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Thursday, November 12, 2015

11-15-2015 Week 9: Speech Contest deadline approaching!
11-15-2015 第九週:  還有機會報名演講比賽喔!

****!!!        Mark Your Calendars  重要活動日期      !!! ****
1.   11/15/2015: Speech Contest registration deadline
2.   11/22/2015: SDCA Culture Day
Class Chinese character writing contest
Speech Contest order draw

We are rolling out the online registration this year for our speech contest. The deadline for signing up is 11/15/2015.  Please go to and fill out the online sign-up form. 演講比賽即日起開始報名,報名截止日期是11/15/2015,比賽日期是12/06/2015。我們將採取網絡報名,請家長上網至此網址報名

Important Notice: Due to a number of uncontrollable reasons, the December, January, and February school calendar had to be adjusted. The updated school calendar has been distributed to teachers and room parents. 重要通知: 因為一系列不可控制的原因,我們不得不做以下學校行事曆的修改。更新過的行事曆已發放給老師及班媽班爸。
12/13/2015 Room Parent Meeting
01/10/2016 Coupon Day (1)
01/24/2016 New Year Program Rehearsal
01/31/2016 Chinese New Year Festival
02/14/2016 School Day
02/21/2016 No School

*****!!!!!      Ground Supervision 校園巡邏  !!!!!! *****

Please remind your children to only play by the grassy area during recess time. Do not go to places where there is no adult supervision. Although there are four parents doing ground supervision every week, we still need your children’s cooperation to ensure our campus safety. Thank you. 請各位家長告知家中子女,下課時間請小朋友盡量留在草地上玩耍,請勿跑到建築後面或是人少的地方,以維護自身安全。雖然校園內有義工家長巡邏,但還需要大家配合,才能確保校園安全,謝謝。

Please remind your student again not to touch and/or use anything in the classroom, including the trash can. We are grateful to be able to use this wonderful campus. Please help take care of LJCDS classrooms and its campus so we can continue to use it. Parents, if you visit a classroom with a young child, please watch your child to make sure he/she is not touching anything in the classroom. Thank you.  麻煩家長持續提醒孩子們,教室内的所有物品都不能使用,移動,和破壞。也不能在教室裡吃東西或用教室裡的垃圾桶。我們感謝 LJCDS 借給我們這個美麗的校園,整齊的教室和安全的環境。我們很珍惜能和 LJCDS 維持良好的關係。所以希望學生們都能確實遵守規定。如果有家長帶小小孩進教室,也要特別提醒家長注意自己的小孩,不要亂動教室内的東西。

****!!!         PTA Announcement  家長會與活動  !!!      ****
SDCA Cultural Day Flyer 2015.jpg

Please come join our Cultural Day on the November 22th. Next week (11/22/15) will be the SDCA Cultural Day (Rice Ball Festival), we will be making rice balls to celebrate.  If your child is allergic to glutinous rice and/or any other food item, please make sure to tell your child not to eat things that he/she is allergic to and please accompany your child to get the food items.  Letting the teacher know what your child is allergic to may also help to cut down on response time as well. PTA will have schedules for each class/group to help with the flow of that day. Please pay special attention to communication from your room parents as well. We will have the ingredients listed by each rice ball soup.   下週(11/24)本校家長會將舉辦中華學苑文化節活動,是吃湯圓的日子,有甜和鹹湯圓。如果貴子弟對糯米或任何食物過敏的話,請叮嚀貴子弟不要吃過敏的食物,也請家長陪同來參加。同時,讓老師們知道貴子弟的過敏物品也有可能協助校方縮短應變時間。為了讓當天的活動順利圓滿,家長會會請班代表轉寄當天的活動流程表,請家長們記得要看班代表寄出的電子郵件。

Student snack store 學生福利社:
Snack Store during 2nd recess will start this week. Your choice of snack and a juice box costs only $1.  Please encourage your students to stop by and get some treats. We will also have Jamba Juice coming on campus once a month.   點心時間到囉!  第二節下課時,我們將有小點心販賣的活動,自選一樣點心加果汁只要一美元,歡迎您與您的孩子前來購買。

