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Thursday, September 21, 2017

2017 9/24 week 3: 家長會聯誼活動起跑!!

9-24-2017第三週:  家長會聯誼活動起跑!!
9-24-2017 Week 3: PTA Parent Activity Starting

!!  請注意 !!  Attention !!
La Jolla Country Day School 通知中華學苑,星期天 Genesee 的停車場會暫時關閉施工,所以我們要改用位於 Eastgate Mall 的停車場。這個星期天 (9/24)要在 Eastgate Mall 的停車場接送小孩及停車。
The Genesee parking lot will be closed for concrete work during weekend. Please drop off/pick up your kids at Eastgate Mall parking lots on Sunday (9/24).  Thanks!

************!!!        重要活動日期   Mark Your Calendars       !!! ************

1. 9/24/2017:      學分班報名及轉班截止
                              Last Day of Credit Class Registration and Class Change  

             家長會瑜珈課程介紹班 1:45-2:45pm at room MS112
                              Come meet our yoga instructors (SDCA parent, too!!)

                              Credit Class Parents Meeting at 2:40 pm in our Community Hall.
             學分班家長務必參加第二週的學分班說明會,請在2:40pm 到大堂,
                              Credit Class parents, please make sure you attend this very important
                              Credit Class Parents’ Meeting.

             慶祝教師節 Celebrating Teacher’s day
                              9/28 Happy Teacher’s Day ( 孔子誕辰日 Confucius Day )
                              To SDCA teachers from SDCA  PTA!

!!  請注意 !!  Attention !!
學分班的學生應儘快到所屬美國高中辦理第二種語言學習申請,否則過期後無法得到中文學分的承認。每年學區的申請表格都可能有變化, 請學生們注意。
All students attending credit class should file district required forms for Off-Campus Study with their school before district set deadline (generally end of September) to avoid losing their chance to acquire foreign language credit.
凡就讀美國高中十年級以上的學生,若需要考中文SAT II, 請家長在九月底以前,自行上網至 查明考試日期並做網上報名。SAT II 一年只舉辦一次,請家長提醒學生切勿錯過報名時間。For students attending 10th grade and above who wish to take the Chinese SAT II test, please go to to find out testing date and registration information.  This test only takes place once a year, so please remember to register before the end of September or you will have to wait until next year.  

2. 10/01/2017:      校方/家長座談會 Conference with Principal
                                will be held in the Community Hall at 2:00 pm.
              有校務簡介及教材介紹。School will introduce school events and
textbooks as well as answering questions from parents.  

              班代表會議  Room Parent Meeting,
                                Back to School Room parent meeting @ Community Hall, 2:30pm
您。我們學校就是一個大家庭, 有您投入時間和愛,我們的
                                Room parent is the most vital link between the school, PTA, and your
class. Our school relies on parent volunteers to function and thrive.  
Your assistance will most definitely have a direct positive impact on
your child’s experience at our school.  Thank you.

              健康講座及飲品示範教學  Health Seminar & Smoothies Demo
                                @ Community Hall from 3:00 to 4:30pm
              今年家長會第一次的講座很榮幸再度邀請到營養師 Isabelle
                                We are honored to welcome Isabelle again to share some useful tips
on how to eat well and maintain our health. For details please see
below link.
                        Discover the Top 3 secrets to breaking through Fatigue, Fat, Foggy Brain

              禮券售賣 Scrip Sale at the SDCA office

3. 10/8/2017:       退費截止、轉班截止  Deadline for tuition refund/class transfer

4. 10/15/2017:     教務研討會議  Teacher’s meeting

***********!!!        獎學金計畫    Scholarship Opportunity        !!! ************

所有住在聖地牙哥,在中華學苑就讀十二年級的學生, 聖地牙哥中華科工聯誼會獎學金正在接受報名,報名截止日是二零一七年九月二十六日
Calling all 12th grade students of SDCA!!!  San Diego Chinese American Science and Engineering Association- SDCASEA Scholarship is now open for application, with deadline as September 26, 2017.
Please note there is a new criteria that
"one of the parents or grandparents of applicants is originally from Taiwan".

