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Thursday, October 3, 2013

Week 4 第四週

Parents Ninja Workout Club Kickoff !
(issued on 2013/10/03)

***** Important Dates 重要活動日期 *****
10/06/2013  Teachers-parents Meeting
       Parents Ninja Workout Club (NWC), Kickoff !!
       健人就是腳勤俱樂部正式起跑 !!
       Children’s Cultural Activities & Snack Store, Kickoff (2nd Recess 3:30pm)

***** School and Administration Office 校務、教務與註冊 *****

  1. We are looking for people who can help our school to find grants, please contact the office.徵!我們需要為學校/孩子們籌募資金,請有構思想法的您,與辦公室聯絡。
  1. We are always in need of teachers and TAs, so if you have a passion for
    teaching, please contact us. Don’t worry if you don’t have experience,
    training is available.
    當學校老師是支持子女學中文最好的方式, 家長也是最好的老師來源,假如您有興趣教中文,請和辦公室聯絡。
  1. Most classes will have teacher/parent meetings this week. Your child will have a chance to win a free museum ticket if you attend the meeting. Please remember to join the meeting so you can understand your teacher’s lesson plans.  本週大部份班級都會舉辦親師會,為鼓勵家長參與老師辦的親師會,凡參加的家長,您的小朋友可以有機會拿到免費博物館券一張。

  1. Thanks to all parents who registered online this year. Your cooperation made our first year’s online registration a big success. So far, 327 students have completed their registration this school year. We will add more features on the portal to make it easier to share real time information with everyone. For those who need payment receipts for tax purposes, please click here for instructions. See you all at pre-registration next year! 感謝所有上網註冊的家長們. 有您的合作讓我們第一年的網上註冊非常順利成功. 今年我們有327名學生完成網上報名手續. 我們將繼續努力增加 portal 的功能. 使它能更容易地與大家分享最新最快的資訊. 如果您需要印出報稅用的收據 請按此打開使用方式. 大家明年預註冊見!
  2. For those of you who missed the conference with our principal, here is the PPT file for the conference: 校方與家長座談會重點請見簡報 請向隅的家長參考.

***** SDCA Board Special Announcement 理事會 特別通知 *****
We are looking for a candidate to come on board!!!  As announced during the PTA meeting last Sunday, Nancy Lin has submitted her resignation as Board President for SDCA due to family scheduling conflicts. Celine Chen, our previous Vice President, has accepted the position of Interim President. Grace Satoda, Board President from last year, has graciously offered her assistance with Vice President duties in the meantime. If you would love to participate in school affairs and make it the best school in town, please feel free to join us (email Celine if interested)!  中華學宛需要您熱心加入理事會!林維君女士因家庭子女時間衝突,已辭退理事會長一職,現暫由副理事長王意筑女士接任,前理事會長鄭菁菁女士也義不容辭暫代副理事長任務。如果您願意和希望創造更完美的中華學宛,我們歡迎您加入跟我們一起熱血!有意願的家長請聯絡王意筑

**** PTA & Activities 家長會與活動 *****

  1. Parents Ninja Workout Club (NWC), Kickoff !! We so far have more than 40 participant parents in NWC! Please encourage your spouse to join this free exercise club!  健人就是腳勤俱樂部本週日正式起跑 !! 我們現在已有40多位家長成為健人,您加入了嗎? 一起動起來吧! 請鼓勵您的另一半一起來參加這有意義的俱樂部 一起運動健身, 完全免費唷! 簡介如下: Please email Jerry to join.   Below is a brief intro:
  • 多種運動項目小組提供您選擇(包括羽球, 棒球, 健行, 衝浪, 足球, 瑜珈 自行車...) Several clubs to join (badminton, baseball, hiking, surfing, soccer, yoga, cycling…)
  • 由您自訂目標(例如: 每周運動三十分鐘...)。You set your own goal (time, minimum 30 minutes per week)
  • 活動為期十週(10/6-12/8, 學生商店前一周結束)。10-week program (10/6 – 12/8, ends before student store week)
  • 在Google Doc Spreadsheet或其他類似工具體上記錄您的運動時間。You log your time through our Google Doc Spreadsheet or similar tool.
  • 各小組皆有一名小組長協助您安排進度達成目標。Each club has a captain to help keep track of team members’ progress and motivate them to achieve their goals.
  • 勝利的小組將得到學生商店的折價卷或各種小獎品喔! Student coupons or small prizes will be given to all the captains and the winning club members.

