11-22-2015 Week 10: Culture Day Festival
11-22-2015 第十週: 來吃湯圓喔!
****!!! Mark Your Calendars 重要活動日期 !!! ****
1. 11/22/2015: SDCA Culture Day
湯圓文化節 , 請鼓勵學生自備小碗及湯匙
Class Chinese character writing contest
Speech Contest order draw
2. 11/29/2015: Thanksgiving Holiday
Important Notice: Due to a number of reasons beyond our control, our December, January, and February school calendar had to be adjusted. The updated school calendar has been distributed to teachers and room parents. 重要通知: 因為一系列不可控制的原因,我們不得不做以下學校行事曆的修改。更新過的行事曆已發放給老師及班媽班爸。
12/13/2015 Room Parent Meeting
01/10/2016 Coupon Day (1)
01/24/2016 New Year Program Rehearsal
01/31/2016 Chinese New Year Festival
02/14/2016 School Day
02/21/2016 No School
*****!!!!! Ground Supervision 校園巡邏 !!!!!! *****
Please remind your children to only play by the grassy area during recess time. Do not go to places where there is no adult supervision. Although there are four parents doing ground supervision every week, we still need your children’s cooperation to ensure our campus safety. Thank you. 請各位家長告知家中子女,下課時間請小朋友盡量留在草地上玩耍,請勿跑到建築後面或是人少的地方,以維護自身安全。雖然校園內有義工家長巡邏,但還需要大家配合,才能確保校園安全,謝謝。
Please remind your student again not to touch and/or use anything in the classroom, including the trash can. We are grateful to be able to use this wonderful campus. Please help take care of LJCDS classrooms and its campus so we can continue to use it. Parents, if you visit a classroom with a young child, please watch your child to make sure he/she is not touching anything in the classroom. Thank you. 麻煩家長持續提醒孩子們,教室内的所有物品都不能使用,移動,和破壞。也不能在教室裡吃東西或用教室裡的垃圾桶。我們感謝 LJCDS 借給我們這個美麗的校園,整齊的教室和安全的環境。我們很珍惜能和 LJCDS 維持良好的關係。所以希望學生們都能確實遵守規定。如果有家長帶小小孩進教室,也要特別提醒家長注意自己的小孩,不要亂動教室内的東西。
****!!! PTA Announcement 家長會與活動 !!! ****
Please come join our Cultural Day on the November 22th. Next week (11/22/15) will be the SDCA Cultural Day (Rice Ball Festival), we will be making rice balls to celebrate. If your child is allergic to glutinous rice and/or any other food item, please make sure to tell your child not to eat things that he/she is allergic to and please accompany your child to get the food items. Letting the teacher know what your child is allergic to may also help to cut down on response time as well. PTA will have schedules for each class/group to help with the flow of that day. Please pay special attention to communication from your room parents as well. We will have the ingredients listed by each rice ball soup. 本週(11/22)本校家長會將舉辦中華學苑文化節活動,是吃湯圓的日子,有甜和鹹湯圓。如果貴子弟對糯米或任何食物過敏的話,請叮嚀貴子弟不要吃過敏的食物,也請家長陪同來參加。同時,讓老師們知道貴子弟的過敏物品也有可能協助校方縮短應變時間。為了讓當天的活動順利圓滿,家長會會請班代表轉寄當天的活動流程表,請家長們記得要看班代表寄出的電子郵件。
To protect our earth, please prepare small bowl and spoon for your children to bring for the rice ball soup. This will significantly reduce the styrofoam usage. 請各位家長響應環保,替貴子弟準備小碗小湯匙,以節省寶麗龍的碗.