報名表格請看以下的連結 Please see following link for Application Form  

*************!!!        社區園地   Community Corner        !!! ***************

如果你有自己的 business,或是你的雇主想推展業務,請考慮在中華學苑的網站、每周的 blog、或是年刊上刊登廣告。我們的價錢非常低廉公道,學校的家長也都很樂意支持我們的廣告商喔!請看下面的連結以得知更多訊息及定價。
If you have a small business or your employer wants to promote their business, please consider advertising on our website, weekly blog, or yearbook. Our pricing is very competitive and can easily reach out to more than 350 families. Please refer to the below link for more information and pricing. Thank you for your support!  

來自孫校長的短信  Text Messages From Mrs. Sun
Text this message: @sdcaparent to this number: 81010
This is used for the principal to send out regular reminders, last minute updates, and in the event of an emergency. This is a great way that you won’t miss important information from school.

Shop AmazonSmile and Earn Money for SDCA 並登錄您的Amazon帳戶
選擇San Diego Chinese Academy當成是您支持的非營利組織以後每次Amazon購物都到
Visit and login with your existing Amazon account.
Choose San Diego Chinese Academy as your charity when prompted.
Bookmark or point your browser to every time you shop.

**************!!!         家長會與活動   PTA Announcement   !!!      ***************

Big thank you to those who have volunteered to be the room parent this year. Your effort and dedication makes a huge difference in your children’s classes. Our teachers will be able to communicate to all the parents more effectively with your help.   

家長會活動  PTA events
家長會聯誼活動將於九月中起跑唷敬請期待!! 學校是一個很友善的大家庭而家長會的活動最主要的目的也是讓每個如果您開學前幾週有空請您留在學校協助您的子女學習也可以多和學校的工作人員及家長聊聊唷!
Stay tuned for announcements about our exciting events this year.  We will continue the Parent Exercise Club, Student recess snack, Seminars, Fall Festival, Chinese New Year and many more fun and educational events for your whole family.

9月24號 家長會瑜珈課程介紹班
1:45-2:45pm at room MS112 來認識新的瑜珈老師!
這星期天來註冊瑜伽課。 十節課美金八十元,或者每節課支付美金九元。十月一日(第四週)前, 必須有六人才開班。Sign up for yoga this Sunday.  $80 for 10 lessons or to pay $9 per lesson. Need minimum 6 people to start classes on Sunday, 10/1.

家長會義工  Volunteers Needed
新學年學校需要您的熱心幫忙以下義工請有興趣的家長或朋友們跟我們聯絡謝謝!  請郵電
We still need volunteers for the following positions in the new school year.  Please contact us if you have not submitted your preference!  Your help would be a big contribution to our school. Please email:  
班爸班媽 Room Parents
學分班家長攝影 Credit Class photographer
比賽服務組(演講, 朗誦) Contest Assistance Committee
辦公室執勤 Office duty
校園糾察 Ground Supervision
家長會部落格 PTA blog
假如您還沒訂閱家長會部落格,請到 訂閱, 這樣您便能收到有關學校的最新消息。
If you have not subscribed to the PTA blog, please do so at , this way, you can receive the most updated information about school happenings.

家長休息室  Parent Lounge
感謝學校今年大方的提供 MS 104 當作家長休息室, 和其他教室一樣,請家長們嚴格遵守規定-不隨意更動教室佈置及桌椅,不在教室内吃喝及自行把垃圾帶出教室丟入室外的大垃圾桶,謝謝您的合作!
This year we have a parent lounge in Room MS 104.  Please DO NOT change the classroom setting,  DO NOT have food and beverage in the room and please also take your trash outside. Thank you for your cooperation !

