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Thursday, April 27, 2017

04-23-2017 Week 29 Final Exam
04-23-2017 第二十九周期末考
****!!!        Mark Your Calendars  重要活動日期      !!! ****
Wk29 4/30/17 期末考 Final Exam
                           禮券販售/最後一次義工退費 Scrip Sale/LAST Service Refund
                          謝師宴售票 Ticket Sales for Teacher Appreciation Dinner
( Please go to the Office volunteer to purchase your ticket. Please let the volunteer know if you are vegetarian. Thanks!)

Wk30 5/07/17 結業典禮 Last week of School & Graduation Ceremony

預註冊日期是 04/30. 凡於 05/31 以前上網註冊並繳費(郵戳為憑)即可以免 $50註冊費。
On Site Pre-Registration dates  04/30/2017 at the office .  The $50 registration fee will be waived if you register and mail your payment in before 05/31/2017 (postmarked).

預註冊鏈接:Please use this link for pre-registration

****!!!        School Administration  註冊及校務      !!! ****
Homework Assistance 課後輔導學生的課後輔導位于教室US101. 有興趣報名者請於本周4:30pm之前到辦公室向註冊組長Lesley 報名繳費每期收費$25, 每期共輔導五次, 輔導時間為4:40 - 5:20pm. 學校將使用打卡制, 由家長自行決定哪幾週接受輔導,滿五次則視為當期結束, 由家長決定是否繼續下一期。希望這樣的彈性做法既能體諒到家長時間安排之不易,又能照顧到學生的需求. 請家長準時到教室接孩子, 恕學校無法提供安親或保安服務. 若因故無法準時,請務必事先聯絡辦公室 (858) 205-7322 .
Parents if you want your students to attend this program please come to the office this Sunday before 4:30pm to register. Please see Lesley, Registrar.
Classroom: US101
Time: 4:40pm - 5:20pm
Fee: $25 per session *Each student gets 5 weeks of homework assistance for every paid session. Parents can choose specific weeks that work with your schedules. There will be a stamp card in place for each student to track his/her own session. We hope you benefit from this flexibility.
Please pick up your students on time. School does not offer supervision for students after regular class hours. Contact Office at (858) 205-7322 if you will be late. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in advance!

****!!!        Ground Supervision 校園巡邏     !!! ****
Please come pick up your students ON TIME. LJCDS Security and Janitors are supposed to finish their cleaning work and close the school gates by 6pm. We understand emergencies happen but please make sure you let SDCA office know in advance. SDCA staff are only paid till 5:45pm. If you don’t contact SDCA office, there will be no SDCA staff around the campus after 6pm. Therefore, picking up students after 6pm without noticing Office does cause trouble for LJCDS staff and also affect the relationship between SDCA and LJCDS. Your understanding and cooperation is very important and highly appreciated. Office number: 858-205-7322. 請家長在下課後準時接您的孩子,學分班的家長請務準時來接, 儘快離開學校以便校工清理校園,La Jolla Country Day School 關門時間是晚上六點.  如無法準時到校請聯絡 (858)205-7322. 任何家長沒有通知學校而晚於六點接孩子,會給地主學校帶來不必要的不便,進而影響我們與地主學校的關係, 請各位家長自重!

We have received warnings/reminders from La Jolla Country Day School’s Security that no pets are allowed around the campus. We all love our pets but let’s respect this rule the same way we respect our students’ week-day schools’ rules. Your understanding and cooperation will be greatly appreciated as always!
No Pets Allowed.jpg

For students’ safety and respecting our landlord LJCDS, please again remind your child(ren) to follow the school guidelines. 爲了學生的安全及維護校園公物, 請家長再次提醒學生遵守校規/校園巡邏規定.

Please remind your children to only play by the grassy area during recess time. Do not go to
places where there is no adult supervision. Although there are four parents doing ground supervision every week, we still need your children’s cooperation to ensure our campus safety. Thank you. 請各位家長告知家中子女,下課時間請小朋友盡量留在草地上玩耍,請勿跑到建築後面或是人少的地方,以維護自身安全。雖然校園內有義工家長巡邏,但還需要大家配合,才能確保校園安全,謝謝。

****!!!         Community Corner  社區園地       !!! ****

Yoga Club 瑜伽俱樂部

We are practicing yoga this Sunday at 1:45 at the dance studio.  
To sign up or if you have questions please contact

