1. 義工表揚大會 感謝今年所有的義工家長們. 有您們的幫忙讓我們的孩子們每個禮拜天都可以到學校這個優美的環境學習. 希望大家上禮拜天在表揚大會都有愉快的時光. 我們都很高興.
2. Service Refund Reminder This is a reminder to come get refund gift cards at the parent lounge when you finish you service duty for the year. There is a form to be filled out and signed by the PTA director Bing Han.
2. 服務退費 提醒大家完成義工服務後到家長休息室申請退費. 填寫退費申請表再請家長會長韓冰簽名.
3. Board Members next year
Welcome our new board members and corporate officers.
President: Grace Cheng
Vice President: Susanna He
Secretary: Lei Kang
Treasurer: Carol Chrisopoulos
PTA director: Meilan Chen
Activity director: Bing Han
Scrips director: Julie Hodges
3. 新理事會
4. Disaster Preparedness Information
The American RedCross has compiled a list of very useful safety information on their website including Disaster Preparedness Information in many languages (including Chinese). Here is a link for your convenience: http://www.redcross.org/portal/site/en/menuitem.d229a5f06620c6052b1ecfbf43181aa0/?vgnextoid=a9fc78986407f110VgnVCM10000089f0870aRCRD&vgnextfmt=default#chinese.
4. 災難準備須知
美國紅十字會準備了一份很有用的安全必備須知在他們的網站上(附中文). 請按此連結: http://www.redcross.org/portal/site/en/menuitem.d229a5f06620c6052b1ecfbf43181aa0/?vgnextoid=a9fc78986407f110VgnVCM10000089f0870aRCRD&vgnextfmt=default#chinese
5. Vice Principal Substitute Due to unexpected serious illness of her mother, Vice Principal Liling Chen had to go to Taiwan. Ex-Vice Principal Jessie Ma will be standing in for the vice principal position until the end of school year.
5. 副校長人事變動
***Important Links***
- Our school website is http://www.sandiegochineseschool.com/
- Volunteer schedules and Scrips Service dates are posted on Parent Info Page at: http://www.sandiegochineseschool.com/new/parent_info.htm
- Han Yu Pin Yin chart posted here: http://www.sandiegochineseschool.com/Han-Yu-Pin-Yin%20Chart.jpg
- Blog page is: http://sdcapta.blogspot.com/
- 中華學苑網站: http://www.sandiegochineseschool.com/
- 義工值勤表與禮券購買日期公布在網站的 "家長訊息篇" 中, 網址: http://www.sandiegochineseschool.com/new/parent_info.htm
- 注音符號/漢語拼音對照表公布在此: http://www.sandiegochineseschool.com/Han-Yu-Pin-Yin%20Chart.jpg
- 中華學苑部落格: http://sdcapta.blogspot.com/
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