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Monday, October 29, 2018

Amazon Smile 10X donation this Week!

Just in time for holiday shopping! Amazon Smile is increasing its donation rate 10X from
NOW until Friday, November 2nd on all eligible items.

Take advantage of this offer simply by clicking (and bookmarking) the

Make sure you select “San Diego Chinese Academy” as your choice of charity.

There is NO additional cost to consumers! Just make sure the top of your page
looks like this before finalizing your purchase:

Friday, October 26, 2018

Thursday, October 25, 2018

WK8 2018 10/28 演講比賽

10-28-2018: Speech Contest

*************!!!        Mark Your Calendar 重要活動日期      !!! *************

10/28/2018 本週 (10/28) 演講比賽  
Speech Contest

Please go to school website: for the
speech  contest guideline.

11/04/2018 Scrip Sale

11/11/2018 班級說故事比賽、拍攝班級師生照
Class Storytelling Contest, Picture Day
Class Picture Day is scheduled for 11/11/2018, please try not to be absent
that day.

11/18/2018 校刊封面設計比賽開始、講座
Yearbook Cover Contest Entry Begins, PTA Seminar

************!!!       School Administration 註冊及校務      !!! **************
功課輔導的課程開始接受報名,每周日4:40pm to 5:20pm,在 US101 教室,請有興
趣的家長到辦公室報名。收費以打卡方式,每五次 $25
The homework assistance program will start soon. Please come to the office to register and
pay the fee. The fee is $25 for 5 times. The tutoring time is 4:40pm -5:20pm each Sunday
Afternoon during the school year. The room is in US101.

當學校老師是支持子女學中文最好的方式, 家長也是最好的老師來源,假如您有興趣
We are always in need of teachers. If you have a passion for teaching or know someone who is
interested in teaching, please contact us. Don’t worry if you don’t have experience, training is

**************!!!         PTA Announcement 家長會與活動  !!!      ***************

大家一起來瑜珈! 已經開始,從下午1:45到2:45,在 MS 112上課,歡迎家長踴躍報名!
Register by emailing to
Yoga Club started already, it is from 1:45 – 2:45pm at MS112. Register by emailing to

Volunteers Needed  家長會義工:
We still need volunteers for the following positions in the new school year.  Please contact us if
you have not submitted your preference!  Your help would be a big contribution to our school.
Please email:  新學年學校需要您的熱心幫忙以下義工, 請有興趣的
家長或朋友們跟我們聯絡, 也請接到義工邀請函的家長儘早囘信確認 謝謝!

*****!!!   校園安全  Campus Safety   !!! *****
請提醒您的子弟尊重愛護所有校園教室內外事物, 遵守學生守則, 及新的資源回收規則。
Please continue to remind your children to respect all school property and rules and follow the
new recycling policy at LJCDS campus.
請勿使用或玩電梯。電梯僅供老師使用。Do not play with or use the elevator. The elevator is
for teacher use only.
The playground located in front of the kindergarten/preschool classes is designed for
kindergarten/preschool students only.  Other students are forbidden to use that facility.

*****!!!   社區園地  Community Corner  !!! *****

聖地牙哥北郡文教中心將於2018年10月27日至11月3日 (每日10am-4pm), 舉辦
第六屆中國書畫,篆刻及葫蘆雕刻展覽活動。參展作品除了本中心師生作品外,還將邀請聖地牙哥地區多位書法老師作品參加展覽,以達聯誼交流美意。中文學校硬筆寫字比賽得獎及書法作品也將參加展出. 本校寫字比賽第一名的作品也要參展. 謹訂於10月27日 上午10時舉行開幕儀式,歡迎大家蒞臨參觀。地址: 9888 Carroll Centre Road, #122, San Diego, CA 92126。
SDCCA Learning Center will host the annual Chinese Art Exhibition, 10/27-11/13
(10am -4pm daily). The exhibition will include Chinese calligraphy, brush painting, gourd carving and the winners from the writing contest at Chinese School. The winning pieces (number one) from the writing contest at SDCA will be showcased too. The artworks from many calligraphy instructorsin San Diego area will also be displayed in the exhibition. The opening ceremony is on Saturday 10/27 at 10:00am. Address: 9888 Carroll Centre Road, #122, San Diego, CA 92126.

如果你有自己的 business,或是你的雇主想推展業務,請考慮在中華學苑的網站、每周的
If you have a small business or your employer wants to promote their business, please consider
advertising on our website, weekly blog, or yearbook. Our pricing is very competitive and can
easily reach out to more than 350 families. Please refer to the below link for more information
and pricing. Thank you for your support!  

來自孫校長的短信  Text Messages From Mrs. Sun
Text messages from SDCA … If parents want to receive important school information,
Last minute updates and in the event of an emergency,
please text this message: @sdcaparent to this number: 81010

家長們也可以通過 San Diego Chinese Academy Facebook page 得到學校的近況和活動資訊。
You also receive current events and activities information through San Diego Chinese
Academy Facebook page.  Remember to “Like” and “Follow” the page.

Shop AmazonSmile and Earn Money for SDCA 並登錄您的Amazon帳戶,選擇San Diego Chinese
Visit and login with your existing Amazon
account. Choose San Diego Chinese Academy as your charity when prompted.
Bookmark or point your browser to every time you shop.

送餐到學校的服務 Food Ordering and pick up at SDCA  New Menu every week!!
學校網站首頁右手邊連結 ”Order Food Online” . 謝
SDCA’s food ordering service is back! You can ordered the food via SDCA website every
week. You not only get the delicious Chinese food delivered but also help SDCA receive
10% donation from the restaurant. Place your order before Sunday 12pm, then pay and
pick up at the office on Sunday 4:15 pm-4:30 pm. Every week the restaurant offers
different combo meals! For more information and to order, please visit SDCA website and
look for “Order Food Online” link on the right(please see screenshot below). Please bring
exact change for your order. Thank you for your support!
Disclaimer: This Food Order Service is a fundraising effort to support SDCA PTA events. SDCA is not responsible for
the restaurant’s business conducts and their food quality. SDCA appreciates all the participating parents and friends,
but it is participant's’ responsibility to check the ingredients with the participating restaurant for any food allergy
concerns. Thank you!

