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Friday, March 4, 2016

3-06-2016 Week 21:  Scrip Sale!
3-06-2016 第二十一週:  賣禮券了!

****!!!        Mark Your Calendars  重要活動日期      !!! ****
1.   3/06/2016:   Drawing for the Poetry Recitation Contest order
Scrips Selling
2.   3/13/2016:   SAT II Chinese Simulation Test
中文SAT II模擬考雙語班口試
Second Semester Midterm Exam
Bilingual Class Oral Test
3. 3/20/2016: Poetry Recitation Contest (1)
詩詞朗誦比賽 (1)
4. 4/03/2016: Poetry Recitation Contest (2)
詩詞朗誦比賽 (2)

****!!!        Board of Directors Nomination  理事提名  !!!      ****
CONSIDER JOINING THE BOARD!  The SDCA Board is the governing body of the school and is comprised of nine elected parent representatives.  It oversees the school administration & operation, and serves as the bridge between students, staff, and parents. The Board is looking for individuals who enjoy volunteering in a fun and collaborative environment.  There is no better way to show your students the importance of Chinese language study than taking an active role in the school! If you are interested, we would love to hear from you and provide more detailed information. Please email or stop by the office. Thank you for considering!

****!!!         Administration  校務  !!!      ****
Broken Rule! We received a complaint from our landlord school, LJCDS. Items were missing and misplaced in a classroom.  Parents please help us to remind your student(s) of our classroom rules:
  • Do not touch anything in the classroom that does not belong to you or without teacher expressive permission
  • Do not eat or drink in the classroom
  • Do not leave trash in the classroom, including the indoor trash bin. This is an expressive rule from LJCDS to avoid ant issues
We are grateful to have such a beautiful learning environment. Let’s all keep it up. Parents, if you see any behavior in the classroom or on the campus that breaks our rules, please help us to enforce it.

****!!!         PTA Announcement  家長會與活動  !!!      ****


Yoga class on SDCA campus
Our SDCA parent Celine Chen, a certified yoga instructor,  is offering a series of Yoga classes for the parents while your students are in their Chinese classes.   Contact if you are interested.      

嶄新的 2016,正是開始鍛鍊身體的好時機!九週的課程讓你體驗瑜伽的魔力!   孩子們努力學習,爸爸媽媽們把握當下,擁有健康就在現在!

Advertise in SDCA yearbook
Do you or someone you know have a business? For as low as $25, you can advertise in our yearbook! With 350+ students and their families/friends, your ads will reach a wide audience as well as support our school. Interested parties please contact for details.

Volunteers Needed  家長會義工:
If you have not yet been assigned a volunteer service and would like to help, please email We still have the following positions till end of the school year:
  1. Ground Supervision:  5 weeks starting 3/6, 5 weeks starting
  2. Student Store/Graduation Setup.
如果你還沒有被安排到義工職位而且還願意在學校幫忙, 請務必通知家長會, 我們還有許多地方需要各位家長的同工.  

****!!!         Community Corner  社區園地       !!! ****

In Loving Memory! It is with our deepest sorrows that we inform you of the passing away of Mr. Law, husband of our beloved Principal Showlin, on Sunday, February 28th. Principal Showlin has contributed so much to our school in the past 20+ years, and she could not have done it without the support of Mr. Law.

There will be a sign-in book in the office on Sunday 3/6. Please stop by to write down your support to Principal Showlin. The sign-in book will be hand delivered to her on Monday at the funeral service by Board President Susanna and Principal Amy. Funeral service information is listed below. Let’s all support her in this difficult time!

Funeral Service 羅達忠先生告別儀式
Date & Time: Monday, March 7, 9:45am
Place: El Camino Memorial, 5600 Carroll Canyon Rd,SD 92121


