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Thursday, September 15, 2016

9-18-2016 Week 2: Got Room Parents?
9-18-2016第二週:  班媽班爸出爐了嗎?

****!!!        Mark Your Calendars  重要活動日期      !!! ****

1. 9/18/2016:                  
Credit Class Parents Meeting
Credit Class parents, please make sure you attend the very important Credit Class Parents’ Meeting at 3:30 pm in our Community Hall.
學分班家長務必參加第二週的學分班說明會,請在3:30 pm到大堂,校方將會介紹學分班各項規定與教學規劃

2. 10/02/2016:                
Parent & Teacher Meeting,Back to School Parents meeting/Room parent meeting
Double Ten Flag raising ceremony rehearsal

If your students are interested in operating the flag or singing the national anthem of R.O.C. at Double Ten Flag Rising ceremony, please contact Principal Amy Sun or email Each student who volunteers at the ceremony will get an SDCA T-Shirt and 10 coupons for Coupon Day. Thank you for your support in advance!
雙十節升旗典禮徵求小旗手及唱中華民國國歌的學生,請洽詢校長或email到 每個學生可以得到10張學生商店貼紙及中華學苑t-shirt 一件,謝謝您的支持!

3. 10/9/2016:    
Deadline for tuition refund/transfer
Double Ten Flag raising ceremony

Double Ten celebration 雙十國慶
Come join the One Hundred and Third National Day celebration events for Republic of China (Taiwan) on Sunday, October 9th, 2016 @ 2:00pm
Double Ten Poster 20160829 final.jpg

NEW! SDCA is launching a new weekly Chinese food delivery service. Parents can order the food via SDCA website from Monday to Sunday noon, then pay and pick up the order at the office on Sunday from 4:10 pm-5:45 pm. SDCA will also receive 10% from the restaurant for the fundraising. For more information and to order, please visit SDCA website and look for “Order Food Online” link on the right (please see screenshot below). Thank you for your support! 中華學苑推出全新每週日送餐到學校的服務。家長於每週一到週日中午前透過學校網站連結訂購,週日4:10 pm-5:45 pm放學前到辦公室付款領餐,中華學苑也可獲得餐廳10%的募款回饋。詳情及訂購請到學校網站首頁右手邊連結 ”Order Food Online” (請看下圖)。謝謝您的支持!

****!!!      School Administration  註冊及校務      !!! ****

Open House Check-In, Registration, and PTA Volunteer/Club Sign up  (1:30-4:30pm)
Scrips Sale( 2-4pm )
~ All at School Office~



Important reminder for parking lot traffic 停車場使用須知:
Please watch your speed while driving in the parking lot. For you and our children’s safety, the curbside right in front of the school building is for drop-off and pick-up only. Please park your car in the marked parking spaces. Please do not park or wait by the curb. No Exceptions. Your cooperation is much appreciated.   為了您與孩子們的安全,進入停車場請放慢駕駛速度.  提醒您請先把車停在停車格上, 再一同與孩子們前往教室。校方規劃的黃、白線區,僅提供學生上、下車使用,其餘時間, 請勿將您的車子停在此專用道,沒有例外。謝謝您的配合遵守,以做為孩子們的好榜樣。
Additional parking is available at the rear of the school. 學校後側也設有停車場。

Campus Safety 校園安全
Please continue to remind your children to respect all school property and rules and follow the new recycling policy at LJCDS campus.
請提醒您的子弟尊重愛護所有校園教室內外事物, 遵守學生守則, 及新的資源回收規則
Do not play with or use the elevator. The elevator is for teacher use only.

****!!!         PTA Announcement  家長會與活動  !!!      ****

Big thank you to those who have volunteered to be the room parent this year. Your effort and dedication makes a huge difference in your children’s classes. Our teachers will be able to communicate to all the parents more effectively with your help.   
非常感謝各位今年班爸班媽的義工, 有你們的幫助, 老師們能更有效地和家長們溝通, 家長會也能夠將學校相關的活動藉由你們傳達到每個家庭.   還沒有班代表班級的家長,也請熱心的家長能起加入班媽的行列!

PTA events 家長會活動:
Stay tuned for announcements about our exciting events this year.  We will continue the Parent Exercise Club, Student recess snack, Seminars, Fall Festival, Chinese New Year and many more fun and educational events for your whole family.  家長會聯誼活動將於九月中起跑唷,敬請期待!! 學校是一個很友善的大家庭, 而家長會的活動最主要的目的也是讓每個如果您開學前幾週有空,請您留在學校協助您的子女學習, 也可以多和學校的工作人員及家長聊聊唷!  
Volunteers Needed  家長會義工:
We still need volunteers for the following positions in the new school year.  Please contact us if you have not submitted your preference!  Your help would be a big contribution to our school. Please email:  新學年學校需要您的熱心幫忙以下義工, 請有興趣的家長或朋友們跟我們聯絡, 謝謝!  請郵電
Room Parents 班爸班媽
Credit Class photographer 學分班家長攝影
Teacher’s Snack Service 老師點心
Office duty 辦公室執勤
Ground Supervision 校園糾察
Parent Lounge 家長休息室
This year we have a parent lounge in Room MS 111 (School Map below).  Please DO NOT change the classroom setting,  DO NOT have food and beverage in the room and please also take your trash outside. Thank you for your cooperation !
感謝學校今年大方的提供 MS 111當作家長休息室 (地圖如下)和其他教室一樣,請家長們嚴格遵守規定-不隨意更動教室佈置及桌椅,不在教室内吃喝及自行把垃圾帶出教室丟入室外的大垃圾桶,謝謝您的合作!
****!!!         Community Corner  社區園地       !!! ****

San Diego Chinese American Science and Engineering Association Scholarship application
Scholarship opportunity for Grade 12 12年級的學生歡迎申請科工會獎學金


Hello! I’m a local author and long time (room) parent here at SDCA. I write critically acclaimed Chinese-inspired fantasies for teens (and adults!), so if you have a teen reader or enjoy reading yourself, check it out! It is a rarity to have Asian-inspired fantasies published in the US still. And everything I ever write features Asian characters. My next book published by Simon & Schuster will be the first one ever set in Taipei. Very excited for that! My books are available through our local indie bookstore Mysterious Galaxy (close to 86 bakery off of Balboa) or everywhere online. Thank you!! Amazon link:

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