Food Ordering 訂餐服務 (Last Service of Year 2016-2017: 4/30/17)
SDCA started the new weekly Chinese food delivery service a few weeks ago and it was quite a success. You not only get delicious Chinese food delivered but also help SDCA receive 10% donation from the restaurant. Place your order before Sunday 2pm, then pay and pick up at the office on Sunday between 4:20 pm-5:30 pm. For more information and to order, please visit SDCA website and look for “Order Food Online” link on the right (please see screenshot below). Please order by Saturday so that the restaurant has enough time to prepare for the ingredients needed. Thank you for your support!  中華學苑推出全新每週日送餐到學校的服務,超過20個家庭透過學校網站訂餐。您不但收到美味方便的送餐食物,學校也可獲得餐廳10% 的捐款。請於每週一到週日中午前透過學校網站連結訂購,週日4:20 pm-5:30 pm放學前到辦公室付款領餐。每個星期餐廳都有不同的特價餐點喔! 詳情及訂購請到學校網站首頁右手邊連結 ”Order Food Online” (請看下圖)。請在星期六之前下訂,讓餐廳有充分時間備菜. 謝謝您的支持!
Disclaimer: This Food Order Service is a fundraising effort to support SDCA PTA events. SDCA is not responsible for Chan's business conducts and their food quality. SDCA appreciates all the participating parents and friends, but it is participant's’ responsibility to check the ingredients with Chan's for any food allergy concerns. Thank you!
PTA-Teacher Appreciation Dinner Flyer 2017.jpg

Screenshot (84).png

2017 flyer-20170407-final.jpg

Thursday, April 20, 2017

04-23-2017 Week 28 student store
04-23-2017 第二十八周學生商店
****!!!        Mark Your Calendars  重要活動日期      !!! ****

Wk28 4/23/17 學生商店( 本學年最後一次) Student Store (last one for year 2016-2017)
                           禮券販售 Scrip Sale
              謝師宴售票開始 Ticket Sale for Teacher Appreciation Dinner begins
                            ( Please go to the Office volunteer for ticket sale.
    Please let the volunteer know if you are a vegetarian. Thanks!)

Wk29 4/30/17 期末考 Final Exam
Wk30 5/07/17 結業典禮 Last week of School & Graduation Ceremony

預註冊日期是 04/23, 04/30. 凡於 05/31 以前上網註冊並繳費(郵戳為憑)即可以免 $50註冊費。
On Site Pre-Registration dates are  04/23 and 04/30/2017. The $50 registration fee will be waived if you register and mail your payment before 05/31/2017 (postmark).

預註冊鏈接:Please use this link for pre-registration

****!!!        School Administration  註冊及校務      !!! ****

New 2016-2017 聖地牙哥中華學苑家長意見調查表
Dear Parents of SDCA: Please take time to complete this anonymous survey. Your valuable input will help us tremendously in the future planning for our school. Please complete one survey for each student. Thank you very much.
Survey Link

Homework Assistance 課後輔導學生的課後輔導位于教室US101. 有興趣報名者請於本周4:30pm之前到辦公室向註冊組長Lesley 報名繳費每期收費$25, 每期共輔導五次, 輔導時間為4:40 - 5:20pm. 學校將使用打卡制, 由家長自行決定哪幾週接受輔導,滿五次則視為當期結束, 由家長決定是否繼續下一期。希望這樣的彈性做法既能體諒到家長時間安排之不易,又能照顧到學生的需求. 請家長準時到教室接孩子, 恕學校無法提供安親或保安服務. 若因故無法準時,請務必事先聯絡辦公室 (858) 205-7322 .
Parents if you want your students to attend this program please come to the office this Sunday before 4:30pm to register. Please see Lesley, Registrar.
Classroom: US101
Time: 4:40pm - 5:20pm
Fee: $25 per session *Each student gets 5 weeks of homework assistance for every paid session. Parents can choose specific weeks that work with your schedules. There will be a stamp card in place for each student to track his/her own session. We hope you benefit from this flexibility.
Please pick up your students on time. School does not offer supervision for students after regular class hours. Contact Office at (858) 205-7322 if you will be late. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in advance!

****!!!        Ground Supervision 校園巡邏     !!! ****
Please come pick up your students ON TIME. LJCDS Security and Janitors are supposed to finish their cleaning work and close the school gates by 6pm. We understand emergency happens but please make sure you let SDCA office know in advance. SDCA staff is only paid till 5:45pm. If you don’t contact SDCA office, there will be no SDCA staff around the campus after 6pm. Therefore, picking up students after 6pm without noticing Office does cause troubles for LJCDS staff and also affect the relationship between SDCA and LJCDS. Your understanding and cooperation is very important and highly appreciated. Office number: 858-205-7322. 請家長在下課後準時接您的孩子,學分班的家長請務準時來接, 儘快離開學校以便校工清理校園,La Jolla Country Day School 關門時間是晚上六點.  如無法準時到校請聯絡 (858)205-7322. 任何家長沒有通知學校而晚於六點接孩子,會給地主學校帶來不必要的不便,進而影響我們與地主學校的關係, 請各位家長自重!