1955年2月17日 著名作家莫言出生 - 莫言(1955年2月17日- ),原名管謨業,生於山東高密縣。童年時在家小學讀書,後因文革輟學,在農村勞動多年。1976年加入解放軍,歷任班長、保密員、圖書管理員、教員、幹事等職。1981年開始創作生涯,發表了《枯河》、《秋水》、《民間音樂》等作品。1991年畢業於北京師範大學文學院創作研究生班並獲文藝學碩士學位。1997年以長篇小《豐乳肥臀》奪得中國有史以來最高額的“大家文學獎”,獲得高達十萬元人民幣的獎金。1997年離軍界,轉至地方報社《檢察日報》工作,並撰寫連續劇劇本。2000年《紅高粱家族》獲亞洲週刊選為20世紀中文小100強。2001年《檀香刑》獲台灣聯合報讀書人年度文學類最佳書獎及第1屆鼎鈞雙年文學獎。2005年《四十一炮》獲第2屆華語文學傳媒大獎年度傑出成就獎。同年獲香港公開大學榮譽文學博士學位。2006年出版第一部章回小《生死疲勞》獲頌福岡亞洲文化大獎。2006年12月【第一屆中國作家富豪榜】重磅發佈,莫言以十年345萬元的版收入,榮登作家富豪榜第20位. 2007年9月,【中國作家實力榜】發佈,莫言以9票高居榜首. 2007年出版散文集《吧,莫言》,全面展示了莫言的心路歷程。2011年,長篇小《蛙》獲第八屆茅盾文學獎。2012年10月11日,莫言獲得2012年度諾貝爾文學獎。莫言的作品以"土"崛起,充滿著“懷”以及“怨”的複雜情感,被歸類為“尋根文學”作家。其作品深受魔幻現實主義影響。莫言在小中構造獨特的主觀感覺世界,天馬行空的敘述,陌生化的處理,塑造神秘超驗的對象世界,帶有明顯的“先鋒”色彩。莫言因其“用魔幻現實主義將民間故事、歷史和現代融為一體”獲得諾貝爾文學獎。Guan Moye (born 17 February 1955), better known by the pen name Mo Yan, is a Chinese novelist. Donald Morrison of U.S. news magazine TIME referred to him as "one of the most famous, oft-banned and widely pirated of all Chinese writers", and Jim Leach called him the Chinese answer to Franz Kafka or Joseph Heller. Mo Yan is best known to Western readers for his 1987 novel Red Sorghum Clan, of which the Red Sorghum and Sorghum Wine volumes were later adapted for the film Red Sorghum. In 2012, Mo Yan was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature for his work as a writer "who with hallucinatory realism merges folk tales, history and the contemporary".


1931年2月24日 巴金發表長篇小《家》- 《家》,中國作家巴金的長篇小,《激流三部曲》中的第一部,入選20世紀中文小100強(第8位)。其他兩部為《》、《》。 《家》描寫了20世紀20年代初期四川成都一個封建大家庭的罪惡及腐朽,控訴了中國綿延幾千年的封建制度對生命的摧殘,歌頌青年一代的反封建鬥爭以及民主主義的覺醒. 新文學問世以來,以揭露舊家庭舊禮教為題材的創作很多,但以長篇系列小的形式和如此浩大的規模,對封建家族在現代逐步走向崩潰過程做系統深入描寫的,《家》以及《春》《秋》還是第一次,在現代文學史上具有很重要的地位。《激流三部曲》是巴金呼籲自由、民主、尊重人格、人性解放的最鮮明的一面旗幟。在中國現代文學史上佔據著重要的地位並起著巨大的作用。The Family is an autobiographical novel by Chinese author Ba Jin (Pa Chin on Amazon), the pen-name of Li Feigan (1904-2005). The novel was first serialized on February 24, 1931, and then released in a single volume in 1933. The novel chronicles inter-generational conflict between old ways and progressive aspirations in an upper-class family in the city of Chengdu, a prosperous but provincial city in the fertile Sichuan basin in the early 1920s following the New Culture Movement. The novel was wildly popular among China's youth at the time and established the author as a leading voice of his generation. The Family, together with Spring and Autumn, two novels Ba Jin wrote in the period 1939-40, it forms the trilogy, Turbulent Stream Trilogy (激流三部曲). The first half of the twentieth century was a period of great turmoil in China. Family, one of the most popular Chinese novels of that time, vividly reflects that turmoil and serves as a basis for understanding what followed. Written in 1931, Family has been compared to Dream of the Red Chamber for its superb portrayal of the family life and society of its time. Drawn largely from Pa Chin's own experience, Family is the story of the Kao family compound, consisting of four generations plus servants. It is essentially a picture of the conflict between old China and the new tide rising to destroy it, as manifested in the daily lives of the Kao family, and particularly the three young Kao brothers. Here we see situations that, unique as they are to the time and place of this novel, recall many circumstances of today's world: the conflict between generations and classes, ill-fated love affairs, students' political activities, and the struggle for the liberation of women. The complex passions aroused in Family and in the reader are an indication of the universality of human experience. This novel illustrates the effectiveness of fiction as a vehicle for translating the experience of one culture to another very different one. The Family ranked #8 in Asiaweek’s top 100 Chinese novels of the twentieth century consensus.


