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Friday, March 11, 2016

3-13-2016 Week 22:  Join the Board!
3-13-2016 第二十二週: 理事會需要你

****!!!        Mark Your Calendars  重要活動日期      !!! ****
1.   3/13/2016:   Daylight Savings Time Starts
SAT II Chinese Simulation Test
中文SAT II模擬考雙語班口試
Second Semester Midterm Exam
Bilingual Class Oral Test
2. 3/20/2016: Poetry Recitation Contest (1)
詩詞朗誦比賽 (1)
3. 4/03/2016: Poetry Recitation Contest (2)
詩詞朗誦比賽 (2)

****!!!        Board of Directors Nomination  理事提名  !!!      ****
CONSIDER JOINING THE BOARD!  The SDCA Board is the governing body of the school and is comprised of nine elected parent representatives.  It oversees the school administration & operation, and serves as the bridge between students, staff, and parents. The Board is looking for individuals who enjoy volunteering in a fun and collaborative environment.  There is no better way to show your students the importance of Chinese language study than taking an active role in the school! If you are interested, we would love to hear from you and provide more detailed information. Please email or stop by the office. Thank you for considering!

****!!!         Administration  校務  !!!      ****
Interested in Teaching or Know someone who is?
Our school continues to grow and we always need teachers, if you are interested in becoming a teacher or know someone who would be a great teacher please get in touch with the office administration team. 學校繼續在成長,我們需要老師,假如您有興趣教書或認識合適的教師人選,請跟校方聯絡。

Broken Rule! We received a complaint from our landlord school, LJCDS. Items were missing and misplaced in a classroom.  Parents please help us to remind your student(s) of our classroom rules:
  • Do not touch anything in the classroom that does not belong to you or without teacher expressive permission
  • Do not eat or drink in the classroom
  • Do not leave trash in the classroom, including the indoor trash bin. This is an expressive rule from LJCDS to avoid ant issues
We are grateful to have such a beautiful learning environment. Let’s all keep it up. Parents, if you see any behavior in the classroom or on the campus that breaks our rules, please help us to enforce it.

****!!!         PTA Announcement  家長會與活動  !!!      ****


Yoga class on SDCA campus
Our SDCA parent Celine Chen, a certified yoga instructor,  is offering a series of Yoga classes for the parents while your students are in their Chinese classes.   Contact if you are interested.      

嶄新的 2016,正是開始鍛鍊身體的好時機!九週的課程讓你體驗瑜伽的魔力!   孩子們努力學習,爸爸媽媽們把握當下,擁有健康就在現在!

Advertise in SDCA yearbook
Do you or someone you know have a business? For as low as $25, you can advertise in our yearbook! With 350+ students and their families/friends, your ads will reach a wide audience as well as support our school. Interested parties please contact for details.

Volunteers Needed  家長會義工:
If you have not yet been assigned a volunteer service and would like to help, please email We still have the following positions till end of the school year:
  1. Ground Supervision:  5 weeks starting 3/6, 5 weeks starting
  2. Student Store/Graduation Setup.
如果你還沒有被安排到義工職位而且還願意在學校幫忙, 請務必通知家長會, 我們還有許多地方需要各位家長的同工.  

****!!!         Community Corner  社區園地       !!! ****

In Loving Memory! Thanks to all the SDCA teachers and parents who had attended Monday’s funeral service of Mr. Law, and showed support to Principal Showlin. We will have the sign-in book in the office again this Sunday, 3/13. Please stop by to write down your support to Principal Showlin.

There is a community gathering and commemorative speech this Saturday to celebrate the 150th birthday of Dr. Sun Yat-sen, founding father of the Republic of China. This is a free event with refreshment. See below flyer for details.

Summer camp/volunteer opportunities in Taiwan for 14 to 18 year olds. Please see below flyer. If you need English translation please consult with the office.


