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Friday, April 11, 2014

Week 27 第廿七週

It’s That Time Again! Enroll Sooner Than Later
預註冊開始囉  請大家告訴大家!

***** Important Dates 重要活動日期 *****

4/13/2014  預註冊與開放參觀 Pre-registration (4/13-5/4)  
                 Picture day for students who have studied for 6, 9, or 12 years.

4/20/2014  放假 No school

4/26/2014  SDCA 志工服務日(週六早上) - 想參加請報名
                SDCA Clean Bay SD (Sat. morning) - RSVP required
4/27/2014  預註冊 Pre-registration (4/13-5/4)  
                學生商店 Student Store  Bring your coupons to exchange for gifts!!!

***** School and Administration Office 校務、教務與註冊 *****
  1. Parents Survey form went home this week, please take a few minutes to fill it out and return it in a sealed envelope to your room parents next week.  We appreciate your feedback very much.  This will help our school to improve. Thank you for your cooperation and support. 今年的家長問卷調查本週會發給學生們帶回家,懇請所有家長花幾分鐘的時間幫我們填這份問卷,填完後放在信封裡交給班爸班媽。沒有家長們的支持,學校就沒辦法成長,我們的大家庭需要大家一起來經營,謝謝您的支持與合作!
  2. Pre-registration is coming up. Please review the 2014-2015 Registration Notice & Online Registration FAQ. For the next school year, the Miscellaneous Fees increases to $50 and the Service Fee is $80. Tuition and other fees remain the same. Pre-registration starts on 4/13. In order to waive the registration fee, we have to receive your registration form and payment postmarked by 5/31. Please sign in to the SDCA Portal to begin your registration process. If you have forgotten your login details, use the links on the sign in page to look up your username or to reset your password. Please register online at home. At the end of registration process, print out your registration form. Submit your form and payment to the office or mail them to us. Contact Registrar, Lesley for technical support or any registration questions. 預註冊即將要開始。請參考2014-2015註冊須知與網上註冊常見問答集。下個學年的學雜費調整到五十元和義工代勞費改為八十元。學費與其他費用都不變。預註冊從4/13開始。若要免繳註冊費, 我們要在5/31收到您的註冊表與付款, 以郵戳為憑。請登入到學校門戶網站開始註冊。如果您忘了登入名稱與密碼, 用同一網頁的連結可以幫您查詢使用者名稱或重設密碼。請先在家網上註冊, 註冊程序的最後印出您的註冊表。將註冊表與支票交到辦公室或是郵寄給我們。有任何問題或需要協助請電郵到註冊組長 Lesley
  3. Junior emcees needed for graduation ceremony (4th grade level and below), please contact principal to apply. 徵求畢業典禮的小主持人,有興趣的學生請與校長聯絡。
  4. We are offering two $75 Essay Contest Scholarship for our credit class students currently enrolled in high school and have been attending SDCA for the last 3 years.  Minimum of 150 word essay in Chinese on the following topic and a short interview will be used to determine the recipient of the scholarships. Essay Topic: What can I do to contribute to the learning of Chinese language and culture? Please contact Isabelle Yang with any questions. 高中徵文比賽獎學金: 我們將提供獎學金$75美元給正在就讀學分一,二,或三的高中生。名額只限兩位。申請方法及條件如下:請繳交150字以上文章,並參加面試。文章題目為:「我如何幫助自己學習中文及瞭解中華文化?」。如有任何疑問請洽Isabelle Yang
  5. Huayu World video short film contest, for details please check out their website here. 僑委會舉辦「我最喜愛​的漢字」有獎影片徴集​活動, 詳情請看這裡.
  6. Youth Chinese Cultural Camp will be from 6/29/14 to 7/6/14 at Big Lake this year, for details please check here. 2014[青少年中華文化夏令營]將於6/29/2014 (週日)起至7/6/2014 (週日)共8天,在大熊湖 (Big Bear Lake) Mile High Pine Camp Site 營區舉行,詳情請看這裡
  7. Youth Camps in Taiwan: Registration for 2014 Taiwan Study Tour for Overseas Youth, Taiwan Chinese Summer Camp for Youth, as well as Overseas Chinese China has begun. For application and information regarding the programs please go to the website.  You may also contact Ms. Tung at 516-987-5000, or email her.  救國團台灣暑期夏令營即日起至5月10日截止報名。報名表及活動須知可在紐約救國團之友會網頁下載。詳情可致電紐約團友會會長童惠珍,電話:(516)987-5000。
  8. There is a no-fee summer camp for students who are at least 16 years old, and at least one parent must be Taiwanese.  For detailed information please see our PTA blog or go to the web page. 現在有一個免營費的福健尋根夏令營, 招生對象是十六歲以上的海外學生,詳情請到這裡看看
  9. 2014 Yantai Summer Camp information, please see here for camp detail. 2014海外華裔青少年“中國尋根之旅”夏令營-山東•煙台營活動方案, 詳情請到這裡看看
  10. 2014 VIRGINIA HOM FUNG MEMORIAL/YOUTH CHINESE LANGUAGE SCHOLARSHIP: Deadline is 4/14/14.   紀念馮譚珍貴女士2014年中國館中文獎學金: (4月14日截止)

