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Thursday, November 5, 2015

11-08-2015 Week 8:  Don’t missed out the health seminar!
11-08-2015 第八週

****!!!        Mark Your Calendars  重要活動日期      !!! ****
1.   11/8/2015: Picture Day
Room Parent Meeting: 1:45pm at Community Hall
Health Seminar I: 3:15pm at Community Hall

2.   11/15/2015: Speech Contest registration deadline
3.   11/22/2015: SDCA Culture Day
Class Chinese character writing contest
Speech Contest order draw

Room Parent Meeting.   11/8/2015 @1:45 pm at Community Hall.  We will be discussing our next big event “Culture Day” and if any one of the room parents can not make it to the meeting, please send a representative from your class so you don’t miss out on the important information.   這個禮拜的班代表大會將會在 1:45pm  開始.  我們會討論湯圓文化節分工的項目, 希望每班的班代表都能出席, 如果無法出席, 也請派另一位家長來索取需要的資料

We are rolling out the online registration this year for our speech contest.  The deadline for signing up is 11/15/2015.  Please go to and fill out the online sign-up form. 演講比賽即日起開始報名,報名截止日期是11/15/2015,比賽日期是12/06/2015。我們將採取網絡報名,請家長上網至此網址報名

Important Notice: Due to date change for SCCCS Spring Training, our school calendar has been adjusted as following: Chinese New Year Festival will be on January 31, there will be no school on February 21. Other miscellaneous adjustments have also been made to December, January, and February school calendar, updated school calendar will be distributed to teachers. 重要通知: 因為南加中文學校聯合會春季培訓日期的改變, 我們不得不做以下學校行事曆的修改: 一月三十一日慶祝中國新年, 二月二十一日放假。詳情請參考更新過的行事曆。

*****!!!!!      Ground Supervision 校園巡邏  !!!!!! *****

Please remind your children to only play by the grassy area during recess time. Do not go to places where there is no adult supervision. Although there are four parents doing ground supervision every week, we still need all your kids’ cooperation to ensure our campus safety.  Thank you. 請各位家長告知家中子女,下課時間請小朋友盡量留在草地上玩耍,請勿跑到建築後面或是人少的地方,以維護自身安全。雖然校園內有義工家長巡邏,但還需要大家配合,才能確保校園安全,謝謝。

Please remind your student again not to touch and/or use anything in the classroom, including the trash can. We are grateful to be able to use this wonderful campus. Please help take care of LJCDS classrooms and its campus so we can continue to use it. Parents, if you visit a classroom with a young child, please watch your child to make sure he/she is not touching anything in the classroom. Thank you.  麻煩家長持續提醒孩子們,教室内的所有物品都不能使用,移動,和破壞。也不能在教室裡吃東西或用教室裡的垃圾桶。我們感謝 LJCDS 借給我們這個美麗的校園,整齊的教室和安全的環境。我們很珍惜能和 LJCDS 維持良好的關係。所以希望學生們都能確實遵守規定。如果有家長帶小小孩進教室,也要特別提醒家長注意自己的小孩,不要亂動教室内的東西。

****!!!         PTA Announcement  家長會與活動  !!!      ****

Health Seminar 健康講座﹔
Our first PTA seminar is coming up on the 8th of November.  We are honored to welcome Isabelle again to share some useful tips on how to eat well and maintain our health.  Stay tuned for more information.  

Seminar Overview
·       How to beat digestive issues such as constipation, indigestion, heartburn, GRED, irritable bowel syndrome, bloating, gas, etc.
·       Why digestion holds the key to optimal health
·       How our mental health is connected to our digestive health
·       How our immune system is connected to our digestive health
·       What happens when our digestion is less than optimal
·       How to optimize  your digestive functions

今年家長會第一次的講座很榮幸再度邀請到營養師 Isabelle 來跟我們分享如何在這個美食的世界來選擇對我們身體有幫助的食物.  請各位家長踴躍參加一起來討論及分享

Student snack store 學生福利社:
Snack Store during 2nd recess will start this week. Your choice of snack and a juice box costs only $1.  Please encourage your students to stop by and get some treats. We will also have Jamba Juice coming on campus once a month.   點心時間到囉!  第二節下課時,我們將有小點心販賣的活動,自選一樣點心加果汁只要一美元,歡迎您與您的孩子前來購買。

