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Thursday, October 2, 2014

10-05-2014 Week 4:  Studnet Snack is coming!
10-05-2014 第四週:  學生福利社開張囉!

看圖猜成語 Weekly Chinese Idioms

來到中華學苑, 不止是小朋友要來學習中文, 大人也要來複習一下我們的中文造詣, 我們每週成語的答案就在這個公告的最下面, 請各位家長一邊想謎底一邊看我們這週的重要事項,  別忘了和你的小朋友分享!

****!!!        Mark Your Calendar  重要活動日期      !!! ****
2. 10/05/2014:    Teacher & Parent Meeting and Room Parents meeting
Studnet Snack Grand Opening
學生福利社開張 (Grass Area)
Ninja Workout Club Starts
Student Recess Culture Activity Starts - Kungfu Fan
下課文化體驗 - 功夫扇子

Each class will have their teacher and parent conference during first period.  Our Room Parent meeting will be held in the community Hall at 3:40PM on 10/05/2014.  We will talk about room parent responsibilities and some guidelines for class parties as well as participation from room parents to make our PTA a success for our school.

下週(10/5)下午第一堂課, 會有各班的親師會, 老師將會和各位家長解說他們今年的學習進度表, 及各個注意事項, 請家長們務必抽空參加, 3:40 在Community Hall,有班代表會議, 希望每班的班代表務必出席, 若無法出席, 煩請派班上的一位家長來參加.  我們會討論班代表的服務內容,也讓所有的班代表能有機會互相認識, 以後可以互相幫忙

****!!!      School Administration  註冊及校務      !!! ****

Please remind your student again not to touch and/or use anything in the classroom, including the trash can.  We are grateful to be able to use this wonderful campus.  Please help take care of LJCDS classrooms and its campus so we can continue to use it.  Parents, if you visit a classroom with a young child, please watch your child to make sure he/she is not touching anything in the classroom.  Thank you.

麻煩家長持續提醒孩子們,教室内的所有物品都不能使用,移動,和破壞。也不能在教室裡吃東西或用教室裡的垃圾桶。我們感謝 LJCDS 借給我們這個美麗的校園,整齊的教室和安全的環境。我們很珍惜能和 LJCDS 維持良好的關係。所以希望學生們都能確實遵守規定。如果有家長帶小小孩進教室,也要特別提醒家長注意自己的小孩,不要亂動教室内的東西。

****!!!         PTA Announcement  家長會與活動  !!!      ****

Student snack store 學生福利社:
Snack Store during 2nd recess will start this week .   Your choice of snack plus a juice box is only $1.  Please encourage your students to stop by and get some treats.  We will also have Jamba Juice coming on campus once a month.   點心時間到囉!  第二節下課時,我們將有小點心販賣的活動,自選一樣點心加果汁只要一美元,歡迎您與您的孩子前來購買。

Student recess activity:  下課文化體驗
We will have instructor Kang Lei demonstrate Kung Fu Fan this Sunday during the 2nd recess.  Encourage your kids to come and see what kung fu fans is all about.  本周下課文化體驗將由工夫扇子的康老師來帶小朋友了解什麼是功夫扇子.  請鼓勵小朋友下課來大草地一起和康老師動一動

Volunteers Needed  家長會義工:
If you have not yet  been assigned a volunteer service and would like to help.  Please email, we will find a position to qualify you for your service refund.
如果你還沒有被安排到義工職位而且還願意在學校幫忙, 請務必通知家長會, 我們還有許多地方需要各位家長的同工.

Culture classes 文化課程:
The culture class demo at the parent meeting was great and please encourage your kids to participate to learn more about Chinese culture.  Classes will include tai chi, beautiful fan dancing and playing the traditional musical instrument Pipa.   希望來參加家長會的都有看到我們這次文化課程老師的表演, 希望家長多多鼓勵小朋友來參加我們的文化課程, 讓小朋友有更多機會接觸到中國文化.  今年的文化課程,包括太極拳,優美的功夫扇子, 浪漫的琵琶等等,師資陣容堅強.

Ninja Workout Club (NWC) is offering Baseball, Aerobics, Tennis, and Cycling this year.  This week we are highlighting the new exercise club: Aerobics. It will be led/taught by a school parent Guo Lu, who has been an instructor at 24hr Fitness for over 10 years. She will offer free classes on kickboxing, pilate, body sculpting etc. You can start the weekly routine exercise while you are waiting for the kids. Please contact Jerry if you are interested in any club.
"健人就是腳勤俱樂部"今年將會有下列數個運動團體: 棒球、有氧運動、網球、自行車。這禮拜我們highlight今年新的club: 有氧運動,將由在24hr Fitness教課10年以上的家長郭路 (Guo Lu),免費每個禮拜帶大家做kickboxing、pilate、body sculpting等,讓大家在等孩子之餘,還可以每個禮拜固定運動! 請有興趣參加任何club的家長與Jerry 聯絡。
****!!!         Community Corner  社區園地       !!! ****
SAN DIEGO NIGHT MARKET RETURNS. You heard right. APAC is proud to be a leading partner for quite possibly the region’s largest gathering of Asian Pacific American culture, food, and entertainment. This unique event is coming back to the Convoy District on Saturday, October 4th. Vendors, Entertainment, and sponsor applications are still being accepted. More details at and

Double Ten celebration 雙十國慶
Come join the One Hundred and Third National Day celebration events for Republic of China (Taiwan) on Saturday, October 4th, 2014
  • Flag Raising Ceremony (10:10 AM) - please note that location for this event has been moved to 5075 Ruffin Road, Suite A, San Diego, California 92123
  • Double Ten Golf Tournament (12:30 PM)
  • Golf Tournament Awards Banquet (6:30 PM)
For details of each event, please see the flyer.  Contact the office to purchase the dinner tickets, $20 per person

我們每週成語的解答是.... 可圈可點 kě quān kě diǎn

解釋:  有值得欣賞、值得贊美的意思
造句:  他的表現真是可圈可點

English:  Be remarkable  

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