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Thursday, November 6, 2014

11-09-2014 Week 9:  Time to learn something
11-09-2014 第九週:  一起來聽講座囉!

看圖猜成語 Weekly Chinese Idioms

來到中華學苑, 不止是小朋友要來學習中文, 大人也要來複習一下我們的中文造詣, 我們每週成語的答案就在這個公告的最下面, 請各位家長一邊想謎底一邊看我們這週的重要事項,  別忘了和你的小朋友分享!

****!!!        Mark Your Calendar  重要活動日期      !!! ****
  1. 11/09/2014 Seminar I,  PTA Meeting,  Room Parent meeting
家長會講座 (1),  家長大會, 班代表大會
                                          Book Exchange:  Turn in your books at the office
                                          Student Snack & Student Recess Cultural Activity
學生福利社 & 下課文化體驗
  1. 11/16/2014: SDCA Book Fair   
  1. 11/23/2014: SDCA Culture Day

  • Our first PTA seminar is coming up this Sunday, 9th of November at 1:45pm in Community Hall. We are honored to have Dr. Liu again sharing more parenting tips with us.  We will be discussing how to find the balance for your children in this generation filled with new internet technology.   今年家長會第一次的講座很榮幸再度邀請到劉小玢博士來跟我們分享如何在這個新新 E 世代, 網路學習 App 和遊戲充斥的年代, 找出一個陪伴我們小朋友成長的平衡點.  請各位家長踴躍參加一起來討論及分享

  • PTA Meeting.  3pm at Community Hall right after the Seminar.
  • Room Parent Meeting.   3:30pm at Community Hall.  We will be discussing our next big event “Culture Day” and if any one of the room parents can not make it to the meeting, please send in a representative from your class so you don’t miss out on the important information.   這個禮拜的班代表大會將會再講座後 3:30pm  開始.  我們會討論湯圓文化節分工的項目, 希望每班的班代表都能出席, 如果無法出席, 也請派另一位家長來索取需要的資料

****!!!      School Administration  註冊及校務      !!! ****
  • Class Picture Day is scheduled for this week (11/9) for those classes that did not take it last week, please try not to be absent.  Room parents please come to the Community Hall at 2:35 PM for a group picture.  Schedule is posted at the link below.
本週11/9 還有幾個班級要拍攝班級師生照,請家長盡量不要讓學生缺席。也請班代表2:35 PM 到Community Hall 照團體照。時間表在以下的連結.

Speech Contest.jpg
  • Speech Contest sign-up has started. Teachers have sent out contest guidelines and sign-up form.  Please encourage your child(ren) to participate.  Sign-up deadline is 11/16/14.  今年的演講比賽已經開始接受報名,老師們已發比賽資料及報名表給大家,請家長們鼓勵貴子弟報名參加。報名到下週(11/16/14)截止。

  • Class Chinese Character Writing Contest is next week (11/16/14).  Preschool classes and kindergarten classes do not have the contest. 下週(11/16/14)有班級寫字比賽,學前班和幼稚班的學生無須參加。

****!!!         PTA Announcement  家長會與活動  !!!      ****
Book Fair 開卷有益讀書坊
Come get your student coupon with a gently used Chinese children’s book!! Our first SDCA book fair will begin on 11/16.  Part of the book fair will be a book exchange and we will start collecting gently used books this Sunday until the date of the fair. Please bring Chinese children books to the office for book tickets that will be used to trade books at our fair.  Any student who has brought in at least one book will get a student store coupon.  We encourage all of you to participate and expose our children to more Chinese books!   開卷有益讀書坊在 11/16 要開張囉~   我們的讀書坊其中一部分是舊書交換, 請各位家長在家中翻翻找找, 看有沒有已經看了很多次的中文童書 (Gently used). 可以拿出來交換,  我們從這個星期日開始收集中文書籍, 請將你想交換的書籍帶到辦公室來兌換成換書卷, 以便 Book Fair 當天換書~~  我們也接受書籍捐贈  只要帶一本書以上的同學, 都可領取一張學生商店貼紙喔~  請大家踴躍參加, 讓我們的小朋友能接觸到更多的中文書籍!!
Homework Helper  課業輔導:
Our homework help session will continue this Sunday after school from 4:40 - 5: 25 (45 minutes) at the office for kids who need additional help on their homework.  5 session and 10 session punch cards will be sold at the office.  Homework Helpers are intended to help kids on their assigned SDCA homework for that week, not a private tutor to do other learning plans.  It would be very helpful if you could let the teacher know if you would be coming again the following week.  課業輔導這周將繼續在辦公室開課, 讓有需要幫忙的家長, 如果自己沒有時間或是沒有辦法教小朋友功課, 需要老師的輔助, 我們再下課後 4:40 到 5:25 提供團體輔助.  採用 punch card 制度, 有興趣的家長可以到辦公室來詢問報名.  如果再接下來的週日你也會到, 請轉告我們的老師.  謝謝!!

