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Friday, May 13, 2016

5-15-2016 Week 29:  Pre-Registration Begins!
5-15-2016 第二十九週:  新學期預註冊開始囉

****!!!        Mark Your Calendars  重要活動日期      !!! ***
1. 5/15/2016: Pre-Registration for Next School Year Begins (Current Families)
新學期預註冊開始 (在讀生家庭 )
Monthly Board Meeting (Open)
理事會月會 (公開)
Scrips Sale & Service Refund
Teacher Appreciation Dinner Tickets On Sale

2. 5/22/2016: Graduation Ceremony
Teacher Appreciation Dinner
Pre-Registration for Next School Year    
Scrips Sale & Last Day to Claim Service Refund

Last Chance To Claim Your Service Refund
5/15 & 5/22 are the last two scrip sale dates that you can come to claim your service refund for this year.  Please stop by if you have complete your service or will be completing by 5/22 for your service refund.  All service refund will be considered a donation to school after 5/22.
  • Pre-registration starts on 5/15 for current families. You may enroll current students as well as new students from the same family, such as younger siblings. Current families may come to the Community Hall to register on the following school days: 5/15, 5/22. Current families may also register online anytime after 5/15.
  • New families can register anytime online or on campus.
  • For any registration related questions please stop by the office or contact Registrar Lesley at
  • Registration fee is waived if you register and make payment on or before 5/31 (postmark). Please note that this rule is strictly enforced.
  • Scrip sales in the Community Hall for both new and current families: 5/15 and 5/22. If you have any questions, please contact

Teacher Appreciation Dinner: Tickets are on sale at the Community Hall on 5/15! Ticket price is $30/adult, $25/vegetarian, & $20/student per ticket. This is a great chance to dine with your teachers and show your appreciation for their hard work. There will also be karaoke and great raffle prizes such as restaurant and beauty salon gift certificates! The party will take place at China Max Restaurant from 5:30 to 8:30 pm on 5/22 (after the Graduation Ceremony). 謝師晚宴售票中:我們現在開始銷售謝師晚宴的門票。門票價格為$30/成人票, $20/學生票。這是一個與孩子的老師一起用餐的機會,我們感謝他們一年來的辛勤工作。晚宴將於5/17日下午5:30到下午8:30(畢業典禮後)在富臨海鮮酒家舉行。購買門票請到 Community Hall。讓我們和老師們一起有一個快樂的夜晚!


****!!!         Administration  校務  !!!      ****
Interested in Teaching or Know someone who is?
Our school continues to grow and we always need teachers, if you are interested in becoming a teacher or know someone who would be a great teacher, please get in touch with the office administration team. 學校繼續在成長,我們需要老師,假如您有興趣教書或認識合適的教師人選,請跟校方聯絡。

Parents Survey Form
Parent Surveys were sent home last week with the students.  A soft copy has also been emailed to all room parents for distribution. Please take a few minutes to fill it out and return it in a sealed envelope to your room parents or to the office directly as soon as possible.  We appreciate and value your feedback very much. This will help our school to improve. Thank you for your cooperation and support. 今年的家長問卷調查已發給學生們帶回家,懇請所有家長花幾分鐘的時間幫我們填這份問卷,填完後放在信封裡交給班爸班媽或直接交給辦公室。沒有家長們的支持,學校就沒辦法成長,我們的大家庭需要大家一起來經營,這份問卷調查對我們下學年的籌備有很大的幫助,謝謝您的支持與合作!

****!!!         Board Announcement  理事會公告  !!!      ****
Monthly Board Meeting (Open) 理事會月會 (公開)
Are you interested in knowing how the SDCA Board operates? Are you considering the possibility of running for a board position in the future? In an effort to create transparency and rouse parent interest, the Board will hold the next Board Meeting openly. All SDCA parents are invited to join!  

Date & Time: May 15, 3:30pm
Location: Community Hall

****!!!         Community Corner  社區園地       !!! ****

1985年4月29日 王贛駿成為第一位進入太空的華人 - 王贛駿,原籍中國江蘇省鹽城市,1940年出生於江西,10歲隨父母到台灣,1963年赴美國。1967年加利福尼亞大學洛杉磯分校物理系畢業,後在該校研究院深造,攻讀固態物理、流體力學和聲學。1971年獲博士學位後在母校任助理教授一年。1972年任加利福尼亞理工學院噴氣推動實驗室主任兼加利福尼亞大學客座教授。現任加利福尼亞帕薩迪納噴氣推進實驗室負責人。1976年美國國家航空和航天局徵求太空科學實驗計劃,他提出的“旋轉中的液體平衡狀態”研究計劃在1980年獲通過,成為五百多個應徵的實驗方案中的14個入選者之一。1984年6月被選為第一位到太空操作自己設計實驗的“搭載專家”。1985年4月29日至5月6日,王贛駿乘“挑戰者”號航天飛機進入太空,主持“失重狀態下的流體力學情況”實驗獲得成功,成為第一位進入太空的華人。 Taylor Gun-Jin Wang (born June 16, 1940) is a Chinese-born American scientist. With ancestry in Yancheng, Jiangsu, China, Wang was born in Jiangxi  province. He moved to Taiwan with his family at the age of ten. He started studying physics in UCLA in 1963, and received his Bachelor of Science in 1967, his Master of Science in 1968, and his doctoral in low temperature physics - Superfluid and solid state physics in 1971. After completing his doctorate, Wang joined the California Institute of Technology's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in 1972, as a senior scientist. At JPL he was the Principal Investigator (PI) on the Spacelab 3 mission NASA Drop Dynamics (DDM) experiments, PI on the NASA SPAR Flight Experiment #77-18 "Dynamics of Liquid Bubble," PI on the NASA SPAR Flight Experiment #76-20 "Containerless Processing Technology," and PI on the Department of Energy Experiment "Spherical Shell Technology." He published a paper on dynamic behavior of rotating spheroids in zero gravity in 1976. The paper received attention in NASA, and Wang was selected as a payload specialist on June 1, 1983 for the Spacelab-3 mission and in 1985, became the first ethnic Chinese person to go into space.