  1. Thank you for coming to the All Parents Meeting. For those of you who missed it, here is the PPT file for the conference: 謝謝您參加班代表會議/家長大會 會議重點請見簡報 請向隅的家長參考。

  1. Children’s Cultural Activities and Snack Store during 2nd recess. Your choice of snack plus a juice box for only $1. Please encourage your students to stop by and get some treats. Also come and play Jianzi with your friends and kids. What is Jianzi? Please see the intro at the end of this blog. 點心時間與兒童民俗體育活動! 第二節下課,我們將有好玩的踢毽子與小點心販賣的活動,自選一樣點心加果汁只要一美元,歡迎您與您的孩子前來購買。
  2. Parents Share and Learn Club (SLC) Our first Chinese Learning Software, Info Sharing, and Experience Exchange Club. Together, we can bring kids' learning Ability to the NEXT Level. Please Join This GREAT Meeting on Oct. 20th at 1:40PM.  大朋友俱樂部第一個活動將在十月二十日舉辦, 主題是 "中文學習軟體、中文學習資源經驗分享交流會".  讓所有有興趣有經驗的家長一起來分享如何引導我們的孩子提高興趣來學習中文.   活動地點在學校辨。 有興趣的請踴躍參加.   

***** Secretary/Ground Supervision 秘書組/校園巡邏 *****

  1. Once again, we want to remind everyone to not park by the curb. We are receiving complaints from many parties. We hope this will not result in anyone’s car being towed.  再次提醒大家不要在學校停車場的路邊停車。我們已經收到很多人的投訴. 我們希望這不會導致任何人的車被拖走。

***** Community and Parents Corner 社區大小事與家長園地  *****
  1. 聖地牙哥僑界於十月六日有雙十國慶慶典,詳情請看[海報]: 晚宴門票可在辦公室購買,一張$25. San Diego Chinese Community will be celebrating the 102nd Anniversary of Taiwan's National Day with morning flag raising ceremony as well as dinner banquet on Sunday 10/6/2013.  Banquet tickets can be purchased at the office and are $25 each.  Please see the flyer here for more details.
  1. 中華文化聯誼會卡拉OK舞會: 星期六, 10/12/13, 6:30-10:00pm, Poway Community Auditorium, 13094 Civic Center Drive, Poway, CA 92064, Ticket price $20 pre-order at the office (預售票價) or $25 at the door (現場票價). 
  1. 南加卅僑界敬邀聖地牙哥僑界共同參與今年十月十日舉辦的國慶文化訪問團的演出,附件為本活動邀請函,希望當日能有聖地牙哥僑胞共同參與此一精彩慶雙十的演出。Invitation from Los Angeles Chinese Community to San Diego Community to attend their Double Ten Cultural Performance.  Please see flyer for detailed information. 
  1. Kids are free in San Diego again this year in October for over 100 participating partners. Click here for details. 聖地牙哥兒童免費月活動.

Children’s Cultural Activities INTRO 兒童民俗體育活動介紹 - JIANZI 踢毽子 − 愛怎麼踢, 就怎麼踢

想試試手作毽子嗎?拿紙張或布裹個硬幣綑成一束,再剪幾刀作流蘇,便是一個簡易版的毽子。若想更專業一點,取幾支羽毛安插在圓形底座。相傳毽子是中國古代的黃帝為了訓練兵士的體魄而設計的足部運動。可別小看了毽子喲!小小的一枚毽子,踢法名稱與花樣可還真不少呢:從一腳著地、一腳踢毽的踢、拐、膝、踶、豆、勾、反、敲;到兩腳跳躍的跳、翹、踩、蹦、躍、剪。嫌不夠精彩?那麼來發揮個人創意,來個花式踢毽,愛怎麼踢,就怎麼踢!Jianzi typically has a couple of feathers fixed into a disc, but we can also make it by using paper (or cloth) with a coin. Jianzi is believed to be invented by the Yellow Emperor (2687-2598 B.C.) for military training purposes. It might be small in size, but there are unlimited variations to play this folk sport. You can kick Jiangzi with your feet, your knee, your leg…you can be creative, just keep it in the air!

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