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Friday, May 27, 2016

5-29-2016: Deadline for Early Registration
5-29-2016:  別錯過了預註冊的日期喔!


  • Registration fee is waived if you register and make payment on or before 5/31 (postmark). Please note that this rule is strictly enforced.
Our mailing address:
San Diego Chinese Academy -- Registration
P.O. Box 910093
San Diego, CA 92191-0093

****!!!         Administration  校務  !!!      ****
Interested in Teaching or Know someone who is?
Our school continues to grow and we always need teachers. If you are interested in becoming a teacher or know someone who would be a great teacher, please get in touch with the office administration team at . 學校繼續在成長,我們需要老師,假如您有興趣教書或認識合適的教師人選,請跟校方聯絡。

****!!!        PTA Announcement  家長會  !!!      ****

Thank you, dear SDCA families, for another great year. Have a wonderful and relaxing summer, and we will see you back on campus in September!

Graduation Ceremony Photos Batch1:
Graduation Ceremony Photos Batch2:

Friday, May 20, 2016

5-22-2016 Week 30: Teacher Appreciation Dinner
5-22-2016 三十週:  別錯過了今年的謝師宴喔

****!!!        Mark Your Calendars  重要活動日期      !!! ****
1. 5/22/2016: Graduation Ceremony
Teacher Appreciation Dinner
Pre-Registration for Next School Year (OFFICE @1:30PM) 
Scrip Sale & Last Day to Claim Service Refund (OFFICE @2:40PM)

5/22 Graduation Ceremony Timeline
Parents! Please follow the timeline outlined below for Sunday, 5/22.

  • 1:30pm:  Meet in the classrooms. The teacher will present awards, as well as distribute report cards, summer homework, and yearbook to students.
  • 1:50pm: Teachers will take their students to the amphitheater. Most classrooms will be locked after this time. If your student arrives at school after this time, please take them directly to the amphitheater.
  • The following students please check in with the Vice Principal on the south side of the stage (left side if facing the stage) as soon as they arrive at the amphitheater:
    • 司儀 Emcees學分二甲全體同學 Credit Class 2A Students
    • 6-Year Milestone Award: 許書弘Aaron Hsu、劉敏Sheridan Liew、楊紫婷Elita Yang、陳立文Ewan Chen、郭艾玟Caroline Kuo、謝昀融Leighton Hsieh、陸自芬Chloe Lu、陳立人Ewan Chen、吳敏賢Judith Wu、游恆潔Jessica Yu  張子盟 Nigel Chang、劉以諾Ethan Liu、楊明舟Jerry Yang
    • 9-Year Milestone Award: 許蓁瑜April Hsu、蕭威鴻Brian Hsiao、黃裕凱Steven Huang、孫瑞琦Hannah Sun、孫瑞琳Shannon Sun、劉曉穎Serene Liu、尤辰恩Emma Yu、呂欣愷Calvin Leu
    • Perseverance Award: 楊博丞Stephen Yang
    • SDCA High School Essay Contest: 尤辰恩Emma Yu
    • Senior TA Award: 朱嘉樂Akinia Chu、夏杰倫Jonathan Xia
    • 汪慎叔委員獎學金Mr. Sherwin Wang Award: Recipient representatives (follow teacher instruction)
  • 2:00pm: Graduation ceremony starts (ceremony program will be distributed at the event)

  • Pre-registration is open online for both current and new families. Please register online if possible. Instead of waiting in the line, the registration form and payment drop off is available in the office.
  • Pre-registration is available in the office starting at 1:30pm on 5/22. It is also the last day to turn in registration payment in person.
  • After 5/22, registration payment can be mailed in.
  • Registration fee is waived if you register and make payment on or before 5/31 (postmark). Please note that this rule is strictly enforced.
  • For any registration related questions please stop by the office or contact Registrar Lesley at

Last Chance To Claim Your Service Refund (@2:40pm)
  • 5/22 is the LAST DAY that you can come to claim your service refund for this year.  Please stop by the office  if you have completed your service or will be completing by 5/22 for your service refund.  All service refund will be considered a donation to school after 5/22.
  • Scrip sales is available in the office starting at 2:40pm on 5/22. You may claim service refund, buy scrip for current year, or buy scrip for next school year.