**************!!!      註冊及校務   School Administration       !!! **************

任何校務請到辦公室洽詢  ~ Please visit School Office for any School Business~  

Parents and teacher conference will be held in each classroom. Time will be set by each teacher.
Teachers will introduce their own teaching plans and activities for this year.  Please make sure to attend the conference when you receive the notice from your teacher(s).
停車場使用須知  Important reminder for parking lot traffic
為了您與孩子們的安全,進入停車場請放慢駕駛速度.  提醒您請先把車停在停車格上, 再一同與孩子們前往教室。校方規劃的黃、白線區,僅提供學生上、下車使用,其餘時間, 請勿將您的車子停在此專用道,沒有例外。謝謝您的配合遵守,以做為孩子們的好榜樣。Please watch your speed while driving in the parking lot. For you and our children’s safety, the curbside right in front of the school building is for drop-off and pick-up only. Please park your car in the marked parking spaces. Please do not park or wait by the curb. No Exceptions. Your cooperation is much appreciated.   
學校後側也設有停車場。Additional parking is available at the rear of the school.

校園安全  Campus Safety
請提醒您的子弟尊重愛護所有校園教室內外事物, 遵守學生守則, 及新的資源回收規則。
Please continue to remind your children to respect all school property and rules and follow the new recycling policy at LJCDS campus.
請勿使用或玩電梯。電梯僅供老師使用。Do not play with or use the elevator. The elevator is for teacher use only.
The playground located in front of the kindergarten/preschool classes is designed for
kindergarten/preschool students only.  Other students are forbidden to use that facility.
校方不提供點心和水, 請家長自己為孩子們準備點心和水。中華學苑家長會準備了小點心販賣,每一份一元,包括了一包小吃和ㄧ個飲料,只在二節課後的休息時間於學校中間的草地旁,希望可以提供家長一些小幫忙。
School does not provide snack, please prepare snack and water for your students. Optional snacks and beverages are available for purchase during the second recess (between 3:20 and 3:40 pm) at the MS courtyard.
Parents please pick up your child(ren) promptly after school and leave the classroom so that the janitor can begin to clean the classroom. There is only one janitor and he alone must clean more than 30 classrooms by 6 PM. This is a difficult task and we ask for the parents’ support and cooperation in this.  If you need to speak to the teacher, we welcome you and your teacher to come use the office.bThank you for your support and assistance in this manner. For younger students please make the pick up at the classroom location.  We appreciate your cooperation.
For emergency contact during school hours, please call SDCA cell phone: 858-205-7322.
*************!!!         校外活動   Extracurricular        !!! ***************

雙十國慶  Double Ten Celebration
Come join the One Hundred and Third National Day Celebration events for Republic of China (Taiwan) on Saturday, October 7th, 2017 @ 10:00am at San Diego Chinese School, 507 Ruffin Road, Suite A, San Diego, CA 92123.
世大運閉幕典禮表演團隊「九天民俗技藝團」是本年僑務委員會特遴派的國慶文化訪問團,將於105日(星期四)19:00Joan  B  Kroc  Theatre(地址:6611  University  Ave.,  San  Diego,  CA  92115)公演,以宣慰僑胞。
該演出千載難逢,不容錯過。票券事宜,請至 SDCA office 購買或查詢。
For the National Day of the Republic of China (Taiwan), Overseas Community Affairs Council invited Chio-Tian Folk Drums & Arts Troupe as this year’s Taiwanese Culture Goodwill Mission Troupe.  They are one of the performers for the Closing Ceremony at the XXIX Summer Universiade held in Taipei.  The Troupe will have a public performance on Thursday October 5, 6:00pm, at Joan B Kroc Theatre (address: 6611 University Ave., San Diego, CA 92115) to gratify the overseas Chinese.
The theme of this tour is 「鼓鳴旗飛慶雙十」to celebrate the “Double Ten” National Day with contents rich of Taiwanese culture.  Chio-Tian Folk Drums & Arts Troupe will perform a series of specially planned programs including 「神仙祈福」、「氣吞天下」、「官將首」、「金鼓喧天‧旗開得勝」、「歡喜神童」and「御天戰鼓」.  Through the professional and innovative theatrical techniques, these performances based on the traditional tale of the temples will bring the audience the utmost abundant visual and auditory feast.
This show is a must for our heritage.  Do not miss this splendid performance.  Please visit the SDCA office for tickets or questions.

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