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Thursday, November 8, 2012

Week 10 第十週

Important Dates 重要活動日期:

11/11/12 Holiday Eat & Shop raffle tickets on sale// Donated raffle items drop-off at the Office假日美食購物活動抽獎票券銷售 //抽獎捐贈品由辦公室義工代收
11/11/12 Scrip Sale 1:30pm-4:00pm 禮券銷售
11/11/12 SDCA 25th Anniversary Logo Design Contest deadline 中華學苑25週年紀念校徽設計比賽截止日
11/18/12 Speech Contest Sign-up Deadline 演講比賽報名截止
11/18/12 Holiday Eat & Shop Event (2:00pm-4:00pm) 假日美食搓湯圓活動

Administration Office 教務組:

1. This week (11/11/12) there is class Chinese Writing Contest. 本週日有班級寫字比賽

2. Parents, please encourage your child to sign-up with school-wide Speech Contest. This year students can participate in both the Speech Contest and Poetry Recitation Contest. Being able to confidently express oneself in front of a large audience is an important skill that will carry your child a long way in his/her life. As with any other skill, public speaking takes practice. Our school offers many opportunities that allow our students to practice and sharpen this type of skills. And we encourage all students to participate. Speech contest details and tips can be downloaded from our website at 家長們, 請鼓勵你的孩子參加學校的演講比賽。今年的學生可以都參加演講和詩詞朗誦兩種比賽。能夠自信地在觀眾面前表達自己,是一項重要的技能,這將會影響您的孩子未來的生活。就如同其它的技巧一樣,公眾演講也需要練習。我們的學校提供了很多機會來讓我們的學生練習和加強這種技能。我們鼓勵所有的學生都參加。演講比賽的細節和提示可以從我們的網站下載。請點擊以上鏈接。

PTA 家長會

1. Holiday Eat and Shop Event will be on 11/18/2012 (2-4pm) at the courtyard outside Teacher's Office. We will prepare traditional "Rice Ball Soup" (Complimentary soup for all), and have raffles for everyone to try your luck. Please join us for a delicious and entertaining afternoon. For the more adventurous parents, we invite you to come and help us make the rice balls. We will start making rice balls at 1:30pm, and soup base will be ready shortly after. 年度假日美食搓湯圓活動將于11月18日下午2點到4點在教師辦公室外的庭院舉行。我們將準備好傳統美食湯圓與大家分享,並且舉行抽獎活動,請大家都來試試你的運氣。請加入我們這個美味又好玩的活動。有興趣的家長,還可以和我們一起來搓湯圓。搓湯圓1:30pm開始,湯底則是加熱後隨即準備好給大家。 

2. Raffle ticket is on sale at Teacher’s Office. Please stop by the Office to purchase tickets or contact your Room Parents. Ticket price is $2.50/per ticket at door. Pre-event discount price is $10.00 for 5 tickets. This is a school-wide fund raising activity, all present and ex-SDCA families are welcomed. Please help us pass the news. Thank you! 抽獎票券現在正在辦公室銷售中,請到辦公室購買或是和你的班代表聯絡。當天購票的價格為每張票$2.50。活動前的預售折扣價是五張$ 10.00。這是一個全校性募款活動,所有目前和以前SDCA學生家庭都歡迎來一起同樂。請把這個消息告訴你的親朋好友們。謝謝!

3. During our Holiday Eat & Shop event, parent volunteers will serve delicious rice ball soup for the whole school. The Rice Ball Soup ingredients have been posted on our website at: If your child has some types of food allergies, we recommend that you stay with your child during the event. The soup will be served during recesses. It will be difficult for teachers or the parent volunteers to check every student for allergy concerns. Thanks for your understanding and cooperation. 在我們的假日美食活動中,義工家長將為全校提供美味的湯圓。湯圓和湯底成分已經在網站上公告,請點擊以上鏈接。如果您的孩子有某些類型的食物過敏,我們建議你在活動時留在你的孩子身邊。湯圓將在休息時間發放給學生和老師享用。老師或義工家長無法檢查每一個學生的過敏情況。謝謝您的理解和合作。

4. If you like to try Rice Ball Soup with your kids at home, please click following link for dough recipe. 如果你想嘗試與您的孩子在家裏作湯圓,請點擊以上鏈接 印一份麵團配方. 

