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Thursday, October 1, 2015

10-4-2015 Week 3:  Double Ten Ceremony
10-4-2015 第三週:  雙十國慶升旗典禮

****!!!        Mark Your Calendar  重要活動日期      !!! ****

1. 10/4/2015:    Double Ten Flag Raising Ceremony
Registration and Scrips Sale
2. 10/11/2015:    Back to School Parents Meeting / Room Parent Meeting

Double Ten celebration 雙十國慶
Come join the One Hundred and Fourth National Day celebration events for Republic of China (Taiwan) on Sunday, October 4th, 2015
Flag Raising Ceremony:  2PM

Next Sunday (10/11) Each class will have their teacher & parent conference during first period.  Our Room Parent meeting will be held in the community Hall at 2:30PM on 10/05/2014.  We will talk about room parent responsibilities and some guidelines for class parties as well as participation from room parents to make our PTA a success for our school.

下週(10/11)下午第一堂課, 會有各班的親師會, 老師將會和各位家長解說他們今年的學習進度表, 及各個注意事項, 請家長們務必抽空參加, 2:30在Community Hall,有班代表會議, 希望每班的班代表務必出席, 若無法出席, 煩請派班上的一位家長來參加.  我們會討論班代表的服務內容,也讓所有的班代表能有機會互相認識, 以後可以互相幫忙

Please remind your student again not to touch and/or use anything in the classroom, including the trash can. We are grateful to be able to use this wonderful campus. Please help take care of LJCDS classrooms and its campus so we can continue to use it. Parents, if you visit a classroom with a young child, please watch your child to make sure he/she is not touching anything in the classroom. Thank you.

麻煩家長持續提醒孩子們,教室内的所有物品都不能使用,移動,和破壞。也不能在教室裡吃東西或用教室裡的垃圾桶。我們感謝 LJCDS 借給我們這個美麗的校園,整齊的教室和安全的環境。我們很珍惜能和 LJCDS 維持良好的關係。所以希望學生們都能確實遵守規定。如果有家長帶小小孩進教室,也要特別提醒家長注意自己的小孩,不要亂動教室内的東西。

****!!!      School Administration  註冊及校務      !!! ****

Important reminder for parking lot traffic 停車場使用須知:
Please watch your speed while driving in the parking lot.  For you and our children’s safety, the curbside right in front of the school building is for drop-off and pick-up only. Please park your car in the marked parking spaces. Please do not park or wait by the curb. No Exceptions. Your cooperation is much appreciated.   為了您與孩子們的安全,進入停車場請放慢駕駛速度.  提醒您請先把車停在停車格上, 再一同與孩子們前往教室。校方規劃的黃、白線區,僅提供學生上、下車使用,其餘時間, 請勿將您的車子停在此專用道,沒有例外。謝謝您的配合遵守,以做為孩子們的好榜樣。
Additional parking is available at the rear of the school. 學校後側也設有停車場。

Campus Safety 校園安全
Please remind your children to only play by the grassy area during recess time.  Do Not go to areas where there is no adult supervision. No climbing trees or running through the planted landscape allowed. Those plants have thorns and your children may get hurt. Although there are four parents doing ground supervision every week, we still need all your kids’ cooperation to ensure our campus safety. Thank you. 請各位家長告知家中子女,下課時間請小朋友盡量留在草地上玩耍,請勿跑到建築後面或是人少的地方,以維護自身安全。也請不要在學前班前面的矮樹叢裡奔跑,那邊許多植物多有刺,以免刺傷。雖然校園內有義工家長巡邏,但還需要大家配合,才能確保校園安全,謝謝。

****!!!         PTA Announcement  家長會與活動  !!!      ****

PTA Parents Ninja Workout Club (NWC) is returning and we will start again in October.  Our parent baseball team has already started their Sunday workout, join us if you would like to get under the sun during those precious three hours.  Contact Jerry Han if you are interested.  家長會將於十月開始延續去年 "健人就是腳勤俱樂部"。我們的棒球隊可以 藉由這個時間多多認識其他的家長, 也可以強健身體.    請有興趣參加的家長與Jerry 聯絡。

Also, our school baseball team is going to order SDCA custom jerseys/t-shirts. Please see below for a sample (sorry, only Dad for now). You can choose your own name and number on the jersey. If you are interested, please go to the below link for details and fill out the form. The last day to order is 10/11/15.  SDCA棒球隊將要訂製客製球衣,你可以自行決定名字跟背號。有興趣訂購的家長,請到下面的連結閱讀細節及填寫資料,10/11/15截止。

Volunteers Needed  家長會義工:
We still need volunteers for the following positions in the new school year. Please contact us if you have not submitted your preference! Your time would be a tremendous help for our school. Please email:  新學年學校需要您的熱心幫忙以下義工, 請有興趣的家長或朋友們跟我們聯絡, 謝謝!  請郵電
           TA 助教
           Room Parents 班爸班媽
    Library/Book Assistant 圖書管理組
Recess Snack Service 學生福利社

****!!!         Community Corner  社區園地       !!! ****


Double Ten Day
The National Day of the Republic of China (ROC), it commemorates the start of the Wuchang Uprising of October 10, 1911, which led to the collapse of the Qing Dynasty, the end of over two thousand years of imperial rule in China, and the establishment of the ROC on January 1, 1912.


Hello SDCA friends! I am very proud to share that my third novel published this month. Serpentine is a Junior Library Guild selection (select titles are chosen from over 5,000 submissions each year), and received a starred review from School Library Journal: “This coming-of-age story takes readers on a fantastical journey through friendship and Chinese mythology. YA fans will love Pon’s storytelling ability and the immersion into a world filled with love, danger, and fantasy.”

Serpentine is a Chinese inspired fantasy appropriate for kids ages 13 through to adults! There are not a lot of books published in the United States featuring Asian heroes, and it is something I’m passionate about writing. It is available on amazon for kindle or paperback:

I am happy to sign copies for you. —Cindy Pon (Room Parent for Bilingual 6A in Classroom 103)


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