3-25-2018 第二十五週: 班級認字比賽
3-25-2018 Week 25: Class Chinese Character Recognition Contest
Every year around second term, San Diego Chinese Academy would solicit parent’s opinion and
recommendation for the school through Parent Survey. This year we will conduct this survey earlier
in the school year, so we can give positive feedback to our hard working teachers. It is important
for us to acknowledge and appreciate the efforts our teachers have been contributing to the school
and for the children. We look forward to hear from you of any compliment or constructive criticism.
We will take your opinion seriously and make any necessary adjustment to the school because we
strive for improvements and success of your children. Please click the link:
***!!! 重要活動日期 Mark Your Calendars !!! ***
Class Chinese Character Recognition Contest, Credit Class Oral Exam
Essay Contest Entries Due, Yearbook cover voting
Please come to the office during the first and second recess to vote for our Yearbook cover.
04/01/2018 ~04/08/2018 放春假 Spring Break ( No School )
Credit Class Written Exam, PTA Seminar (3)
預註冊(1)、 Scrips Sale
Pre-Registration (1), Scrips Sale
家長大會-- 理事改選、義工表揚同樂會、Scrips Sale
Pre-Registration (2), Coupon Day (2), Chinese credit class Q&A meeting,
PTA meeting (Board Election),Volunteer Appreciation, Potluck Party, Scrips Sale
Essay competition award ceremony
預註冊(3)、教務研討會(4)、下學期期末考、結業典禮彩排、Scrips Sale
Pre-Registration (3),Teachers Meeting (4), Semester Final Exam,
Graduation Ceremony rehearsal, Scrips Sale
05/13/2018 母親節放假 Mother’s Day ( No School )
Award Ceremony, Closing/Graduation Ceremony, Report Card/Yearbook Distribution,
Teacher Appreciation Dinner
*****!!! 社區園地 Community Corner !!! *****
如果你有自己的 business,或是你的雇主想推展業務,請考慮在中華學苑的網站、每周的
If you have a small business or your employer wants to promote their business, please consider
advertising on our website, weekly blog, or yearbook. Our pricing is very competitive and can
easily reach out to more than 350 families. Please refer to the below link for more information
and pricing. Thank you for your support!
來自孫校長的短信 Text Messages From Mrs. Sun
Text this message: @sdcaparent to this number: 81010
This is used for the principal to send out regular reminders, last minute updates, and in
the event of an emergency. This is a great way that you won’t miss important information
from school.
家長們也可以通過 San Diego Chinese Academy Facebook page 得到學校的近況和活動資訊。
You also receive current events and activities information through San Diego Chinese
Academy Facebook page. Remember to “Like” and “Follow” the page.
Shop AmazonSmile and Earn Money for SDCA
account. Choose San Diego Chinese Academy as your charity when prompted.
送餐到學校的服務 Food Ordering and pick up at SDCA New Menu every week!!
中華學苑每週日送餐到校的服務又來了! 今年我們跟"來成小館"合作,提供道地的台灣菜
色。您不但收到美味方便的送餐食物,學校也可獲得餐廳10%的捐款。請於週日中午 12:00
前透過學校網站連結訂購,週日4:15 pm-4:30 pm放學前到辦公室付款 (現金)領餐。每個星
期餐廳都會準備不同的套餐!詳情及訂購請到學校網站首頁右手邊連結 ”Order Food Online”
SDCA’s food ordering service is back! This year we work with “Lai Chen Restaurant” and
offer traditional Taiwanese dishes. You can ordered the food via SDCA website every
week. You not only get the delicious Chinese food delivered but also help SDCA receive
10% donation from the restaurant. Place your order before Sunday 12pm, then pay and
pick up at the office on Sunday 4:15 pm-4:30 pm. Every week the restaurant offers
different combo meals! For more information and to order, please visit SDCA website and
look for “Order Food Online” link on the right (please see screenshot below). Please bring
exact change for your order. Thank you for your support!
