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Thursday, March 3, 2011

Week 21 第二十一週

1. Fundraising at Rubio's this Sunday March 6th.
Download the flyer and eat at selected Rubio's (La Jolla @ Nobel & Villa La Jolla Drive, Del Mar, 或是 Encinitas) on Sunday March 6th and they will donate 20% to our school. See flyer for additional information at:
1. Rubio 募款活動 (這個禮拜天 3/6/2011)
請上網下載 3/6 Rubio 募款活動傳單, 前往 Rubio 餐廳在 La Jolla (Nobel & Villa La Jolla Drive), Del Mar, 或是 Encinitas, 20%的銷售會贊助我們學校. 詳情請參閱傳單:

2. Scrips Service (3/6/2011)
We are selling scrips this Sunday at parents lounge. Please come buy more scrips. Thanks.
2. 購買禮券(3/6/2011)
這個禮拜天可以到家長休息室購買禮券. 請大家踴躍購買. 謝謝大家.

3. Database Application Assistance Needed
We are in the process of organizing our school database so that it can be accessed and categorized more efficiently. We are in need of assistance in the database application. If you are well trained in database application and can help our school, please contact board president, Michelle Mitchell, as soon as possible. We need any help we can get. Thank you very much for your support.
3. 資料庫軟件協助
為了讓學校的資料分類更明確與方便使用, 我們在重新整理學校的資料庫. 需要些幫忙. 如果您受過資料庫的專業訓練可以幫助我們. 請盡快跟理事長 Michelle 聯絡. 謝謝您的支持.

4. School Photos
If you have photos that you would like to share with parents at school or be considered for the use of the yearbook please burn the photos onto a CD (in high resolution) and drop them off at the parent lounge. Thank you.
4. 校園照片
如果您有些照片可以跟大家分享或是想登載在年刊中, 請將照片複製在 CD 裡 (高解析度)交到家長休息室. 謝謝您.

5. Board Election
We have 5 vacancies in the Board of Directors in the upcoming year. We are seeking parents to join the board and help our school. Application and flyer will be coming home with your students in the coming week. Please consider this wonderful and rewarding opportunity to make positive change and improvements in our kids' education. Flyer and Application can be downloaded from the website here. For questions please contact any current board members.
5. 理事改選
下一個新學年度我們有五位理事空缺. 我們需要大家一同來參與理事會幫助學校. 理事改選的傳單與理事的推薦表已經由學生帶回家. 請大家為了孩子們能有更好的中文教育, 考慮加入理事會這個能更主動協助學校的機會. 傳單與推薦表可以從網站上下載. 如果有任何問題請跟理事們聯絡.

6. Mandarin Summer Camp
National Taipei University of Education (國立臺北教育大學) is hosting the 2011 Mandarin Summer Camp. For detailed information please see the flyer here:
6. 中文夏令營
國立臺北教育大學將要舉辦 2011 中文夏令營. 詳情請參閱網頁:

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