****!!!         Community Corner  社區園地       !!! ****


1082年11月2日 錯位人生宋徽宗出生 – 宋徽宗趙佶(1082年11月2日-1135年6月4日)是宋朝第八位皇帝。在位25年(1100年2月23日—1126年1月18日),在位期間,重用蔡京、童貫、高俅等奸臣主持朝政,窮奢極侈,荒淫無度。國亡被俘受折磨而死,終年54歲. 宋徽宗趙佶是中國曆代帝王中,藝術天份最高的皇帝。其治國無能,但確是中國歷史上一個相當偉大的藝術家。趙佶自創書法稱“瘦金體”,傳世畫作有《芙蓉錦雞》、《池塘晚秋》等,並能詩詞。這位皇帝獨創的瘦金體書法獨步天下,挺拔秀麗、飄逸犀利,即便是完全不懂書法的人,看過後也會感覺極佳。 宋徽宗傳世不朽的瘦金體書法作品有《瘦金體千字文》、《欲借風霜二詩帖》、《夏日詩帖》、《歐陽詢張翰帖跋》等。這位皇帝不僅瘦金體寫得好,他的楷書作品《穠芳依翠萼詩帖》亦堪稱楷書傑作,其筆法犀利遒勁,鐵畫銀鈎,被後世論者稱為出神入化的“神品”。趙佶一生風流,當上皇帝以後,後宮中妃嬪如雲,數量驚人,除了夫人、九嬪、二十七世婦、八十一御妻,還有“三千粉黛,八百煙嬌”。并同名妓李師師傳情。 宋徽宗共生有38子, 34女。Emperor Huizong was the eighth and one of the most famous emperors of the Song dynasty of China, with a personal life spent amidst luxury, sophistication and art but ending in tragedy. It was during his reign that the Jurchens of the Jin dynasty invaded, beginning the Jin–Song Wars. Born Zhao Ji, Emperor Huizong reigned from 1100 to 1126. When the Jurchens invaded, he resigned in favor of his son. He and the new emperor were captured by the Jurchens and died as prisoners in Manchuria. Despite Huizong’s lack of capability as an emperor, he was a great painter, poet, and calligrapher.  He invented the "Slender Gold" () style of calligraphy which is still treasured by Chinese calligraphers today.

1861年11月2日 慈禧太后發動祺祥政變 - 1861年8月22日,咸豐帝病死熱河行宮,其6歲兒子載淳繼位,由顧命八大臣肅順、載垣、端華等執掌政權,決定翌年起用“祺祥”年號。1861年11月2日,載淳生母葉赫那拉氏(即慈禧太后)聯絡恭親王奕訢在北京逮捕剷除肅順等顧命八大臣勢力,發動祺祥政變。1861年是辛酉年,故亦稱“辛酉政變”。7日,清廷改年號“祺祥”為“同治”,11日,同治帝載淳正式登極,慈禧太后連同咸豐帝皇后鈕祜祿氏(即慈安太后)聽政。 至此,26歲的葉赫那拉.慈禧篡奪了清朝大權,開始了她對中國48年的黑暗統治。這次改變,是一次最高統治集團中爭奪執政大權的宮廷政變,但從政變時加給肅順等人的“不盡心和議”的罪名和政變後那拉氏、奕訢等人對外國侵略者的態度來看,它還標誌著清政府向半殖民地政權的轉化。Empress Dowager Cixi was a Chinese empress dowager and regent who effectively controlled the Chinese government in the late Qing dynasty for 48 years from 1861 until her death in 1908.
Selected as an imperial concubine of the Xianfeng Emperor in her adolescence, she gave birth to son, Zaichun, in 1856. After Xianfeng Emperor's death in 1861, Zaichun became the Tongzhi Emperor, and empress Cixi became the Empress Dowager. In November 2, 1861, Cixi successfully launched a coup and ousted the group of eight regents appointed by the late emperor Xianfeng. This marked the beginning of Empress Cixi’s 48 year reign of the Qing dynasty.