****!!!         Community Corner  社區園地       !!! ****


700年11月11日 宰相狄仁杰逝世 - 狄仁杰,生於唐貞觀五年(630年),卒於武則天久視元年九月辛丑日。初任并州都督府法曹,轉大理丞,改任侍御史,歷任寧州、豫州刺史、地官侍郎等職,官至鳳閣鸞台平章事、內史。狄仁杰為官,正如老子所言“聖人無常心,以百姓心為心”,為了拯救無辜,敢於拂逆君主之意,始終保持體恤百姓、不畏權勢的本色,始終是居廟堂之上,以民為憂,後人稱之為“唐室砥柱”;他在武則天統治時期曾擔任國家最高司法職務,判決積案、疑案,糾正冤案、錯案、假案;他任掌管刑法的大理丞,到任一年,判決了大量的積壓案件,涉及1.7萬人,其中沒有一人再上訴伸冤,其處事公正可見一斑,是我國歷史上以廉潔勤政著稱的清官。久視元年(700年),狄仁杰病故,朝野淒慟,武則天聞訊泣言之:“朝堂空也!”贈文昌右相,謚曰文惠;唐中宗繼位,追贈司空;唐睿宗即位之後又封之為梁國公。狄仁杰每任一職,都心繫民生,政績卓著。在他身居宰相之位後,輔國安邦,對武則天弊政多所匡正,可謂推動唐朝走向繁榮的重要功臣之一。Di Renjie (630 – 700), was an official of the Tang dynasty, twice serving as chancellor during the reign of Wu Zetian. He was one of the most honest and diligent government officials in Chinese history. His image and stories are celebrated in numerous Chinese filmography works.


1528年11月12日明朝抗倭名將、民族英雄戚繼光出生 - 戚繼光(1528年11月12日-1588年1月5日),字元敬,號南塘,晚號孟諸,卒謚武毅。漢族,山東登州人。明朝抗倭名將,傑出的軍事家書法家詩人民族英雄。父戚景通,世代為官,嘉靖17年,戚繼光10歲繼承其父爵,官居四品。戚繼光在東南沿海抗擊倭寇十餘年,掃平了多年為虐沿海的倭患,確保了沿海人民的生命財產安全;後又在北方抗擊蒙古部族內犯十餘年,保衛了北部疆域的安全,促進了蒙漢民族的和平發展,寫下了十八卷本《紀效新書》和十四卷本《練兵實紀》等著名兵書,還有《止止堂集》及在各個不同歷史時期呈報朝廷的奏疏和修議。同時,戚繼光又是一位傑出的兵器專家和軍事工程家,他改造、發明了各種火攻武器;他建造的大小戰船、戰車,使明軍水路裝備優於敵人;他富有創造性的在長城上修建空心敵台,進可攻退可守,是極具特色的軍事工程。Qi Jiguang (November 12, 1528 – January 17, 1588) was a Chinese military general of the Ming dynasty. He is best known for leading Ming forces to defend China's eastern coastal regions from raids by the wokou in the 16th century and is widely regarded as a national hero in Chinese culture. Qi Jiguang documented his ideas and practical experience in the form of two books on military strategy - Ji Xiao Xin Shu (紀效新書) and Record of Military Training (練兵實紀). He also wrote a great number of poems and essays, which he compiled into the Collection of Zhizhi Hall (止止堂集), named after his study hall during his office in Jizhou. In his years defending Ming dynasty’s northern frontier against the Mongols, Qi Jiguang directed the repair work on the Great Wall. He invented the watchtowers along the wall. After two years of hard work, more than 1,000 watchtowers were completed, giving the defensive capability in the north a great boost. Qi Jiguang also conducted a month-long military exercise involving more than 100,000 troops in winter 1572. From the experience of the maneuver he wrote Records of Military Training which became an invaluable reference for military leaders after him.

1866年11月12日 民主革命先行者孫中山誕生 - 孫中山(1866年— - 1925年),名文,字載之,號日新,又號逸仙,幼名帝像,化名中山樵,常以中山為名。生於廣東省香山縣(今中山市翠亨村的農民家庭。  青少年時代受到廣東人民鬥爭傳統的影響,嚮往太平天國的革命事業。是中國近代民族民主主義革命的開拓者,中國民主革命偉大先行者,中華民國中國國民黨締造者,三民主義倡導者,創立《五權憲法》。他首舉徹底反封建的旗幟,“起而終二千年帝制”。 Sun Yat-Sen (12 November 1866 – 12 March 1925) was a Chinese revolutionary, first president and founding father of the Republic of China. Sun is referred to as the "Father of the Nation" in both the Republic of China (ROC) and the People's Republic of China (PRC), widely revered amongst the people from both sides of the Taiwan Strait as well as overseas Chinese. Sun played an instrumental role in the overthrow of the Qing dynasty during the years leading up to the Double Ten Revolution, which ended two thousand years of imperial rule.

