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Friday, April 22, 2016

4-24-2016 Week 27:  Volunteer Appreciation Karaoke Party!
4-24-2016 第二十七週: 義工感謝卡拉 ok 派對

****!!!        Mark Your Calendars  重要活動日期      !!! ***
1.     4/24/2016:    Pre-Registration for Next School Year Begins (New Families ONLY)
                        新學期預註冊開始 (限新家庭) - see notice below
Scrips Selling (New Families ONLY)
                             Volunteer Appreciation Karaoke Party
2.     5/01/2016:    Student Store (Last One)
                        學生商店 (本學年最後一次)

3.      5/06/2016:   Chipotle Fundraiser (50% proceeds go back to SDCA)
                             Chipotle 晚餐募捐活動

4.     5/08/2016:    Mother’s Day (No School)
                             母親節 (放假)

5.     5/15/2016:     Pre-Registration for Next School Year Begins (Current Families)
                         新學期預註冊開始 (在讀生家庭 )

                              Monthly Board Meeting (Open)
                         理事會月會 (公開)

6.     5/22/2016:    Graduation Ceremony

                             Teacher Appreciation Dinner

****!!!         Special Notice  緊急公告  !!!      ****
Our registration portal unexpectedly went down on 4/12 because the web-hosting company no longer supports the version of the language used for programming the portal. Our dedicated portal developer has been working round-the-clock to update our coding to the new version, and the portal is expected to be operational by 5/15. Meanwhile the school is in urgent need of volunteers who are familiar with Ruby on Rails, specifically Rail 3 (the most updated version supported by our web-hosting company), to support our portal developer and to help with this upgrade process. Any help is highly appreciated! Please contact Lesley at if you or someone you know can help.

Due to this unexpected technical difficulty, the pre-registration process needs to be adjusted as following:
  • Pre-registration starts on 4/24 for new families only. If you are a current family, even if you plan on enrolling a new student (ex. a younger sibling), we ask you to please wait until our portal is back up. New families may come to the office to register on 4/24, 5/1, 5/15, and 5/22. New families may also register online anytime after 5/15.
  • Pre-registration starts on 5/15 for current families. You may enroll current students as well as new students from the same family, such as younger siblings. Current families may come to the office to register on the following school days: 5/15, 5/22. Current families may also register online anytime after 5/15.
  • For any registration related questions please stop by the office or contact Registrar Lesley at
  • Registration fee is waived if you register and make payment on or before 5/31 (postmark).  Please note that this rule is strictly enforced.
  • The Scrips schedule is adjusted as following. If you have any questions, please contact
    • 4/24 and 5/1: Scrip sales in the office for new families
    • 5/15 and 5/22: Scrip sales in the office for both new and current families
    • Note: if you are a current family and you know exactly how much scrip to purchase, you may come on 4/24 and 5/1 to make the purchase. Please be advised that we won’t be able to check your purchase history on these days due to unavailability of the portal.  There will be no refund or exchange later if you purchased the wrong amount. If you are unsure, please wait until 5/15. Thanks in advance for your understanding and cooperation.

Our dedicated portal developer has been working around the clock to update our registration portal. The administration team has been quick in working out an alternative solution for pre-registration.

Thank you in advance for your understanding and patience. Let’s work together to get through this unexpected and difficult time.

****!!!         Administration  校務  !!!      ****
Interested in Teaching or Know someone who is?
Our school continues to grow and we always need teachers, if you are interested in becoming a teacher or know someone who would be a great teacher, please get in touch with the office administration team. 學校繼續在成長,我們需要老師,假如您有興趣教書或認識合適的教師人選,請跟校方聯絡。

****!!!         PTA Announcement  家長會與活動  !!!      ****
Volunteer Appreciation Party with karaoke! Happy time, parents!!  
We will have our volunteer appreciation party this Sunday at 2:00pm outside the community hall. All parents who have volunteered this year are welcome to join in the fun. PTA has catered yummy food for the party. We will also be giving recognition to room parents, committee chairpersons, and extraordinarily dedicated volunteers. There will be karaoke singing time while you eat and chat!!  中華學苑期末義工音樂同樂會  家長們!! 派對的時間終於又要到了,家長當然是要用更多的歡樂來結束這一學期啦! 理事會與各義工組的組長們誠摯的邀請您一起來參加趴踢馬拉松,咱們不樂不歸唷!   

