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Friday, April 29, 2016

5-01-2016 Week 28:  Last Student Store Day!
5-01-2016 第二十八週:  學生商店

****!!!        Mark Your Calendars  重要活動日期      !!! ***
1. 5/01/2016: Student Store (Last One)
                                  學生商店 (本學年最後一次)

2.   5/06/2016:   Chipotle Fundraiser (50% of proceeds go back to SDCA)
Chipotle 晚餐募捐活動

3. 5/08/2016: Mother’s Day (No School)
母親節 (放假)

4. 5/15/2016: Pre-Registration for Next School Year Begins (Current Families)
新學期預註冊開始 (在讀生家庭 )
Monthly Board Meeting (Open)
理事會月會 (公開)

5. 5/22/2016: Graduation Ceremony
Teacher Appreciation Dinner
Pre-Registration for Next School Year    

Last Coupon Day of This School Year
This week (5/01/16) is the last Coupon Day of the school year.  All coupons must be exchanged and cannot be used next year. Parents please remind your child to bring all coupons this Sunday. Don’t forget to also bring a bag for them to carry all the goodies! 本週(5/01/16)有本學年度最後一次的學生商店。今年的Coupons明年失效,所以請家長們要提醒貴子弟帶所有的禮券,到學校兌換獎品。

Teacher’s Appreciation Dinner: We are selling Teacher’s Appreciation Dinner tickets right now. Ticket price is $30/adult $25/vegetarian & $20/student per ticket. This is a great chance to dine with your teachers and show your appreciation for their hard work this year. The party will take place at China Max Restaurant from 5:30 to 7:30 pm on 5/22 (after the Graduation Ceremony). To purchase tickets, please come to the Office.. Please join us for a FUN night! Click here to view party details. 謝師晚宴售票中:我們現在開始銷售謝師晚宴的門票。門票價格為$30/成人票, $20/學生票。這是一個與孩子的老師一起用餐的機會,我們感謝他們一年來的辛勤工作。晚宴將於5/17日下午5:30到下午7:30(畢業典禮後)在富臨海鮮酒家舉行。購買門票請到辦公室。讓我們和老師們一起有一個快樂的夜晚!

****!!!         Special Notice  緊急公告  !!!      ****
Our registration portal unexpectedly went down on 4/12 because the web-hosting company no longer supports the version of the language used for programming our portal. Our dedicated portal developer has been working around-the-clock to update our coding to the new version, and the portal is expected to be operational by 5/15. Meanwhile the school is in urgent need of volunteers who are familiar with Ruby on Rails, specifically Rail 3 (the most updated version supported by our web-hosting company), to support our portal developer and to help with this upgrade process. Any help is highly appreciated! Please contact Lesley at if you or someone you know can help.

Due to this unexpected technical difficulty, the pre-registration process needs to be adjusted as following:
  • Pre-registration starts on 4/24 for new families only. If you are a current family, even if you plan on enrolling a new student (ex. a younger sibling), we ask you to please wait until our portal is back up. New families may come to the office to register on 4/24, 5/1, 5/15, and 5/22. New families may also register online anytime after 5/15.
  • Pre-registration starts on 5/15 for current families. You may enroll current students as well as new students from the same family, such as younger siblings. Current families may come to the office to register on the following school days: 5/15, 5/22. Current families may also register online anytime after 5/15.
  • For any registration related questions please stop by the office or contact Registrar Lesley at
  • Registration fee is waived if you register and make payment on or before 5/31 (postmark). Please note that this rule is strictly enforced.
  • The Scrips schedule is adjusted as following. If you have any questions, please contact
    • 4/24 and 5/1: Scrip sales in the office for new families
    • 5/15 and 5/22: Scrip sales in the office for both new and current families
    • Note: if you are a current family and you know exactly how much scrip to purchase, you may come on 4/24 and 5/1 to make the purchase. Please be advised that we won’t be able to check your purchase history on these days due to unavailability of the portal.  There will be no refund or exchange later if you purchased the wrong amount. If you are unsure, please wait until 5/15. Thanks in advance for your understanding and cooperation.

Our dedicated portal developer has been working around the clock to update our registration portal. The administration team has also been working hard to implement an alternative solution for pre-registration in short notice.

Thank you all in advance for your understanding and patience. Let’s work together to get through this unexpected and difficult time.