19101112 數學家華羅庚誕辰 - 華羅庚(1910.11.12—1985.6.12), 出生於江常州壇區,祖籍江丹陽。世界著名數學家中國科學院院士,美國國家科學院外籍院士,第三世界科學院院士聯邦德國巴伐利亞科學院院士他是中國解析數、矩陣幾何學、典型群自守函數與多元複變函數論等多方面研究的創始人和開拓者,也是中國在世界上最有影響力的數學家之一,被列芝加哥科學技術博物館中當今世界88位數學偉人之一。國際上以華氏命名的數學科研成果有華氏定理華氏不等式王方法Hua Luogeng (12 November 1910 – 12 June 1985) was a Chinese mathematician famous for his important contributions to number theory and for his role as the leader of mathematics research and education. He was largely responsible for identifying and nurturing the renowned mathematician Chen Jingrun who proved Chen's theorem, the best known result on the Goldbach conjecture. In addition, Hua's later work on mathematical optimization and operations research made an enormous impact on China's economy. Hua did not receive a formal university education. Although awarded several honorary PhDs, he never got a formal degree from any university. For this reason Hua has been referred to by some as the Ramanujan of China.

1938年11月12日 长沙实行“焦土抗战”- 1938年10月武汉失陷. 11月11日,岳阳又落入日军手中。12日,蒋介石电令湖南省主席张治中,在日军进攻长沙时,焚毁市区,实行“焦土抗战”。当日午夜,长沙警备司令酆悌决定以警备二团团长徐昆为总指挥,由300人组成24个纵火队,他们把伤兵烤火误认为是点火信号,随即在全城纵火,长沙变成一片火海,一直烧了3天3夜。长沙大火烧毁房屋5万余栋,烧死居民2万余人,财产损失不计其数,大量灾民无家可归。18日,蒋介石为长沙纵火案平息民愤,令组织高等军事法庭会审,严惩肇事者。20日,长沙纵火案经国民政府军事委员会高等军事法庭会审,判处长沙警备司令酆悌、警备第二团团长徐昆和湖南省会警察局长文重孚以死判,在长沙枪决;湖南省政府主席张治中革职留任,责成善后。2014年中文影視作品,戰長沙,讲述了湖南人民抵抗日本侵略者的壮烈故事,还原了湖南长沙的文夕大火、焦土政策等一系列历史事件。The Changsha fire of 1938, also known as Wenxi fire, was the greatest human-caused city-wide fire that ever besieged China. Kuomintang officials ordered the city be set on fire in 1938 during the Second Sino-Japanese War to keep its wealth from the Japanese. The result of this fire made Changsha one of the most damaged cities during World War II, alongside Stalingrad, Hiroshima and Nagasaki. In Chinese, the character for 'wen' in the term 'Wenxi Fire' refers to the telegraph abbreviation code for the day of the month, whereas 'xi' (meaning 'night') refers to the time of the fire. More than 20,000 people lost their lives during the fire. Over 90%, or 56,000, of the city's buildings were burned. Ironically, Chiang's fear proved wrong. The city repulsed three separate attacks against Japanese in 1939, 1941 and 1942. The city did not fall until 1944 to the Japanese in the fourth battle of Changsha although by that time the city no longer held strategic importance.


11251113 南宋著名詩人陸游出 - 陸游(1125—1210),字務觀,號放翁。漢族,越州山陰(今浙江紹興)人,南宋著名詩人其一生筆耕不輟,今存九千多首,是我國現有存詩最多的詩人, 內容極為豐富。與王安石、蘇軾、黃庭堅並稱宋代四大詩人,又與楊萬里、范成大、尤袤合稱興四大詩人。著有《劍南詩稿》、《渭南文集》、《南唐書》、《老學庵筆記》等Lu You (1125–1209) was a prominent poet of China's Southern Song Dynasty. He wrote over 9,000 poems during his entire life, which makes him the most productive poet in Chinese history.