Time 時間: 4/24, 2pm - 4pm
Place 地點: community hall (food tables outside, karaoke inside)

Monthly Board Meeting (Open) 理事會月會 (公開)
Are you interested in knowing how the SDCA Board operates? Are you considering the possibility of running for a Board position in the future? In an effort to create transparency and rouse parent interest, the Board has decided to hold the next Board meeting on 5/15 openly (time TBD). All SDCA parents are invited to join!  

Dine-Out Fundraising
Not feeling up to cooking dinner on the Friday leading up to Mother’s Day weekend? Come dine out with your fellow SDCA families and support a good cause. Show the below flyer to the cashier, eat in or take out, and 50% of the proceeds comes back to our school.

Date:     May 6th
Time:     5:00pm - 8:00pm
Place:     Chipotle Carmel Valley
3881 Valley Center Dr, San Diego, CA 92130

Looking forward to see you there!

****!!!         Community Corner  社區園地       !!! ****


1942年4月15日 中國遠征軍解仁安恙英軍之圍 - 1942年4月,英印軍第一師在緬甸仁安羌油田被日軍包圍,水源斷絕,糧食將盡,無再戰之力。該師師長電報英軍總部亞歷山大將軍,請求火速解救,否則就要投降。中國遠征軍新三十八師孫立人師長說:“不能投降,投降就是同盟國的恥辱。” 為解英軍之圍,新三十八師迅速西移。劉放吾團長領著第一一三團官兵,分乘八十部汽車向拼牆河開去。部隊在運動中被敵發現,展開了激烈的戰鬥。由於華軍夜以繼日向日軍採取猛烈的攻擊。逼日軍後退,對日軍進行了反包圍。日軍傷亡慘重,棄屍1200多具向馬圭逃竄。孫立人部救出英印第一師和裝甲第七旅官兵7000餘人,馬千餘匹,各種車輛300多輛,並救出被日軍俘去的英軍、美國教士、新聞記者等共500餘人。 仁安羌大捷使英印第一師絕處逢生,創緬甸保衛戰中一大勝利,轟動英倫三島,一掃英國人對中國軍隊的偏見和輕視心理。英印軍第一師將領斯利姆、斯邁思和斯高特向孫立人和新三十八師一再道謝。The Battle of Yenangyaung (Chinese:; literally: "Great Victory at Yenangyaung") was fought in Burma, now Myanmar, during the Burma Campaign in World War II. On April 15, British Lieutenant General William Slim, commander of the Burma Corps, gave orders for the oil fields and refinery in the area to be demolished. Then about 7,000 British soldiers were encircled by Japanese soldiers from the Japanese 33rd Division at Yenangyaung and its oil field. The situation became so critical that General Harold Alexander asked for help from the China Expeditionary Force. General Sun Li-jen, commander of the 38th Division, acted quickly and led his regiment through difficult terrain to relieve the 7,000 British forces trapped by the numerically superior Japanese in the Battle of Yenangyaung. The victory also saved thousands of military horses, over 300 military vehicles, and relieved 500+ British and American POWs, clergies, news reporters, and civilians from Japanese captivity. The battle was a great victory and demonstrated the Chinese fighting capabilities to its allies.

1919年 4月15日《新青年》提倡男女公開社交 - 1919年4月15日,《新青年》第六卷第四號發表署名楊潮聲的文章《男女社交公開》,主張“破除男女界域,增進男女人格”。文章指出,所謂“禮防”,不過是一種假面具。我 們不設“禮防”,看人類一律平等,那麼,交際自然不秘密而公開,情感不濫發而專一!文章又說,女子是人,不是東西。有人格的男,和有人格的女,交際就是人與人交際,無所謂“禮防”不’禮防”。“道德”是真的,善的,美的,“禮防”是偽的,虛的,有“禮防”並不足以致道德,無“禮防”並不就是不道德,並且可以致道德。所以要守舊道德,也不妨使男女之界域破除,交際公開。這是封建中國首次出現這樣的聲音。 On April 15, 1919, an article on the popular New Youth magazine called on Chinese men and women to break down the gender barrier and socialize publicly. This was the first of such voice in the feudalistic China. For thousands of years, Chinese women were confined to their houses and were not allowed to socialize with any adult men except for their immediate family members.  