1982年11月3日 茅以升獲美國工程學會外國院士稱號 - 橋樑專家茅以升(1896年1月9日-1989年11月12日) 在美國工程學會第十八屆年會上被授予該學會外國院士稱號。美國工程學會是美國工程學方面最高級的學術機構,擁有1099名國內院士和97名外國院士。茅以升教授是中國第一個獲得該學會外國院士稱號的科學家。提起茅以升,不得不提起錢塘江大橋。1934年,時任錢塘江大橋橋工處處長的茅以升,受命開始主持這第一座由中國人自己修建的鋼鐵大橋工程。錢塘江又稱錢江,地處入海口,潮水江流,洶湧澎湃,風波甚為險惡,其潮頭壁立的錢江潮與隨水流變遷無定的泥沙是建橋的兩大難題。茅以升在造橋過程中,克服 了許許多多的困難,解決了建橋中的一個個技術難題,保證了大橋工程的進展。至1937年,大橋快要竣工之際,上海“八一三”戰爭爆發!在“八一三”的第二天,即8月14日就有三架日軍飛機來錢塘江大橋工地轟炸,此時江中的橋墩,還有一座未完工,墩上的兩孔鋼樑無法安裝,在此後的40多天裡,建橋的工人們同仇敵愾,以極大的愛國熱情,冒著敵人炸彈爆炸的塵煙,夜以 繼日地加速趕工,1937年9月26日清晨,第一列火車從大橋上通過。在通車的當日,運送大批軍火物資的列車就開始陸續從這座大橋上通過。此後,上海的抗戰形勢一天比一天吃緊。同年11月16日下午, 茅以升收到南京政府絕密文件: “如果杭州不保,錢塘江大橋就等於是給日本人造的了!”南京政府的文件上,要求炸燬錢江橋. 集兩年半心血建成的大橋,鐵路剛剛通車,就要自己親手去炸燬它,茅以升經歷著一生中最痛苦的時刻。當天晚上,所有的炸藥就都安放到了南岸第二個橋墩內和五孔鋼樑的桿件上. 11月17日凌晨,茅以升接到浙江省政府的命令,因大量難民湧入杭州,渡船根本不夠用,錢塘江大橋公路部分必須於當天全面通車。浙江省政府此時也不知道大橋上剛剛裝置了炸藥,因此事是高度保密的。當第一輛汽車從大橋上駛過時,兩岸數十萬群眾掌聲雷動,場面十分感人。但有誰能知道,數百公斤炸藥此時就安置在橋身上. 12月22日,日軍進攻武康,窺伺富陽,杭州危在旦夕。錢江大橋上南渡的行人更多,而鐵路方面,上海和南京之間已不能通車,錢江大橋成了撤退的唯一通道. 第二天,1937年12月23日,日軍開始攻打杭州,當天下午1點多鐘,茅以升終於接到命令:炸橋。傍晚5時,日軍騎兵揚起的塵煙已然隱隱可見,茅以升命令關閉大橋,禁止通行,實施爆破!隨著一聲巨響,這條1453米的臥江長龍被從六處截斷。這座歷經了925天夜以繼日的緊張施工,耗資160萬美元的現代化大橋,僅僅存在了89天。大橋炸燬的這一天晚上,茅以升寫下了八個字:“抗戰必勝,此橋必復”;並賦詩一首: “斗地風雲突變色,炸橋揮淚斷通途,五行缺火真來火,不復原橋不丈夫”。大橋炸燬後,橋工處全部撤退,茅以升帶著在錢塘江大橋建設過程中的所有圖表、文卷、相片等14箱重要資料一起撤退。整個抗日戰爭時期,茅以升一家在躲避戰亂的路途中捨棄了許多傢什,卻將這些珍貴的資料盡數保存下來. 抗日戰爭勝利,茅以升又受命組織修復大橋,1948年3月,全部修復工程結束,錢塘江大橋又重新飛跨在錢塘江的波濤之上。至此,茅以升主持的錢江大橋工程,前後14年,經歷了建橋、炸橋、修橋三個時期,這是古今中外建橋史上從未有先例的事情。On November 3rd, 1982, Dr. Mao Yisheng was awarded the title of Foreign Academician by the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), becoming ASCE’s 97th foreign academician and the first Chinese to be awarded such title. Dr. Mao Yisheng earned his bachelor's degree in civil engineering in 1916 from Jiaotong University. He earned his master's degree from Cornell University and earned the first Ph.D. ever granted by the Carnegie Institute of Technology (now Carnegie Mellon University) in 1919. His doctoral treatise entitled Secondary Stress on Frame Construction is treasured at the Hunt Library of Carnegie Mellon University and the university constructed a statue of him on campus in his honor. Dr. Mao is regarded as the founder of modern bridge engineering. His long and productive career included designing two of the most famous modern bridges in China, the Qiantang River Bridge near Hangzhou, and the Yangtze River Bridge in Wuhan. The Qiantang River Bridge is the first dual-purpose road-and-railway bridge designed and built by a Chinese. The bridge construction started in 1934 and completed in 1937. However after only 89 days of opening, it was destroyed by Dr. Mao himself on the secret order of the Chinese government, in an effort to slow down the Japanese advances to Southern China. After WWII and the surrender of the Japanese invaders, Dr. Mao headed up the rebuild effort of the Qiantang Bridge and in March 1948, the bridge finally stood tall atop the Qiantang River 14 years after breaking ground.    


