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Friday, February 12, 2016

2-14-2016 Week 19:  Thank You For Supporting SDCA!
2-14-2016 第十九週:  感謝大家的參與!

****!!!        Mark Your Calendars  重要活動日期      !!! ****

1.      2/14/2016:      Regular School Day
2.      2/21/2016:      No School (Teacher Spring Training)
                                放假 (教師春季研習會)
3.      2/28/2016:      Make Up Picture Day
              Last Day of Poetry Recitation Contest Registration

****!!!         PTA Announcement  家長會與活動  !!!      ****

New Yoga class on SDCA campus
Our SDCA parent Celine Chen, a certified yoga instructor,  is offering a series of Yoga classes for the parents while your students are in their Chinese classes.   See the above flyer for details.      

嶄新的 2016,正是開始鍛鍊身體的好時機!九週的課程讓你體驗瑜伽的魔力!   孩子們努力學習,爸爸媽媽們把握當下,擁有健康就在現在!

Advertise in SDCA yearbook
Do you or someone you know have a business? For as low as $25 advertise it in our yearbook! With 350+ students and their families/friends, your ads will reach far while support our school. Interested parties please contact for details.

Volunteers Needed  家長會義工:
If you have not yet been assigned a volunteer service and would like to help, please email We will find a position so you qualify for your service refund.  
如果你還沒有被安排到義工職位而且還願意在學校幫忙, 請務必通知家長會, 我們還有許多地方需要各位家長的同工.  

****!!!         Community Corner  社區園地       !!! ****

1893年2月2日 國民黨名將孫連仲誕辰 - 孫連仲(1893.2.2-1990.8.14)字仿魯,河北雄縣人,早期為馮玉祥的十三太保之一, 抗日英雄,二級陸軍上將。孫連仲19從軍,入馮玉祥部,由普通炮兵遞升至軍長。1928年任第二集團軍第2方面軍總指揮。1937年“七七”盧溝橋抗戰爆發後,任第2集團軍總司令,先後參與並指揮了太原會戰, 徐州會戰,武漢保衛戰,及常德會戰等。其中最著名的為1938年3月,在徐州會戰中率第2集團軍堅守台兒莊,指揮若定,苦戰日軍,獲台兒莊大捷,戰功卓著。電影《血戰台兒莊》詳細描述此一抗戰巨大勝利。當地亦設有“台兒莊大戰紀念館”及戰場舊址可供參觀、憑弔。Sun Lianzhong (1893–1990), General during the Warlord Era, Second Sino-Japanese War and Chinese Civil War. At age 19, Sun was enlisted in the army in 1912 as a common soldier. Through his military brilliance and dedication, he had quickly raised in the ranks and by 1928, he had become a General commanding the 2nd Group Amy. During the 2nd Sino-Japanese War, Sun was best known for his command of the 2nd Group Army in the Battle of Taierzhuang, The battle was the first major Chinese victory of the war and it represented a tremendous morale boost for both Chinese military and civilians. There is the movie Battle of Taierzhuang, Battle of Taierzhuang Museum and preserved battle ground to commemorate this tremendous victory.

19132月4日 中國參加首屆遠東運動會 - 1913年2月4日,中國參加了在菲律賓馬尼拉舉行的第一屆遠東運動會。這是中國首次參加規模較大的國際性比賽。在運動會上,韋煥章獲120碼高欄和跳高冠軍;陳獲跳遠冠軍;潘文炳獲10項運動冠軍。足球獲亞軍。遠東運動會是後來的亞運會的前身。China participated in the 1st Far Eastern Championship Games that were held in 4-11 February 1913 in Manila, Philippine. Six countries took part in the event: Republic of China, Philippines, Empire of Japan, Federated Malay States, Siam, and British Hong Kong. This was the first international sports event that China had ever participated. China won gold medals in hurdling, high jump, long jump, decathlon, and took home silver in soccer. The Far Eastern Championship Games eventually became the Asian Games, aka Asiad.

1909年2月6日二千多年的奴婢制度宣告終結 - 1909年2月6日,清廷詔諭,禁止蓄養買賣奴婢,歷經兩千餘年的奴婢制度束。中國的奴婢制度自秦、代各朝帝、官宦人家、地主富豪,都佔有大量奴婢。清初,因生大量奴婢逃亡事件,政府曾專門《逃人律》,用以戒奴婢逃亡。康熙,有民”、“放出民”等革,但實際上並未行。此次詔諭規定,“凡從前旗下家奴”,“概聽身,放出民”,“其放出及無力身者,以雇工人”。On February 6, 1909, the Qing government passed laws to ban slaves, thus abolishing the slavery system that existed in China for over 2,000 years.

1924年2月6日 金庸誕生 - 金庸(1924年2月6日—),香港“大紫荊勛賢”。原名良鏞,浙江海寧人,當代著名作家、新聞學家、企業家、社會活動家,《香港基本法》主要起草人之一。金庸是新派武俠小最傑出的代表作家,被普遍譽為武俠小作家的“泰山北斗”,更有金迷們尊稱其為“金大俠”。主要作品有:書劍恩仇錄》(1955年)第一部小,《碧血劍》(1956年),《射雕英雄傳》(1957-—1959年), 《雪山飛狐》(1959年),《神雕俠侶》(1959-—1961年), 《鴛鴦刀》(1961年),《白馬嘯西風》(1961年), 《飛狐外傳》(1960—-1961年), 《倚天屠龍記》(1961年),《連城訣》(1963年),《天龍八部》(1963-—1966年),《俠客行》(1965年),《笑傲江湖》(1967年),《鹿鼎記》(1969—-1972年)封筆之作. Louis Cha Leung-yung (Zha Liangyong), GBM, OBE (born 6 February 1924), better known by his pen name Jin Yong, is a modern Chinese-language novelist. Having co-founded the Hong Kong daily Ming Pao in 1959, he was the paper's first editor-in-chief. Cha's fiction, which is of the wuxia ("martial arts and chivalry") genre, has a widespread following in Chinese-speaking areas, including Hong Kong, China, Taiwan, Southeast Asia, and the United States. His 15 works written between 1955 and 1972 earned him a reputation as one of the finest wuxia writers ever. He is currently the best-selling Chinese author alive; over 100 million copies of his works have been sold worldwide. Cha's works have been translated into English, French, Korean, Japanese, Vietnamese, Thai, Burmese, Malay and Indonesian. He has many fans abroad as well, owing to the numerous adaptations of his works into films, television series, manhua (comics) and video games. Asteroid 10930 Jinyong (1998 CR2) is named after him.


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