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Thursday, September 19, 2013

Week 2 第二週  
Everyone Here? 一起來開會吧!
(issued on 2013/09/19)

***** Important Dates 重要活動日期 *****

09/22/2013  School and Parents Meeting  
09/29/2013  Room Parents Meeting and PTA Meeting

***** School and Administration Office 校務、教務與註冊 *****

  1. Conference with Principal will be held in the Community Hall at 2:30 PM this week (9/22/13).  School will introduce school events and text books as well as answering questions from parents.本週(9/22)PM2:30在Community Hall,有校方與家長座談會,將介紹學校的校務及上課教材,請家長們撥冗參加。
  2. All students attending credit class should file district required forms for Off-Campus Study with their school before district set deadline (generally end of September) to avoid losing their chance to acquire foreign language credit.學分班的學生應儘快到所屬美國高中辦理第二種語言學習申請,否則過期後無法得到中文學分的承認。今年有些學區的申請表格有變化,請學生們要注意。    
  3. Change of calendar:  SAT II Simulation test has been changed to 10/20/13.行事曆調動: 中文SAT II模擬考改為10/20/13.   
  4. The display color of our school projectors seems inaccurate and might require repair or changing bulbs.  Before going to purchase a new one, we were wondering if any parent is familiar with the projector and can help us to take a look at it first.  Thank you.學校的投影機顏色不太對,可能是燈泡壞了。不知有沒有家長能來幫忙看看是否可修,十分感激!
  5. SDCASEA 2013 Scholarship Opportunity: For high school senior, class of 2014 only.  Application deadline: 11:59pm, September 30, 2013.  For detail and application form please see here:   科工會獎學金,限高中12年級學生申請,詳情請看連結. 9/30PM11:59分截止。

***** Secretary/Ground Supervision 秘書組/校園巡邏 *****

  1. Important reminder for parking lot traffic 停車場使用的重要提醒:
Thank you for your cooperation in the first week. We will continue the rule of curbside parking—it’s for pick up and drop off only. Please do not park or wait by the curb. Additional parking available at the rear of the school .謝大家在第一週的配合,我們將繼續學生上、下車專用道的規定,請勿將您的車子停在此專用道,學校後方另設有停車場,若找不到車位的家長們,請到後方停車。  
  1. School Safety 校園安全
Please remind your children to respect all school property and rules.  請提醒您的子弟尊重愛護所有校園教室內外事物, 遵守學生守則。

**** PTA & Activities 家長會與活動 *****

  1. Snack Store during 2nd recess.  Welcome and encourage your students to stop by and get some treat.  $1 per item.  第二節下課時,我們將有小點心販賣的活動,每樣均售一元,歡迎您與您的孩子前來購買。

  1. Fun children recess events and the activities for parents will kick off from October. Stay Tuned!! SDCA has a super friendly environment and is a big family. If you have time during the class in the first few weeks in September, please spend some time to help your kids in class and get to know the school staff and other parents in the school. 有趣的兒童民俗體育活動與家長會聯誼活動將於十月起跑唷,敬請期待!! 學校是一個很友善的大家庭, 如果您開學前幾週有空,請您留在學校協助您的子女學習, 也可以多和學校的工作人員及家長聊聊唷! 
  2. Volunteers Still Needed!!  
We still need volunteers for the following positions in the new school year.  You can get service refund! Please contact us if you or your friends can help. Greatly Appreciated!
新學年學校需要您的熱心幫忙以下義工, 做義工可以申請服務退費唷, 請有興趣的家長或朋友們跟我們聯絡, 謝謝!   請郵電 Please email:
    * Teacher & TA 老師與助教
    * Room Parents 班爸班媽
    * Chairmen for children recess events  兒童民俗體育活動(踢毽子, 扯鈴等)組長
    * School Publication (and blog) Graphic Artist or Editor 學校刊物美工或編輯
    * Ground Supervision 校園巡邏

  1. Parent, please sign up for eScrips rewards!! If you grocery shop at Ralphs or Vons, you could be earning money for our school by simply registering your grocery card numbers online. The sooner you get your grocery cards registered, the more donation our school can use for the programs that benefit our kids.Here’s how to register online for each store:家長們請加入E-scrips 的回饋學校活動!如果您常在Ralphs 或 Vons購物的話,只要上網登記您的購物卡號碼就可以為我們學校募款。越早登記你的購物卡學校就得到越多捐款,對孩子的活動補助也愈多。以下是上網登記的方法:
  • RALPHS: Go to , click on “Community Contribution,” then under Participant, click on “Sign Up”. Our Ralphs ID is 83384.
  • VONS: Go to , click on “Sign Up” and follow the steps. Our eScrip ID is 140619186

***** Community and Parents Corner 社區大小事與家長園地  *****

  1. The San Diego Padres has a Chinese Culture Night at Petco Park on Saturday, September 21.  There will be more than a dozen people from SDCA family go to the ball game.  For detailed and discount information please check flyer at here:
9月21日在Petco Park, 聖地牙哥教士隊將有一個中國文化之夜。本校已有十幾位家長與孩子打算參加, 有關詳細信息與折扣,請點選上列網址。

  1. This year the Community Corner here also serves as a bulletin board which is open for all parents and staff in SDCA if you have anything wants to share with others in this big family. Please send your brief posting (such as jokes, new born baby, party information, none business sales item, and etc.) to
今年本社區園地也開放給學校所有師生及家長, 如果您有好消息或有趣的事想跟大家分享(如新生兒, 趴替,或是個人拍賣物品等), 請寄簡短信件到上面家長會信箱.

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