9-22-2019: 慶祝教師節!!
9-22-2019: Teachers' Day (Confucius' Day)

Thank you to the parents who attended the Parent Meeting last week.
*************!!! Mark Your Calendar 重要活動日期 !!! *************
9/29/2019: 各班親師座談會、班代表會議(1)
Teachers/Parents Meeting, Room Parents Meeting (1)
9/29/2019 1:45PM-4:15PM 在 MS104 教室有健康講座。
1:45PM – 4:15PM, we will have a health seminar in
Room MS104.
10/6/2019: 退費及轉班截止、升旗典禮、Scrips Sale
Last Day of Tuition Refund and Class Change, Flag Raising Ceremony,
Scrips Sale
10/13/2019: 演講比賽報名截止、防火演習、班級寫字比賽
Last Day of Speech Contest Registration, Fire Drill , Class Chinese
Character Writing Contest
1020/2019: 上學期期中考、演講比賽抽籤、班代表會議(2)
Mid-term Exam, Speech Contest Order Draw, Room Parents Meeting (2)
Speech contest date is 10/27/2019. The sign up date is from 09/15/2019 to 10/13/2019.
************!!! School Administration 註冊及校務 !!! **************
SDCASEA Scholarship and Tuition Assistance Program is accepting applications for
high school senior only. Application deadline is 10/13/2019. For details and
application forms please see school website.
Parents and teacher conference will be held in each classroom. Time will be set by each teacher.
Teachers will introduce their own teaching plans and activities for this year. Please make sure to
attend the conference when you receive the notice from your teacher(s).
第五週(10/06/2019), 2:30pm,在我們學校舉行慶祝中華民國108年升旗典禮。
On week 5 (10/06/2019), 2:30pm We will have a flag raising ceremony to celebrate Republic
of China 10 8th birthday.
請於本週日9/29/2019 4:30pm 到辦公室練習。
If your students are interested in singing the national anthem of R.O.C. at Double Ten Flag
Rising ceremony, please contact Principal Amy Sun or email sdca9999@gmail.com . Each
student who volunteers at the ceremony will get an SDCA T-Shirt and 10 coupons for the
Coupon Day. Please come to the office on Sunday, 9/29/2019 at 4:30 to practice.
All students attending credit class should file district required forms for Off-Campus Study
with their school before district set deadline (generally end of September) to avoid losing
their chance to acquire foreign language credit.
**************!!! PTA Announcement 家長會與活動 !!! ***************
Friday (9/28) is Teacher’s Day / Confucius Day. It would be great if you can bring something
small to celebrate the day with our wonderful teachers. A cup of coffee/tea, a gift card, a
chocolate bar, a fruit, a handwritten note, or even flower(s). Our dedicated teachers deserve
something nice! Thank you.
1:45PM-4:15PM 在 MS104 教室有健康講座。歡迎家長參加。
1:45PM – 4:15PM, we will have a health seminar in Room MS104.
大家一起來瑜珈! 已經開始,從下午1:45到2:45,在 MS 112上課,歡迎家長踴躍報名!
Volunteers Needed 家長會義工:
新學年學校需要您的熱心幫忙以下義工, 請有興趣的家長或朋友們跟我們聯絡,
We still need volunteers for the following positions in the new school year. Please contact us if
you have not submitted your preference! Your help would be a big contribution to our school.
Ground Supervision 校園巡邏
Office Duty 辦公室職勤
Teacher’s Snacks 老師點心
Event Assistance 協助
Student Snack 點心販賣
Mail pickup 郵件服務
PTA Backup/On-call Volunteer 儲備義工是替補臨時請假的義工
If you have not subscribed to the PTA blog, please do so at http://sdcapta.blogspot.com/,
this way, you can receive the most updated information about school happenings.
家長會將在第二節下課時間 3:20pm to 3:40Pm提供點心和水給家長購買, 歡迎家長為孩子
The PTA will prepare the snack and water for parents to purchase during the recess.
3:20PM to 3:40PM.
*****!!! 校園安全 Campus Safety !!! *****
The playground located in front of the kindergarten/preschool classes is designed for
kindergarten/preschool students only. Other students are forbidden to use that facility.
For emergency contact during school hours, please call SDCA cell phone: 858-205-7322.
請勿帶寵物來學校,請勿帶滑板來學校 。
No Pets Allowed on campus. No skateboards Allowed on campus.
*****!!! 社區園地 Community Corner !!! *****
如果你有自己的 business,或是你的雇主想推展業務,請考慮在中華學苑的網站、每周的
If you have a small business or your employer wants to promote their business, please consider
advertising on our website, weekly blog, or yearbook. Our pricing is very competitive and can
easily reach out to more than 350 families. Please refer to the below link for more information
and pricing. Thank you for your support!
來自孫校長的短信 Text Messages From Mrs. Sun
Text messages from SDCA … If parents want to receive important school information,
Last minute updates and in the event of an emergency,
please text this message: @sdcaparent to this number: 81010
家長們也可以通過 San Diego Chinese Academy Facebook page 得到學校的近況和活動資訊。
You also receive current events and activities information through San Diego Chinese
Academy Facebook page. Remember to “Like” and “Follow” the page.
Shop AmazonSmile and Earn Money for SDCA
account. Choose San Diego Chinese Academy as your charity when prompted.