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Thursday, January 2, 2014

Week 14 第十四週

Pathway to College

***** Important Dates 重要活動日期 *****
1/5/2014 Back to school 學校恢復上課
             Seminar #2 Education and College Preparation (Don't miss out!)
             講座 #2 教育與升學 (內容精采 可別錯過囉!)
             PTA Meeting and Room Parents Meeting at Community Hall

***** School and Administration Office 校務、教務與註冊 *****
  1. Happy New Year! Welcome back to school everyone!  Thanks to everyone's assistance and support, our speech contest was a success.  We want to congratulate all the contestants.  You are a winner by going up and making the speech in Chinese in front of everyone.  We hope those who did not enter the contest this time will participate in our poetry recitation contest in the spring.  Winner's list is below.  Congratulations to all!  新年快樂!歡迎大家回來上課!感謝大家的幫忙與支持,第二場演講比賽也已圓滿結束。恭喜所有報名參賽的同學,不管是否有得名,能夠站在大眾面前,以中文演說,就是贏了,希望下次的詩詞朗誦比賽,沒有報名的同學都能報名參加。比賽得獎名單在下,恭喜大家。
  2. We are looking for a junior emcee for our New Year Festival (2 boys and 2 girls, level 5 and above), if you are interested and have not been a junior emcee at the school before, please come to the office this week to apply. 學校新年慶典需要小司儀(第五冊以上的學生,兩男兩女),請有興趣(以前沒當過)的學生本週趕快來辦公室報名。
  3. This week (1/5/14) there is a PTA meeting, a room parent's meeting, as well as the second PTA seminar, "Education and College Preparation", please make plans to attend.  本週(1/5/14)有班代表會議、家長大會、及第二次家長會講座"教育與升學",請家長們踴躍參加,謝謝!
  4. There is a teacher training session on 2/16/14 from 8am to 5pm at Chapman University. If you are interested in becoming a teacher at SDCA, please contact Vice Principal Law to register.春季教學及行政人員研討會2/16/2014(星期日)上午8時至下午5時於Chapman University 舉行,有興趣加入中華學院教書行列的家長們,請與羅副校長聯絡。

**** PTA & Activities 家長會與活動 *****
  1. Education and College Preparation Seminar 1/5 1:40pm to 4:00pm. This week we are happy to invite several education experts/professionals to share their knowledge in education and college preparation. This seminar will be free to SDCA families but we encourage each SDCA family to voluntarily donate $5 dollars to support the school and PTA to bring more meaningful programs to SDCA. None SDCA parents will be charged by $5 at the seminar entrance. Thank you for your cooperation.  We’ll see you again next year!. 學校將於本周1/5下午1:40至4:00舉辦"教育與升學"講座。您想要知道如何培養孩子的學習興趣嗎?如何適當協助您的孩子準備學校課業?如何申請大學及為未來申請大學做準備?如何減少親子間磨擦及增加親子關係?我們很高興能邀請到幾位教育學家與我們分享關於教育的理念以及如何準備大學升學。本講座將免費開放給中華學院的家長,但我們也鼓勵每個家庭自願捐款美金五元作為支持學校舉辦更多講座與活動的費用。非中華學苑的家長將於入口處收費美金五元。謝謝您的參與和配合。
  2. PTA meeting/Room Parents Meeting will be hold in Community Hall at 4:00pm. We'll briefly discuss the upcoming Chinese New Year Celebration preparation (Week 19). Please make sure at least one representative from your class attends the meeting to draw lots to decide who should do which food/game booth. 家長大會/班代表大會將於1月5日下午4點舉行。我們將要簡單的討論第十九週舉行的中國新年準備事宜。請各班至少派一名代表參加抽籤決定新年食物或遊戲攤位。
  3. Children’s Cultural Activities and Snack Store during 2nd recess. Your choice of snack plus a juice box for only $1. Please encourage your students to stop by and get some treats. Also come and play Jianzi with your friends and kids. 點心時間與兒童民俗體育活動持續展開! 第二節下課時,我們將有好玩的踢毽子與小點心販賣的活動,自選一樣點心加果汁只要一美元,歡迎您與您的孩子前來參與及購買。

***** Scrip Sales, Publications, and Miscellaneous  禮券, 校刊,  與其他 *****
  1. Yearbook cover contest deadline is next week (1/12/14)! The theme this year is to decorate our school emblem. Template can be downloaded here.  Students can color the template and add their own designs.  Final work must be turned in by 1/12/14 for judging. Good luck! 校刊封面設計比賽即將在下週截止(1/12/14)。今年的封面設計以校徽為主題,學生可以在模板上著色及加上自己的設計圖案。截止日期於1/12/14,設計模板可以在此下載
  1. The yearbook team is starting to work on the yearbook, if you have good photos of school event to share, please contact our vice president/editor in chief Ms. Isabelle Yang.  理事會已開始著手編輯今年的校刊,如您手邊有學校活動的好照片願意分享,請與副理事長及總編輯曾梁菁女士 Isabelle Yang聯絡。

***** Community and Parents Corner 社區大小事與家長園地  *****
San Diego Chinese Art & Cultural Society will be having their annual performance on Saturday, 1/18/14.  This performance has always sold out in the past, it’s definitely worth seeing.  You can purchase tickets from the office, $15 each. Please hurry before it’s too late.  See flyer for performance detail here. 一年一度的聖地牙哥國際音樂藝術節將在一月十八日星期六晚上7點舉行。這個活動的票每年都銷售一空,是一個不可錯過的活動。有興趣參加的人請至辦公室購買,每張票價為15美元。活動詳情請看海報
<<   Parents Corner 家長與班級園地專欄  >>
This year the Community Corner and Parent Corner here also serves as a bulletin board which is open to all parents and staff at SDCA. If you have anything you want to share with others in this big family, please send your brief posting (such as sharing a good Chinese children’s book, Chinese movie/drama, class or personnel intro, baby announcement, party information, none business sales item, funny story and homework, etc.) to here.
今年本社區園地及家長與班級園地專欄也開放給學校所有師生及家長, 如果您有好消息想跟大家分享(如好的中文童書分享、中文電影戲劇介紹、班級或個人介紹、新生兒、趴替、個人拍賣物品、 或是有趣故事或孩子作業等), 請寄簡短信件至此信箱

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