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Thursday, October 27, 2016

10-30-2016 Week 8: Parent Survey and Speech Contest Registration

10-30-2016 Week 8:   Parent Survey and Speech Contest Registration
11-08-2015 第八週家長意見調查及演講比賽報名

****!!!        Mark Your Calendars  重要活動日期      !!! ****
1. 11/6/2016
Room Parent Meeting 班代表會議
College Prep Seminar 講座: 申請大學秘笈分享
Picture Day 班級師生照
Daylight Savings Time Ends 夏令時制結束

2. 11/13/2016  
Deadline for Speech Contest 演講比賽報名截止
In Class storytelling competition 班級說故事比賽
Scrip Sale 禮卷販售

3. 11/20/2015
Culture Day 湯圓文化節
Speech Contest order draw 演講比賽抽籤
Yearbook Cover Contest 校刊封面設計比賽開始

************!!!        School Administration  註冊及校務      !!! **************

New 演講比賽即日起開始報名,報名截止日期是11/13/2016,比賽日期是12/04/2016。我們將採取網絡報名,請家長上網至此網址報名
(為鼓勵學生參加即席演講比賽,參加獎是普通組的兩倍coupon )
  1. Speech contest date is 12/04/2016. The sign up dates are from 10/23-11/13. Please go to and fill out the online sign-up form.
  2. Double Coupon for Impromptu group sign up !
New Culture Class/Homework Assistance Survey (will close on 11/3/16)
Please help our PTA by filling out this Culture Class/Homework Assistance survey so we can determine if we need to open class after the 3rd period at school. Thank you!

Lost and Found Please stop by the office for your lost items. IMG_6800.JPG

*****!!!!!      Ground Supervision 校園巡邏  !!!!!! *****

Please remind your children to only play by the grassy area during recess time. Do not go to places where there is no adult supervision. Although there are four parents doing ground supervision every week, we still need all your kids’ cooperation to ensure our campus safety.  Thank you. 請各位家長告知家中子女,下課時間請小朋友盡量留在草地上玩耍,請勿跑到建築後面或是人少的地方,以維護自身安全。雖然校園內有義工家長巡邏,但還需要大家配合,才能確保校園安全,謝謝。

Please remind your student again not to touch and/or use anything in the classroom, including the trash can. We are grateful to be able to use this wonderful campus. Please help take care of LJCDS classrooms and its campus so we can continue to use it. Parents, if you visit a classroom with a young child, please watch your child to make sure he/she is not touching anything in the classroom. Thank you.  麻煩家長持續提醒孩子們,教室内的所有物品都不能使用,移動,和破壞。也不能在教室裡吃東西或用教室裡的垃圾桶。我們感謝 LJCDS 借給我們這個美麗的校園,整齊的教室和安全的環境。我們很珍惜能和 LJCDS 維持良好的關係。所以希望學生們都能確實遵守規定。如果有家長帶小小孩進教室,也要特別提醒家長注意自己的小孩,不要亂動教室内的東西。

****!!!         PTA Announcement  家長會與活動  !!!      ****

Out next Room Parent Meeting is on 11/6/2016 @@1:30 pm for the group picture, meeting starting  at the Community Hall at 1:45 pm. We will be discussing our next big event “Culture Day” and if any one of the room parents can not make it to the meeting, please send a representative from your class so you don’t miss out on the important information.  11/6 的班代表大會將會先拍團體照, 會議在 1:45 pm  開始.  我們會討論湯圓文化節分工的項目, 希望每班的班代表都能出席, 如果無法出席, 也請派另一位家長來索取需要的資料

New College Prep Seminar
PTA 講座:申請大學秘笈分享
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Yoga Club sign up 大家一起來瑜珈!
With a new school year started, I thought it would be a good time to ignite our desire to be strong and healthy and make it a reality!  I encourage you to practice yoga and discover its magic to energize your body and calm your mind at the same time!  Please join me this Sunday at 2:00 -3:15 pm in room MS 112 (Dance Studio at the end of MS building).
This time, we have an even prettier and larger room for our use.  What we need now is you and me!  (Of course, your yoga mat and water and maybe a towel too)
Each week we practice 75 minutes
Register by emailing to

練習的時間是這個星期天下午2:00 到 3:15 pm,更棒的是地點是在學校裡寬敞的舞蹈教室!別忘了帶著你的水壺毛巾和瑜珈墊!

