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Saturday, August 31, 2019

We need your help - Parent Volunteers 家長義工 for SDCA 2019-20!

Hello! This is your new PTA Director for year 2019-22! It is wonderful 
to see you all again at San Diego Chinese Academy on the first day of school on 
September 8, and we would also like to welcome all the new families who are
Joining this big family for the 2019-20 academic year. 
SDCA needs you sign up for volunteers. We rely heavily on parent volunteers to
Assist academic and maintain all non-academic functions of the school. We 
charge a service fee of $80 per family, which is refundable when a parent 
participates as a volunteer and completes the service. Refund will be given 
in the form of $80 value of gift cards when scrip sales at the office. 

很開心大家在新的學年度, 再次回到中華學苑.  也歡迎所有新加入我們的學生和家長!

This year we have created four signup groups on Take a look at these
awesome volunteer opportunities by simply click on the signup links and pick the
one that fits your time to support our Chinese community!

Ground Supervision, SDCA 2019-20 校園巡邏

Office Duty and Teacher’s Snacks 辦公室職勤, 老師點心

Other Volunteers

Room Parent 班媽/班爸
Event Assistance協助
Contest Assistance比賽協助
Student Snack點心販賣
Yearbook Editors年刊編輯
Mail pickup郵件服務
PTA Backup/On-call Volunteer儲備義工是替補臨時請假的義工

Registration, Scrip Sales Volunteers 註冊組, 禮券銷售組

We thank you, if you have already signed up! Please review your information and
let us know if there is any incorrect information. You can contact us at 

For volunteer job descriptions, please go to

See you on campus on September 8!

Weekly announcement will be out shortly later this week! 

Thank you,

Friday, August 30, 2019

SDCA First Day of School, Year 2019-20!

San Diego Chinese Academy is excited for the year 2019-20! We welcome all the returning students and new students to our campus on the first day of school, September 8, 2019! 

See you soon!

Have a great Labor Day weekend!

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

舞鈴劇場~ 海洋慶典 (Diabolo Dance Group - Ocean Celebration) - Tickets on sale

1. 學分班學生 09/15 需要參加,學校會爲學生買票
It is mandatory attendance for students in the credit classes. School will purchase the tickets for them.

2. 學校有 108 張 $20 票,都在樓上,想要購票可以 text 校長 858-205-7322 (no early bird discount for the $20 tickets)
SDCA has 108 tickets at $20 per tickets. Those tickets are for upper floor (no early bird discount for the $20 tickets).

3. 校長這裡有 10 張 $50, 10 張 $40,  如果 8/31 以前買,有 20% discount. Please text 校長
SDCA also has 10 tickets at $50 and 10 tickets at $40. There is an 20% discount if purchased by August 31. Please text Principal Sun 858-205-7322.

4. 如果要好一點位置的,請自行網上頂購,8/31 以前有 early bird discount.
If better seats are desired, please follow the link below to purchase tickets online. 

"Ocean Celebration" from Diabolo Dance Theatre has extended the 20% off discount to 8/31/19. 

If payment is received by 9/5, an email confirmation will delivered and you will be able to pick up the tickets at school on 9/8 between 2-4 PM. 

Important info and links:
Thank you very much for your help and support.

Press Release

Diabolo Dance Theatre  from Taiwan will be performing “Ocean Celebration” at the Poway Center for the Performing Arts on Sunday, September 15, 2019, at 6:30 pm.  The performance showcases one of Taiwan’s traditional arts reimagined for a dynamic new world, bringing the energy and vitality of contemporary Taiwan to a global audience.

Inspired by the beautiful island of Taiwan and its rich cultural heritage, Diabolo Dance Theatre’s “Ocean Celebration” displays a new face of a traditional skill, combining innovative diabolo skills with music, dance, gymnastics, and other forms of performing arts.

Established in 1986, the 14-member Diabolo Dance Theatre leaps beyond traditional diabolo.  Since 2002, in addition to performing in Taiwan, Diabolo Dance Theatre has done more than 1000 performances in over 30 countries, including Lincoln Center in New York City; National Arts Centre in Ottawa, Canada; World’s Fair in Aichi, Japan; and the opening ceremony of Taiwan Pavilion at World’s Fair in Shanghai.

Don’t miss Diabolo Dance Theatre’s September 15’s performance at Poway Performing Arts Center, 15498 Espola Road, Poway, CA. Fun for the whole family, and a must-see experience for everyone who loves dance, music, theatre, gymnastics and art, Diabolo Dance Theatre’s only appearance in 2019 in Southern Califlornia is sponsored by Taiwan’s Overseas Community Affairs Council to celebrate Double Ten ROC National Day. 

Tickets can be purchased at  There is a 20% discount for tickets purchased before 8/31.  

