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Friday, January 8, 2016

1-10-2016 Week 14:  Student Store is Coming!
1-10-2016 第十四週: 學生商店來囉

****!!!        Mark Your Calendars  重要活動日期      !!! ****
1. 1/10/2016: Student Store (1)
學生商店 (1)
2.    1/17/2016: Class story telling contest
Typing contest
Yearbook Cover Contest Ends

Coupon Day:  This Sunday (1/10/16) is also the Coupon Day. Please remind your students to bring in all their coupon stickers to exchange for goodies. It is also a good idea to bring a bag for carrying the goodies. 1/10/2016,有學生商店,請家長們提醒貴子弟記得帶學生商店貼紙收集卡來換取獎品。 另外請家長幫您的小孩準備袋子來裝獎品.

Perseverance Award for Chinese Study: To encourage Chinese study, we provide awards to our students who have continuously studied Chinese for 6, 9, or 12 years. If your child qualifies, please obtain an application form from your teacher. If the previous years of study were from another Chinese school, proper documentation (transcript, certificates of completion, etc.) must be submitted along with the application form. Application deadline is Feb 07, 2016. 本校為了鼓勵孩子們堅持不斷的學習中文,我們有連續就讀中文6年,9年,12年的獎勵,如果您的孩子符合條件,請向老師索取申請單。如果是轉校生,則必須提供外校就讀的證明,例如成績單,獎狀之類的文件證明,申請日期到 2/07/16截止。

****!!!      School Administration  註冊及校務      !!! ****

Important Notice: Due to a number of reasons beyond our control, our December, January, and February school calendar had to be adjusted. The updated school calendar has been distributed to teachers and room parents. 重要通知: 因為一系列不可控制的原因,我們不得不做以下學校行事曆的修改。更新過的行事曆已發放給老師及班媽班爸。
01/10/2016 Coupon Day (1)
01/24/2016 New Year Program Rehearsal
01/31/2016 Chinese New Year Festival
02/14/2016 School Day
02/21/2016 No School

                            *****!!!!!      Call for Raffle Donations  徵集抽獎獎品  !!!!! * ****

Call for raffle donations – The Chinese New Year Festival is coming on January 31st. It is also an important fundraising event for our school. We are collecting donations, and welcome any new/unopened toy, household, or other items.  We would also like gift vouchers from local businesses, ex. restaurants, shops, beauty salons, etc. Please drop off donation items in the office. Your donations are tax deductible and very much needed and appreciated! Please fill in the Donation Form here and bring it along with your donation item to the office, so we know to whom the appreciation goes.  

*****!!!!!      Ground Supervision 校園巡邏  !!!!! *****

Please remind your children to only play by the grassy area during recess time. Do not go to places where there is no adult supervision. Although there are four parents doing ground supervision every week, we still need your children’s cooperation to ensure our campus safety. Thank you. 請各位家長告知家中子女,下課時間請小朋友盡量留在草地上玩耍,請勿跑到建築後面或是人少的地方,以維護自身安全。雖然校園內有義工家長巡邏,但還需要大家配合,才能確保校園安全,謝謝。

Please remind your student again not to touch and/or use anything in the classroom, including the trash can. We are grateful to be able to use this wonderful campus. Please help take care of LJCDS classrooms and its campus so we can continue to use it. Parents, if you visit a classroom with a young child, please watch your child to make sure he/she is not touching anything in the classroom. Thank you.  麻煩家長持續提醒孩子們,教室内的所有物品都不能使用,移動,和破壞。也不能在教室裡吃東西或用教室裡的垃圾桶。我們感謝 LJCDS 借給我們這個美麗的校園,整齊的教室和安全的環境。我們很珍惜能和 LJCDS 維持良好的關係。所以希望學生們都能確實遵守規定。如果有家長帶小小孩進教室,也要特別提醒家長注意自己的小孩,不要亂動教室内的東西。

****!!!         PTA Announcement  家長會與活動  !!!      ****

Yearbook Cover Art Contest 年刊封面設計比賽
This is an annual event to enrich campus activities and provide a channel for our students to show their artistic talents. The winning entry will be used as the Yearbook cover art for the current school year. All other entries will be used to enhance the Yearbook. This year the theme is Chinese Cultural Celebrations (主題: 中華文化的慶祝活動). Click here for contest guidelines. Please turn in artwork entries to the office by Jan 16, 2016. 請家長們鼓勵您的小孩參加一年一度的中華學苑年刊封面設計比賽。 第一名的作品將會作為本學年度的年刊封面。 所有其它參賽作品將用於年刊內頁的插圖。所有參賽同學都將得到獎勵。 詳情請看比賽規則。 收件截止日期為 2016 年 1 月 16 日。

Student snack store 學生福利社:
Snack Store during 2nd recess will start this week. Your choice of snack and a juice box costs only $1.  Please encourage your students to stop by and get some treats. We will also have Jamba Juice coming on campus once a month.   點心時間到囉!  第二節下課時,我們將有小點心販賣的活動,自選一樣點心加果汁只要一美元,歡迎您與您的孩子前來購買

