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Thursday, August 25, 2016

9-3-2016: Placement Test 插班考

9-11-2016: First Day of School

Welcome Back to SDCA

9-11-2016開學日: 歡迎各位小朋友來到中華學苑

It is wonderful to see you all again at San Diego Chinese Academy, and we would also like to welcome all the new families who are joining this big family for the 2016-17 academic year. We hope to see all of our children’s desire to learn and experience Chinese culture grow even more this year from all the enrichment activities provided by the school. Looking forward to meeting new faces in the next few weeks!!

很開心大家在新的學年度, 在次回到中華學苑.  也歡迎所有新加入我們的學生和家長, 希望在接下來的這一年, 每一個小朋友都在學習中文上有很好的進步, 也培養出更多的興趣, 對中華文化也有更深一步的認識. 介由家長會的活動, 家長們之間也能夠有更多的互動, 一起來帶動學習的份圍.    Let us begin to “Learn With Fun” !!!

*************!!!        Mark Your Calendar  重要活動日期      !!! *************

1. 9/3/2016                     Placement Test 插班考

                                          1:30 pm Room MS 104 at La Jolla Country Day School

2. 9/11/2016:                  2016-17 School starts

                                          Registration & Scrips Sale

Class Schedule(上課時間表)

3. 9/18/2016:                  Credit Class Parents  Meeting
4. 10/02/2016:                 Parent & Teacher Meeting,
                                           Back to School Parents meeting/Room parent meeting
                                           Double Ten Flag raising ceremony rehearsal

5. 10/9/2016:     Deadline for tuition refund /transfer
                                          Double Ten Flag raising ceremony

Please arrive at school early and stop by our welcome booth in the office to get all the information you need for class, volunteer schedule as well as PTA activities for this year.   Parents please also bring a check to purchase your student’s textbook from your teacher.  This year we have Amy Sun as Principal, and Victoria Tsui as Vice-Principal. Please take the opportunity to say hi, get to know them and let them know you appreciate all their hard work.   歡迎回到聖地牙哥中華學苑。請家長於開學日提早帶子女到學校﹐以便有時間到辦公室的 PTA Welcome Booth 尋找新教室及一些開學須知, 並請準備支票以購買教科書。今年我們的校長是孫麗敏女士, 副校長是崔新芸女士。請大家有機會認識她們並謝謝她們為中華學苑的服務。

8/26 Update :教室分配圖

Credit Class parents, please make sure you attend the very important Credit Class Parents’ Meeting on 9/18/16 from 3:40 to 4:30 pm at Community Hall .
請學分班家長務必參加第二週的學分班說明會。校方將介紹學分班各項規定與教學規劃。時間 3:40-4:30 pm,  地點在Community Hall。

************!!!       School Administration  註冊及校務      !!! **************

1.   Registration 註冊
Open you all had a great summer! If you have not registered your kids for school year 2016-2017, please do so before the first day of school. We do online registration and you can easily register your kids at home instead of waiting in a long line on a hot summer day. After registering online, you can bring the registration form and check to school at the office on the first day of school to make the process faster.

To register, please go to

希望大家的暑假都過得很豐富還沒有註冊的家長, 煩請您在開學前完成網上註冊的手續。學校提供的網上註冊,讓您在家裡就可以輕輕鬆鬆地幫您的孩子們註冊網上註冊後請家長們開學當天直接帶註冊表與支票到辦公室繳費。

網上註冊很簡單, 請到以下網址:  

Volunteers Needed  家長會義工:
We still need volunteers for the following positions in the new school year.  Please contact us if you have not submitted your preference!  Your help would be a big contribution to our school. Please email:  新學年學校需要您的熱心幫忙以下義工, 請有興趣的家長或朋友們跟我們聯絡, 也請接到義工邀請函的家長儘早囘信確認 謝謝!
              TA 助教
              Room Parents 班爸班媽
           Ground supervision 校園巡邏
           Teacher/Student snacks 老師/學生點心
           Student Contest Assist 校内比賽協助

***************!!!         Community Corner  社區園地       !!! *****************

If you have a small business or your employer wants to promote the business, please consider advertising on our website, weekly blog, or yearbook. Our pricing is very competitive and can easily reach out more than 350 families. Please refer to the below link for more information and pricing. Thank you for your support!  
MoonFestival 7-22 version.jpg

Do you shop online on Amazon? Use your Amazon sign-in information to log into AmazonSmile and the Amazon Smile Foundation will donate 0.5% of the price of eligible purchases to our school.  Select "San Diego Chinese Academy" from the drop-down menu. Then browse or shop just as you would on Amazon and help our school!  Happy shopping and thank you for your support.  Here is the link to share with all your family and friends to help us earn more donation:

希望常在 Amazon 買東西的家長們, 能夠一起來幫助我們學校做一些 fundraising 吧!

