5-13-2018 母親節快樂 (no School)
5-13-2018 Happy Mother's Day!!
***!!! 重要活動日期 Mark Your Calendars !!! ***
今年謝師宴將於05/19/2018(星期六)下午6:00 在Seaside buffet餐館舉行,
Teachers Appreciation Dinner will be on Saturday, May 19, 2018, 6:00 PM at
Seaside Buffet Restaurant.
Come join the teachers at the dinner to show your support.
Please purchase tickets at the office
05/13/2018 母親節放假 Mother’s Day ( No School )

謝師宴 Teacher's Appreciation Dinner
*****!!! 社區園地 Community Corner !!! *****
如果你有自己的 business,或是你的雇主想推展業務,請考慮在中華學苑的網站、每周的
If you have a small business or your employer wants to promote their business, please consider
advertising on our website, weekly blog, or yearbook. Our pricing is very competitive and can
easily reach out to more than 350 families. Please refer to the below link for more information
and pricing. Thank you for your support!
來自孫校長的短信 Text Messages From Mrs. Sun
Text this message: @sdcaparent to this number: 81010
This is used for the principal to send out regular reminders, last minute updates, and in
the event of an emergency. This is a great way that you won’t miss important information
from school.
******!!! 校務 School Administration !!! ******
2018-2019 學年的網上預註冊將於本週(4/22/2018)開跑!老師及理事的孩子學費另有10% off
Pre-registration for the 2018-2019 school year will start this week! There is an additional 10% off for
board members’ and teachers’ student tuition. If you are interested in becoming a teacher or know
someone who would be a great teacher, please get in touch with the office administration team as
soon as possible.
If you have any questions, contact the Registrar at office.sdca@gmail.com
新學年的學費調整 Tuition for the new school year has been changed:
1. 普通班/雙語班學費(含教材) 調漲 $50; 預註冊每位學生 $680
Tuition for the Regular/Bilingual classes has increased by $50 (including textbooks); Pre-registration for
every Regular/Bilingual class student is $680.
2. 學分班學費 (不包括教材) 調漲 $20; 預註冊每位學生 $850
2. 學分班學費 (不包括教材) 調漲 $20; 預註冊每位學生 $850
Tuition for the Credit classes has increased by $20 (textbooks are not included); Pre-registration for every
Credit class student is $850
3. 辦理休學退費的手續費 The Processing Fee for Withdrawal of students:
3. 辦理休學退費的手續費 The Processing Fee for Withdrawal of students:
休學申請時間點 Date of Application
手續費 Processing Fee
By 8/25/2018
退全額 Full refund
8/26/2018 至 開學第一週 First week
第二週 Second week
第三週 Third week
第四週 Fourth week
第五週 Fifth week
第六週起 Sixth week
無退費 No refund
Every year around second term, San Diego Chinese Academy would solicit parent’s opinion and
recommendation for the school through Parent Survey. This year we will conduct this survey earlier
in the school year, so we can give positive feedback to our hard working teachers. It is important
for us to acknowledge and appreciate the efforts our teachers have been contributing to the school
and for the children. We look forward to hear from you of any compliment or constructive suggestion.
We will take your opinion seriously and make any necessary adjustment to the school because we
strive for improvements and success of your children.
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