****!!!         Administration  校務  !!!      ****
Interested in Teaching or Know someone who is?
Our school continues to grow and we always need teachers, if you are interested in becoming a teacher or know someone who would be a great teacher, please get in touch with the office administration team. 學校繼續在成長,我們需要老師,假如您有興趣教書或認識合適的教師人選,請跟校方聯絡。

Parents Survey Form
Parent Surveys were sent home last week with the students.  A soft copy has also been emailed to all room parents for distribution. Please take a few minutes to fill it out and return it in a sealed envelope to your room parents or to the office directly as soon as possible.  We appreciate and value your feedback very much. This will help our school to improve. Thank you for your cooperation and support. 今年的家長問卷調查已發給學生們帶回家,懇請所有家長花幾分鐘的時間幫我們填這份問卷,填完後放在信封裡交給班爸班媽或直接交給辦公室。沒有家長們的支持,學校就沒辦法成長,我們的大家庭需要大家一起來經營,這份問卷調查對我們下學年的籌備有很大的幫助,謝謝您的支持與合作!

****!!!         Board Announcement  理事會公告  !!!      ****
Board Election Results
Thanks to all parents who voted online and on campus, we had obtained the required number of votes (25% as set forth by the SDCA Board Bylaws). The SDCA Board is pleased to announce the election of the following individuals to the Board of Directors. They take office effective 2016-17 school year, for a two-year term.

漢述宗 Jerry Han
李瑞琳 Lily Sengsourinho
郭淑貞 Stacy Liao
許懷文 Karen Lin
梁續恩 Jennifer Liang

The Board of Directors is SDCA's highest governing body. The Board consists of nine members. These are volunteering positions filled by SDCA parents. Directors are responsible for the management of business and affairs of SDCA.  Each director also holds one of the following positions: President (corporate officer), Vice President (corporate officer), Secretary (corporate officer), Treasurer (corporate officer), Editorial Director, PTA Director, Operations Director, Activity Director, and Scrip Director.

The five newly elected directors, along with four existing directors, will form the new Board for the 2016-17 school year. We salute these parent volunteers’ commitment to our school and their willingness to take on these important positions. Their dedication is greatly appreciated!

Monthly Board Meeting (Open) 理事會月會 (公開)
Are you interested in knowing how the SDCA Board operates? Are you considering the possibility of running for a board position in the future? In an effort to create transparency and rouse parent interest, the Board has decided to hold the next Board Meeting on 5/15 openly (location: on campus TBD; time: 3:30pm). All SDCA parents are invited to join!  

****!!!         PTA Announcement  家長會與活動  !!!      ****

Dine-Out Fundraising
Not feeling up to cooking dinner on the Friday leading up to Mother’s Day weekend? Come dine out with your fellow SDCA families and support a good cause. Show the below flyer to the cashier, eat in or take out, and 50% of the proceeds comes back to our school.

Date: May 6th
Time: 5:00pm - 8:00pm
Place: Chipotle Carmel Valley
3881 Valley Center Dr, San Diego, CA 92130

Looking forward to see you there!

****!!!         Community Corner  社區園地       !!! ****

353年4月22日 王羲之書寫《蘭亭集序》- 王羲之(321—379),字逸少,琅研臨沂(今山東臨沂)人。官至右軍將軍,人稱王右軍。早年曾隨叔父王厚和衛夫人(名攝、字茂猗)學書畫,深受東漢書法家張芝和三國時魏國書法家鍾繇的影響,變漢魏古樸為王體的流美,創造出獨特的風格。 辭官後,定居山陰(今浙江紹興),悉心研究,博採眾長,他的楷書完全擺脫了隸書的形跡,達到完美的境地;行書、草書被贊為“飄著浮雲,矯若驚龍”。 他書法的特點是“點畫清圓,筆力雄健,風度超逸,結構嚴謹而疏爽”,為歷代學習書法者所崇尚,被譽為“書聖”。 公元353年4月22日(晉永和九年三月初三日)東晉謝安、王羲之等40多位著名文士在會稽山陰的蘭亭雅集,飲酒賦詩。王羲之將這些詩賦輯成《蘭亭集》,並揮寫了一篇《蘭亭集序》。唐太宗對他推崇備至,曾親撰《晉書》中的《王羲之傳論》,推頌為“盡善盡美”。還將臨摹本份賜貴威近臣,並以真跡殉葬。Wang Xizhi (303–361) was a Chinese calligrapher traditionally referred to as the Sage of Calligraphy (書聖), who lived during the Jin Dynasty (265–420). He has arguably been the most esteemed Chinese calligrapher during and after the Tang Dynasty, and a master of all forms of Chinese calligraphy, especially the running script. The Emperor Taizong admired his works so much that the original Preface to the Poems Composed at the Orchid Pavilion was said to be buried with the emperor in his mausoleum. The Lantingji Xu (蘭亭集序; literally: "Preface to the Poems Collected from the Orchid Pavilion") or Lanting Xu (蘭亭序) is a famous work of calligraphy by Wang Xizhi, composed in the year 353. Written in semi-cursive script, it is among the best known and most often copied pieces of calligraphy in Chinese history. This work began as the preface to a collection of poetry seminal to the Chinese nature poetry movement, but developed a life of its own. The preface describes the event during that year's Spring Purification Festival in which 42 literati, including Xie An and Sun Chuo, were present at a gathering at the Orchid Pavilion near Shaoxing, Zhejiang, at which they composed poems, played music, and enjoyed wine.

