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Thursday, May 2, 2013

Week 29 第二十九週

Important Dates 重要活動日期: 

5/5 Last day of on-site registration for school year 2013-2014 & open House 現場報名註冊
5/5 Award Ceremony 校內頒獎
5/5 2nd Semester Final 下學期期末考
5/12 Mother’s Day - No School 母親節不上課
5/19 Graduation/Awards/Closing Ceremony 畢業/頒獎/結業典禮

Administration Office 教務組:

1. On 5/5 we will have an Award Ceremony at 4pm at the outdoor amphitheater. Award trophies will be presented to Speech Contest and Poetry Recitation Contest winners. Please refer to previous weekly announcements for winners list. Parents are welcome to cheer on and take photos. 於 5/5 下午 4:00 在露天劇場有校內頒獎典禮.項目包括演講比賽和詩詞朗誦比賽,歡迎家長們來照相。

2. 5/5 is our last day of on-site registration. Our Registration Team will be in the office helping with online registration and collecting payments. Pre-registration Information and Reminder had been distributed to all current families. You’ll need to register and make payment by 5/31 to get the $50 registration fee waived. If you missed the invitation email that was sent on 4/15, please email to to request another one. Current families must register through the link that is provided in your invitation email. Do NOT click on the link for new students to avoid data duplication or confusion in the system. Please contact Sara Chang at 858-361-5288 if you have any questions. Your attention and cooperation will be highly appreciated. 5月5日是現場報名的最後一天。我們的註冊組會在辦公室裡幫助您上網報名和收款。您必需要在5/31付清學費才能免收50美元註冊費。您若沒留意或沒收到網上註冊的邀請電郵, 請聯絡 舊生請不要去新生的註冊連結註冊, 因為這樣會導致系統內的資料重複或混淆. 請舊生透過 發出的邀請電郵註冊. 若有任何問題, 請與張祥858-361-5288連絡. 我們非常感謝您的合作。

3. 5/5 is 2nd semester final. Please remind your child to prepare for it. Afterwards, it is party time for many classes. It is also a good time to reflect on the school year and express appreciation to those who deserve it. First of all, our families deserve a pat on the back. Without you, the committed parents and students, our school won’t exist. Appreciation also goes to our teachers! Overseas Chinese education is not an easy endeavor. We don’t have our own school facility, our teachers do not have benefit package. What they have are love for students and passion for teaching. To use a popular commercial phrase: summer all-day teacher meeting, $35; weekly class preparation, $0; seeing her students strive in Chinese, PRICELESS. Let’s all take the opportunity to say, thank you, to our teachers! 五月五日有下學期期末考,請家長們提醒貴子弟復習功課。之後各班會有年終派對。這也是一個總結和表達感謝的好時機。首先,要感謝所有的家長和同學們。 沒有你們,就沒有中華學苑! 還要感謝老師們!海外華文教育是一項任重道遠的工作。我們沒有自己的學校設施,我們的教師沒有福利計劃。她們有的是對學生的愛和對教學工作的執著。套用一句流行的商業語:暑假全天教務會議,$35; 每週的課前準備,$0; 看到她的學生努力學中文, 無價。 讓我們都藉此機會說: 謝謝老師, 您辛苦了!

4. Please return any books you borrowed to the library as soon as possible. Our library will be closed after this week. Thank you for your cooperation. 請盡快歸還你向圖書館借的書籍。我們的圖書館將於本週後關閉。謝謝您的合作。

PTA 家長會:

1. We are selling Teacher’s Appreciation Dinner tickets right now. Ticket price is $30/adult & $20/student per ticket. This is a great chance to dine with your teachers and show your appreciation for their hard work this year. The party will take place at China Max Restaurant from 5:30 to 7:30 pm on 5/19 (after the Graduation Ceremony). To purchase tickets, please come to the Office. Parents of TA/spouse of teacher or staff/kids under 5 years old can get a discount of $5 off sale price. Please join us for a FUN night! Click following link to view party details: . 我們現在開始銷售謝師晚宴的門票。門票價格為$30/成人票, $20/學生票。這是一個與孩子的老師一起用餐的機會,我們感謝他們一年來的辛勤工作。晚宴將於5/19日下午5:30到下午7:30(畢業典禮後)在富臨海鮮酒家舉行。購買門票請到辦公室。 助教的父母/教職員配偶/五歲以下的小孩可以有5美元的折扣。讓我們和老師們一起有一個快樂的夜晚! 請點擊以上鏈接瀏覽晚宴細節. 

2. Besides the delicious dinner for our teachers, the PTA and the Board of Directors want to thank all parents who donated gifts for the raffles at the party. If you like to donate any items, you may drop them off at the Office with our Office Volunteer this Sunday. Or you can email PTA at Thank you! 除了美味的晚餐招待我們的教師之外,PTA和理事會要感謝所有捐贈禮物給抽獎活動的家長們。如果你還想捐贈物品,你可以在這個星期天把禮物交給辦公室的值勤義工。或是和家長會連繫謝謝你! 

Scrip Sales 禮券組

1. The scrip team will be having their Scrip Sale Day in the office on 4/28, 5/5, 5/19. 禮卷組將在4/28, 5/5, 5/19在學校辦公室販售禮卷。

2. Please remember to pick up your service fee refund ($60) this Sunday if you had fulfilled your duty of this year. 如果您已經完成您今年的工作, 請記得來辦公室領取你的服務退費 ($60)。 

Activity 活動組

1. 5/19 will be our school’s Graduation Ceremony, We need 5~10 volunteers to help out with the set-ups and clean-ups of Graduation Ceremony. This will be a great opportunity for your kids to earn the credit for community services. Please contact Activity Director Kang Lei at if you have any question. 5月19日是我們學校的畢業典禮。活動組需要5到10位義工來幫助會場佈置與结束後的清潔工作。這是一個讓您的孩子獲取社區服務學分的好機會。如果您有任何問題,請聯繫活動組理事康蕾。

2. Two shifts are needed for the Graduation Ceremony: 畢業典禮的佈置與善後將分成兩班:
  • First Shift (12:30 PM-1:30 PM, 3-6 volunteers needed) - The duties: set-up the tables, decorate the stage, put up the seating signs, set up the greeting table for VIP check-ins, set up the sounding system for the ceremony. 第一班(中午12:30到1:30, 需要3到6位義工) - 主要的職責是:擺設桌子,佈置舞台,放置座位標誌,放置貴賓簽到桌,以及幫助組裝舞台影響。
  • Second Shift (4:30 PM-5:10 PM, depends on the time ceremony ends, 2-4 volunteers needed) - The duties: clean-up the area, put away the decorations, put away the tables, signs and sounding systems. 第二班 (4:30 到5:10, 具體時間取決於典禮結束時間,需要2到4位義工) - 職責包括:整理清潔舞台區域,歸置舞台佈置用品,收好桌子,座位標誌,以及舞台音響。
If you are interested in this volunteer opportunity, please contact activity team at or stop by the Office to sign-up. Thank you! 如果您有興趣為畢業典禮貢獻一份力量的話,請發郵件聯繫活動組,或者到辦公室報名。感謝您!

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