**** PTA & Activities 家長會與活動 *****
1. Volunteers Appreciation Party Changed to 5/4: In the all parents/room parents meeting last week, we have decided to changed the volunteers appreciation party from 4/13 to 5/4. Details of the party will be followed on the blog soon.  義工同樂會改至5/4: 我們在上週家長大會/班代表大會決定將義工同樂會由4/13改至5/4,同樂會的細節將會在之後的blog上通知,請別錯過這個party唷。
2. SDCA Fun Service Day (4/26) @ Torrey Pines State Beach.  Have you ever been enjoying the beauty of a landscape only to have your experience ruined by the sight of trash on the ground or in the water? Let’s fix the problem with your children and friends together.  SDCA PTA has teamed up with “I Love A Clean San Diego” and joined their 12th Annual Creek to Bay Cleanup county-wide event.  The event is from 9am till approximately noon at Torrey Pines State Beach. Parking will be free for all volunteers. But the event has limited spots available for us and requires R.S.V.P.  Please email PTA, your name, phone #, and how many want to join this event. Details will be posted on the blog next week. 中華學苑快樂志工服務日(4/26)在Torrey Pines 州立海灘淨灘。SDCA老師、家長與朋友們,為了讓孩子們體會保護環境的重要, 本校加入了本縣一年一度的淨灘活動。服務地點在風景優美的Torrey Pines 州立海灘,適合全家大小一起參加。活動時間為4/26早上九點起至中午左右。本活動免費,也提供義工朋友們免費的停車位,但義工名額有限,有意願的您請及早EMAIL回覆PTA! 言教不如身教,別錯過了這個極佳的機會唷!活動細節將在下週blog公佈。

3. Children’s Snack Store during 2nd recess. Your choice of snack plus a juice box for only $1. Students can stop by and get some treats. 兒童點心時間活動持續展開! 第二節下課時,我們將有好吃的小點心販賣活動,自選一樣點心加果汁只要一美元,歡迎您與您的孩子前來購買。

4. Parents Ninja Workout Club (NWC)  Let’s get up off the couch and get some exercise. Please contact Jerry if you are interested in any of the programs. 本週健人就是腳勤活動持續進行。有興趣者請與Jerry 聯絡。

5. Big Success on SDCA Read-A-Thon. The fun Read-A-Thon event was really a big success.  PTA would like to congratulate all the students who participated and thank the parents, teachers, and volunteers who supported the event. The top five students who read the most books are: 5A-Catherine Kuo, “anonymous” (read 32 books), 1A-Logan Wang, 2A-Natasha Harper, 1A-Anna Harper. These students please come to the office this week to get the prize of $10 gift card. Thank you for your participation and support. 中華學苑『閱讀馬拉松』大成功! 家長會要恭喜參加的學生們, 同時也要感謝所有的老師, 家長, 義工們,因為你們的用心和努力協助,才讓這個第一次試辦的活動圓滿結束。目前我們收到了超過50位學生的紀錄表,當中超過9成的學生都唸了8本以上的書,讀了最多書的前5名為:5甲-郭艾琳、??-無名氏(讀了32本書)、1甲-王立人、2甲-何娜、與1甲-安娜,這些學生可以得到10元禮物卡獎勵,請本週日來辦公室領取。謝謝大家的參與、支持與配合!

***** Scrip Sales, Publications, and Miscellaneous  禮券, 校刊,  與其他 *****    

1. The yearbook team is finishing up on the yearbook, if you have good photos of school events to share, please contact our vice president/editor in chief Ms. Isabelle Yang. 理事會已開始著手編輯今年的年刊,如您手邊有學校活動的好照片願意分享,請與副理事長及總編輯曾梁菁女士 Isabelle Yang聯絡。

2. If you would like to support our school by advertise your business on our yearbook, please contact our vice president/editor in chief Ms. Isabelle Yang. 歡迎您的公司行號刊登廣告在學校年刊上,也是支持我們的學校,意者請聯絡Ms. Isabelle Yang

3. Scrip Sales: We’ll have Scrip Sale Day in the office this Sunday, 1:30 to 4pm. Please fill out the Scrip Purchase Form before you do the scrip purchase.  We’ll also start the service
refund this week. Please come by the office to process your service refund if
you completed your volunteer service.  賣禮券囉!! 禮券組將在 4/13 下午一點半到四點在學校辦公室販售禮券,請在購買前填妥禮卷購買單。本週也開始義工服務退費,請完成義工服務及符合退費資格的家長前來退費。

***** Community and Parents Corner 社區大小事與家長園地  *****

2. 2014爾灣教育展-Education Fair & Seminars in Irvine (4/12, 10am-5pm).

3. 2014 Lawnmower Trade-in Event. (5/3 @ Qualcomm Stadium)

4. The 5th Annual Asian Cultural Festival 5/10 12pm-8pm.

5. Do you like to sing?  If you do, please come to the San Diego Chinese Choral Society ‘s tea party, for detail information see flyer here.  喜歡唱歌嗎? 聖地牙哥華聖合唱團敬邀您參加他們的茶會,詳情請看這裡

7. Believe it or not… SCA-5 is not truly dead as many of us might think so. Please join us to support this new petition.  對華人極不公平的SCA-5法案還沒死呢!請加入這個新的請願


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