1989年4月15日 中國主要領導人之一胡耀邦去世 - 胡耀邦(1915年11月20日-1989年4月15日),字國光,祖籍江西,生於湖南瀏陽中國共產黨中華人民共和國第二代主要領導人之一。文化大革命期間,遭受迫害. 文化大革命結束後,擔任中共中央政治局常委,兼任中央紀律檢查委員會第三書記、中共中央秘書長中共中央宣傳部部長,1981年6月至1982年9月擔任中共中央主席,1982年9月至1987年1月擔任中共中央總書記。是改革開放早期平反冤假錯案真理標準大討論的具體執行者,1987年被指責反對“資產階級自由化”不力而被迫辭職。1989年4月15日胡耀邦的去世直接引起大量的民眾懷念與抗議運動,運動的加劇最終導致六四事件Hu Yaobang (November 20, 1915 – April 15, 1989) was a high-ranking official of the People's Republic of China. He achieved his most senior status within the Communist Party of China from 1981 to 1987, first as Party Chairman from 1981 to 1982, then as General Secretary of the Communist Party from 1982 to 1987. Throughout the 1980s Hu pursued a series of economic and political reforms under the direction of Deng Xiaoping. Hu's political and economic reforms made him the enemy of several powerful party elders, who opposed free market reforms and the attempts to make China's government more transparent. When widespread student protests occurred across China in 1987, Hu's political opponents successfully blamed Hu for the disruptions, claiming that Hu's "laxness" and "bourgeois liberalization" had either led to, or worsened, the protests. Hu was forced to resign as Party General Secretary in 1987, but was allowed to retain a seat in the Politburo. Hu passed away on April 15, 1989 due to heart attack. A day after Hu's death, a small-scale demonstration commemorated him and demanded that the government reassess his legacy. A week later, the day before Hu's funeral, some 100,000 students marched on Tiananmen Square, leading to the world famous Tiananmen Square Protest of 1989. Following the government's suppression of the 1989 protests, the Chinese government censored the details of Hu's life inside mainland China, but it officially rehabilitated his image and lifted its censorship restrictions on the 90th anniversary of Hu's birth, in 2005.
1895年4月17日 日本與清政府簽訂《馬關條約》,割讓台灣、澎湖列島 - 1894年,日本在美英帝國主義的支持下發動了侵略中國的“甲午戰爭”。由於清政府腐敗,一味妥協退讓,致使清軍喪師失地:先敗於朝鮮,後敗於遼東,北洋艦隊全軍覆沒。清軍全面潰敗,京津危急。面對這種形勢清政府驚恐萬狀,決意乞和。清政府於年底派遣戶部侍郎張蔭桓和湖南巡撫邵友濂為全權大臣,前往日本廣島議和。日本方面認為張、邵兩人官位太低,拒絕談判,要求清政府派北洋大臣李鴻章去日本。1895年3月19日,李鴻章帶著兒子李經方和美國顧問科士達等隨員100多人,以“頭等全權大臣”的名義抵達日本馬關,與日本首相伊藤博文商訂和約。馬關議和從3月24日正式開始,在談判桌上,日本在美國的支持下,威逼李鴻章在一份早已擬好的條款上簽字。1895年4月17日,李鴻章在條約上畫了押。“馬關條約”的主要內容是:朝鮮完全“自主”,實際上即承認日本對朝鮮的控制;割讓我國遼東半島、台灣、澎湖列島等地(後遼東半島由中國以3000萬兩白銀的代價“贖回”);賠款白銀2億兩;允許日本資本家在中國通商口岸設立各種工廠;開放沙市、重慶、蘇州、杭州為通商口岸。《馬關條約》使中國喪失了台灣和澎湖列島,付出了數目空前的賠款。它標誌著外國資本主義對中國的侵略進入了一個新的階段,即帝國主義階段。 The First Sino-Japanese War (1 August 1894 – 17 April 1895) was fought between the Qing Empire of China and the Empire of Japan, primarily over control of Korea. After more than six months of unbroken successes by Japanese land and naval forces and the loss of the Chinese port of Weihaiwei, the Qing government sued for peace in February 1895. The war demonstrated the failure of the Qing Empire's attempts to modernize its military and fend off threats to its sovereignty, especially when compared with Japan's successful Meiji Restoration.  The war is commonly known in China as the War of Jiawu (甲午戰爭), referring to the year (1894) as named under the traditional sexagenary system of years. In Japan, it is called the Japan–Qing War (Nisshin sensō (日清戦争)). In Korea, where much of the war took place, it is called the Qing–Japan War (Korean: 청일전쟁; Hanja: 淸日戰爭). The Treaty of Shimonoseki was signed on 17 April 1895. The Qing Empire recognized the total independence of Korea and ceded the Liaodong Peninsula, Taiwan and Penghu Islands to Japan. Additionally, the Qing Empire was to pay Japan 200 million taels of silver as war reparations. The Qing government also signed a commercial treaty permitting Japanese ships to operate on the Yangtze River, to operate manufacturing factories in treaty ports and to open four more ports to foreign trade. The Qing government was able to buy back the Liaodong Peninsula later with another 30 million taels of silver.

