4-10-2016 Week 25: Character Recognition Contest!
4-10-2016 第二十五週: 班級認字比賽
****!!! Mark Your Calendars 重要活動日期 !!! ****
1. 4/10/2016: Character Recognition Contest
2. 4/17/2016: PTA Seminar: The Road to a Dream College
家長會講座: 向夢想中的大學前進
Board Election
3. 4/24/2016: Pre-Registration for Next School Year
Volunteer Appreciation Karaoke Party
****!!! Administration 校務 !!! ****
Interested in Teaching or Know someone who is?
Our school continues to grow and we always need teachers, if you are interested in becoming a teacher or know someone who would be a great teacher please get in touch with the office administration team. 學校繼續在成長,我們需要老師,假如您有興趣教書或認識合適的教師人選,請跟校方聯絡。
****!!! Board of Directors Election 新學年理事選舉 !!! ****
BOARD ELECTION! The SDCA Board will be conducting its annual election of new Board of Directors to replace retiring BODs. This year, we are going paperless! We will be sending out electronic ballot to all registered families starting next week and please look out for the voting ballot in your inbox. We need your votes in order to get the new member on board! If you have any questions regarding the board election process please email sdca.board.president@gmail.com or stop by the office.
****!!! PTA Announcement 家長會與活動 !!! ****
Parent Seminar
See below flyer for details. To enter questions: http://goo.gl/forms/T6WRk9k8kD
Advertise in SDCA yearbook![](https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/qJWFrMmHASnmtdv6-2fs88DxSy5Pq-ddZ3nYkNOp5GeHce7TnDFTcuZQqRLXUyNVOIrkjWEVTCD1V5pJ06WFjV4OPREEFFO2XFlr5on_4NdpDsPj8a31uO3DASvSOgP18xHtShNh)
Do you or someone you know have a business? For as low as $25, you can advertise in our yearbook! With 350+ students and their families/friends, your ads will reach a wide audience as well as support our school. Interested parties please contact sdca.board.vice.president@gmail.com for details.
Volunteers Needed 家長會義工:
If you have not yet been assigned a volunteer service and would like to help, please email sdcapta@gmail.com. We still have the following positions till end of the school year:
- Ground Supervision: 5 weeks starting 3/6, 5 weeks starting
- Student Store/Graduation Setup.
如果你還沒有被安排到義工職位而且還願意在學校幫忙, 請務必通知家長會, 我們還有許多地方需要各位家長的同工.
****!!! Community Corner 社區園地 !!! ****
1997年4月1日 中國峨眉山/樂山大佛、廬山被列入《世界遺產目錄》- 峨嵋山,位於四川省峨嵋山市境內,景區面積154平方公里,最高峰萬佛頂海拔3099米, 於2007年以前可乘觀光索道到達,後因生態問題停止對外開放,佛教聖地華藏寺所在地金頂(3077米)成為了峨眉山旅遊的最高點。地勢陡峭,風景秀麗, 有“秀甲天下”之美譽。氣候多樣化,植被豐富,共有3000多種植物,其中包括世界上稀有的樹種。山路沿途有較多猴群,常結隊向遊人討食,勝為峨眉一大特色。它是中國四大佛教名山之一,有寺廟約26座,重要的有八大寺廟,佛事頻繁。據傳為佛教中普賢菩薩的道場。樂山大佛,全名嘉州凌雲寺大彌勒石像,是世界上高度最高的石佛像。整座佛建成於唐朝,耗時約90年才最終完成. 廬山,又稱匡山、匡廬,位於江西省九江市南郊,形成於第四紀冰川時期,是一座地壘式斷塊山脈。廬山以“雄”、“奇”、“險”、“秀”聞名,被稱為“匡廬奇秀甲天下”。廬山的最高峰漢陽峰,海拔1474米。