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Thursday, January 8, 2015

1-11-2015 Week 15: Story Telling Contest!!
1-11-2015 第十五週:  大家一起來說故事!

看圖猜成語 Weekly Chinese Idioms

來到中華學苑, 不止是小朋友要來學習中文, 大人也要來複習一下我們的中文造詣, 我們每週成語的答案就在這個公告的最下面, 請各位家長一邊想謎底一邊看我們這週的重要事項,  別忘了和你的小朋友分享!

****!!!        Mark Your Calendars  重要活動日期      !!! ****

1.     1/11/2015: Class story telling contest
Typing contest starts
             Scrips Sale  
2.     1/18/2015: Chinese Study Perseverance Award Application Deadline
Yearbook Cover Contest Ends
Report Card goes home
3.     1/25/2015: Poetry Recitation Contest Sign-Up begins (deadline is 2/8/15)
詩詞朗誦比賽報名開始 (2/8/15截止)

****!!!      School Administration  註冊及校務      !!! ****
Perseverance Award for Chinese Study Application Deadline Corrected:
To encourage Chinese study, we provide awards to our students who have continuously studied Chinese for 6912 years. If your child qualifies, please obtain application form from your teacher. If the previous years of study were from another Chinese school, proper documentation (transcript, certificates of completion, etc.) must be submitted along with the application form. Application deadline is January 18, 2015. Please make sure to turn in your application and supplemental material (where needed) on time so we can take pictures of award recipients on 2/1/15. 本校為了鼓勵孩子們堅持不斷的學習中文,我們有連續就讀中文6年,9年,12年的獎勵,如果您的孩子符合條件,請向老師索取申請單。如果是轉校生,則必須提供外校就讀的證明,例如成績單,獎狀之類的文件證明,申請日期到1/18/15截止。請家長務必把申請單(及其他有關校外在學證明資料)於截止日期交給辦公室,得獎學生拍照日期是2/1/15謝謝!

Junior emcees needed for the New Year Festival Program:
Interested students (4th graders and up) please contact the principal. Limited spots available.

Poetry Recitation Contest:
Poetry Recitation Contest Sign up starts on week 17 (1/25/15), registration deadline is 2/8/15.  Contest info and poetry selections will be sent out next week. Please submit sign-up form to the teacher.  Rules have changed slightly this year, please refer to this week's "weekly announcement" for details.

National Chinese SAT Subject Simulation Test:
National Chinese SAT Subject Simulation Test will be held at our school on Sunday 3/8/15. Registration is by school only. Students who wish to take this simulation test must register with our office by 2/1/15 and bring a check for $8 made payable to SDCA. Detailed information and test handbook can be downloaded at the link below.
全美中文學校聯合總會『2015 年全美SAT 中文模擬考試』定於 3/8 ( 星期日) 舉行。報名以學校為單位,為方便學校作業,有意參賽的學生請於2/1/2015之前跟學校完成報名手續,。報名費每位學生$8,支票抬頭請寫SDCA. 模擬考考試通知及模擬考考試手冊可從以下連結下載:

SCCCS Chinese Idiom Contest:
2015年成語及常用詞語比賽 :
Southern California Council of Chinese Schools will be holding their Chinese Idiom contest on 5/17/15, for detailed contest information please see link below. Registration is by school only.  Interested students must register with our office by 4/14/15 so that we can submit your registration to SCCCS. 2015年成語及常用詞語比賽預定於 5/17/2015(星期日) 9:00am至11:00am 在洛杉磯華僑文教中心 626-443-9999 (9443 Telstar Ave. El Monte, CA 91731) 舉行。報名截止日期是 4/21/2015。報名以學校為單位,為方便學校作業,有意參賽的學生請於4/14/2015之前跟學校完成報名手續。

SCCCS Chinese History and Cultural Knowledge Contest:
Southern California Council of Chinese Schools) will be holding their Chinese History and Cultural Knowledge contest on 5/17/15, for detailed contest information please see link below. Registration is by school only.  Interested students must register with our office by 4/14/15 so that we can submit your registration to SCCCS.
2015年中華文化常識比賽預定於 5/17/2015(星期日) 12:00pm至4:30pm在洛杉磯華僑文教中心 626-443-9999 (9443 Telstar Ave. El Monte, CA 91731) 舉行。報名截止日期是 4/21/2015。報名以學校為單位,為方便學校作業,有意參賽的學生請於4/14/2015之前跟學校完成報名手續。

SCCCS Spring Academic Contest:
聯合會春季學術比賽 (中文演講、經典背誦、詩詞朗誦):
Southern California Council of Chinese Schools) will be holding their Spring academic contest on 3/22/15, for detailed contest information please see link below. Registration is by school only.  Interested students must register with our office by 3/2/15 so that we can submit your registration to SCCCS.
南加州中文學校聯合會將於3/22/2015在Arcadia High School舉辦春季學術比賽。比賽辦法及規定請看以下連結:。報名以學校為單位,為方便學校作業,有意參賽的學生請於3/2/2015之前跟學校完成報名手續。

Campus Recycling Effort:

As we have announced at the beginning of this year, LJCDS has a recycling policy starting this year. There are tall recycle bins labeled “Adopt-A-Bin” with laminated signs attached to them containing instructions regarding bin use (i.e. what does & does not go into them). Please use these bins correctly to help protect our planet. Also, there’s an effort being made to reduce the number of plastic water bottles on the campus. We encourage everyone to bring reusable water containers to school.  Thank you for your cooperation and assistance. 大家好。剛開學時,我們就已宣佈了一項地主學校(LJCDS)今年開始實施的新的回收政策。在校園内,大家可以看到寫著” Adopt-A-Bin ”的回收桶。請注意上面附的詳細説明來使用這些回收桶。(像是哪些東西可以放進去,哪些不行)。請大家正確並確實的使用這些回收桶,共同努力保護我們的地球。同時,為有效推廣在校園内減少瓶裝水的使用,我們鼓勵大家自己帶水壺上學,這也是一個幫助地球的好方法。 謝謝大家的合作與協助。

Educational Resources:
華語學習資源: is a website which aims to help children around the world to learn Chinese through reading for fun, we recommend you check it out:  Listed annual subscription price is $140/year, our school gets a discounted rate for $50/year at  台灣陸鋒科技公司的動漫閱讀網是一個很好的華語學習資源,僑委會出版的僑教雙週刊都是請他們做的。這個產品有英文,繁體,及簡體的網站提供不同的資源給不同語文背景的學生,讓學生們可以按照他們的年齡及程度來選擇適合他們的內容。網站上也有很多教師資源,包括生字練習等等。網站公開的訂閱價格是一年USD$140. 我們學校的優惠價格是一年USD$50。有興趣的家長可直接到這個網址訂閱:5QChannel-website.fw.png

*****!!!       Publications Announcement  校刊活動     !!!****
Yearbook cover contest has started! The theme this year is Wonders of Chinese Culture. Contest guideline can be downloaded here.  Final work must be turned in by 1/18/15 for judging. Good luck! 校刊封面設計比賽開始,今年的封面設計以美好的中華文化為主題,學生可以在模板上著色及加上自己的設計圖案。截止日期於1/18/15,競賽活動的細則可以在此下載

All entries will be included in the Yearbook, along with the student name and class number.  Additionally, all participants will receive a surprise reward at the end of the school year.  So if you participate, you are a winner!  所有參賽作品以及學生的姓名和班級都將被刊登在年刊上。並且,參賽的學生都將在學期末收到一份驚喜的獎勵。也就是說,只要參加,就是獲勝者!

****!!!         PTA Announcement  家長會與活動  !!!      ****

CNY Preparation. The school will have our Chinese New Year Celebration on 2/22 (Week 20). The Board, school, teachers, and room parents have started the preparation work. Please support your kids’ class and the school in preparation. If you have any ideas or suggestions for the CNY event or food/game booths, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Thank you! 中國新年準備已經開始了, 學校理事會, 老師們, 家長會及班代表們都已開始討論第十九週(2/9)舉行的中國新年準備事宜。請各位家長協助班代表進行準備工作, 如果您對於新年活動, 食物或遊戲攤位有任何想法或建議也請不吝和我們聯絡, 謝謝

Homework Helper  課業輔導:
Our homework help session will continue this Sunday after school from 4:40 - 5: 25 (45 minutes) at the office for kids who need additional help on their homework. 5 session and 10 session punch cards will be sold at the office. Homework Helpers are intended to help kids on their assigned SDCA homework for that week, not a private tutor to do other learning plans. It would be very helpful if you could let the teacher know if you would be coming again the following week.  課業輔導這周將繼續在辦公室開課, 讓有需要幫忙的家長, 如果自己沒有時間或是沒有辦法教小朋友功課, 需要老師的輔助, 我們在下課後 4:40 到 5:25 提供團體在助.  採用 punch card 制度, 有興趣的家長可以到辦公室來詢問報名.  如果再接下來的週日你也會到, 請轉告我們的老師.  謝謝!!

Children’s Cultural Activities and Snack Store during 2nd recess. Your choice of snack plus a juice box for only $1. Please encourage your students to stop by and get some treats. Also come and play Kungfu Fan with your friends and kids.  點心時間與兒童民俗體育活動持續展開! 第二節下課時,我們將有好玩的與小點心販賣的活動,自選一樣點心加果汁只要一美元,歡迎您與您的孩子前來參與及購買。
Volunteers Needed  家長會義工:
If you have not yet been assigned a volunteer service and would like to help, please email We will find a position so you qualify for your service refund.
如果你還沒有被安排到義工職位而且還願意在學校幫忙, 請務必通知家長會, 我們還有許多地方需要各位家長的同工.

****!!!         Community Corner  社區園地       !!! ****
Summer Camp 夏令營:
Summer Camp Information is coming in, so far we have three of them posted on our website on the "Announcement" page, under the section “New Announcement from Principal's Office (1/2/15)”, please access it on our website.
夏令營的資料已漸漸進來了,目前已有3個公布在學校的 "Announcement" 網頁上,在New Announcement from Principal's Office (1/2/15)底下,請上網查詢。

我們每週成語的解答是.... 坐吃山空   zuò chī shān kōng

解釋:  指光是消费而不從事生產,即使有堆積如山的財富,也要耗盡

造句: 你游手好閒,只吃不做,遲早會坐吃山空

English: Even a great fortune can be depleted by idleness.

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