5. PTA is still collecting gift donations for the raffle. It is time to clean your closet and bring out those unused gifts and put them in good use! Your gifts may bring smiles to the other families. Our school is a non-profit organization so your donation is tax deductible. You can drop off your donation items with the Office Volunteer. Thank you! 家長會現在正積極的在收集抽獎活動的捐贈物品。現在是清理您的家裏,把那些未曾使用過的禮物捐出來好好地利用的時候了!您的禮物可能會讓其他的家庭高興起來。我們的學校是一個非盈利組織,您的捐贈是可抵稅的。您可以把捐贈物品交給辦公室的執勤義工代收。謝謝!

Publishing 出版組

1. To celebrate SDCA’s 25th anniversary, we will be printing some special anniversary gift items to give to students and guests. The items to be ordered will be draw strings bags and thermos. We are having a SDCA 25th Anniversary Logo Design Contest to choose the winning logo that will be printed on these special gift items. Please click following link for more information: Please encourage your children to utilize their creativity and enter this contest. 為了慶祝SDCA的25週年紀念,我們將送一些紀念品給學生和來賓。紀念品是拉線背袋和熱水瓶。我們現在正在進行25週年紀念校徽設計比賽,得獎的設計將印在這些紀念品上。請點擊以上鏈接列印比賽細節。請鼓勵你的孩子使用他們的創作力來參加這個比賽。

2. Student Directory will be published in November. Each SDCA family and staffs will receive a copy. Advertising spaces are available in the Student Directory. Please click following link for details . Seize this opportunity to advertise your business and support SDCA! Interested parties please contact Yenni Liang at 學生目錄將於11月出版。中華學苑的每個家庭和每位教務人員都將收到一份目錄。學生目錄裏的廣告開始接受刊登申請,請點擊以上鏈接列印傳單。抓住這個機會刊登您的廣告,並支持中華學苑!有興趣的朋友請聯繫出版總編梁莉萍。

Scrip Sales 禮券組

1. The scrip team will be having their monthly scrip sale in the office from 1:30 pm to 4:00 pm this Sunday (11/11/2012). We have added some more merchants to our line of gift cards such as Jamba Juice, Starbucks, iTunes, Bath and Body Works, Macy’s, Chipotle Mexican Grill, Regal Entertainment Group and Gap/Banana Republic/Old Navy. These are in addition to our regular merchants. Please come visit us at the table and get your holiday shopping started early. 禮卷組這個星期日下午1:30到4:00 在學校辦公室販售禮卷, 除了往常有的禮券, 我們這次增加了許多新的商家,例如:Jamba Juice, Starbucks, iTunes, Bath and Body Works, Macy’s, Chipotle Mexican Grill, Regal Entertainment Group and Gap/Banana Republic/Old Navy. 趁這個機會,把年終假期時需要送禮的親朋好友們都打點好吧!

2.Service Fee refund ($60) will start at next Scrip Sales Day (12/09/12). Please remember to turn in your refund request form if you had fulfilled your duty of this year. 本年度家長服務退費(60元) 將於下一次禮券銷售日開始退費(12 月9日)。如果您已經完成您今年的工作, 請記得交出您的退費申請表

Community Corner 社區園地

North County Chinese School will host a karaoke party on 12/8. Tickets are on sale at the Office. $10/per ticket. Interested parents please stop by the office to purchase from parent volunteer. 北郡中文學校將在 12/8 舉辦一個卡拉OK 大會. 入場票現在正在辦公室銷售中. 每張$10. 有興趣的人請到辦公室向家長義工購買.

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