Ninja Workout Club (NWC) 健人就是腳勤俱樂部
All Ninja workout clubs will be CANCELLED this Sunday in support of our school wide seminar.  Please encourage each other to come and learn about how to balance our children’s learning environment in this era full of new technologies.  這週所有的運動都將暫停一週, 希望各位家長能支持學校的講座, 一起來學習如何在這個 E 世代來教導與平衡小朋友的學習環境

Student snack store & Student recess activity 學生福利社及下課文化體驗:
Your choice of snack plus a juice box for only $1. Please encourage your students to stop by and get some treats. Also come and play Chinese Yoyo with your friends and kids. 點心時間與下課文化體驗持續展開! 第二節下課時,我們將有好玩的踢毽子與小點心販賣的活動,自選一樣點心加果汁或牛奶只要一美元,歡迎您與您的孩子前來參與及購買。
Massage monthly service starting 11/9/2014  消除疲勞,振作精神按摩服務:
After all the homework you’ve helped with your kids, you must be tired coming to school!  A brand new service will start 11/9 to help with your bottled up stress and soothe your muscles.  Michelle Good, a professional massage therapist, has graciously offered her service here for our parents and teachers.  Even though we just posted the news here for the first time, there are parents already lined up. Michelle provides her massages at a reasonable price.  We’re looking forward to it. 當您辛苦陪孩子做中文作業,準備小考,再帶了孩子來上中文學校,您一定累了吧?中華學苑將在11月9號邀請 能夠扭轉乾坤的Michelle Good 來學校提供按摩服務。雖然現在才公佈這個消息,已有家長聞風而來,拿了號碼牌排隊!這項服務收費便宜,卻能消除您的疲勞,振作精神,繼續為孩子的中文教育再接再厲!敬請期待!
Volunteers Needed  家長會義工:
If you have not yet been assigned a volunteer service and would like to help, please email We will find a position to qualify you for your service refund.
如果你還沒有被安排到義工職位而且還願意在學校幫忙, 請務必通知家長會, 我們還有許多地方需要各位家長的同工.

****!!!         Community Corner  社區園地       !!! ****
San Diego Chinese Art & Cultural Society drawing/painting contest, please see link below for details.

TECO document pick up schedule updated.  They are coming to San Diego on the schedule day to provide document pick up service. Please see the link below.  駐洛杉磯台北經濟文化辦事處領務組將於11/22下午14:30至16:00來San Diego, 提供活動領務收件。 詳情請參考附件。  


Tzu Chi San Diego Service Center presents “Profound Gratitude for Parents”, a fundraising Musical Production - Saturday, November 8th, 2014, 4-6 PM, please see flyer below for detailed information.
慈濟聖地牙哥舉辦「親恩浩連天 募款音樂會」- 日期:十一月八日,星期六, 時間:下午四點至六點.詳細資訊請看以下連結:

Saturday, November 15th, 2014
6:00 PM - 10:00 PM
Poway Community Auditorium, 13094 Civic Center Drive, Poway, CA 92064
Ticket Price: $25 advance purchase (at the office) or $30 at the door


我們每週成語的解答是.... 將心比心 jiāng xīn bǐ xīn

解釋: 以自己的立場去衡量別人的立場,體會他人的心意
造句: 将心比心,才能交到好朋友。

English:    Feel for others.  Put self in other people’s shoes.

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