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Thursday, May 1, 2014

Week 29 第廿九週

End of Year International Potluck Celebration
無樂不作  義工音樂同樂餐會

VAP flyer.png

***** Important Dates 重要活動日期 *****

5/4/14      義工音樂同樂會及國際Potluck (12:45 to 4:00pm @ community hall)
               Volunteer Appreciation Party with International Potluck
              下學期期末考 Semester Final Exam
              預註冊最後一天 Last day for Pre-registration

5/11/14    母親節放假 Happy Mother's Day! No School!

5/18/14    結業典禮 Closing/Graduation Ceremony
               謝師宴 Teachers’ Appreciation Dinner

***** School and Administration Office 校務、教務與註冊 *****

1. 5/18 is the last day of school, we will have an Awards Ceremony and Graduation, followed by out Teachers Appreciation Dinner.  We have a lot to do that day, please make sure your student comes to school on time at 1:30 PM.  Tentative itinerary for the day is as follows:
  • 1:30 PM - School starts, please take your child to his/her classroom
  • 1:35 PM - Teachers will distribute report card, yearbook (1 per family), summer homework, and class awards
  • 1:40 PM - Award Presentation at Amphitheater - All winners of speech contest, poetry recitation contest, and students who applied for having studied 6, 9, 12 years award, please report to the amphitheater to receive your trophy/plaques.  Parents are welcome to come take pictures.
  • 2:30 PM - Graduation Ceremony & student performances
  • 5:30 PM - Teacher Appreciation Dinner at China Max Restaurant (tickets are available for purchase in the community hall)
5/18/14是本學年最後一週,當日有校內頒獎、畢業典禮、及學生表演。典禮完後有謝師宴。 因為當天的行程很緊湊,請家長準時帶孩子們在1:30來學校。當日的行程大約如下:  
  • 1 : 30 PM - 請家長直接帶孩子們到教室。
  • 1 : 35 PM - 各班頒獎:老師將發學生成績單,獎狀,獎牌,暑假作業及年刊。
  • 1 : 40 PM - 校內頒獎:校內頒獎典禮, 在Amphitheater。請所有演講比賽得獎學生,詩詞朗誦比賽得獎學生,及申請就讀6, 9, 12年的學生到Amphitheater集合領取獎盃/獎牌。歡迎家長們來照相。
  • 2 : 30 PM - 畢業典禮以及學生表演。
  • 5 : 30 PM - 謝師宴:謝師宴晚餐在富臨餐館,餐券請至community hall購買。

2. Pre-registration. Please review the 2014-2015 Registration Notice & Online Registration FAQ. For the next school year, the Miscellaneous Fees increases to $50 and the Service Fee is $80. Tuition and other fees remain the same. Pre-registration starts on 4/13. In order to waive the registration fee, we have to receive your registration form and payment postmarked by 5/31. Please sign in to the SDCA Portal to begin your registration process. If you have forgotten your login details, use the links on the sign in page to look up your username or to reset your password. Please register online at home. At the end of the registration process, print out your registration form. Submit your form and payment to the community hall or mail them to us. Contact Registrar, Lesley for technical support or any registration questions. 預註冊最後一天囉。請參考2014-2015註冊須知與網上註冊常見問答集。下個學年的學雜費調整到五十元和義工代勞費改為八十元。學費與其他費用都不變。預註冊從4/13開始。若要免繳註冊費, 我們要在5/31收到您的註冊表與付款, 以郵戳為憑。請登入到學校門戶網站開始註冊。如果您忘了登入名稱與密碼, 用同一網頁的連結可以幫您查詢使用者名稱或重設密碼。請先在家網上註冊, 註冊程序的最後印出您的註冊表。將註冊表與支票交到community hall或是郵寄給我們。有任何問題或需要協助請電郵到註冊組長 Lesley

3. Chinese Adult Class Registration. Registration starts this Sunday. Please download the registration form. Submit the form with your payment to the office or mail to us. 成人班於本週日開始招生, 請下載報名表, 將報名表與學費交到辦公室或郵寄到學校.  