9-3-2016: Placement Test 插班考

9-11-2016: First Day of School

Welcome Back to SDCA

9-11-2016開學日: 歡迎各位小朋友來到中華學苑

It is wonderful to see you all again at San Diego Chinese Academy, and we would also like to welcome all the new families who are joining this big family for the 2016-17 academic year. We hope to see all of our children’s desire to learn and experience Chinese culture grow even more this year from all the enrichment activities provided by the school. Looking forward to meeting new faces in the next few weeks!!

很開心大家在新的學年度, 在次回到中華學苑.  也歡迎所有新加入我們的學生和家長, 希望在接下來的這一年, 每一個小朋友都在學習中文上有很好的進步, 也培養出更多的興趣, 對中華文化也有更深一步的認識. 介由家長會的活動, 家長們之間也能夠有更多的互動, 一起來帶動學習的份圍.    Let us begin to “Learn With Fun” !!!

*************!!!        Mark Your Calendar  重要活動日期      !!! *************

1. 9/3/2016                     Placement Test 插班考

                                          1:30 pm Room MS 104 at La Jolla Country Day School

2. 9/11/2016:                  2016-17 School starts

                                          Registration & Scrips Sale
Class Schedule(上課時間表)

3. 9/18/2016:                  Credit Class Parents  Meeting
4. 10/02/2016:                 Parent & Teacher Meeting,
                                           Back to School Parents meeting/Room parent meeting
                                           Double Ten Flag raising ceremony rehearsal

5. 10/9/2016:     Deadline for tuition refund /transfer
                                          Double Ten Flag raising ceremony

Please arrive at school early and stop by our welcome booth in the office to get all the information you need for class, volunteer schedule as well as PTA activities for this year.   Parents please also bring a check to purchase your student’s textbook from your teacher.  This year we have Amy Sun as Principal, and Victoria Tsui as Vice-Principal. Please take the opportunity to say hi, get to know them and let them know you appreciate all their hard work.   歡迎回到聖地牙哥中華學苑。請家長於開學日提早帶子女到學校﹐以便有時間到辦公室的 PTA Welcome Booth 尋找新教室及一些開學須知, 並請準備支票以購買教科書。今年我們的校長是孫麗敏女士, 副校長是崔新芸女士。請大家有機會認識她們並謝謝她們為中華學苑的服務。

Credit Class parents, please make sure you attend the very important Credit Class Parents’ Meeting on 9/18/16 from 3:40 to 4:30 pm at Community Hall .
請學分班家長務必參加第二週的學分班說明會。校方將介紹學分班各項規定與教學規劃。時間 3:40-4:30 pm,  地點在Community Hall。

************!!!       School Administration  註冊及校務      !!! **************

1.   Registration 註冊
Open you all had a great summer! If you have not registered your kids for school year 2016-2017, please do so before the first day of school. We do online registration and you can easily register your kids at home instead of waiting in a long line on a hot summer day. After registering online, you can bring the registration form and check to school at the office on the first day of school to make the process faster.

To register, please go to

希望大家的暑假都過得很豐富還沒有註冊的家長, 煩請您在開學前完成網上註冊的手續。學校提供的網上註冊,讓您在家裡就可以輕輕鬆鬆地幫您的孩子們註冊網上註冊後請家長們開學當天直接帶註冊表與支票到辦公室繳費。

網上註冊很簡單, 請到以下網址:  

Volunteers Needed  家長會義工:
We still need volunteers for the following positions in the new school year.  Please contact us if you have not submitted your preference!  Your help would be a big contribution to our school. Please email:  新學年學校需要您的熱心幫忙以下義工, 請有興趣的家長或朋友們跟我們聯絡, 也請接到義工邀請函的家長儘早囘信確認 謝謝!
              TA 助教
              Room Parents 班爸班媽
           Ground supervision 校園巡邏
           Teacher/Student snacks 老師/學生點心
           Student Contest Assist 校内比賽協助

***************!!!         Community Corner  社區園地       !!! *****************

If you have a small business or your employer wants to promote the business, please consider advertising on our website, weekly blog, or yearbook. Our pricing is very competitive and can easily reach out more than 350 families. Please refer to the below link for more information and pricing. Thank you for your support!  
MoonFestival 7-22 version.jpg

Do you shop online on Amazon? Use your Amazon sign-in information to log into AmazonSmile and the Amazon Smile Foundation will donate 0.5% of the price of eligible purchases to our school.  Select "San Diego Chinese Academy" from the drop-down menu. Then browse or shop just as you would on Amazon and help our school!  Happy shopping and thank you for your support.  Here is the link to share with all your family and friends to help us earn more donation:

希望常在 Amazon 買東西的家長們, 能夠一起來幫助我們學校做一些 fundraising 吧!

