4-3-2016 Week 24: Poetry Contest!
4-3-2016 第二十四週: 詩詞朗誦比賽(2)
****!!! Mark Your Calendars 重要活動日期 !!! ****
1. 4/03/2016: Poetry Recitation Contest (2)
詩詞朗誦比賽 (2)
2. 4/10/2016: Character Recognition Contest
3. 4/17/2016: PTA Seminar: The Road to a Dream College
家長會講座: 向夢想中的大學前進
Board Election
4. 4/24/2016: Pre-Registration for Next School Year
Volunteer Appreciation Karaoke Party
****!!! Administration 校務 !!! ****
Poetry Recitation Contest
Good luck to our 4/3 contestants. Don’t forget to practice every day during the break.
Here is the World Journal (世界日報) reporting of the 3/20 competition:
Interested in Teaching or Know someone who is?
Our school continues to grow and we always need teachers, if you are interested in becoming a teacher or know someone who would be a great teacher please get in touch with the office administration team. 學校繼續在成長,我們需要老師,假如您有興趣教書或認識合適的教師人選,請跟校方聯絡。
Broken Rule! We received a complaint from our landlord school, LJCDS. Items were missing and misplaced in a classroom. Parents please help us to remind your student(s) of our classroom rules:
- Do not touch anything in the classroom that does not belong to you or without teacher’s permission
- Do not eat or drink in the classroom
- Do not leave trash in the classroom, including the indoor trash bin. This is an important rule from LJCDS to avoid ant issues
We are grateful to have such a beautiful learning environment. Let’s all keep it up. Parents, if you see any behavior in the classroom or on the campus that breaks our rules, please help us to enforce it.
****!!! Board of Directors Nomination 理事提名 !!! ****
CONSIDER JOINING THE BOARD! The SDCA Board is the governing body of the school and is comprised of nine elected parent representatives. It oversees the school administration & operation, and serves as the bridge between students, staff, and parents. The Board is looking for individuals who enjoy volunteering in a fun and collaborative environment. There is no better way to show your students the importance of Chinese language study than taking an active role in the school! If you are interested, we would love to hear from you and provide more detailed information. Please email sdca.board.president@gmail.com or stop by the office. Thank you for considering!
****!!! PTA Announcement 家長會與活動 !!! ****
Parent Seminar
See below flyer for details. To enter questions: http://goo.gl/forms/T6WRk9k8kD
Advertise in SDCA yearbook![](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/jXP42OVNE-DKmYzsc9gYs08Azqaki7tIUznn85NqrqHEto91mF56GdYUeIoquwkKAP1e7jwZ6dE8wRxu4Cl_dYZNuZsX6WHEqw9nmYkLFqKVTPrr3vo6sGtbtTIiBFsKFCMyifQq)
Do you or someone you know have a business? For as low as $25, you can advertise in our yearbook! With 350+ students and their families/friends, your ads will reach a wide audience as well as support our school. Interested parties please contact sdca.board.vice.president@gmail.com for details.
Volunteers Needed 家長會義工:
If you have not yet been assigned a volunteer service and would like to help, please email sdcapta@gmail.com. We still have the following positions till end of the school year:
- Ground Supervision: 5 weeks starting 3/6, 5 weeks starting
- Student Store/Graduation Setup.
如果你還沒有被安排到義工職位而且還願意在學校幫忙, 請務必通知家長會, 我們還有許多地方需要各位家長的同工.