PTA Parents Ninja Workout Club (NWC): Our school baseball team is growing and finally got our own jerseys. Check out the photo below with our “Baseball Dad” (and one “Mom”) jerseys on. Join us if you would like to get under the sun during those three hours. Contact Jerry Han if you are interested. 我們學校的棒球隊人數逐漸增加,看看我們穿上剛收到的球隊制服的合照。有興趣的家長可以藉由這個時間多多認識其他的家長,也可以強健身體。請與Jerry聯絡。
Student snack store 學生福利社:
Snack Store during 2nd recess will start this week. Your choice of snack and a juice box costs only $1. Please encourage your students to stop by and get some treats. We will also have Jamba Juice coming on campus once a month. 點心時間到囉! 第二節下課時,我們將有小點心販賣的活動,自選一樣點心加果汁只要一美元,歡迎您與您的孩子前來購買。
****!!! Community Corner 社區園地 !!! ****
US Youth Chinese Poetry Illustration Contest
Event Website: http://usyouthcpic.blogspot.com/
See next page for flyer:
1908年11月15日 慈禧太后歸西 - 葉赫那拉氏,滿洲正黃旗人,1835年生。咸豐二年(1852)被選入宮,封蘭貴人。1856年生皇長子載淳,封懿妃。1857年,晉懿貴妃。與其他嬪妃相較,慈禧具有較高水準的文化修養,能書寫漢文,擅於書法與繪畫。咸豐帝體弱多病,而當時國家又值多事之秋,內有太平天國起義,外有英法聯軍的侵略;咸豐帝便經常口授,讓慈禧代理批閱奏章。後來,開始允許慈禧發表自己的政治意見,使得慈禧逐漸有了政治資本。咸豐帝有兩個兒子,皇次子憫郡王剛出生便死去了,載淳成為咸豐帝唯一一個活到成年的兒子,使懿貴妃在宮中的地位越發顯貴。1861年,咸豐帝死於熱河行宮,載淳即位,年6歲,葉赫那拉氏與皇后鈕祜祿氏並尊為兩宮皇太后。後慈禧太后發動北京政變誅殺輔政大臣肅順等,以“垂簾聽政”名義取得清廷統治實權。從1861年底到1908年死,她統治中國達48年。慈禧太后一生的主要活動:一、採取“借洋兵助剿”以及重用曾國藩等漢族地方武裝的政策,鎮壓 了太平天國革命、捻軍和雲南、貴州、陝西、甘肅的回民、苗民起義。二、開辦洋務,以求富國強兵,企圖以此挽救清朝統治。三、對外屈膝妥協,簽訂一系列喪權 辱國的條約。四、發動戊戌政變,扼殺了變法運動。五、勾結侵略者,出賣義和團。六、晚年搞“預備立憲”,宣稱“實行新政”,企圖以此抵制日益高漲的革命。1908年11月15日,慈禧太后葉赫那拉氏薨,年74歲. Empress Dowager Cixi (29 November 1835 – 15 November 1908), of the Manchu Yehenara clan, was a Chinese empress dowager and regent who effectively controlled the Chinese government in the late Qing dynasty for 47 years from 1861 until her death in 1908. Selected as an imperial concubine of the Xianfeng Emperor in her adolescence, she gave birth to a son, Zaichun, in 1856. After the Xianfeng Emperor's death in 1861, the young boy became the Tongzhi Emperor, and she became the Empress Dowager. Cixi ousted a group of regents appointed by the late emperor and assumed regency. Cixi then consolidated control over the dynasty when she installed her nephew as the Guangxu Emperor at the death of the Tongzhi Emperor in 1875, contrary to the traditional rules of succession of the Qing dynasty that had ruled China since 1644. Many historians both in China and abroad have portrayed her as a despot responsible for the fall of the Qing dynasty. Others have suggested that her opponents among the reformers succeeded in making her a scapegoat for problems beyond her control.
1019年11月17日 北宋史學家司馬光誕辰 - 司馬光是北宋陝州夏縣涑水鄉(今山西夏縣司馬營村)人,生於公元1019年11月17日,世稱涑水先生,是我國古代著名的史學家。他一生著作甚多,有20 種500餘卷,其中他領導編撰的《資治通鑒》一書,是繼司馬遷《史記》以後最優秀的一部通史巨著。從它問世以來,一向為歷史學者所推崇,對我國以後的史學發展起到巨大的影響。司馬光從小誠實聰明,又十分懂事,深得家人喜愛。 7歲時,不僅能背誦《左氏春秋》,還能講明白書的要意;並且做出了“砸缸救友”這一件被人們廣泛流傳的事跡。Sima Guang (1019–1086) was a Chinese historian, scholar, and high chancellor of the Song Dynasty. In a folktale, Sima Guang, as a child, saved a playmate who had fallen into an enormous vat full of water. Other children scattered in panic, but Sima Guang saved the child by smashing a hole in the base of the pot to allow the water to flow out. His calm decisiveness won him considerable praise. This is the origin of the famous story, "Sima Guang Za Gang". Sima Guang passed the Imperial examination with the highest rank of jìnshì (進士) at the age of twenty, and became a government official. Sima Guang is best remembered for his masterwork, Zizhi Tongjian, which he first presented to Emperor Yingzong of Song in 1064 as a five-volume Chart of Successive Years. The emperor was very impressive of his work and issued an edict for the compilation of a groundbreaking universal history of China, granting Sima Guang the lead position with full access to imperial libraries, allocated funds for the costs of compilation, and staffed the research with experienced historians. The task took 19 years to be completed, and in 1084, it was presented to his successor Emperor Shenzong of Song. The Zizhi Tongjian records Chinese history from 403 BC to 959 AD, covering 16 dynasties and spanning across almost 1,400 years. It contains 294 volumes and about 3 million Chinese characters. Rafe de Crespigny describes Sima Guang as "perhaps the greatest of all Chinese historians".