1901年4月20日 我國著名建築學家梁思成出生 - 梁思成(1901年4月20日-1972年1月9日),籍貫廣東新會,生於日本東京中國著名建築史學家、建築師、城市規劃師和教育家,一生致力於保護中國古代建築文化遺產。曾任中央研究院院士中國科學院哲學社會科學學部委員。在《建築五宗師》書中與呂彥直劉敦楨童寯楊廷寶合稱“建築五宗師”。梁思成的父親梁啟超,是著名清末改革家,為躲避清政府迫害而出國,所以梁思成出生於日本東京。1912年,辛亥革命後,梁思成隨父母從日本回國,先後就讀於北京崇德國小,匯文中學,清華學校(清華大學前身),於1923年畢業於清華學校高等科。1924年和第一任妻子, 民國才女林徽因,一起赴美國費城賓州大學建築系學習,1927年獲得學士和碩士學位,又去哈佛大學學習建築史,研究中國古代建築。 梁思成畢生從事中國古代建築的研究和建築教育事業。系統地調查、整理、研究了中國古代建築的歷史和理論,是這一學科的開拓者和奠基者。1931~1945年,梁思成和他的同事對15個省2000多項古建築和文物進行了調查研究,積累了大量資料。他根據這些資料,1943年寫成《中國建築史》一書,本書是第一次對中國古建築特徵及其發展歷程作出系統的論述。1946年,梁思成赴美國講學,受聘美國耶魯大學教授,因他在中國古代建築的研究上做出了傑出的貢獻,被美國普林斯頓大學授予名譽文學博士學位。同年,梁思成回到母校清華大學創辦建築系,任清華大學建築系主任(1946—1972年), 以嚴謹、勤奮的學風為中國培養了大批建築人才。 1947年,被中國政府派往美國擔任聯合國大廈設計顧問團的中國顧問。1948年,被選為中央研究院院士。1972年1月9日因病逝世於北京。Liang Sicheng (20 April 1901 – 9 January 1972) was a Chinese architect and scholar often known as the "father" of modern Chinese architecture. His father, Liang Qichao, was one of the most prominent Chinese scholars of the early 20th century. His first wife was the architect and poet Lin Huiyin. His younger brother, Liang Siyong, was one of China's first archaeologists. Liang is the author of China's first modern history on Chinese architecture and founder of the Architecture Department of Northeastern University in 1928 and Tsinghua University in 1946. He was the Chinese representative in the Design Board which designed the United Nations headquarters in New York City. He, along with Lin Huiyin, Mo Zongjiang (1916–1999), and Ji Yutang (1902–c. 1960s), discovered and analyzed the first and second oldest timber structures still standing in China, located at Nanchan Temple and Foguang Temple at Mount Wutai. He is recognized as the “Father of Modern Chinese Architecture”. To cite Princeton University, which awarded him an honorary doctoral degree in 1947, he was “a creative architect who has also been a teacher of architectural history, a pioneer in historical research and exploration in Chinese architecture and planning, and a leader in the restoration and preservation of the priceless monuments of his country.”