****!!! Community Corner 社區園地 !!! ****
1968年3月28日 華裔作家張純如出生 - 張純如(1968年3月28日-2004年11月9日),祖籍江蘇淮安,生於美國新澤西州,畢業於美國伊利諾大學厄巴納香檳分校新聞系,是一位已故的美籍華裔自由撰稿人、政治活動家、作家。張純如出身書香門第。她的祖父張鐵君是著名報人. 父親是台大物理系理論物理學狀元張紹進博士,母親為生物化學教授張盈盈博士。1962年移民美國. 張純如之名“純如”,源自《論語》“樂其可知也;始作,翕如也;從之,純如也,繹如也,以成。”意為純正和諧。張純如曾在美聯社和《芝加哥論壇報》工作。她與大學同學Bretton Lee Douglas結婚,並育有一子. 1995年,張純如出版第一部著作《中國導彈之父——錢學森之謎》,為公眾揭示了當年錢學森返回中國的史實和時代背景,廣受好評。1997年出版《南京暴行:被遺忘的大屠殺》,敘述二戰期間日軍的南京大屠殺,立即成為美國最暢銷的非小說書籍,並在國際史學界引起很大注意和討論,也引起美國公眾和政府對該主題的重視。該書更是登上《紐約時報》暢銷書排行榜。她是麥克阿瑟基金會「和平與國際合作計畫」獎得主,並且獲得「國家科學基金會」、「太平洋文化基金會」與「哈利.杜爾門圖書館」(Harry Truman Library)贊助。2003年出版專著《美國的華人:一部敘述史》(The Chinese in America)。該書在獲得讚譽的同時,也受到了某些批評. 她在為其第四部著作,有關二戰期間美軍在菲律賓的軍事行動做研究期間由於缺少睡眠而患上嚴重的憂鬱症,2004年11月9日被人發現在自己的汽車內自殺身亡. 2004年11月19日在舊金山出殯。美國230多家報紙、電臺、電視臺播放了這位華裔女作家的去世。南京市為她製作兩尊雕塑,一座放在侵華日軍南京大屠殺遇難同胞紀念館,另一座放在美國斯坦福大學胡佛研究院。張純如生前為美國華人組織百人會的成員,對於華裔在美國所受到的一些不公平待遇,常常仗義執言:在李文和被控間諜案時,她是少數站出來對不公平做法予以譴責的知名華人之一;對當時喧囂一時的美國國會考克斯報告中的錯誤也曾公開予以反駁。Iris Shun-Ru Chang (March 28, 1968 – November 9, 2004) was an American journalist. She is best known for her best-selling 1997 account of the Nanking Massacre, The Rape of Nanking. Chang is the subject of the 2007 biography, Finding Iris Chang, and the 2007 documentary film Iris Chang: The Rape of Nanking. The daughter of two university professors who emigrated from Taiwan, Chang was born in Princeton, New Jersey and raised in Champaign-Urbana, Illinois, where she earned a bachelor's degree in journalism from UIUC. After brief stints at the Associated Press and the Chicago Tribune she pursued a master's degree in Writing Seminars at Johns Hopkins University. She then embarked on her career as an author. Chang wrote three books documenting the experiences of Asians and Chinese Americans in history. Her first, Thread of the Silkworm (Basic Books, 1995) tells the life story of the Chinese professor, Tsien Hsue-shen (or Qian Xuesen) during the Red Scare in the 1950s. Her second book, The Rape of Nanking:The Forgotten Holocaust of World War II (1997), was published on the 60th anniversary of the Nanking Massacre, and was motivated in part by her own grandparents' stories about their escape from the massacre. It documents atrocities committed against Chinese by forces of the Imperial Japanese Army during the Second Sino-Japanese War, and includes interviews with victims. Her second book remained on the New York Times Bestseller list for 10 weeks. Her third book, The Chinese in America (2003), is a history of Chinese Americans that argued that the people were treated as perpetual outsiders. Chang suffered a nervous breakdown in August 2004, which her family, friends and doctors attributed in part to constant sleep deprivation and heavy doses of psychologically damaging prescription medication. At the time, she was several months into research for her fourth book, about the Bataan Death March. On November 9, 2004 at about 9 a.m., Chang was found dead in her car by a county water district employee on a rural road in Santa Clara County. Investigators concluded that Chang had shot herself with a revolver. News of her suicide hit the massacre survivor community in Nanjing hard. In tribute to Chang, the survivors held a service at the same time as her funeral, held in Cupertino, California on November 12, 2004, at the Nanjing Massacre Memorial Hall. In 2005, the Memorial Hall added a wing dedicated to Chang.