瀑布飛流直下,雲霧變幻無常,景區風景秀麗,氣候宜人,夏季氣溫比山下低10攝氏度左右,為中國知名避暑勝地之一。廬山亦是一座文化名山,被認為是中國山水文化的歷史縮影。自東晉以來,中國曆代著名的文人、高僧、政治人物都在此留下過重要的歷史印跡,歌詠廬山的詩歌辭賦有4000多首。對廬山產生較大影響的人物有:古代早期的司馬遷、陶淵明、王羲之、慧遠等;唐宋時期的白居易、李白、蘇東坡、朱熹等;近現代的政治人物蔣介石、毛澤東等。廬山在中國近現代史上影響非常大,堪稱中國的政治名山。1895年起,英、法、美等西方國家曾在此大興土木,留下了大量的西式建築,形成了今日牯嶺鎮的雛形。北伐戰爭結束後,這裡成為中華民國政府的“夏都”,是中國的政治中心之一。1937年6月,周恩來代表中國共產黨上山與蔣介石進行談判,商討共同抗日事宜。1937年7月,蔣介石發表對日宣戰的廬山談話,中國開始全面抗戰。1959年、1961年和1970年,時任中共中央主席曾三次在此主持大會,即著名的“廬山會議”。Mount Emei or Emei Shan is a mountain in Sichuan Province, China, and is one of the Four Sacred Buddhist Mountains of China. This is the location of the first Buddhist temple built in China in the 1st century CE. The site has seventy-six Buddhist monasteries of the Ming and Qing period, most of them located near the mountain top. Sources of the 16th and 17th centuries allude to the practice of martial arts in the monasteries of Mount Emei made the earliest extant reference to the Shaolin Monastery as Chinese boxing's place of origin. Great spectacles of Mount Emei include the sunrise and Clouds Sea seen from the Golden Summit of the mountain. The Leshan Giant Buddha is a 71-metre (233 ft) tall stone statue, built during the Tang Dynasty. It is carved out of a cliff face that lies at the confluence of the Minjiang, Dadu and Qingyi rivers in the southern part of Sichuan province, near the city of Leshan. The stone sculpture faces Mount Emei, with the rivers flowing below his feet. It is the largest stone Buddha in the world and it is by far the tallest pre-modern statue in the world. Mount Lu or Lushan, also known as Kuanglu (匡庐) in ancient times, is situated in the northern part of Jiangxi province in southeastern China, and is one of the most renowned mountains in the country. Its highest point is Dahanyang Peak (大汉阳峰), reaching 1,474 m above sea level, and is one of the hundreds of steep peaks that towers above a sea of clouds that encompass the mountains for almost 200 days out of the year. Mount Lu is known for its grandeur, steepness, and beauty, and is part of Lushan National Park and a prominent tourist attraction.
The Mount Emei Scenic Area including Leshan Giant Buddha Scenic Area, and the Lushan National Park were enlisted in the UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1997.
1983年4月2日 國畫大師張大千在台北病逝 - 張大千(1899年5月10日-1983年4月2日),當代知名藝術家,祖籍四川省映秀。九歲開始習畫, 12歲能畫山水、花鳥和人物. 1924年,在上海首次舉行個人畫展。國共內戰時避居香港. 二次大戰結束之後,離開中國旅居世界各地。1955年,將其藏畫在日本東京出版《大風堂名蹟》4冊。1956年,赴法國與西班牙抽象派大師畢加索會見。開始將西方抽象主義的理念應用到中國傳統水墨畫上,並發展出了潑墨山水的風格。1958年,以寫意畫《秋海棠》被紐約國際藝術學會選為世界大畫家,並榮獲金獎。此後相繼在法國、比利時、希臘、西班牙、瑞士、新加坡、泰國、德國、英國、巴西、美國及香港等辦畫展。1974年,獲美國加州太平洋大學名譽人文博士學位。1977年,定居台北市外雙溪「摩耶精舍」。1983年,完成其一生最後一幅畫作《廬山圖》。4月2日,因心臟病復發去世於台北. 因其詩、書、畫與齊白石、溥心畬齊名,故又並稱為“南張北齊”和「南張北溥」。