1947年2月28日 台灣爆發“二·二八”事件 - 二二八事件是於1947年2月底發生的大規模民眾反抗政府事件,以及3月至5月間國民政府派遣軍隊來台鎮壓屠殺人民事件. 二二八事件的導火線是1947年2月27日發生在台北市的一件私菸緝血案. 當晚專賣局輯員因緝私煙而毆打生活困頓婦人, 圍觀民眾憤而將緝員包圍。緝員在逃途中開槍示警,擊傷一名路人致死。 激憤的群眾六、七百人在當天晚上包圍警察總局,要求警方懲兇,無果。 2月28日上午,台北市大批市民湧到台灣省專賣局大門前抗議。市民們衝入專賣局台灣分局,將該分局局長及3名職員打傷。大批的案卷、器具被擲在馬路點火焚燒。下午,市民們彙集到台灣行政長官公署前的廣場,準備派代表向行政長官要求改革政治。突然,部署在公署樓頂的憲兵用機槍向廣場人群開火,致使數十人死傷。事發後,全城一片混亂,各商店關門,工廠停工。激動的市民們佔領了台北廣播電台,向全島廣播台北的流血事件。騷亂隨即向台灣各大城市蔓延。至3月8日,人民控制了台灣的大部分地區。國民政府一面組織處理委員會壓制輿論,一面調集兩個師軍隊在美軍飛機、軍艦護送下於基隆登陸,在全省範圍對起義人民進行大規模血腥鎮壓,估計群眾被殺害可高達3萬多人。二二八事件發生原因錯綜複雜, 1946年12月,美國駐台北領事館美國國務院提出的台灣情勢報告中,已預測台灣將可能隨時發生動亂。得一提的是二二八事件發生當時與台灣獨立運動無關。 但是時任台灣省行政長官兼台灣省警備總司令部總司令的陳儀將軍以「陰謀叛亂」、「鼓動暴亂」、「台灣獨立」、「陰謀叛國」、「台灣人與共黨合作」等為由電請南京派兵來台鎮壓,也以此藉口捕殺林茂生陳炘等懷抱強烈祖國認同的台灣人。 其中台灣第一位哲學博士、第一位留美博士林茂生教授更曾於1945年在台北的中山堂為台灣光復發表慶祝演。 二二八事件致使台灣菁英犧牲慘烈,也因此成為後來台灣獨立運動興起的重要原因。The February 28 Incident, also known as 228 Incident, was an anti-government uprising in Taiwan. Taking its name from the date of the incident, it began on February 27, 1947, and was violently suppressed by the KMT-led Republic of China government, which killed as many as thirty thousands of civilians in some estimate, beginning on February 28. The massacre marked the beginning of the Kuomintang's White Terror period in Taiwan, in which thousands more inhabitants vanished, died, or were imprisoned. This incident is one of the most important events in Taiwan's modern history, and is a critical impetus for the Taiwanese independence movement.


1990年3月3日 人類第一次勝利徒步橫穿南極 - 1990年3月3日,“1990年國際橫穿南極考察隊”6名成員歷時7個多月,徒步跋涉5984公里,終於到達了前蘇聯和平站。這是本世紀以來,人類在到達地球的兩極、登上地球之珠穆朗瑪峰、飛上月球之後取得的又一次具有重大意義的勝利。這次橫穿南極由中、美、前蘇聯、法、英、日6個國家的6名隊員組成考察隊,僅靠滑雪板,帶著運載物品的狗拉雪橇,徒步完成5986公里的冰雪路程。其中中國成員為被稱為“瘋狂的科學家”的著名冰川學家和氣候學家秦大河。 他為了在行程中保持最好的身體素質,一下子拔掉了半口牙,換了假的,因為如果牙出問題,就無法吃堅硬的食物,在體力消耗極大的惡劣環境下會喪命。在考察隊裡,只有秦大河和前蘇聯隊員帶有科學考察任務,因此他們比別人要付出更多的勞動。這次南極之行,秦大河共採了800多瓶雪樣,搜集了大量有關南極洲冰川、氣候、環境的資料,圓滿完成了從南極半島經南極點至和平站的雪層大剖面的觀測任務。The 1990 International Trans-Antarctica Expedition was one of those really unique Antarctic ventures. 6 men crossed Antarctica the long way...starting at the very tip of the Antarctic Peninsula on 27 July 1989...passing through the abandoned Siple Station, the ANI camp at Patriot Hills, South Pole, Vostok, and several other Russian (Soviet) stations ending at Mirnyy on 3 March 1990 -- 220 days and over 3700 miles, on foot. The expedition was the first-ever non-mechanized crossing of Antarctica. The six-member, international team comprised members from China, USA, France, Great Britain, Japan, and previous Soviet Union. The Chinese member, Dr. Qin Dahe, is an accomplished glaciologist. In preparation for the expedition, Dr. Qin removed and replaced half of his teeth with artificial ones, so that it would not become an issue during extreme environment, thus winning him the nickname “the Crazy Scientist”.  He has published numerous ground-breaking articles using evidence gathered from his Antarctic expeditions. Dr. Qin served as Director of the China Meteorological Administration from 2003-2007. He was also the recipient of the 2013 Volvo Environment Prize, one of the scientific world's most respected environmental prizes.


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