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Friday, May 5, 2017

05/07-2017 Week 30 Teacher Appreciation Dinner
05/07-2017  三十週:別錯過了今年的謝師宴喔
****!!!        Mark Your Calendars  重要活動日期      !!! ****
Wk30 5/07/17 結業典禮 Last week of School & Graduation Ceremony
The Graduation Ceremony will be held at the Theater instead. See map:
SDCA 29th Graduation Ceremony 5-7-17 Location Map.png     
Drinks and food are NOT allowed inside the theater.
We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in advance!

凡於 05/31 以前上網註冊並繳費(郵戳為憑)即可以免 $50註冊費。
The $50 registration fee will be waived if you register online and mail your payment in before 05/31/2017 (postmarked).

預註冊鏈接:Please use this link for pre-registration

****!!!        School Administration  註冊及校務      !!! ****

學校計劃於5/7當天下午兩點之後關閉所有教室,請各位學生及家長看管好自己的所有物品,若有遺失或損壞,請恕學校一概不負責. 畢業典禮結束後, 請各位學生及家長勿在校園逗留,僅快離開學校.  請恕學校不負責貴子弟在典禮結束之後的安全.  感恩您的合作!

The school plans to lock all classrooms after 2pm on 5/7/17. Please make sure you bring all your personal belongings with you. School is not responsible for any liability issues. School is not responsible for students’ safety after the ceremony ends. We appreciate your cooperation and understanding in advance!

Special Announcement
We are reaching out to SDUHSD School Board and request the district to reconsider its newly updated Off-Campus Course Policy that will affect SDCA Credit Class students

居住在92130的家長: 請至以下連結去簽名請願書, 於本週日 (5/1/17) 帶去學校的US112教室. 請願書一共需要400個簽名,請家長踴躍參與及支持, 保護學生的權益。5/7 當天從下午從一至兩點, 學校會在US112 教室舉行簡短的說明會。請願書將於5/11/2017 在SDUHSD學區的理事會上呈, 懇請92130的家長與貴子弟撥冗前往聲援。

Parents if you are 92130 residents please sign the following petition and bring it to classroom US112 this Sunday. The school is hosting an informational meeting about the issue at US112 from 1pm to 2pm on 5/7/17. We need total of 400 signatures! The petition will be brought to the SDUHSD board meeting held on 5/11/17 at its district office. Please see if you can be there to show your support.

SDUHSD School Board Meeting to be held on Thursday, May 11, 2017
Time: 6:30pm
Location: Room 101, 710 Encinitas Blvd., Encinitas, California, 92024

****!!!        Ground Supervision 校園巡邏     !!! ****
No Pets Allowed.jpg

For students’ safety and respecting our landlord LJCDS, please again remind your child(ren) to follow the school guidelines. 爲了學生的安全及維護校園公物, 請家長再次提醒學生遵守校規/校園巡邏規定.

****!!!         Community Corner  社區園地       !!! ****

PTA-Teacher Appreciation Dinner Flyer 2017.jpg