1924年11月5日 末代皇帝溥儀被逐出宮 - 1924年11月5日下午4時,大清帝國最後一位皇帝愛新覺羅·溥儀離開了紫禁城,成為了一個普通的平民。北京政變後,北京政府修正清室優待條件,修改後的清室優待條件是:一、大清宣統皇帝即日起永遠廢除皇帝尊號,與中華民國國民在法律上享有同等一切權利。二、自本條件修改後,民國政府每年補助清室家用五十萬元,並特支出二百萬元開辦北京貧民工廠,儘先收容旗籍貧民。三、清室按照原優待條件,即日移出禁宮,以後得自由選擇居住,但民國政府仍負保護責任。四、清室之宗廟陵寢永遠奉祀,由民國酌設衛兵妥為保護。五、其一切私產歸清室完全享有,民國政府當為特別保護;其一切公產,當歸民國政府所有。On November 5, 1924, Henry Pu Yi, the last emperor of the Qing Dynasty, was peacefully evicted from the Forbidden City, becoming an ordinary citizen of the Republic of China. The ROC government agreeD to pay monetary support and provide protection services to the former imperial family.   


1896年11月7日 為共和革命而犧牲的第一人陸皓東 - 陸皓東被孫中山稱譽為是“中國有史以來為共和革命而犧牲的第一人”。陸皓東於1868年9月30日出生在廣東香山(今中山)。他是孫中山的同鄉、幼年的同學。他曾提取父親的遺產作為活動經費,還積極資助在海外活動的孫中山。1895年他協助孫中山在香港成立興中會總部,並決定武裝起義襲取廣州為革命根據地。他親手繪製青天白日旗,作為起義旗幟. 後起義的秘密被偵破,兩廣總督譚錘麟派軍警四出搜捕革命黨人。陸皓東得到消息,立即通知各同志迅速躲避。他冒險焚燒會員名單時被捕。陸皓東被捕後,清朝廣州地方官員對他嚴刑審訊,迫令他供出同黨。他寧死不屈,當庭揮筆寫下一篇痛斥清政府腐敗專制、投降賣國的“供詞”。慷慨表示:“"今事雖不成,此心甚慰。但一我可殺,而繼我而起者不可盡殺"。”始終未吐露一個同志。11月7日英勇就義。Lu Haodong was a Chinese revolutionary who lived in the late Qing dynasty. He is best known for designing the Blue Sky with a White Sun flag that became the party flag and emblem of the Kuomintang (KMT; Chinese Nationalist Party), and the canton of the flag of the Republic of China. Lu was a childhood friend of Dr. Sun Yat-sen. He provided generous monetary support and personal involvement in activities targeted at overthrowing the Qing dynasty and establishing a republic in China. In October 1895, they planned to stage an uprising in Guangzhou, but the Qing government got wind of their plan. On October 26, Lu was preparing to escape from Guangzhou, but decided to return to their base to destroy a roster containing the names of the revolutionaries and other important documents. He was arrested by the Qing government and executed on November 7th after admitting his intention of overthrowing the Qing government and refusing to leak names of his comrades. Dr. Sun Yat-sen called Lu "the first person in Chinese history who sacrificed his life for a democratic revolution".

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