1938年4月20日 台灣著名作家瓊瑤出生 - 瓊瑤原名陳喆,中國台灣當代作家。1938年4月20日生於四川成都,筆名瓊瑤、心如、鳳凰等。湖南衡陽人。她生逢戰亂,1949年隨家遷台灣,就讀於台北師範附小及台北一女中。高中畢業後未能考取大學。16歲在台灣《晨光》雜誌發表短篇小說《雲影》。讀高中時,先後發表200餘篇文章 。1963年自傳式長篇小說《窗外》出版,一舉成名 。1963 ~ 1985年 ,共創作長篇小說 《幸運草》 、《煙雨濛濛》 、《 幾度夕陽紅 》、《彩雲飛》 、《心有千千結》 、《在水一方》 、《月朦朧 ,鳥朦朧》 、《雁兒在林梢》、《碧雲天》、《冰兒》等42部。美化人生的愛情理想是她小說的主旋律;曲折新奇、波瀾起伏的故事情節是她小說引人入勝的主要手段;具有 濃郁詩意、雅俗共賞的文學語言是她小說獨具魅力的重要特點。因此她的言情小說擁有龐大的讀者群。並有大量作品被拍成電影、電視片。Chiung Yao (born Chen Zhe on April 20, 1938 in Chengdu, Sichuan) is the pen name of a popular Taiwanese romance novelist. Both of her parents received good education. In 1949, along with her family, she moved to Taiwan. At the age of 16, she published her first novel. During high school she had published over 200 articles. After graduation from high school and failure to enter college, she got married and became a housewife, and at the same time started her writing career. Her first novel, still often read today, is Chuangwai ("Outside the Window"). Chiung Yao's romance novels were very well received in Taiwan when they were first published, and by the 1990s she was also one of the best-selling authors on the mainland. Many of her works have been made into movies and TV series since the 1970s and are still being remade today.

960年4月21日 護航消災的媽祖林默誕辰 - 媽祖,又稱天妃、天后、天上聖母、娘媽,是歷代船工、海員、旅客、商人和漁民共同信奉的神祗,許多沿海地區均建有媽祖廟。媽祖的真名為林默,小名默娘,故又稱林默娘,誕生於莆田湄洲島在宋建隆元年(960年)農曆三月二十三日。宋太宗雍熙四年(987年)九月初九逝世。媽祖一生在大海中奔馳,救急扶危,在驚濤駭浪中拯救過許多漁舟商船;她立志不嫁慈悲為懷,專以行善濟世為已任。 歷代對媽祖的賜封根據史料,宋、元、明、清幾個朝代都對媽祖多次褒封,封號從“夫人”、“天妃”、“天后”到“天上聖母”,並列入國家祀典。其最長封號為“護國庇民妙靈昭應弘仁普濟福佑群生誠感咸孚顯神贊順垂慈篤佑安瀾利運澤覃海宇恬波宣惠導流衍慶靖洋錫祉恩周德溥衛漕保泰振武綏疆天后之神”,後來同治十一年(1872年),要再加封時,“經禮部核議,以為封號字號過多,轉不足以昭鄭重,只加上‘嘉佑’二字"。民間對媽祖的信仰愈加固定,“海神”的地位愈加牢固。媽祖的影響力由福建湄洲傳播開來,歷經千百年,對於東亞海洋文化及中國沿海文化產生重大的影響,被學者們稱為媽祖文化。 2009年10月,媽祖信仰入選聯合國教科文組織人類非物質文化遺產代表作名錄Mazu, also spelt Matsu and Ma-tsu, is the Chinese patron goddess who is said to protect seafarers, such as fishermen and sailors. The worship of Mazu began in the Song dynasty. Mazu is widely worshiped in the coastal regions of China, especially in Zhejiang, Fujian, Guangdong, Tianjin and Hainan. She is also worshiped in Taiwan and other places in East/Southeast Asia. Her birthplace was Meizhou (湄州) in Putian County (莆田縣), Fujian Province. She was born in the year 960. Her family had the surname Lin (). She had the name Lin Moniang (Chinese: 林默娘). She died on 4 October 987. After her death, she was remembered as a young lady in a red dress, who would forever roam over the seas.  Starting from Fujian, worship of Mazu spread to the neighboring coastal provinces of Zhejiang and Guangdong, and thence to all coastal areas of mainland China. With emigration and especially the Chinese diaspora of the 19th and 20th centuries, it further spread to Taiwan, Vietnam, Ryukyu, Japan, and South East Asia; the role of Mazu as patron of the seas ensured that newly arrived immigrants often erected temples to her first, to give thanks for arriving safely. Today, worship of Mazu is also found in other countries with sizeable populations from these regions. In total, there are around 1,500 Mazu temples in 26 countries. The Mazu festival is celebrated annually around the world.

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