4. Teachers Appreciation Dinner will be on Sunday, May 18th, at 5:30 PM at China Max Restaurant.  Come join the teachers at the dinner to show your support.  Please purchase tickets at the office. 謝師宴將於5/18/14下午5:30 在富臨海鮮餐館舉行,歡迎大家來參加以感謝老師們一年來的辛苦,餐券於community hall販售。

5. Southern California Council of Chinese Schools has a scholarship opportunity available, please check their website at for detail.  The application must go through our school, interested qualified student must first notify the office of your interests in applying and send the entire completed application package to the principal no later than 6/30/14 for processing.  南加州中文學校聯合會優秀學生獎學金開始申請:詳情請看: 由於申請資料必須經過校方審核,有意申請的學生請先通知校方,並且在6月30日前把所有必備資料準備齊全(連同現任班級老師推薦表)寄給校方。這樣學校才有時間處理申請,謝謝!

6. The rest of this week's announcement- [English]. 其他本週家庭聯絡事項 [中文版]

**** PTA & Activities 家長會與活動 *****

1. Parents, please remind your kids to prepare the final exam for this week (5/4)!! Please provide them some help if necessary!  家長們, 本週是大部份班級的期末考試, 請提醒子弟並提供適當協助準備考試!!

2. 5/4 Volunteers Appreciation Party with International Potluck, Music, and More… Party time, parents!!  In addition to kids’ class party, we’ll also have our volunteer appreciation party this Sunday.  International potluck lunch starts at 12:45pm outside of the community hall. You are welcome to bring your kids and family to join in the fun.  For those of you who come and bring a dish to share, we will have a lottery drawing for you.  Please sign up here: SDCA May 4 VAP_International Potluck_sign up sheet. PTA will also order some yummy food for the party as well as giving recognition to all the room parents and chairmen.  There will be karaoke singing time while you eat and chat!!
: 5/4 中華學苑期末義工音樂同樂會及國際Potluck: 家長們!! 派對的時間終於又要到了,學生在這週用期末考考卷和和班級派對結束這學期,家長當然是要用更多的歡樂來結束這一學期啦! 理事會與各義工組的組長們誠摯的邀請您一起來參加趴踢馬拉松,咱們不樂不歸唷!

國際potluck 午餐: 請您帶10人份以上的一道菜, 有帶食物的可以參加摸彩, 孩子們也可以一起來吃, 登記請到這裡。時間是5/4從中午12:45到學校打洋;地點在community hall (potluck 在室外)

活動內容包括: 義工表揚、potluck午餐、簡易摸彩(有帶菜的才可以參加)、KTV歡唱無限(目前只有中文歌)、棒球及高爾夫球小教室、營養師資訊站、腳踏車修理資訊站、暑假夏令營與露營活動資訊等等。請別錯過這個party唷。

3. Teacher’s Appreciation Dinner: We are selling Teacher’s Appreciation Dinner tickets right now. Ticket prices are $30/adult & $20/student per ticket. This is a great chance to dine with your teachers and show your appreciation for their hard work this year. The party will take place at China Max Restaurant from 5:30 to 7:30 pm on 5/19 (after the Graduation Ceremony). To purchase tickets, please come to the Office. Parents of TA/spouse of teacher or staff/kids under 5 years old can get a discount of $5 off sale price. Please join us for a FUN night! Click here to view party details. 謝師晚宴售票中:我們現在開始銷售謝師晚宴的門票。門票價格為$30/成人票, $20/學生票。這是一個與孩子的老師一起用餐的機會,我們感謝他們一年來的辛勤工作。晚宴將於5/18日下午5:30到下午7:30(畢業典禮後)在富臨海鮮酒家舉行。購買門票請到辦公室。 助教的父母/教職員配偶/五歲以下的小孩可以有10美元的折扣。讓我們和老師們一起有一個快樂的夜晚! 請點擊晚宴細節

4. Besides the delicious dinner for our teachers, the PTA and the Board of Directors want to thank all parents who donated gifts for the raffles at the party. If you’d like to donate any items, you may drop them off at the Office with our Office Volunteer this Sunday. Or you can email PTA at Thank you! 除了美味的晚餐招待我們的教師之外,PTA和理事會要感謝所有捐贈禮物給抽獎活動的家長們。如果你還想捐贈物品,你可以在這個星期天把禮物交給辦公室的值勤義工。或是和家長會連繫。謝謝你!