1993年4月29日 海峽兩岸間第一次握手 - 1993年4月29日,是一個歷史性的日子。台灣海峽兩岸授權民間團體的最高領導人汪道涵和辜振甫,鄭重地在《汪辜會談共同協議》等4份文件上簽字,兩岸關係的歷史從此翻開了新的一頁。4月25日,汪道涵先生抵達新加坡樟宜機場時提出:“兩岸同胞應更具前瞻性地面對未來,把握國際發展的趨勢所予我們中國人的歷史機遇,以寬闊的胸懷向前看……” 4月26日下午,辜振甫先生抵達新加坡。辜振甫先生說:“兩岸的中國人都應該秉恃‘雙贏’的理念,相互扶持。” 在長達四十多年的隔絕之後,兩岸直接接觸開始於1986年5月的“兩航《中國民航與台灣華航》談判”。此後,兩岸間圍繞具體事件或問題進行的接觸、商談愈益頻繁。特別是1991年台灣海峽交流基金會和大陸海峽兩岸關係協會相繼成立以來,兩機構之間為處理兩岸的有關問題積極合作,發揮了重要作用。 In 1992, Wang Daohan (president of Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Straits (ARATS), a semi-official organization backed by mainland China government) and Koo Chen-fu (president of corresponding Taiwan-based Straits Exchange Foundation (SEF)) held preliminary talks in Hong Kong which resulted in the so-called "1992 Consensus" and facilitated negotiations of practical matters across the Taiwan strait. In April 1993, Koo and Wang met again in Singapore to hold the highly anticipated Wang-Koo summit. This was the first official meeting of the two sides since the end of the Chinese civil war in 1949.  

1919年5月4日 “五·四”運動爆發 - 第一次世界大戰結束以後,戰勝國在巴黎召開“和平會議”,討論如何懲治戰敗的德國,簽訂對德和約問題。“和會”在帝國主義大國的操縱下,無理拒絕了作為戰勝國的中國政府的正當要求,竟然把原來德國在我國山東享有的特權轉讓給日本,這種無視我國國家主權的做法,激起了中國人民的極大憤慨。在1919年5月4日,北京大學等十幾所專科以上學校的學生在天安門前集會,舉行遊行示威,斥責政府的賣國罪行,要求懲辦親日派賣國賊曹汝霖、陸宗輿、章宗祥。遊行隊伍來到曹汝霖的住宅趙家樓,痛打了正在曹家的駐日公使章宗祥,並放火燒了曹宅。軍閥政府派了大批軍警進行鎮壓,逮捕了30多名學生。第二天,全市學生進行總罷課,成立了學生聯合會,向全國通電。這場反帝愛國運動很快擴大到全國,各地的學生、工人、商人都紛紛支援北京學生的愛國行動。反動軍閥政府被迫釋放被捕學生,撤銷曹汝霖等三個賣國賊的職務,並且通知參加巴黎和會的代表,拒絕在和約上簽字。“五·四”運動是徹底的不妥協的反帝反封建的運動,它的勝利標誌著中國民主革命進入了一個新階段,它是中國新民主主義革命的偉大開端。At the end of the First World War, China was convinced it would be able to reclaim the territories occupied by the Germans in present-day Shandong Province. After all, it had fought along with the Allies. However, it was not to be. The warlord government of the day had secretly struck a deal with the Japanese, offering the German colonies in return for financial support. The Allies, on the other hand, acknowledged Japan's territorial claims in China. When the news reached back to China in April 1919 that the negotiations over the Treaty of Versailles would not honor China's claims, it gave rise to a movement that might be considered even more revolutionary than the one that ended the Qing Empire in 1911. In the course of this May Fourth Movement (Wusi Yundong), some 5,000 students from Peking University hit the streets to demonstrate against the Versailles Treaty. When the warlord government tried to crack down on the movement and detained students, the movement quickly spread to the entire country. More students stepped up and people from all cross of life voiced their support of the students. At the end, the warlord government give in, released detained students, and refused to sign on the treaty.