We have received warnings/reminders from La Jolla Country Day School’s Security that no pets are allowed around the campus. We all love our pets but let’s respect this rule the same way we respect our students’ week-day schools’ rules. Your understanding and cooperation will be greatly appreciated as always!
No Pets Allowed.jpg

For students’ safety and respecting our landlord LJCDS, please again remind your child(ren) to follow the school guidelines. 爲了學生的安全及維護校園公物, 請家長再次提醒學生遵守校規/校園巡邏規定.

Please remind your children to only play by the grassy area during recess time. Do not go to
places where there is no adult supervision. Although there are four parents doing ground supervision every week, we still need your children’s cooperation to ensure our campus safety. Thank you. 請各位家長告知家中子女,下課時間請小朋友盡量留在草地上玩耍,請勿跑到建築後面或是人少的地方,以維護自身安全。雖然校園內有義工家長巡邏,但還需要大家配合,才能確保校園安全,謝謝。

****!!!         Community Corner  社區園地       !!! ****

Yoga Club 瑜伽俱樂部

We are practicing yoga this Sunday at 1:45 at the dance studio.  
To sign up or if you have questions please contact
these stories are important!

Food Ordering 訂餐服務 (English menu available online now)SDCA started the new weekly Chinese food delivery service a few weeks ago and it was quite a success. You not only get delicious Chinese food delivered but also help SDCA receive 10% donation from the restaurant. Place your order before Sunday 2pm, then pay and pick up at the office on Sunday between 4:20 pm-5:30 pm. For more information and to order, please visit SDCA website and look for “Order Food Online” link on the right (please see screenshot below). Please order by Saturday so that the restaurant has enough time to prepare for the ingredients needed. Thank you for your support!  中華學苑推出全新每週日送餐到學校的服務,超過20個家庭透過學校網站訂餐。您不但收到美味方便的送餐食物,學校也可獲得餐廳10% 的捐款。請於每週一到週日中午前透過學校網站連結訂購,週日4:20 pm-5:30 pm放學前到辦公室付款領餐。每個星期餐廳都有不同的特價餐點喔! 詳情及訂購請到學校網站首頁右手邊連結 ”Order Food Online” (請看下圖)。請在星期六之前下訂,讓餐廳有充分時間備菜. 謝謝您的支持!
Disclaimer: This Food Order Service is a fundraising effort to support SDCA PTA events. SDCA is not responsible for Chan's business conducts and their food quality. SDCA appreciates all the participating parents and friends, but it is participant's’ responsibility to check the ingredients with Chan's for any food allergy concerns. Thank you!
PTA-Teacher Appreciation Dinner Flyer 2017.jpg

Screenshot (84).png

2017 flyer-20170407-final.jpg

Friday, April 7, 2017

2017-2018 學年預註冊將於本週日4/9/2017起跑囉!
Pre-Registration for year 2017-2018 begins on 4/9/2017!

到校預註冊的日期是 04/09, 04/23, 04/30. 或是請依您的方便, 任何時間均可上網至以下的鏈接註冊. 凡於 05/31 以前註冊, 並完成繳費 (郵戳為憑) 者, 即可免繳 $50註冊費. 預註冊期間註冊系統會自動將註冊費歸零.

On Site Pre-Registration dates are 04/09, 04/23 and 04/30/2017. Or you can register online through the highlighted link below anytime at your convenience. The $50 registration fee will be waived if you register and mail your payment before 05/31/2017 (postmark).

舊生家庭的預註冊鏈接:ALL Returning Families please go to the following link to register. Do NOT use New Student’s link!
請特別注意: 您若需要註冊同一家庭內的新生, 請在登入您的帳號之後, 在家庭資料下面找尋ADD CHILD的功能,然後點按進去輸入新生的資料. 若您誤進 新生家庭的註冊鏈接,系統會以為您新增一個家庭,計算代勞費用的時候會依您輸入的家庭數計算.
ATTENTION: If you need to register a new student under your family, after you sign in, please click on the ADD CHILD box under your family information to enter this new student’s information. If you use New Student’s link to register new students, the system will consider that you have more than one families hence count your Service Fee more than once (depending on how many families you create).


Please contact Registrar, Lesley, at should you need any further assistance. For Tech Support please contact

特別感謝 SOFUNSD的贊助推薦, 請幫忙按讚喔!
SOFUN SDCA Pre-Registration 2017.png