****!!!         Community Corner  社區園地       !!! ****


1941年12月20日 陳納德“飛虎隊”來華作戰 - 1941年12月20日,陳納德“飛虎隊”來華作戰。當日,該隊在昆明首次參戰,擊落9架來犯的日軍轟炸機。“飛虎隊”是美國誌願航空隊的美稱。“飛虎隊”是由中國政府出錢,由美國空軍退役軍官克萊爾-李-陳納德出面招募美國陸、海軍的預備役及退役飛行員而組建的。這年8月1日,蔣介石下令將陳納德指揮的“飛虎隊”正式納入中國武裝部隊序列。“飛虎隊”在緬甸同古空軍訓練基地(中國租用)經過近5個月的訓練後,於這月正式投入戰鬥。The 1st American Volunteer Group (AVG) of the Chinese Air Force in 1941–1942, nicknamed the Flying Tigers, was composed of pilots from the United States Army Air Corps (USAAC), Navy (USN), and Marine Corps (USMC), recruited under presidential authority and commanded by Claire Lee Chennault. The shark-faced nose art of the Flying Tigers remains among the most recognizable image of any individual combat aircraft or combat unit of World War II. The group consisted of three fighter squadrons of around 30 aircraft each. It trained in Burma before the American entry into World War II with the mission of defending China against Japanese forces. The group of volunteers was officially members of the Chinese Air Force and paid by the Chinese government. The members of the group had contracts with salaries ranging from $250 a month for a mechanic to $750 for a squadron commander, roughly three times what they had been making in the U.S. forces. The group first saw combat on 20 December 1941, 12 days after Pearl Harbor. It demonstrated innovative tactical victories when the news in the U.S. was filled with little more than stories of defeat at the hands of the Japanese forces, and achieved such notable success during the lowest period of the war for both the U.S. and the Allied Forces as to give hope to America that it might eventually defeat the Japanese. AVG pilots earned official credit, and received combat bonuses, for destroying 296 enemy aircraft, while losing only 14 pilots in combat. On 4 July 1942 the AVG was disbanded and replaced by the 23rd Fighter Group of the United States Army Air Forces, as the United States had officially entered the war.


1912年12月23日 清政府聲明對西藏擁有全權 - 1912年12月23日,清政府對英國於8月17日照會中所提五點《節略》,逐條作出正式答覆,聲明:(1)清廷對西藏擁有全權,惟現時無意改西藏為行 省,但亦不許其他一切外國干涉西藏之領土權及內政。(2)清廷於西藏為履行條約,維持治安,必須駐有軍隊,但非無限制。(3)中英已兩次訂閱關於西藏之條 約,今無改訂新約之必要。(4)清政府並無有意阻斷印藏交通之事,以後更當加意保護。(5)承認中華民國不能與西藏問題並為一談,深望英國先各國而承認。England launched the first Tibet invasion in March, 1888, and forced the Qing Dynasty to sign the Tibet-India Treaty on March 17, 1890. In subsequent years, more unequal treaties had been signed between the British and the Qing government, allowing the British to receive large amount of indemnity, conduct free trade and dispatch officers to Tibet, and set up free-tax trade zones along the borders of Tibet and India. On December 23, 1912, the Qing government issued statement claiming for full authority over Tibet amidst complicated international climate and the rise of the Republic of China government.


19411225 英國的香港守備部隊向日本投 - 19411225日,在港的英軍和英國公民來說,這是個令人沮喪的誕節。在經歷了幾年的動蕩和數週逃亡,英國人於這天晚上向日本人投降。由於本月早些時候38個日本師團的逼近,馬克-揚總督已下令守備部隊撤退至九龍。日軍不斷對其進行襲擊和狂轟濫炸。這晚,馬克爵士向日軍酒井將軍投降, 淪為戰俘,開展了香港3年零8個月艱辛的日治時期At 08:00, 8 December 1941, several hours after Pearl Harbor was attacked, Hong Kong came under fire by Imperial Japanese Forces. The battle lasted for 17 days, and ended when Sir Mark Aitchison Young, Governor of Hong Kong, surrendered the Colony to the Japanese General Takashi Sakai on 25 December, known as the 'Black Christmas' by Hong Kong people, who were then subject to Japanese rule for the next 3 years and 8 months.