Promotional video can be seen at:



「舞鈴劇場」共14位成員,從1986年成立以來,以扯鈴結合劇場創意,探索全新表演形式, 帶領觀眾進入超越想像的舞台世界。不但熟悉扯鈴技巧,並加以創新,更研發將扯鈴跨越舞台觀眾席的遠距離創舉。在創作上吸收大量的表演元素加以運用,徹底打破扯鈴的表演疆界。除在台灣演出,該劇場自2002年起受邀赴美國紐約林肯中心、加拿大國家劇院、日本愛知萬國博覽會、上海世界博覽會台灣館開幕演出,已赴超過 30個國家、演出超過1,000場。

「舞鈴劇場」在南加州地區僅此一場,這是中華民國僑務委員會為支援海外僑社辦理雙十國慶活動,促進僑界與當地主流文化藝術交流,特籌組國慶文化訪問團於美洲地區巡迴訪演。南加州地區於915日下午6點半在聖地牙哥「波威表演藝術中心」(Poway Center for the Performing Arts, 15498 Espola Road, Poway) 盛大演出

欲購票者請上網去 831日前可享有八折優惠。

舞鈴劇場 海洋慶典預告片:


Friday, August 2, 2019

Update Information about the show on September 15 - 舞鈴劇場~ 海洋慶典 (Diabolo Dance Group - Ocean Celebration)

Update Information about the show on September 15.

1. 學分班學生 09/15 需要參加,學校會爲學生買票

It is mandatory attendance for students in the credit classes. School will purchase the tickets for them.

2. 學校有 108 張 $20 票,都在樓上,想要購票可以 text 校長 858-205-7322 (no early bird discount for the $20 tickets)

SDCA has 108 tickets at $20 per tickets. Those tickets are for upper floor (no early bird discount for the $20 tickets).

3. 校長這裡有 10 張 $50, 10 張 $40,  如果 8/15 以前買,有 20% discount. Please text 校長

SDCA also has 10 tickets at $50 and 10 tickets at $40. There is an 20% discount if purchased by August 15. Please text Principal Sun 858-205-7322.

4. 如果要好一點位置的,請自行網上頂購,8/15 以前有 early bird discount.

If better seats are desired, please follow the link below to purchase tickets online. 

為慶祝中華民國108年雙十國慶,僑委會特別派出來舞鈴劇場~ 海洋慶典Diabolo Dance Group文化訪問團來到聖地牙哥,這是南加州唯一的一場節目。 在8/15/2019之前購買的門票可享受20%的折扣,請查看以下link。  


To celebrate the 108th National Day of the Republic of China, the Diabolo Dance Group presents ~ Ocean Celebration! This is the only show in Southern California. Tickets purchased before 8/15/2019 are eligible for a 20% discount, please see the link below. The Diabolo Dance Group is the first outstanding performing arts team in Taiwan to combine ringing, dancing, gymnastics and professional theater. The “Ocean Celebration” bell dancers interweave a mobile art totem combining visual and auditory to lead the audience to discover the beautiful new imagination. world. This group of young performing artists, with the heart of the bell as the center, the radius of the theater as a radius, has been exploring a new form of performance for more than 20 years, leading the audience into the dazzling stage world, which is wonderful. Welcome to the world of Dance Bell Theatre, this is a show you can't miss. I hope everyone will go to watch! The time and place of the event are as follows:

(二)演出地點:Poway Center for the Performing Arts

For tickets Please Contact: or 858-220-5765

Thursday, August 1, 2019

Update Information:舞鈴劇場~ 海洋慶典 (Diabolo Dance Group - Ocean Celebration)

Update Information about the show on September 15.

1. 學分班學生 09/15 需要參加,學校會爲學生買票

It is mandatory attendance for students in the credit classes. School will purchase the tickets for them.

2. 學校有 108 張 $20 票,都在樓上,想要購票可以 text 校長 858-205-7322 (no early bird discount for the $20 tickets)

SDCA has 108 tickets at $20 per tickets. Those tickets are for upper floor (no early bird discount for the $20 tickets).

SDCA also has 10 tickets at $50 and 10 tickets at $40. There is an 20% discount if purchased by August 15. Please text Principal Sun 858-205-7322.

3. 如果要好一點位置的,請自行網上頂購,8/15 以前有 early bird discount.

If better seats are desired, please follow the link below to purchase tickets online. 

為慶祝中華民國108年雙十國慶,僑委會特別派出來舞鈴劇場~ 海洋慶典Diabolo Dance Group文化訪問團來到聖地牙哥,這是南加州唯一的一場節目。 在8/15/2019之前購買的門票可享受20%的折扣,請查看以下link。  


To celebrate the 108th National Day of the Republic of China, the Diabolo Dance Group presents ~ Ocean Celebration! This is the only show in Southern California. Tickets purchased before 8/15/2019 are eligible for a 20% discount, please see the link below. The Diabolo Dance Group is the first outstanding performing arts team in Taiwan to combine ringing, dancing, gymnastics and professional theater. The “Ocean Celebration” bell dancers interweave a mobile art totem combining visual and auditory to lead the audience to discover the beautiful new imagination. world. This group of young performing artists, with the heart of the bell as the center, the radius of the theater as a radius, has been exploring a new form of performance for more than 20 years, leading the audience into the dazzling stage world, which is wonderful. Welcome to the world of Dance Bell Theatre, this is a show you can't miss. I hope everyone will go to watch! The time and place of the event are as follows:

(二)演出地點:Poway Center for the Performing Arts

For tickets Please Contact: or 858-220-5765