與黃君璧、溥心畬以“渡海三家”齊名。2010年5月,在北京舉行的中國嘉德2010春拍近現代書畫專場上,張大千巨幅絹畫《愛痕湖》經過近60輪叫價,以人民幣一億零八十萬元的天價成交,這是中國近現代書畫首次突破億元。《愛痕湖》是1968年所作的巨幅絹本潑彩,寬76.2釐米,長264.2釐米,畫面描繪的是遠眺瑞士亞琛湖所見。2011年5月10日,為紀念張大千112歲誕辰,Google的中文版首頁Doodle標誌改成張大千的荷花畫作。2013年1月21日,張大千的一幅《潑彩山水》巨作,在山東濟南翰德迎春拍賣會書畫專場中,以2.5億元人民幣的天價成交,突破過往張畫作的拍賣價,同時創出中國書畫作品的成交新高。2014年3月21日,在台灣太陽花學運事件中,張大千的《潑墨荷花》和其他名家的畫作被學生們拆下用作路障。Zhang Daqian or Chang Dai-chien (May 10, 1899 – April 2, 1983) was one of the best-known and most prodigious Chinese artists of the twentieth century. Originally known as a guohua (traditionalist) painter, by the 1960s he was also renowned as a modern impressionist and expressionist painter. Chang was born in 1899 in Sichuan Province to a financially struggling but artistic family. He started painting at the age of 9. And at the age of 12, Chang earned his first commission for painting a new set of divining cards for a traveling fortune-teller. In 1924 Chang had his first art show in Shanghai. Due to the political climate of China in 1949, he left the country and resided in Mendoza, Argentina, São Paulo and Mogi das Cruzes, Brazil, and then to Carmel, California, before settling in Taipei, Taiwan in 1978. A meeting between Chang and Picasso in Nice, France in 1956 was viewed as a summit between the preeminent masters of Eastern and Western art. Chang passed away on April 2, 1983, due to failed heart condition. In 2011, Chang was the top-selling artist in the world at auction, total sales of his works topped US$782.4 million for that year. A set of four hanging scrolls by Chang, titled “Lotus”, sold for US$10.4 million, more than five times its pre-sale estimate, at a Christie’s auction in Hong Kong in 2013.
1885年4月4日 中法簽訂《停戰條件》- 中法戰爭中,中國軍隊的鎮南關-諒山大捷,使中國在軍事上、外交上都處於有利地位。但李鴻章等人卻把它當作乞和的資本。他主張“乘勝即收”,建議清政府立 即與法國締結和約。這種態度,正符合當時處境困難的法國政府的意願。英、美、俄等國都害怕戰爭繼續下去會影響它們在中國的利益,特別是中國抗法鬥爭的勝利 會鼓舞人民的反帝鬥志,危及半殖民地統治秩序。所以紛紛打著“調解”幌子壓迫清政府儘快向法妥協。於是慈禧太后詔令停戰,中法戰爭結束。此令傳到前線,清軍愛國將士們“拔劍斫地,恨恨連聲”。馮子材給兩廣總督張之洞一個電報,請他上折要求“誅議和之人”。全國紛紛通電反對和譴責清政府與法國侵略者議和。人們把清政府給馮子材的退兵命令,比作南宋秦檜命令岳飛從朱仙鎮退兵的金牌詔,悲憤賦詩:“十二金牌事,於今復見之。黃龍將痛飲,花目忽生期。戰骨壘壘在,秋風颯颯吹。莫論交趾役,故壘有餘悲。” The Sino–French War, also known as the Tonkin War, was a conflict fought from August 1884 through April 1885, to decide whether France would supplant China's control of Tonkin (northern Vietnam). Although the Chinese armies performed better than in other nineteenth-century foreign wars and the war ended with French defeat on land, the Qing government decided to end the conflict and start treaty process, against the wills of army and the general public. As the result, French gained most of the aims they wanted in the Treaty of Tientsin.
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