Disclaimer: This Food Order Service is a fundraising effort to support SDCA PTA events. SDCA is not responsible for
the restaurant’s business conducts and their food quality. SDCA appreciates all the participating parents and friends,
but it is participant's’ responsibility to check the ingredients with the participating restaurant for any food allergy
concerns. Thank you!
*****!!! 家長會與活動 PTA Announcement !!! *****
點心購買 Snack Sale
家長會將在第二節下課時間 3:20pm to 3:40pm提供點心和水給家長購買,歡迎家長為孩
The PTA will prepare the snack and water for parents to purchase during the recess 3:20pm to
下課時間文化活動 Recess Cultural Activities
家長會也會在第二節下課時間 3:20pm to 3:40pm 準備了一些好玩的扯鈴、跳繩、踢毽的
The PTA will also layout some fun Chinese folk toys for students to play and learn about the
culture and tradition. There are Chinese yoyo, jump rope, and shuttlecock for the fun. Come and
try out. You might be the next super star for these folk toys.
家長會瑜珈班 1:45-2:45 pm at room MS112
大家一起來瑜珈!從下午1:45到2:45,在 MS 112上課,歡迎家長踴躍報名!
Yoga Club starts this week from 1:45 – 2:45pm at MS112. Register by emailing to
家長會部落格 PTA blog
way, you can receive the most updated information about school happenings.
家長休息室 Parent Lounge
感謝學校今年大方的提供 MS 104 當作家長休息室,和其他教室一樣,請家長們嚴格遵守
This year we have a parent lounge in Room MS 104. Please DO NOT change the classroom
setting, DO NOT have food and beverage in the room and please also take your trash outside.
Thank you for your cooperation !
******!!! 校務 School Administration !!! ******
年刊編輯即將開始,我們急需編輯人才,請有興趣的家長或學生速 與sdcapta@gmail.com聯
絡。只要熟悉WORD和PowerPoint 操作即可;如果您會使用Photoshop的話更能錦上添花。
中華學苑 理事會 感謝您的大力支持!
We are looking for talented parents and students who are familiar with WORD and PowerPoint
(Photoshop skills are highly appreciated but not required) to be our Yearbook Editors. For
Middle/High School Students, SDCA will recognize your Community Service Hours to honor your
hard work. Please contact sdcapta@gmail.com immediately if you are interested because the
editing will start in 2 weeks. We appreciate your consideration in advance!
No Pets Allowed on campus. No Skateboards Allowed on campus.
功課輔導已經開始,每周日4:40pm to 5:20pm,在 US101 教室,請有興趣的家長到辦公
室報名。收費以打卡方式,每五次 $25。
The homework assistance program has started. Please come to the office to register and pay the
fee. The fee is $25 for 5 times. The tutoring time is 4:40pm -5:20pm each Sunday afternoon
during the school year. The room is in US101.
校園安全 Campus Safety
請提醒您的子弟尊重愛護所有校園教室內外事物, 遵守學生守則, 及新的資源回收規則。
Please continue to remind your children to respect all school property and rules and follow the
new recycling policy at LJCDS campus.
Do not play with or use the elevator. The elevator is for teacher use only.
The playground located in front of the kindergarten/preschool classes is designed for
kindergarten/preschool students only. Other students are forbidden to use that facility.
Parents please pick up your child(ren) promptly after school and leave the classroom so that
the janitor can begin to clean the classroom. There is only one janitor and he alone must clean
more than 30 classrooms by 6 PM. This is a difficult task and we ask for the parents’ support
and cooperation in this. If you need to speak to the teacher, we welcome you and your teacher
to come use the office. Thank you for your support and assistance in this manner. For younger
students please make the pick up at the classroom location. We appreciate your cooperation.
For emergency contact during school hours, please call SDCA cell phone: 858-205-7322.