Meet and Greet with a Special Guest

To all parents whose children attending Del Mar Union School District Elementary
Schools, Gee Wah Mok (莫子驊), a parent of our Chinese school, is running for a
position on the DMUSD School Board. If you have any questions for him or for
the Measure MM, please feel free to stop by the Community Hall this Sunday, 10/28,
after 3:15 (right after Speech Contest). He will be there to chat and give you more
insight on himself and the Measure MM. Don’t miss this opportunity!

Thursday, October 18, 2018

WK7 2018 10/21: 上學期期中考

10-21-2018: Mid-term exam

*************!!!        Mark Your Calendar 重要活動日期      !!! *************

10/21/2018 上學期期中考、演講比賽抽籤、班代表會議
Mid-term Exam, Speech Contest Order Draw, Room Parents Meeting
Mid-term exam will be next week (10/21/2018), please help your
child(ren) prepare for it.

10/28/2018 演講比賽
Speech Contest

Please go to school website: for the speech
contest guideline.

11/04/2018 Scrip Sale

11/11/2018 班級說故事比賽、拍攝班級師生照
Class Storytelling Contest, Picture Day
Class Picture Day is scheduled for 11/11/2018, please try not to be absent
that day.

11/18/2018 校刊封面設計比賽開始、講座
Yearbook Cover Contest Entry Begins, PTA Seminar
************!!!       School Administration 註冊及校務      !!! **************
功課輔導的課程開始接受報名,每周日4:40pm to 5:20pm,在 US101 教室,請有興
趣的家長到辦公室報名。收費以打卡方式,每五次 $25
The homework assistance program will start soon. Please come to the office to register and
pay the fee. The fee is $25 for 5 times. The tutoring time is 4:40pm -5:20pm each Sunday
Afternoon during the school year. The room is in US101.

當學校老師是支持子女學中文最好的方式, 家長也是最好的老師來源,假如您有興趣
We are always in need of teachers. If you have a passion for teaching or know someone who is
interested in teaching, please contact us. Don’t worry if you don’t have experience, training is

**************!!!         PTA Announcement 家長會與活動  !!!      ***************

大家一起來瑜珈! 已經開始,從下午1:45到2:45,在 MS 112上課,歡迎家長踴躍報名!
Register by emailing to
Yoga Club started already, it is from 1:45 – 2:45pm at MS112. Register by emailing to

Volunteers Needed  家長會義工:
We still need volunteers for the following positions in the new school year.  Please contact us if
you have not submitted your preference!  Your help would be a big contribution to our school.
Please email:  新學年學校需要您的熱心幫忙以下義工, 請有興趣的
家長或朋友們跟我們聯絡, 也請接到義工邀請函的家長儘早囘信確認 謝謝!

*****!!!   校園安全  Campus Safety   !!! *****
請提醒您的子弟尊重愛護所有校園教室內外事物, 遵守學生守則, 及新的資源回收規則。
Please continue to remind your children to respect all school property and rules and follow the
new recycling policy at LJCDS campus.
請勿使用或玩電梯。電梯僅供老師使用。Do not play with or use the elevator. The elevator is
for teacher use only.
The playground located in front of the kindergarten/preschool classes is designed for
kindergarten/preschool students only.  Other students are forbidden to use that facility.

*****!!!   社區園地  Community Corner  !!! *****
如果你有自己的 business,或是你的雇主想推展業務,請考慮在中華學苑的網站、每周的
If you have a small business or your employer wants to promote their business, please consider
advertising on our website, weekly blog, or yearbook. Our pricing is very competitive and can
easily reach out to more than 350 families. Please refer to the below link for more information
and pricing. Thank you for your support!  

來自孫校長的短信  Text Messages From Mrs. Sun
Text messages from SDCA … If parents want to receive important school information,
Last minute updates and in the event of an emergency,
please text this message: @sdcaparent to this number: 81010

家長們也可以通過 San Diego Chinese Academy Facebook page 得到學校的近況和活動資訊。
You also receive current events and activities information through San Diego Chinese
Academy Facebook page.  Remember to “Like” and “Follow” the page.

Shop AmazonSmile and Earn Money for SDCA 並登錄您的Amazon帳戶,選擇San Diego Chinese
Visit and login with your existing Amazon
account. Choose San Diego Chinese Academy as your charity when prompted.
Bookmark or point your browser to every time you shop.

送餐到學校的服務 Food Ordering and pick up at SDCA  New Menu every week!!
學校網站首頁右手邊連結 ”Order Food Online” . 謝
SDCA’s food ordering service is back! You can ordered the food via SDCA website every
week. You not only get the delicious Chinese food delivered but also help SDCA receive
10% donation from the restaurant. Place your order before Sunday 12pm, then pay and
pick up at the office on Sunday 4:15 pm-4:30 pm. Every week the restaurant offers
different combo meals! For more information and to order, please visit SDCA website and
look for “Order Food Online” link on the right(please see screenshot below). Please bring
exact change for your order. Thank you for your support!
Disclaimer: This Food Order Service is a fundraising effort to support SDCA PTA events. SDCA is not responsible for
the restaurant’s business conducts and their food quality. SDCA appreciates all the participating parents and friends,
but it is participant's’ responsibility to check the ingredients with the participating restaurant for any food allergy

concerns. Thank you!