9-3-2016: Placement Test 插班考

9-11-2016: First Day of School

Welcome Back to SDCA

9-11-2016開學日: 歡迎各位小朋友來到中華學苑

It is wonderful to see you all again at San Diego Chinese Academy, and we would also like to welcome all the new families who are joining this big family for the 2016-17 academic year. We hope to see all of our children’s desire to learn and experience Chinese culture grow even more this year from all the enrichment activities provided by the school. Looking forward to meeting new faces in the next few weeks!!

很開心大家在新的學年度, 在次回到中華學苑.  也歡迎所有新加入我們的學生和家長, 希望在接下來的這一年, 每一個小朋友都在學習中文上有很好的進步, 也培養出更多的興趣, 對中華文化也有更深一步的認識. 介由家長會的活動, 家長們之間也能夠有更多的互動, 一起來帶動學習的份圍.    Let us begin to “Learn With Fun” !!!

*************!!!        Mark Your Calendar  重要活動日期      !!! *************

1. 9/3/2016                     Placement Test 插班考

                                          1:30 pm Room MS 104 at La Jolla Country Day School
2. 9/11/2016:                  2016-17 School starts
                                          Registration & Scrips Sale
Class Schedule(上課時間表)

3. 9/18/2016:                  Credit Class Parents  Meeting
4. 10/02/2016:                 Parent & Teacher Meeting,
                                           Back to School Parents meeting/Room parent meeting
                                           Double Ten Flag raising ceremony rehearsal

5. 10/9/2016:     Deadline for tuition refund /transfer
                                          Double Ten Flag raising ceremony

Please arrive at school early and stop by our welcome booth in the office to get all the information you need for class, volunteer schedule as well as PTA activities for this year.   Parents please also bring a check to purchase your student’s textbook from your teacher.  This year we have Amy Sun as Principal, and Victoria Tsui as Vice-Principal. Please take the opportunity to say hi, get to know them and let them know you appreciate all their hard work.   歡迎回到聖地牙哥中華學苑。請家長於開學日提早帶子女到學校﹐以便有時間到辦公室的 PTA Welcome Booth 尋找新教室及一些開學須知, 並請準備支票以購買教科書。今年我們的校長是孫麗敏女士, 副校長是崔新芸女士。請大家有機會認識她們並謝謝她們為中華學苑的服務。

You can also find the class map at the link below:

Credit Class parents, please make sure you attend the very important Credit Class Parents’ Meeting on 9/18/16 from 3:40 to 4:30 pm at Community Hall .
請學分班家長務必參加第二週的學分班說明會。校方將介紹學分班各項規定與教學規劃。時間 3:40-4:30 pm,  地點在Community Hall。

************!!!       School Administration  註冊及校務      !!! **************

1.   Registration 註冊
Open you all had a great summer! If you have not registered your kids for school year 2016-2017, please do so before the first day of school. We do online registration and you can easily register your kids at home instead of waiting in a long line on a hot summer day. After registering online, you can bring the registration form and check to school at the office on the first day of school to make the process faster.

To register, please go to

希望大家的暑假都過得很豐富還沒有註冊的家長, 煩請您在開學前完成網上註冊的手續。學校提供的網上註冊,讓您在家裡就可以輕輕鬆鬆地幫您的孩子們註冊網上註冊後請家長們開學當天直接帶註冊表與支票到辦公室繳費。

網上註冊很簡單, 請到以下網址:  

Volunteers Needed  家長會義工:
We still need volunteers for the following positions in the new school year.  Please contact us if you have not submitted your preference!  Your help would be a big contribution to our school. Please email:  新學年學校需要您的熱心幫忙以下義工, 請有興趣的家長或朋友們跟我們聯絡, 也請接到義工邀請函的家長儘早囘信確認 謝謝!
              TA 助教
              Room Parents 班爸班媽
           Ground supervision 校園巡邏
           Teacher/Student snacks 老師/學生點心
           Student Contest Assist 校内比賽協助

***************!!!         Community Corner  社區園地       !!! *****************

If you have a small business or your employer wants to promote the business, please consider advertising on our website, weekly blog, or yearbook. Our pricing is very competitive and can easily reach out more than 350 families. Please refer to the below link for more information and pricing. Thank you for your support!  
MoonFestival 7-22 version.jpg

Do you shop online on Amazon? Use your Amazon sign-in information to log into AmazonSmile and the Amazon Smile Foundation will donate 0.5% of the price of eligible purchases to our school.  Select "San Diego Chinese Academy" from the drop-down menu. Then browse or shop just as you would on Amazon and help our school!  Happy shopping and thank you for your support.  Here is the link to share with all your family and friends to help us earn more donation:

希望常在 Amazon 買東西的家長們, 能夠一起來幫助我們學校做一些 fundraising 吧!