5. Award Prizes and Lost and Found Items  Please come to the office at anytime between 1:45pm and 4:00pm to get your kids’ karaoke or read-a-thon award prizes or check the lost and found items. All unclaimed lost and found items will go to donation after 5/4. Thank you. 如果您的孩子還沒領取歌唱比賽或閱讀馬拉松獎品, 或是您要領取失物, 請於1:45到4:00到辦公室領取。無人招領的物品將於5/4日上課後捐獻給公益團體,謝謝!

6. Parents Ninja Workout Club (NWC) Baseball team had an awesome turnout last week - 14 people showed up and we had a fun final game. Everybody had hits and everybody scored. We will continue to improve the NWC workout program next school year. Thank you for your support this year! 上週末棒球隊參與人數達到14人,讓我們能在活動最後一天進行一場有趣的友誼賽。每個人都上壘都得分,大家打得不亦樂乎,直到學校打鈴才肯結束。我們下學年會繼續改進健人就是腳勤活動,謝謝您這學期的參與支持!

***** Scrip Sales, Publications, and Miscellaneous  禮券, 校刊,  與其他 *****    

1.  Congratulations to all yearbook cover contestants!  You all did a marvelous job.  All of your entries will be included in our yearbook.  You will also receive a 2014 calendar with $2 gift card to McDonalds.  The cover contest winner is April Hsu (許蓁瑜) from regular 6B class.  The back cover winner, runner up, is Hanson Loh(陸秉宏) from CSL1A class. The front and back cover winnesr will receive a $5 gift card from Jamba Juice. 恭喜普通班6B的許蓁瑜以及雙語班1A的陸秉宏贏得本學年度年刊封面設計比賽!所有的參賽作品都會出現在我們的年刊裡。

2. Scrip Sales: We’ll have Scrip Sale Day in the COMMUNITY HALL this Sunday, 1:30 to 4pm. Please fill out the Scrip Purchase Form before you do the scrip purchase.  We’ll
also do the last scrip service and refund service this week. Please come by the office to process your service refund if you completed your volunteer service.  賣禮券囉!! 禮券組將在 5/4下午一點半到四點在學校COMMUNITY HALL販售禮券,請在購買前填妥禮卷購買單。本週是最後一次賣禮券及義工服務退費,請完成義工服務及符合退費資格的家長前來退費。

***** Community and Parents Corner 社區大小事與家長園地  *****

1. 僑委會 2014 年美西地區臺灣美食廚藝巡迴講座 in San Diego, May 17-18, 2014,詳情請看這裡. Taiwan Chefs cooking demonstration in San Diego May 17-18, 2014, please see flyer here.

2. 列強侵華史實維護協會第十二屆年會, 二零―四年五月十七日, 星期六: 晚餐,年會報告, 趙譚美生主題演講及書展. 詳情請看這裡. APHAFIC (Assocation for Preserving Historical Accuracy of Foreign Invasions in China) annual meeting on May 17th, Saturday, 2014, with dinner and keynote speaker Ms. Betty Tom Chu, please see flyer here for detail.

4. Believe it or not… SCA-5 is not truly dead as many of us might think so. Please join us to support this new petition.  對華人極不公平的SCA-5法案還沒死呢!請加入這個新的請願

5. 2014 Lawnmower Trade-in Event. (5/3 @ Qualcomm Stadium)

6. The 5th Annual Asian Cultural Festival 5/10 12pm-8pm.

8. 5/17 pm1:30, 三代同堂黏土藝術創作活動@ 聖地牙哥台灣中心。

9. San Diego County WATERFRONT PARK GRAND OPENING on May 10.

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