Teacher Appreciation Dinner: Tickets are on sale at the Community Hall on 5/15! Ticket price is $30/adult, $25/vegetarian, & $20/student per ticket. This is a great chance to dine with your teachers and show your appreciation for their hard work. There will also be karaoke and great raffle prizes such as restaurant and beauty salon gift certificates! The party will take place at China Max Restaurant from 5:30 to 8:30 pm on 5/22 (after the Graduation Ceremony). 謝師晚宴售票中:我們現在開始銷售謝師晚宴的門票。門票價格為$30/成人票, $20/學生票。這是一個與孩子的老師一起用餐的機會,我們感謝他們一年來的辛勤工作。晚宴將於5/22日下午5:30到下午8:30(畢業典禮後)在富臨海鮮酒家舉行。購買門票請到 Community Hall。讓我們和老師們一起有一個快樂的夜晚!


****!!!         Administration  校務  !!!      ****
Interested in Teaching or Know someone who is?
Our school continues to grow and we always need teachers, if you are interested in becoming a teacher or know someone who would be a great teacher, please get in touch with the office administration team. 學校繼續在成長,我們需要老師,假如您有興趣教書或認識合適的教師人選,請跟校方聯絡。

Parents Survey Form
Parent Surveys were sent home last week with the students.  A soft copy has also been emailed to all room parents for distribution. Please take a few minutes to fill it out and return it in a sealed envelope to your room parents or to the office directly as soon as possible.  We appreciate and value your feedback very much. This will help our school to improve. Thank you for your cooperation and support. 今年的家長問卷調查已發給學生們帶回家,懇請所有家長花幾分鐘的時間幫我們填這份問卷,填完後放在信封裡交給班爸班媽或直接交給辦公室。沒有家長們的支持,學校就沒辦法成長,我們的大家庭需要大家一起來經營,這份問卷調查對我們下學年的籌備有很大的幫助,謝謝您的支持與合作!

****!!!         Community Corner  社區園地       !!! ****


1695年5月16日 傾國名姬陳圓圓病逝 - 陳圓圓(1623年4月3日-1695年5月16日),原姓邢,名沅,字圓圓,又字畹芬,明末清初蘇州名姬,“秦淮八艷”之一。 崇禎末年輾轉成為吳三桂之妾。闖王李自成攻破北京後,手下劉宗敏擄走陳圓圓,吳三桂本欲投降李自成,但得知圓圓遭劫後,衝冠一怒,憤而降清。《圓圓曲》中所說:“衝冠一怒為紅顏”,就是指這件事。吳三桂引清兵入山海關,攻破李自成,孰料一發不可收拾,給了滿清入主中原的良機,吳三桂也因此被冠上叛將之名。 吳三桂在戰火中找到陳圓圓,軍營團聚。此後陳圓圓一直跟隨吳三桂輾轉征戰。吳三桂平定雲南後,圓圓進入吳三桂在昆明的平西王府,曾一度“寵冠後宮”。 後吳三桂陰懷異志,窮奢侈欲,歌舞徵逐。陳圓圓因年老色衰,日漸失寵。康熙12年,清廷撤藩,吳三桂興兵造反,自稱周王、總統天下水陸大元帥、興明討虜大將軍,發佈檄文,史稱“三藩之亂”。 陳圓圓不看好吳三桂之作為, 遂自請辭宮入道,移居庵寺,“布衣蔬食,禮佛以畢此生”。 一代紅妝從此豪華落盡,歸於平靜。也因此得以在康熙20年清軍平定三藩之亂時全身而退。 康熙28年,陳圓圓因病身逝,被葬於商山寺旁。墓聯曰:“塵劫中不昧本來,朗月仍輝性海;迷障裡能開覺悟,淨蓮更郵污泥。” Chen Yuanyuan was a courtesan who lived during the late Ming and early Qing dynasties. She was the concubine of Wu Sangui, the Ming dynasty general who surrendered Shanhai Pass to the Manchu Qing dynasty, and later rebelled in the Revolt of the Three Feudatories. Chen's life and relationship to Wu later became the subject of a number of popular stories and legends, many of them focusing on her supposed role in Wu's fateful decision to defect to the Qing, thereby sealing the fate of the Ming dynasty.

