Hello! This is your new PTA Director for year 2019-22! It is wonderful
to see you all again at San Diego Chinese Academy on the first day of school on
September 8, and we would also like to welcome all the new families who are
Joining this big family for the 2019-20 academic year.
SDCA needs you sign up for volunteers. We rely heavily on parent volunteers to
Assist academic and maintain all non-academic functions of the school. We
charge a service fee of $80 per family, which is refundable when a parent
participates as a volunteer and completes the service. Refund will be given
in the form of $80 value of gift cards when scrip sales at the office.
很開心大家在新的學年度, 再次回到中華學苑. 也歡迎所有新加入我們的學生和家長!
This year we have created four signup groups on signup.com. Take a look at these
awesome volunteer opportunities by simply click on the signup links and pick the
one that fits your time to support our Chinese community!
Ground Supervision, SDCA 2019-20 校園巡邏
Office Duty and Teacher’s Snacks 辦公室職勤, 老師點心
Other Volunteers
Room Parent 班媽/班爸
Event Assistance協助
Contest Assistance比賽協助
Student Snack點心販賣
Yearbook Editors年刊編輯
Mail pickup郵件服務
PTA Backup/On-call Volunteer儲備義工是替補臨時請假的義工
Registration, Scrip Sales Volunteers 註冊組, 禮券銷售組
We thank you, if you have already signed up! Please review your information and
let us know if there is any incorrect information. You can contact us at
For volunteer job descriptions, please go to
See you on campus on September 8!
Weekly announcement will be out shortly later this week!
Thank you,