1. Board Election
We have 5 vacancies in the Board of Directors in the upcoming year. We are seeking parents to join the board and help our school. Application and flyer will be coming home with your students in the coming week. Please consider this wonderful and rewarding opportunity to make positive change and improvements in our kids' education. Flyer and Application can be downloaded from the website here. For questions please contact any current board members.
下一個新學年度我們有五位理事空缺. 我們需要大家一同來參與理事會幫助學校. 理事改選的傳單與理事的推薦表將在這禮拜天由學生帶回家. 請大家為了孩子們能有更好的教育, 考慮加入理事會的機會. 傳單與推薦表可以從網站上下載. 如果有任何問題請跟理事們聯絡.
2. Scrips Sale this week (1/16/11)
The next Scrips sale is this coming week 1/16/11, please take this opportunity to purchase scrips and support our school. Thank you.
2. 禮券購買週 (1/16/11)
這個禮拜天是禮券購買日 (1/16/2011). 請把握機會購買禮券贊助我們的學校.
3. Spring Festival Ticket Pre-sale starting
Our most exciting event of the year, the New Year Spring Festival will be on February 6th this year. Tickets will be on pre-sale starting next week. Please purchase them from your room parents or at the parent lounge. Food/Game tickets are 20 tickets for $20, sold in $20 increment. Raffle tickets are 5 for $10, sold in $10 increment. Presale raffle tickets are 6 for $10 so you get extra chance to win. Let's support our school and have fun doing it. Thank you.
3. 春節園遊會預售票開賣 今 年春節園遊會將在 2/6 舉行, 是我們最盛大的慶祝活動. 園遊會預售票從這個禮拜開始售票. 請到家長休息室購買. 食物/遊戲票價每20張$20, 每次請購買$20. 抽獎卷是5張$10. 每次請購買$10. 預售優待是6張$10, 多一個中獎的機會. 請大家一起來園遊會並贊助學校. 多謝.
4. Raffle Item needed for New Year Festival
In order to make our New Year Festival more fun and successful, we are looking for gift items for our raffle event. If you have extra gift items from the holidays or new/unused items that you don't need, we would love to have them. Please drop the gift items off at the parent lounge. We appreciate your help.
4. 春節園遊會抽獎禮品 為了提供春節園遊會豐富的獎品, 我們需要大家的幫忙. 如果您聖誕節有些多餘的禮物, 新的或是沒用過的都行, 請提供給我們. 禮物請交到家長休息室. 感謝您的贊助.
5. Year book Cover Contest deadline is (01/16/2011)
Please encourage your son/daughter to participate this fun event. Their work will be either on the cover or be part of our 2010-2011 Yearbook. All the participants will also receive a gift from PTA.
5. 年刊封面比賽截止日期是 1/16/2011 請鼓勵您的兒子女兒們參加這個有趣的活動. 他們的作品將作為 2010-2011 年刊的封面或是內頁插圖. 所有參加的學生家長會都會準備禮物獎勵.
6. Adult Chinese Classes
Second semester Adult Chinese Class will start soon, exact date to be announced later. This class will run from 2pm to 4pm for 12 weeks. Please download the registration form from the website at http://www.sandiegochineseschool.com/new/Cultural_Class_Info.htm and sign up at the parent lounge. Please contact activity director at activity@sandiegochineseschool.com with any question.
6. 中文成人班
第二期中文成人班即將開班. 詳細開班日期會另外通知. 時間是下午二點到四點. 共計十二週. 有興趣學中文的朋友請下載報名表: http://www.sandiegochineseschool.com/new/Cultural_Class_Info.htm
填寫完交回家長休息室. 如有任何問題請聯絡活動理事 activity@sandiegochineseschool.com
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