1966年5月16日 文化大革命開始 - 文化大革命,全稱無產階級文化大革命,簡稱文革,指1966年5月至1976年10月在中國由毛澤東錯誤發動和領導、被林彪江青兩個反革命集團利用、給中華民族帶來嚴重災難的政治運動。 一般認為文革正式開始於1966年5月16日,中共中央政治局會議通過了由毛澤東主持起草的《中國共產黨中央委員會通知》(簡稱《五一·六通知》)。它針對同年2月中共中央轉發 的《文化革命五人小組關於當前學術討論的彙報提綱》(即《二月提綱》),提出了進行“文化大革命”的一整套理論、方針和政策。 設立在政治局常委領導下的中央文化革命小組(即“中央文革”),自上而下動員成千上萬紅衛兵中國大陸進行全方位的階級鬥爭。在此期間普及的批鬥、、告密等文化,使中國傳統文化與道德淪亡,受害人數以千萬計,亦有數不清文物慘遭蹂躪,人們都不務正業,經濟損失慘重。國家主席劉少奇、原國防部長彭德懷、中央軍委副主席賀龍等領導人被迫害致死,領導人之一鄧小平等亦在此時被下放。文革最終遭到官方公開否定,而被稱為「十年動亂」、「十年浩劫」,此外也影響了阿爾巴尼亞北韓法國埃塞俄比亞、美洲等一系列左翼勢力強大的地區。 The Cultural Revolution was a sociopolitical movement that took place in the People's Republic of China from 1966 until 1976. Set into motion by Mao Zedong, then Chairman of the Communist Party of China, its stated goal was to preserve 'true' Communist ideology in the country by purging remnants of capitalist and traditional elements from Chinese society, and to re-impose Maoist thought as the dominant ideology within the Party. The Revolution was launched in May 1966, China's youth responded to Mao's appeal by forming Red Guard groups around the country. The movement spread into the military, urban workers, and the Communist Party leadership itself. It resulted in widespread factional struggles in all walks of life. During the same period Mao's personality cult grew to immense proportions. During the 10 years, millions of people were persecuted in the violent struggles that ensued across the country, and suffered a wide range of abuses including public humiliation, arbitrary imprisonment, torture, sustained harassment, and seizure of property. A large segment of the population was forcibly displaced, most notably the transfer of urban youth to rural regions during the Down to the Countryside Movement. Historical relics and artifacts were destroyed. Cultural and religious sites were ransacked. After Mao's death and the arrest of the Gang of Four in 1976, reformers led by Deng Xiaoping gradually began to dismantle the Maoist policies associated with the Cultural Revolution. In 1981, the Party declared that the Cultural Revolution was "responsible for the most severe setback and the heaviest losses suffered by the Party, the country, and the people since the founding of the People's Republic".


1927年5月18日 好萊塢中國戲院開業 - 在上世紀20年代,被人們尊稱為“好萊塢先生”的格勞曼要在好萊塢建造一個與其財力和名氣相匹配的、一流的具有東方建築風格的劇場. 中國劇院於1926年1月5日動工。1927年5月28日,為慶祝中國劇院的正式開張,同時舉行了著名導演和電影製片人德米爾的新作品《王中王》的首映式。從1943年至1945年,奧斯卡獎的頒獎儀式連續3年都在中國大劇院舉行。在中國劇院前的水泥地上,布滿了從瑪麗蓮·夢露到西爾威斯特·史泰龍等238位不同時期的著名電影演員的手印和腳印。2013年1月11日,中國劇院宣佈:將正式更名為“好萊塢TCL中國大劇院”(TCL Chinese Theatre)。這是該劇院自建成85年來首次與企業進行冠名合作,這一里程碑式的事件,標誌著以TCL為代表的中國品牌與國際娛樂產業合作邁上新的台階,也代表了中國企業全球化戰略的新高度 TCL Chinese Theatre is a cinema palace on the historic Hollywood Walk of Fame in Hollywood, California. Originally known (and still commonly referred to) as Grauman's Chinese Theatre, the theatre opened May 18, 1927, with the premiere of Cecil B. DeMille's film The King of Kings. It has since been home to many premieres, including the 1977 launch of George Lucas' Star Wars, as well as three Academy Awards ceremonies. Among the theatre's most distinctive features are the concrete blocks set in the forecourt, which bear the signatures, footprints, and handprints of some of the most popular motion picture personalities from the 1920s to the present day. It was renamed Mann's Chinese Theatre in 1973; and reverted to its original name in 2001. On January 11, 2013, Chinese electronics manufacturer TCL Corporation purchased the naming rights to the facility, making its official name TCL Chinese Theatre. This resulted in the first affiliation of the Chinese Theatre with an actual Chinese corporation. In April 2013 the Chinese Theatre partnered with IMAX Corporation to create the single largest IMAX auditorium in the world. The new theatre seats 932 people, and hosts the third largest commercial movie screen in North America.