Food Ordering 訂餐服務 (English menu available online now)
SDCA started the new weekly Chinese food delivery service a few weeks ago and it was quite a success. You not only get delicious Chinese food delivered but also help SDCA receive 10% donation from the restaurant. Place your order before Sunday 2pm, then pay and pick up at the office on Sunday between 4:20 pm-5:30 pm. For more information and to order, please visit SDCA website and look for “Order Food Online” link on the right (please see screenshot below). Thank you for your support!  中華學苑推出全新每週日送餐到學校的服務,超過20個家庭透過學校網站訂餐。您不但收到美味方便的送餐食物,學校也可獲得餐廳10% 的捐款。請於每週一到週日中午前透過學校網站連結訂購,週日4:20 pm-5:30 pm放學前到辦公室付款領餐。每個星期餐廳都有不同的特價餐點喔! 詳情及訂購請到學校網站首頁右手邊連結 ”Order Food Online” (請看下圖)。謝謝您的支持!

Disclaimer: This Food Order Service is a fundraising effort to support SDCA PTA events. SDCA is not responsible for Chan's business conducts and their food quality. SDCA appreciates all the participating parents and friends, but it is participant's’ responsibility to check the ingredients with Chan's for any food allergy concerns. Thank you!

Many thanks to parents who have ordered from Chan’s. So far we’d raised about $300 to help fund the school events. Please be reminded that each week Chan’s reserves the right to cancel your food orders if total order amount is less than $300. Chan’s will be responsible for notifying you when order cancellation happens. Parents who order frozen food items please be responsible for bringing your own coolers. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in advance.

Student snack store 學生福利社:
Snack Store during 2nd recess will start this week. Your choice of snack and a juice box costs only $1.  Please encourage your students to stop by and get some treats. We will also have Jamba Juice coming on campus once a month.   點心時間到囉!  第二節下課時,我們將有小點心販賣的活動,自選一樣點心加果汁只要一美元,歡迎您與您的孩子前來購買。

****!!!         Community Corner  社區園地       !!! ****

漢字文化節活動 San Diego Chinese Cultural Festival
Exhibition including winners from the SDCA writing contest, see flyer for details   

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SDCCA Annual Karaoke Dance Party
We have a limited number of tickets for sale in the office this Sunday. Swing by to purchase if you are interested. 中華文化聯誼會年度卡拉OK舞會將於11/5/2016 舉行, 内容精彩,售票請洽詢學校辦公室。
Aroma Holiday Sale
Aroma Houseware is having a holiday charity sale on 11/19/2016, see flyer for the details.
Aroma家電將於11/19舉行慈善義賣, 請參閲廣告如下.

AROMA Holiday Sale 11-19-16.jpg

Thursday, October 20, 2016

10-23-2016 Week 7: Heath Seminar and Parent Survey

10-23-2016 Week 7: Heath Seminar and Parent Survey
10-23-2016 第七週:  健康講座及家長意見調查

****!!!        Mark Your Calendars  重要活動日期      !!! ****
1. 10/23/2016:  
Fire Drill 防火演習
Health Seminar: 3 Secrets to Breaking through Weight Loss Resistance PLUS Smoothie Demo
健康講座: 3項減重策略及果汁示範教學
Speech Contest Registration 演講比賽開始報名
Mid-term Exam 期中考
2. 11/6/2016:
Room Parent Meeting 班代表會議
College Prep Seminar 講座: 申請大學秘笈分享
Picture Day班級師生照
Daylight Savings Time Ends夏令時制結束

3. 11/13/2016     
Deadline for Speech Contest演講比賽報名截止
In Class story telling competition 班級說故事比賽
Scrip Sale 禮卷販售

************!!!        School Administration  註冊及校務      !!! **************

New 演講比賽即日起開始報名,報名截止日期是11/13/2016,比賽日期是12/04/2016。我們將採取網絡報名,請家長上網至此網址報名
  1. Speech contest date is 12/04/2016. The sign up dates are from 10/23-11/13. Please go to and fill out the online sign-up form.

New Culture Class/Homework Assistance Survey
Please help our PTA by filling out this Culture Class/Homework Assistance survey so we can determine if we need to open class after the 3rd period at school. Thank you!

Parents, Please pick up your child on time and leave classroom as soon as school lets out for their safety. Credit Class Parents - please come pick up your students ON TIME. LJCDS Janitors are supposed to finish their cleaning work and close the school gate by 6pm. Your understanding and cooperation is highly appreciated. If you have an emergency, please contact our school office at (858)205-7322.
請家長在下課後準時接您的孩子,學分班的家長請務準時來接, 儘快離開學校以便校工清理校園,La Jolla Country Day School 關門時間是晚上六點.  如無法準時到校請聯絡 (858)205-7322.

