan University, Lanzhou University, Soochow University, Peking University and Taiwan National Tsing Hua University.
1927年11月27日 中國第一所音樂學院成立 - 1927年11月27日,中國最早新型音樂高等學府“國立音樂院”(今上海音樂學院)誕生。1927年10月南京國民政府大學院院長蔡元培根據其一貫倡導的“以美育代宗教”的教育宗旨,派肖友梅博士到上海籌建國立音樂院。肖友梅,廣東香山(今中山市)人,是民國元年國歌(卿雲歌)的作曲者。肖友梅參照法國“國立巴黎音樂院”,辦起了中國第一所音樂高校。由蔡元培兼任院長,委派教務主任肖友梅代理院長。1929年7月奉南京政府之命,學校更名為國立音樂專科學校,此後便逐漸成為中國一所著名的音樂學府. On Nov 27th 1927, China’s first National College of Music, which later became the Shanghai Conservatory of Music, was founded by Chinese educator Cai Yuanpei with the support of the Nationalist government. It was part of Cai’s efforts to remodel the Chinese national system of education to resemble the French system. Cai advocated the equal importance of five ways of life — "Virtue, Wisdom, Health, Collective, and Beauty" (德、智、體、群、美) — core values that are still taught in Chinese schools today. He was also a proponent of women's right, and strongly opposed foot binding and concubinage that were widely practiced in China at the time.
1940年11月27日 李小龍出生 - 李小龍(原名:李振藩),一代武術宗師、武術技擊家、武術哲學家、著名童星、功夫影帝、功夫電影的開創者、武道哲學的創立者、截拳道的創始人。他是將中國功夫傳播到全世界第一人,打入好萊塢的首位華人,他革命性地推動了世界武術和功夫電影的發展。他將Kung Fu一詞寫入了英語詞典。李小龍生於美國三藩市,他的童年和少年是在香港度過的。李小龍幼時身體非常瘦弱。他父親為了兒子的體魄強壯,在他7歲時便教其練習太極拳。李小龍在16歲時跟隨名師葉問系統地學習了詠春拳,並在家中設一座木樁,每天對著木樁勤練不輟。此外,他還練過螳螂拳、白鶴拳、洪拳、譚腿、少林拳、戳腳、節拳等拳種,為後來自創截拳道打下了堅實的基礎。1971年,被國際武術權威雜誌《黑帶》列為“世界七大武術名家之一”。1998年,獲《時代雜誌》評為“二十世紀的英雄與偶像”,是唯一入選的華人。 2000年,美國政府宣佈發行一套《李小龍誕辰六十週年紀念郵票》,這是繼瑪麗蓮.夢露和007之後的第三位獲此殊榮 的藝人,也是華人中的第一人。2007年,入選英國Total Film雜誌“50大電影英雄”. Bruce Lee (November 27, 1940 – July 20, 1973) was a Hong Kong American martial artist, Hong Kong action film actor, martial arts instructor, philosopher, filmmaker, and the founder of Jeet Kune Do. Lee was born in Chinatown, San Francisco on November 27, 1940, while his father was on a year-long opera tour in the US. Lee’s father was the well-known Cantonese opera star Lee Hoi-Chuen. His mother Grace Ho, who was half-Chinese and half-German, was from one of the wealthiest and most powerful clans in Hong Kong. His family returned to Hong Kong when Lee was three month old, and he was raised in Kowloon with his family until his late teens. He was introduced to the film industry by his father and appeared in several films as a child actor. Lee began training in Wing Chun when he was 16 years old under the Wing Chun teacher Yip Man in 1957, after being involved in a few street fights. Lee moved to the United States at the age of 18 to receive his higher education, at the University of Washington, at Seattle and it was during this time that he began teaching martial arts. His Hong Kong and Hollywood-produced films elevated the traditional Hong Kong martial arts film to a new level of popularity and acclaim, sparking a surge of interest in Chinese martial arts in the West in the 1970s. He trained in the art of Wing Chun and later combined other influences from various sources, in the spirit of his personal martial arts philosophy, which he dubbed Jeet Kune Do (The Way of the Intercepting Fist). He died in Kowloon Tong on July 20, 1973 at the age of 32. Bruce Lee was named by Time Magazine as one of the 100 most influential people of the 20th century. In April 2013, he was posthumously awarded the prestigious Founders Award at The Asian Awards. A Bruce Lee statue was unveiled in Los Angeles' Chinatown on June 15, 2013. It stands at 7-foot (210 cm) tall and was made in Guangzhou, China. Bruce Lee was voted as the Greatest Movie Fighter Ever in 2014 by the Houston Boxing Hall Of Fame. The HBHOF is a combat sports voting body composed exclusively of current and former fighters and Martial Artists.
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