1912年5月7日 小提琴家、作曲家、音樂教育家馬思聰誕生 - 馬思聰(1912-1987),小提琴家、作曲家、音樂教育家。1912年5月7日,出生在廣東海豐縣。1923年,11歲的馬思聰隨大哥到法國,就學於巴黎音樂學院學習小提琴。1929年初,因家境突變回國。在香港、廣州、上海等地演出,被譽為“音樂神童”。 后1930年再次赴法,向畢能蓬(Binembaum)學作曲。後歸國,任中國第一所現代“私立音樂學院”院長,並在廣州、香港、上海、南京、北平等地從事演出;同時,又先後在廣州音樂院、中央大學教育學院音樂系任教。1937年抗日戰爭爆發後,多年轉輾於華南、西南各地堅持從事頻繁的演出,並先後任中山大學教授、中華交響樂團指揮、貴陽藝術館倌長等職。 1945年抗戰勝利後,先後擔任台灣交響樂團指揮、廣州藝術音樂系主任、上海中華音樂學校校長、香港中華音樂院院長等。1950年後任中央音樂學院首任院長,並兼任中國音樂家協會副主席,《音樂創作》主編等職。由於文革原因,1967年1月,赴美國定居,從事作曲、教學工作。1987年5月20日於美國費城逝世。2007年12月14日,馬思聰異國辭世20年後骨灰歸葬廣州,同日《馬思聰全集》舉行首發式。周恩來生前曾說過一句話:“我平生有兩件事深感遺憾,其中之一就是馬思聰50多歲離鄉背井去美國,我很難過。” Ma Sicong (May 7, 1912 – May 20, 1987) was a Chinese violinist and composer. He was referred to in China as "The King of Violinists." His Nostalgia (思鄉曲) for violin, composed in 1937 as part of the Inner Mongolia Suite (內蒙組曲), was considered one of the most favorite pieces of 20th century China. During his youth, Ma went to Paris to study music, and was then admitted to the Conservatoire de Paris, majoring in violin. Since 1932 he composed many renowned pieces such as Lullaby, Inner Mongolia suite, Tibet tone poem (西藏音詩), and Madrigal (牧歌). Ma was appointed president of the newly established Central Conservatory of Music in Beijing in 1949. During the Cultural Revolution, Ma became a target of the Red Guards. On the night of January 15, 1967, Ma and his family managed to escape to Hong Kong by boat, and subsequently headed to New York City with the help of the US Consulate in Hong Kong. In 1968, a standing warrant was issued for Ma's arrest for treason, and the charge was retracted in 1985. Ma died while undergoing heart surgery in Philadelphia on May 20, 1987, at the age of 75. The Ma Sicong museum of musical arts (馬思聰音樂藝術館) was opened in 2002. It is located in the Guangzhou Museum of Art in Guangzhou, China. In December 2007, the Chinese government held ceremonies for welcoming Ma's ashes to his home town of Haifeng. Meanwhile, his music and letters were issued, including a 13-CD collection of his musical works. From then on, China began to rediscover the value of Ma's music and many other accomplishments.

1923年5月10日 香港知名實業家霍英東出生 - 霍英東先生是香港知名實業家。20世紀40年代,他開始幫助母親經營雜貨店,培養了堅強的意志和靈活的處事方法。抗日戰爭結束後,他抓住運輸業急需發展的機遇,重操父輩的駁運舊業。20世紀50年代,香港人口激增、工商業興起,對土地和樓宇的市場需求日趨旺盛。他審時度勢,創立立信置業有限公司,開始經營房地產業。他首創分層預售“樓花”和分期付款的經營方式,對香港房地產業的發展貢獻極大。房地產業的發展帶動了建築材料業,他開始進軍海底採沙業,成為“海沙大王”。為了增強實力,他收購了美國人的太平島船廠,在香港開創了中國人收購外國公司的先河。他還投身填海造地事業,承包國際性招標工程,是最早中 標國際重大工程的港人之一。20世紀60年代中期,香港地產業陷入低潮,關鍵時刻他大力倡導共同發展、共創繁榮,聯合廣大房地產商召開香港地產建設商會第一屆會董會議,被推舉為會長,並連任20年之久。由於對香港經濟發展作出的重要貢獻,霍英東先生在香港工商界享有盛名,長期擔任香港中華總商會會長,並被推舉為永遠名譽會長。與他人共同創辦的澳門旅遊娛樂有限公司,成為澳門經濟主要支柱和政府財政收入的主要來源,對澳門經濟的發展產生了重要的影響。Henry Fok Ying Tung (10 May 1923 – 28 October 2006) was a Hong Kong businessman. Born on 10 May 1923 in Hong Kong, Fok's father died in a boating accident when he was just seven. He studied at Queen's College, but was not able to finish junior high due to the Japanese invasion in 1937. He worked as a laborer during that time while helping to run the family's small boat business. After the war, he became a successful businessman. His business interests included restaurants. real estate, casinos and petroleum. He was the President of the Chinese General Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong, the President of the Hong Kong Football Association, and the President of the Real Estate Developers Association of Hong Kong. He was also the vice-chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference of PRC since March 1993, and was possibly the most powerful Hong Kong’er in the politics of China.

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