1155年11月18日 宋朝著名奸臣秦檜逝世 - 秦檜(1090-1155年11月18日),字會之,宋朝江寧府(今江蘇南京)人. 秦檜本來是一位知名的抗金義士,後來隨同徽、欽二宗被擄到金國.建炎四年 (1130年)逃返南宋, 後力主宋金議和, 奉行割地、稱臣、納貢的議和政策。此後,輔佐宋高宗,官至宰相。他極力貶斥抗金將士,同時結納私黨,斥逐異己,屢興大獄,是中國歷史上十大奸臣之一。當中最為世人所知的,是“十二金牌召岳飛”的故事。宋高宗紹興十一年(1141年),宋高宗在秦檜的幫助下解除了岳飛和韓世忠等人的軍權,以“莫須有”的謀反罪狀殺害岳飛父子。之後南宋與金廷簽訂了極有爭議的“紹興和議”。據民間傳說,岳飛被秦檜夫婦施計殺害於風波亭,軍民對此無不義憤填膺。臨安一戶飲食攤販得知消息後也深感不忿,就搓捏了形如秦檜和王氏的兩個麵人,絞在一起放入油鍋裡炸,並稱之為“油炸檜”。人們為了發泄憤怒,便爭相購買。隨著顧客越來越多,店鋪就簡化製作工序,直接把兩條面纏繞起來油炸,成為現今常見的炸油條。狀元出身的秦檜也是宋體字的創始人。現代報紙正文大部分都是宋體字。秦檜博學多才,在書法方面造詣很深,總結前人書法之長,自成一家,創立了一種新字體。按一般的習慣,應該叫“秦體字”才對,由於人們厭惡他的人品德行,雖然應用他創立的字體,卻改稱宋體字。Qin Hui or Qin Kuai (1090–1155) was a Chancellor of the Song dynasty in Chinese history. He is widely regarded as a traitor for his part in the persecution and execution of Yue Fei, a courageous general and well-beloved Chinese national hero who fought for the Song against the Jin dynasty during the Jin–Song Wars. For their part in Yue Fei's death, iron statues of Qin Hui, his wife Lady Wang, and two of Qin Hui's subordinates, were made to kneel before Yue Fei's tomb (located by Hangzhou's famous West Lake). For centuries, these statues have been cursed and spat upon by generations of Chinese, young and old. Qin Hui is infamously regarded as one of the ten most treacherous court officials in Chinese history.
1328年11月19日 明朝開國皇帝朱元璋出生 - 朱元璋(1328.11.19~1398.6.24) 出生於濠州鍾離太平鄉(今安徽省鳳陽縣)的一個貧苦農民家庭。他自幼貧寒,父母兄長均死於瘟疫,孤苦無依,入皇覺寺為小沙彌,兼任清潔工、倉庫保管員、添油工。25歲時參加郭子興領導的紅巾軍反抗蒙元暴政,並改名“朱元璋”,意為誅(朱)滅元朝的璋(璋,古代的一種玉器)。在郭子興手下,朱元璋率兵出征,有攻必克;因此郭便把養女馬氏嫁與了他,這便是歷史上有名的“馬大腳”馬皇后。後朱元璋以戰功連續陞遷,至正十六年(1356年)諸將奉朱元璋為吳國公。至正二十四年(1364年)即吳王位。1368年1月朱元璋於南京稱帝,國號大明,年號洪武。元順帝率后妃、太子和大臣經居庸關逃奔上都。八月二日,明軍進入大都,元朝至此滅亡,蒙古在中國的統治結束,明朝取得了在長城以內地區的統治權。朱元璋在位三十一年,實行了抗擊外侵、革新政治、發展生產、安定民生等一系列有利於社會前進的政策,在政治、經濟、軍事、思想等方面大力加強君主專制的中央集權統治。1398年6月24日,71歲的朱元璋駕崩,葬於孝陵, 與馬皇后 (1382年去世) 合葬。The Hongwu Emperor, personal name Zhu Yuanzhang, was the founder and first emperor of the Ming dynasty of China. Zhu was a born into a desperately poor peasant tenant farmer family in Zhongli Village in the Huai River plain, which is in present day Fengyang, Anhui Province. When he was 16, the Huai River broke its banks and flooded the lands where his family lived. Subsequently, a plague killed his entire family, except one of his brothers. Destitute, Zhu became a novice monk at the Huangjue Temple, a local Buddhist monastery. He did not remain there for long as the monastery ran short of funds and he was forced to leave. For the next few years, Zhu led the life of a wandering beggar and personally experienced and saw the hardships of the common people. At the age of 25, Zhu joined one of the many insurgent forces that had risen in rebellion against the Mongol-led Yuan dynasty. He rose rapidly through the ranks and became a commander. In 1356, Zhu and his army conquered Nanjing, which became his base of operations and the capital of the Ming dynasty during his reign. On 20 January 1368, Zhu proclaimed himself Emperor of the Ming dynasty in Nanjing and adopted "Hongwu" (lit. "vastly martial") as his era name. Historians consider the Hongwu Emperor to have been one of the most significant emperors of China. As historian Ebrey puts it, "Seldom has the course of Chinese history been influenced by a single personality as much as it was by the founder of the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Yuanzhang." His rise to power was fast despite his having a poor and humble origin. In 11 years, he went from being a penniless monk to the most powerful warlord in China. Five years later, he became emperor of China. Simon Leys described him this way: “an adventurer from peasant stock, poorly educated, a man of action, a bold and shrewd tactician, a visionary mind, in many respects a creative genius; naturally coarse, cynical, and ruthless, he eventually showed symptoms of paranoia, bordering on psychopathy.”