20091227 魏武王曹操高陵被 - 20091227日,魏武王曹操高陵在該省安陽縣安豐鄉西高穴村被發現。曹操(155—220),字孟德,沛國譙郡(今安徽亳州)人。東漢末年傑出的政治家、軍事家、文學家、詩人。在政治軍事方面,曹操消滅了眾多割據勢力,統一了中國北方大部分區域,並實行一系列政策恢復經濟生產和社會秩序,奠定了曹魏立國的基礎。文學方面,在曹操父子的推動下形成了以三曹(曹操、曹丕曹植為代表的建安文學,史稱建安風骨,他的詩以慷慨悲壯見稱,在文學史上留下了光輝的一筆。逝世後葬於高陵。關於高陵,宋代以來,有七十二疑冢之說,有許昌城外說,有漳河水底說,有銅雀台下說等。19984月, 一塊刻有魏武王文字的石牌被附近村民撿到. 20081212發掘工作正式開始,一年過後,千百年來曹操 墓的種種懸疑,終於塵埃落定。20091227日,對外公佈,高陵經考古發掘得到確認,其位於河南省安陽縣安豐鄉西高穴村南。與2010129 獲得國家文物局認定Cao Cao (Chinese: 曹操; 155 – 220), courtesy name Mengde, was a warlord and the penultimate Chancellor of the Eastern Han dynasty who rose to great power in the final years of the dynasty. As one of the central figures of the Three Kingdoms period, he laid the foundations for what was to become the state of Cao Wei and was posthumously honoured as "Emperor Wu of Wei". During the fall of the Eastern Han dynasty, Cao Cao was able to secure the most populated and prosperous cities of the central plains and northern China. Cao was also skilled in poetry and martial arts and wrote many war journals. On 27 December 2009, the Henan Provincial Cultural Heritage Bureau reported the discovery of Cao Cao's tomb in Xigaoxue Village, Anyang County, Henan, ending thousands of years of speculation for the whereabouts of his tomb site.


191211 孫中山就任中華民國臨時大總統 - 191211日,孫中山在南京宣誓就任臨時大總統,宣告中華民國臨時政府成立,以中華民國為紀元,改行陽曆13日,各省代表聯合會增選黎元洪為中華民國臨時副總統,通過了孫中山提出的臨時政府九名國務員名單。九名國務員是:陸軍總長黃興、外交總長王寵惠、教育總長蔡元培(此三人為同盟會員);實業總長張謇、交通總長湯壽潛(此二人為江浙立憲派首領);內務總長程德全、司法總長伍廷芳;海軍總長黃鍾英、財政總長陳錦濤After over two thousand years of imperial rule, a republic was established in China and the monarchy overthrown by a group of revolutionaries. The establishment of Republican China developed out of the Wuchang Uprising against the Qing government on 10 October 1911. That date is now celebrated annually as the ROC's national day, also known as the "Double Ten Day". On 29 December 1911, Sun Yat-Sen was elected president by the Nanjing assembly representing seventeen provinces. On 1 January 1912, he was officially inaugurated and pledged "to overthrow the despotic Manchu government, consolidate the Republic of China and plan for the welfare of the people".


186212 華民國第一任總理唐紹儀誕 - 紹儀,字少川,生於186212日,廣東省珠海市唐家鎮唐家村人。清末民初著名的政治活動家、外交家。唐紹儀自幼到上海讀書,1874年官派留學美國,經中學升至哥倫比亞大學文科1881年唐紹儀歸國後,被派往天津的洋務學堂讀書。189610月任清朝政府駐朝鮮總領事1904 年,清朝政府任唐紹儀為全權議約大臣,赴印度與英國代表談判有關西藏問題。唐紹儀運用靈活的外交手段。19064月,中英簽訂《續訂印藏條約》,雖然英國取得從印度架設電線通往西藏已開 商埠的特權,但也不得不承認中國對西藏的領土主權民國初年,他由黃興、蔡元培介紹,並由孫中山監誓,加入了同盟會。當醞釀新政府總理人選時,唐得到革命人和袁世凱的推選及任命,成為中華民國第一任內閣總理。然而袁世凱習性大權獨攬,反對唐紹儀推行責任內閣制,兩人的裂痕加深。遂於1912615憤而提出辭呈,時任總理不足3個月抗日戰爭爆發後,唐紹儀發表了支持抗戰的言論,日本特務頭子土肥原組織了一個對華特別委員會,負責做唐紹儀、佩孚的工作。潛伏於上海的國民黨軍統特務偵知此事後,奉命於1938930日將唐刺Tang Shaoyi (January 2, 1862 – September 30, 1938) was a Chinese politician who briefly served as the first Premier of the Republic of China in 1912. In 1938 he was assassinated by the Kuomingtang in Shanghai.  Tang had been educated in the United States: elementary school in Springfield, Massachusetts, high school in Hartford, Connecticut, and finally one year at Columbia University.  Tang started his political career by taking up multiple positions in the Qing dynasty, served as Consulate General to Korea and chief negotiator with the British regarding Tibet issues. He was involved in the Xinhai Revolution and the rise of the Republic of China movement. Widely respected, he became the Republic's first Prime Minister in 1912, but quickly grew disillusioned with President Yuan's lack of respect for the rule of law and resigned.  He later took part in Sun Yatsen's government in Guangzhou. In 1937, Tang retired in the Shanghai French Concession. The following year, the Japanese invaded and occupied Shanghai (though not yet the foreign concessions). Japanese general Kenji Doihara attempted to recruit Tang to become president of the new pro-Japanese puppet government. The Kuomintang's intelligence agency Juntong learned about the negotiation, and its chief Dai Li ordered his assassination. On 30 September 1938, Tang was killed in his living room by a Juntong squad.

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