1984年3月4日炸”日本的第一人徐升逝世 - 徐升,(1906年—1984年3月4日)上海市崇明人。江醫學院肄,黃埔校第四期、中央航空學校第一期畢業. 初任筧橋中央航校教官、蔣介石座機副駕駛、分隊長、中隊長,1938年任空第十四隊隊長. 1937年12月,南京失陷,震驚中外的南京大屠殺爆發。 當,有人要求去炸日本,血。國民政府最高當局最後決定日本“政治空”,以此來警告日本當局。次空不投炸,只投“紙彈”,期望以仁精神醒日本國民,共同粉碎軍閥黷武迷夢, 並告日本當局,中國空軍完全有能力攻擊日本本土。出發前,徐煥升:我死則國生!1938年5月20日,徐煥升率領的機組攜帶百萬份傳單自寧波出海後先轉向南,然後向日本九州島飛行,目是九州、崎、福等城市。當機高度降至3500米,一份份傳單像白色的炸彈一樣從艙板下的方形射擊孔投出,紛紛揚揚地飄向日本的領土, 黎明前機組勝利返航。這是中國空軍第一次跨國境任務。此舉不單轟動全中國,也上了英美新聞,美國報章更登出日機在中國狂轟濫炸的相片作為比較。中國空軍“轟炸”日本本土極大地鼓舞了全國人民的士氣。參與行動的飛行員徐煥升,佟博受到來自全國各界的慰問和讚揚。徐升此後歷任國民政府第六重轟炸大隊大隊長、八大隊大隊長、中美空軍第五混合團(即第五大隊)副司令、蘭州(第三軍區)與地區司令、聯隊長、空軍總部署長,國防部總務局長、駐蘇武官。1949年赴台,歷任蔣介石侍從室主任,空軍總部主任、參謀長、副司令等,1963年接任空軍總司令,四年後卸任,後任中航空公司董事、國民黨中央評議。1984年3月4日病逝於台北。In December 1937, Nanking felled into the hands of the Japanese Imperial Army, and it marked the start of 6 weeks of killing, looting, and raping in what is known as the Nanking Massacre. At the same time, there had been strong voice among Chinese to revenge. The Republic of China government finally decided on a peaceful “paper bombing” flight mission, in hopes of raising international awareness of Japanese army atrocities and warning Japanese government of Chinese air force capabilities. The mission leader was Capt. Hsu Huan-sheng, squadron leader of the 14th Squadron. On May 20, 1938, two B-10 (pilots Hsu Huan-sheng and Tong Yanbo) and one supporting He 111A (pilot Chen Yifan) bombers of Chinese Air Force took off from Hankou, Hubei Province, China for a leaflet mission over Kumamoto, Fukuoka, and other southern Japanese cities. They dropped millions of copies of leaflets that detailed atrocities committed by Japanese troops in China. This was Chinese Air Force's first mission over foreign territory. All three aircraft evaded Japanese air defenses and returned to Hankou safely in the following morning. After the heroic and successful mission, Capt. Hsu continued his career in the ROC air force, and eventually served as the ROC Air Force Commander. He passed away on March 4, 1984 due to illness in Taipei.   

1782年3月12日 《四庫全書》編成 - 1773年(乾隆三十八年)開設四庫館,四庫館員先後總計達4186人。歷時10年,所輯的書籍按照經、史、子、集四部排列,共收書3457 種,79070卷;另有存目書6766 種,93556卷。第一部《四庫全書》於1782年3月12日(乾隆四十七年正月二十九日)繕寫告成。後又繕寫了6部,分儲在紫禁城文淵閣、圓明園文源閣、盛京文淵閣、避暑山莊文津閣、鎮江文宗閣、揚州文匯閣和杭州文瀾閣,另有副本一部藏於北京翰林院。歷經太平天國, 鴉片戰爭, 抗日戰爭,及國共戰,現存4部分別藏於北京,台北,蘭州,和杭州。全書包羅宏大,豐富港翰,是中國古代政治、思想、文化遺的總彙。The Siku Quanshu, variously translated as the Complete Library in Four Sections, Imperial Collection of Four, Emperor's Four Treasuries, Complete Library in Four Branches of Literature, or Complete Library of the Four Treasuries, is the largest collection of books in Chinese history. During the height of the Qing dynasty in the 18th century, the Qianlong Emperor commissioned the Siku Quanshu to demonstrate that the Qing dynasty could surpass the Ming dynasty's 1403 Yongle Encyclopedia, which was the world's largest encyclopedia at the time. The editorial board included 361 scholars. They began compilation in 1773 and completed it in 1782. The editors collected and annotated over 10,000 manuscripts from the imperial collections and other libraries, and selected 3,461 titles, or works, for inclusion into the Siku Quanshu. They were bound in 36,381 volumes () with more than 79,000 chapters (), comprising about 2.3 million pages, and approximately 800 million Chinese characters. Scribes copied every word by hand. Four copies for the emperor were placed in specially constructed libraries in the Forbidden City, Old Summer Palace, Shenyang, and Wenjin Chamber, Chengde. Three additional copies for the public were deposited in Siku Quanshu libraries in Hangzhou, Zhenjiang, and Yangzhou. The Siku Quanshu copies kept in Zhenjiang and Yangzhou were destroyed during the Taiping Rebellion. In 1860, during the Second Opium War, an Anglo-French expedition force burned most of the copy kept at the Old Summer Palace. The four remaining copies suffered some damage during the Second Sino-Japanese War. Today, the four remaining copies are kept at the National Library of China in Beijing, the National Palace Museum in Taipei, the Gansu Library in Lanzhou, and the Zhejiang Library in Hangzhou.

1925312 中山於北京逝世 - 1925312日上午930分,中民國與中國國民黨的造者中山先生,因患肝癌醫治無效,在北京鐵獅子胡同5號行逝世,59 臨終前,他的最後一句是:和平、鬥、救中國。” 319日, 和醫院向中央公園移靈,沿途立十幾萬人,到是花圈、輓。送殯隊伍壯,前面有300名警保人開路,接著是大的軍樂隊 之後是幾萬名各界代表,接著是全副武裝的護衛隊伍,隨後是外國駐華代表、隨和旅人士,後面是屬百餘人。從324日至27受吊之期。 數十萬人前往中央公園公祭中山,以表達人念之情。30日, 312日至31日,治喪處收到花圈7000多個,輓、挽幅500餘種。 弔唁名者達74萬多人,同接待的其他弔唁者共200萬人。On March 12, 1925, Chinese revolutionary, first president and founding father of the Republic of China, Dr. Sun Yat-sen, passed away in Beijing due to liver cancer. His passing away was moaned by Chinese worldwide. Between March 12 and March 31, an estimated two million people had come to pay respect to him in Beijing. A mausoleum was built and completed in 1929. On 1 June 1929, Sun's remains were relocated from Beijing and buried in Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum in Nanjing.


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