******!!! 獎學金計畫 Scholarship Opportunity !!! ******
紀念馮譚珍貴女士2018年中國館中文獎學金: 聖地牙哥中國館每年春季提供獎學金給就讀
Of China (HOC) has scholarship opportunity each year for SD County youths, 18 years of age or
younger, currently enrolled in Chinese Schools in SD. There are three groups: beginning,
intermediate and advanced, based on recommendations by teachers. Essays shall be submitted
in hand-written Chinese. Please contact your teacher for more detail.
Application Deadline: 11:59PM - Wednesday, March 28, 2018
2018 Taiwanese American Scholarship Fund
Grants 10 - $5,000 scholarship awards to students of Taiwanese descent planning to attend
a university/college in the U.S. in Fall of 2018.
1. United States citizen AND direct blood descendant of a Taiwanese citizen
2. High school senior or 1st year college student residing in the United States
3. Plan to attend a University or College as a 1st or 2nd year full-time student in the
Fall of 2018 (If selected, high school seniors must submit college acceptance letter for
4. Have a minimum cumulative unweighted high school/college GPA of 3.0
5. Have a household income at or below the Federal/State/County Low Income
Level (Must be able to show 2016 or 2017 tax return should applicant be selected for
6. The scholarship is open to ALL majors
2018 San Diego Outstanding API Student Mayoral Award
受亞太聯盟('APAC') 的委託,聖地亞哥華人聯盟('ACA') 將主持2018年第四屆亞裔優秀高中生
市長獎的華人社區的評選. 該獎評選向所有合格的學生開放, ACA收集到所有候選人申請材料之
後,將組織由各界華人代表組成的評選委員會評選最後的獲獎人。華人社區共有 4 個獲獎名額。
請朋友們互相傳遞信息, 也請家長們鼓勵高中生孩子們積極參與。這是一個非常難得的機會。
如欲了解更多‘市長獎’詳情,請加入微信群 - ‘ACA聖地亞哥華人聯盟活動群’,或電郵
Award Guidelines
Commissioned by Asian Pacific American Coalition (‘APAC’), Alliance of Chinese Americans of
San Diego (‘ACA’), a non-political, non-profit organization with the mission to educate, empower
and engage the new generation of the Chinese immigrants and help them become responsible
and thriving citizens, is proud to host this year’s San Diego Outstanding API Student Mayoral
Award (“Mayoral Award”)
The purpose of Mayoral Award is to recognize those high school students who have demonstrated
strong willingness and made significant efforts in civic engagement, revealed extraordinary
leadership skills with proved accomplishments, actively participated in community outreach
programs as well as maintained academic excellence in school. By recognizing these students,
we hope to discover next generation leaders for our Chinese American community.
Here are general guidelines to those who apply to Mayoral Award:
Be descendants of Chinese immigrants
Currently enrolled in school within San Diego County area.
Have maintained a 3.0 grade point average (GPA) and above on a 4.0 scale
Have not received this same award in the past.
The application deadline is April 16, 2018. To apply, please click here to submit the following
required material.
The completed Mayoral Award Application Form.
A recent standard photo (2 x 2) in jpeg format.
A copy of the most recent school transcript in PDF.
A short biography (no more than 80 words).
A list with full description in PDF for the followings:
All the unpaid activities including community services and the leadership experiences
starting from middle-school. Indicate the average hours spent per week on each activity.
All the honors and awards received applicable to community services and the leadership
experiences starting from middle-school
Personal Statement (no more than 500 words): How your volunteering experience has
impacted you and others around you.
To ensure complete impartiality in selection of recipients and to maintain a high level of
professionalism, the Mayoral Award Committee will consist of respected local community
leaders as well as executives from local industries.
The first round of selection is based on the student’s submitted application materials.
The applicants who pass the first round of selection will be notified to enter the second
round of selection.
The second round of selection involves an interview for which the selected candidates are
expecting to give a short presentation, followed by questions of the committee.
The final decision is based on the results from the 2nd round of selections.
Decision of the Award Committee will prevail.
The final receipt will be notified after the selection processes are completed.
If there are any questions about the Mayoral Award, we encourage the student to contact ACA
directly by e-mailing info@acasandiego.org with the subject line: 2018 Mayoral Award (applicant