Remainder that there is no Chinese school this Sunday. It will resume on the following Sunday, May 1, 2011.
1. 星期天不上課
5/1 恢復上課.
2. Gifts for Raffle at Teacher's Appreciation Dinner
We would like to ask for your help once again for the donation of one gift item/basket per class for our teacher’s gift raffle at the year-end Teachers’ Appreciation Dinner. The suggested item value is around $25.00. Please bring the item to PTA director Bing Han or to the parent lounge. We also need raffle items for parents and students. Please help us to have a great celebration full of good food, prizes, and fun. We will try to have karaoke again this year.
2. 謝師宴老師禮物與摸彩獎品
我們要再次請每個班級提供謝師宴老師禮物. 建議每份禮物的價值在$25. 請將禮物交給家長會長韓冰或是拿到家長休息室給值班的義工家長. 我們也需要大家幫忙準備給家長與學生的摸彩獎品. 歡迎大家一起來謝師宴跟老師們一同聚餐, 摸彩, 和唱歌娛樂.
3. Dinner ticket pre-sale
Tickets for Teachers’ Appreciation Dinner is on sale now. Tickets can be purchased from room parents or at the parents lounge. You may pick up the tickets at the parent lounge on 5/1/11. The banquet is at 5:30 pm at China Max Restaurant on Sunday, May 22nd, 2011. Adult ticket is $25, child ticket is $18.
3. 謝師宴餐卷
謝師宴餐卷開始預售. 請向您班上的班爸/班媽或是到家長休息室購買. 餐卷可以在 5/1 到家長休息室領取. 謝師宴預定將于 5/22 5:30 在富臨酒家舉行. 大人每位是 $25. 小孩是 $18.
4. SDCA T-shirt sale
We have some beautiful white T-shirts with school logo for sale. They are $10 each at the parent lounge.
4. 中華學苑運動杉
我們準備了印有學校名稱的精美運動杉. 每件$10. 請到家長休息室購買.
5. Pre-registration has started
Pre-registration for next school year has started. The registration packet should have been sent home with your child already. A copy of the registration materil can also be downloaded from the home page of our website at Registration Fee of $35 per student will be waived for current student pre-registered on or before 05/15/11, so register soon to take advantage of this saving.
5. 預註冊開始
下一學年度的預註冊已經開始. 註冊表已經交給您的孩子帶回家. 或是您可以從我們的網站上下載.
在5/15之前註冊的本校學生, 每位學生可以省下$35的報名費. 趕快到家長休息室註冊.
6. Service Refund Reminder
This is a reminder to come get refund gift cards at the parent lounge when you finish you service duty for the year. There is a form to be filled out and signed by the PTA director Bing Han.
6. 服務退費
提醒大家完成義工服務後到家長休息室申請退費. 填寫退費申請表再請家長會長韓冰簽名.
7. Disaster Preparedness Information
The American RedCross has compiled a list of very useful safety information on their website including Disaster Preparedness Information in many languages (including Chinese). Here is a link for your convenience:
7. 災難準備須知
美國紅十字會準備了一份很有用的安全必備須知在他們的網站上(附中文). 請按此連結:

- Our school website is
- Volunteer schedules and Scrips Service dates are posted on Parent Info Page at:
- Han Yu Pin Yin chart posted here:
- Blog page is:
- 中華學苑網站:
- 義工值勤表與禮券購買日期公布在網站的 "家長訊息篇" 中, 網址:
- 注音符號/漢語拼音對照表公布在此:
- 中華學苑部落格:
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