1853年 3月29日 太平天國定都南京 - 1853年3月7日夜, 太平軍陸路先鋒抵南京板橋。8日進駐南京城西南的西善橋,連營24座。9日佔領城南雨花台報恩寺,炮擊城內,水師則進攻草鞋峽。此時,清軍旗兵、綠營及募勇總數約兩萬人,入城拒守,將城門用土袋塞閉。12日,太平軍水師主力抵達下關、七里洲、土營,於儀鳳門外靜海寺秘掘地道設置炸藥,並分軍佔浦口,南京至此合圍。13日,太平軍環攻諸門,其中南門攻城尤烈。另於城外搭高台向市民宣傳,並派遣間諜入城宣傳民眾,動搖人心。19日,儀鳳門坑道點火,炸塌城牆二丈許,戰士數百名衝入,一隊向鼓樓,一隊繞神策門(今中央門)至成賢街直插小營,殺兩江總督陸建瀛於黃家塘。旋遇清軍反攻,敗出儀鳳門。清軍城南守軍聞城破督死,紛紛潰散,林鳳祥、賴漢英率數千人沿梯入城,開聚寶、水西、旱(漢)西各門。太平軍大軍入城。3月29日定都南京。The Taiping Heavenly Kingdom was an oppositional state in China from 1851 to 1864, established by Hong Xiuquan, the leader of the Taiping Rebellion (1850–64). It established its capital at present-day Nanjing on March 29th, 1853, after seizing it from the Qing dynasty army.
1904年3月29日 中國第一個官辦銀行批准設立 - 1904年3月29日,清廷批准設立戶部銀行。戶部銀行是清廷所設第一個官辦銀行。準備資本為庫平銀400萬兩,分為4萬股,戶部認 購一半,其餘准官民人等購買。以後國股、商股相繼繳足。總行設北京,所設分行有天津、上海、漢口、濟南、張家口、奉天、營口、庫倫、重慶等9處。除經營收 存出放款項、買賣金銀、折收期票、匯兌劃撥公私款項、代人收存財物等一般銀行業務外,並有承領爭銅鑄幣、發行的紙幣代理部庫等特權。發行的紙幣,分庫平銀 100兩、50兩、10兩、1兩等5種銀兩票和麵額類似的銀元票;此外,還可發行市面通行平色及百兩以上的銀票以及各種票據。On March 29, 1904, the Qing government established its Central Bank with 9 branches. This is the first government-run bank in Chinese history.
1974年 3月29日 陝西臨潼農民發現秦始皇兵馬俑 - 1974年3月29日,陝西省臨潼縣農民在秦始皇陵園東側1公里處打井時,發現秦陶俑殘片及銅鏃、弩機等。7月,陝西省文物考古部門組織考古隊開始對該地進行勘察和清理,先後發現4個兵馬俑坑,總面積為25380平方米, 屬於秦始皇陵園的一個組成部分。如此規模的隨葬人俑在人類歷史上絕無僅有,有極高的文物價值與考古價值。The Terracotta Army is a collection of terracotta sculptures depicting the armies of Qin Shi Huang, the first Emperor of China. It is a form of funerary art buried with the emperor in 210–209 BCE and whose purpose was to protect the emperor in his afterlife. The Terracotta Army was discovered on 29 March 1974 to the east of Xi'an in Shaanxi province by farmers digging a water well approximately 1.6 kilometres (0.99 mi) east of the Qin Emperor's tomb mound at Mount Li (Lishan), a region riddled with underground springs and watercourses. This discovery prompted Chinese archaeologists to investigate, revealing the largest pottery figurine group ever found in China.
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