01/29/2012 Chinese New Year Festival 中國新年園遊會
Administration Office教務組
National Taipei University of Education (NTUE) will have two Mandarin Summer Camps this year (Session One: 6/18-7/13, Session Two: 7/16-8/10. Interested students/Parents please click following link for more information http://www.knowledge-inc.com.tw/front/bin/ptlist.phtml?Category=306967 國立臺北教育大學暑期華語夏令營今年將進行兩個梯次的課程(第一梯次:6/18-7/13, 第二梯次:7/16-8/10)。有興趣的學生和家長請點擊以上鏈接。
PTA 家長會
1. Our annual Chinese New Year Festival will be on 01/29/2012. Seating starts at 1:30pm, and the programs start at 1:45pm. There will be festive lion dance, student performances, authentic and delicious food, game booths, and fabulous silent auction. Let’s ring in the new year together. Please bring your families, friends and neighbors to join us to celebrate the Year of Dragon. Please click following link to print flyer and programs. http://www.sandiegochineseschool.com/new/weekly_announcement.htm 一年一度的中國新年園遊會將於一月二十九日下午舉行. 請於1:30 入座, 節目將於1:45 準時開始,我們安排了精彩的舞獅和班級表演,又有美味的食物以及好玩的遊戲給大家同樂,讓您感受濃濃的過年氣氛,請記得邀請您的親朋好友和鄰居一起來共賀龍年新春佳節!請點擊以上鏈接列印傳單和節目表.
2. We are selling festival tickets now. Ticket price is $1/per ticket. Pre-event promotion is 22 tickets for $20. To purchase tickets, please contact your room mom or come to the Teacher’s Office. 新年園遊會的票券已經開始出售,票價為每張1美元,提前購買將享受20美元22張票的優惠。您可以向您孩子班上的班媽詢問詳情,或者到教師休息室購買。
3. PTA starts accepting gift donations for the Silent Auction at Chinese New Year Festival. Our school is a non-profit organization so your donation is tax deductible. You can drop off your donation items with Parent Lounge Duty Volunteer. Thank you! 家長會開始接受新年園遊會的拍賣品捐贈。我們學校是一個非盈利組織,所以您的捐贈是可以抵稅。請將捐贈物品交予教師休息室的執勤家長,謝謝!
4. Volunteers, if you had signed up for Chinese New Year Festival set-up, please arrive at school before 12:30pm on 1/29. We need your help! Thank you! 義工家長們,如果您已經報名要幫忙新春遊園會的佈置工作的話,請于1月29日中午12:30前抵達學校,我們需要您的幫助!謝謝!
1. Yearbook Cover Art Contest - Congratulations to Jojo Lee of C3A class for winning the contest. Jojo wins a $15 gift card and her artwork will grace the cover of our 2011-2012 Yearbook. It was a fierce competition and good job to all the participants. Participant award will be distributed at the end of the school year, along with the original artworks. Judging score sheet is posted on our website http://www.sandiegochineseschool.com/new/Yearbook%20Contest%20Result_2011.pdf 祝賀學分三甲班李孟璇(Jojo Lee)同學贏得年刊封面設計大獎!李孟璇同學將獲得價值15美元的禮券以及2011-2012年刊封面的榮譽。這次比賽競爭相當激烈,參選的同學都展示了很好的水平。參選獎品及作品將在學期末發回給參賽學生。參賽作品評判表已經在網站上公佈。
2. Advertisement - The Publications team is starting to work on the yearbook project. Advertisement spaces are available in the Yearbook for as low as $50. Please consider supporting our school by advertise your business with us. For details please contact Susanna He at sushe_2000@yahoo.com 廣告-- 出版組將開始著手于年刊的製作。年刊的廣告價格最低只要50美元。請考慮放置您的業務廣告到年刊上來支持我們的學校。詳情請洽主編何娜。
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