*****!!!!!      Ground Supervision 校園巡邏  !!!!!! *****

Please remind your children to only play by the grassy area during recess time. Do not go to places where there is no adult supervision. Although there are four parents doing ground supervision every week, we still need all your kids’ cooperation to ensure our campus safety.  Thank you.  請各位家長告知家中子女,下課時間請小朋友盡量留在草地上玩耍,請勿跑到建築後面或是人少的地方,以維護自身安全。雖然校園內有義工家長巡邏,但還需要大家配合,才能確保校園安全,謝謝。

Please remind your student again not to touch and/or use anything in the classroom, including the trash can. We are grateful to be able to use this wonderful campus.  Please help take care of LJCDS classrooms and its campus so we can continue to use it.  Parents, if you visit a classroom with a young child, please watch your child to make sure he/she is not touching anything in the classroom. Thank you.  麻煩家長持續提醒孩子們,教室内的所有物品都不能使用,移動,和破壞。也不能在教室裡吃東西或用教室裡的垃圾桶。我們感謝 LJCDS 借給我們這個美麗的校園,整齊的教室和安全的環境。我們很珍惜能和 LJCDS 維持良好的關係。所以希望學生們都能確實遵守規定。如果有家長帶小小孩進教室,也要特別提醒家長注意自己的小孩,不要亂動教室内的東西。

****!!!         PTA Announcement  家長會與活動  !!!      ****

New Health Seminar 健康講座
Our first PTA seminar is this Sunday, 10/23/2016 at 1:45pm.  We are honored to have Isabelle Yang come and share her 3 Secrets to Breaking through Weight Loss Resistance. She will also be doing a smoothies demonstration. Stay tune for more information.  今年家長會第一次的講座很榮幸再度邀請到營養師 Isabelle Yang 來跟我們分享如何在如何有效持之以恆的減重以及有健康果汁的示範教學.  請各位家長踴躍參加一起來討論及分享

WeightLoss_Resistance_SDCA.jpg 1:45pm

New Yoga Club sign up 大家一起來瑜珈!
With a new school year started, I thought it would be a good time to ignite our desire to be strong and healthy and make it a reality!  I encourage you to practice yoga and discover its magic to energize your body and calm your mind at the same time!  Please join me this Sunday at 3:15 - 4:30 pm in room MS 112 (Dance Studio at the end of MS building).
This time, we have an even prettier and larger room for our use.  What we need now is you and me!  (of course, your yoga mat and water and maybe a towel too)
Each week we practice 75 minutes
Register by emailing to

練習的時間是這個星期天下午3:15 到4:30,更棒的是地點是在學校裡寬敞的舞蹈教室!

Food Ordering 訂餐服務 (English menu available online now)
SDCA started the new weekly Chinese food delivery service a few weeks ago and it was quite a success. Over 20 families ordered the food via SDCA website every week. You not only get delicious Chinese food delivered but also help SDCA receive 10% donation from the restaurant. Place your order before Sunday 2pm, then pay and pick up at the office on Sunday between 4:20 pm-5:30 pm. Every week the restaurant offers different weekly specials! For more information and to order, please visit SDCA website and look for “Order Food Online” link on the right (please see screenshot below). Thank you for your support!  中華學苑推出全新每週日送餐到學校的服務,超過20個家庭透過學校網站訂餐。您不但收到美味方便的送餐食物,學校也可獲得餐廳10%的捐款。請於每週一到週日中午前透過學校網站連結訂購,週日4:20 pm-5:30 pm放學前到辦公室付款領餐。每個星期餐廳都有不同的特價餐點喔! 詳情及訂購請到學校網站首頁右手邊連結 ”Order Food Online” (請看下圖)。謝謝您的支持!
Disclaimer: This Food Order Service is a fundraising effort to support SDCA PTA events. SDCA is not responsible for Chan's business conducts and their food quality. SDCA appreciates all the participating parents and friends, but it is participant's’ responsibility to check the ingredients with Chan's for any food allergy concerns. Thank you!

Many thanks to parents who have ordered from Chan’s. So far we’d raised about $240 to help fund the school events. Please be reminded that each week Chan’s reserves the right to cancel your food orders if total order amount is less than $300. Chan’s will be responsible for notifying you when order cancellation happens. We appreciate your understanding in advance.

****!!!         Community Corner  社區園地       !!! ****
SDCCA Annual Karaoke Dance Party
We have a limited number of tickets for sale in the office this Sunday. Swing by to purchase if you are interested. 中華文化聯誼會年度卡拉OK舞會將於11/5/2016 舉行, 内容精彩,售票請洽詢學校辦公室。

Aroma Holiday Sale
Aroma Houseware is having a holiday charity sale on 11/19/2016, see flyer for the details.
Aroma家電將於11/19舉行慈善義賣, 請參閲廣告如下.

AROMA Holiday Sale 11-19-16.jpg