9761114 宋朝第一任皇帝趙匡胤逝世 - 宋太祖趙匡胤(927321日-9761114日),字元朗,宋朝開國皇帝。後唐明宗天成年間(927321日)生於洛陽夾馬營(今河南省洛陽市瀍河回族區東關),祖籍涿郡(今河北省涿州市)。趙匡胤於漢隱帝時投奔郭威,其後郭威廢漢建周。後周顯德七年(960年)元月初三夜晚,時任歸德軍節度使、檢校太尉的趙匡胤軍於京城汴梁(今河南省開封市)東北二十公里的陳橋驛(今河南省封丘縣陳橋鎮)發生譁變,將士於隔日清晨擁立趙匡胤為帝,史稱陳橋兵變。大軍隨即回師京城,後周恭帝柴宗禪位,趙匡胤登基,改元建隆,國號,史稱宋朝北宋趙匡胤在位期間,致力於統一全國。依據宰相趙普先南後北策略,先後滅亡荊南武平後蜀南唐等南方割據政權,至其胞弟宋太宗趙光義在位時,覆滅亡、漳泉及後,方才完成統一全國大業。趙匡胤於961年及969年先後兩次杯酒釋兵權,解除禁軍將領及地方藩鎮的兵權,解決自唐朝中葉以來地方節度使擁兵自擅的局面;設立樁庫貯藏錢帛布匹,期能贖回被後晉高祖石敬瑭獻給契丹的燕雲十六州,但事未成而逝世9761114日,趙匡胤逝世,享年四十九歲,在位十六年Zhao Kuangyin (21 March 927 – 14 November 976), also known by his temple name Taizu (太祖), was the founding emperor of the Song Dynasty, reigning from 960 until his death. A distinguished military general under the Later Zhou, he came to power by staging a coup d'état and forcing the young Emperor Gong of Later Zhou to abdicate power. During his reign, he conquered the states of Southern Tang, Later Shu, Southern Han and Jingnan, thus reunifying most of China proper and effectively ending the tumultuous Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period. To strengthen his control, he lessened the power of military generals and relied on civilian officials in administration. He was succeeded by Emperor Taizong, his younger brother who possibly murdered him for the throne.

19081114 緒帝病 - 清德宗愛新覺羅·載湉(1871814—19081114日),清朝第十一位皇帝,定都北京後的第九位皇帝,在位年號光緒,史稱光緒帝親醇親王奕譞,生母葉赫那拉·為慈禧皇太后親妹. 1875同治帝載淳 (咸豐與葉赫那拉.的獨生子),無子. 載湉被兩宮皇太后立為帝,起初由慈安慈禧宮太后垂簾聽政。光緒七年(1881年)慈安太后崩逝後由慈禧太后一人垂簾。光緒十五年(1889年),載湉親政,此後雖名義上歸政於光緒帝,實際上大權仍掌握在慈禧太后手中。在載湉親政後發生的中日甲午戰爭中,光緒帝極力主戰,反對妥協,但終因朝廷腐敗,而以清朝戰敗告終。痛定思痛,他極力支持維新派變法以圖強,光緒二十四年(1898年),光緒帝實行戊戌變法,但卻受到以慈禧太后為首的保守派的反對。光緒帝打算依靠袁世牽制住以慈禧太后為首的這一股勢力,但反被袁世凱賣,從此被慈禧太后幽禁在中南海瀛台。整個維新不過歷時103天,故稱百日維新。政變後大權再次落入慈禧太后手中,對外宣稱光緒帝罹病不能理事,實將他幽禁於西苑瀛台,成為無枷之囚緒三十四年(1908年)十一月十四日光緒帝暴崩,享年38. The Guangxu Emperor (14 August 1871 – 14 November 1908), personal name Zaitian, was the eleventh emperor of the Qing dynasty, and the ninth Qing emperor to rule over China. His reign lasted from 1875 to 1908, but in practice he ruled, under Empress Dowager Cixi's influence, only from 1889 to 1898. He initiated the Hundred Days' Reform, but was abruptly stopped when the empress dowager launched a coup in 1898, after which he was put under house arrest until his death. His regnal name, "Guangxu", means "glorious succession".

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