1645年4月24日 "揚州十日"慘案爆發 - 1644年(崇恢十七年),明亡,明末抗清名將史可法在南京擁立福王,建南明。因馬士英等的排擠,史可法以督師為名,使守揚州。清朝多爾褻致書誘降,被拒絕,他堅守孤城。順治二年(1645年)4月10日,清豫親王多鐸兵圍揚州,史可法傳檄諸鎮發兵援救,僅少數兵至,防守見絀。此時多爾袞勸降,史可法致《復多爾袞書》拒絕投降。二十四日清軍以紅衣大炮攻城。入夜揚州城破,史可法欲自刎殉國,被屬下攔住。被擒住後,史可法拒絕投降而被殺。多鐸因為攻城的清軍遭到很大傷亡,心裡惱恨,遂以不聽招降為由,下令屠殺揚州百姓。大屠殺延續了十天,死亡八十萬人,史稱“揚州十日”。屍骨堆積如山,史可法遺體難以辨認,不知下落。隔年,其義子史德威將史可法的衣冠葬於揚州城天甯門外梅花嶺。以誌紀念 Shi Kefa (4 February 1601 – 20 May 1645), was a government official who lived in the late Ming dynasty. He served as the Grand Secretary in the Ministry of War during the early part of his career. When the Ming dynasty was extinct in 1644, Shi ignored repeated calls of defection from Qing officials and helped to establish the Southern Ming country with the emperor being a member of the original Ming imperial family. Shi is best remembered for his defense of Yangzhou city from invading armies of the Qing dynasty, and was killed when Yangzhou fell to Qing forces in April 1645. On April 24, the Qing army, under the command of Qing prince Dodo, finally broke the walls of Yangzhou and conquered the city. Shi refused to surrender, was captivated and later killed. Prince Dodo was infuriated by the heavy casualties sustained by his army in conquering Yangzhou, so after the city fell, he ordered a mass killing of the city's residents (the event is known as the Yangzhou massacre). An estimated 800,000 people had been killed during the massacre. Shi’s remains could not be found. A year later in 1646, Shi’s adopted son, Shi Dewei, buried Shi Kefa's headdress and garments at Plum Blossom Ridge outside of Yangzhou. The Qing dynasty writer Quan Zuwang (全祖望) later wrote the Tale of Plum Blossom Ridge (梅花嶺記) to describe the event. Nearly a century later, the Qing dynasty's Qianlong Emperor granted Shi Kefa a posthumous name, "Zhongzheng" (忠正; means "loyal and upright".) His descendants collected his works and compiled them into a book titled Lord Shi Zhongzheng's Collections (史忠正公集). The Shi Kefa Memorial, a shrine devoted to the memory of Shi Kefa, is located in present-day Yangzhou.

1919年4月24日 詹天佑病逝 - 詹天佑,字眷城,近代中國第一位鐵路工程專家。祖籍安徽婺源(今屬江西),1861年(咸豐十一年)4月26日生於廣東南海縣。1872年考取清政府第一批出洋幼童,赴美留學,1878年考入耶魯大學土木工程系,學習鐵路一科,1881年畢業,獲學士學位。不久,被清政府召回,派到福州水師學習駕駛。 1882年任“楊威號”駕駛官。曾參加馬尾海戰,嗣後任廣州博學館,水師學堂外文教習。1888年主持修築津榆鐵路的灤河大橋,1894年被英國工程研究會吸收為會員,1905年至1909年主持修建了中國第一條自建鐵路京張鐵路。此後任川路公司總公程師,粵路總理。1912年任川粵漢鐵路會辦,協助孫中山制定十萬公里鐵路計劃,並被舉為中華工程師學會會長。1919年1月,由美,英,法,意,日等國策劃組成了監管中東鐵路和西伯利亞委員會,他做為中國代表來到哈爾濱。任技術部中國代表,為維護中國主權做了堅決了鬥爭,不幸由於勞累病倒,同年4月15日離開哈爾濱回到武漢,4月24日病逝於漢口仁濟醫院。Zhan Tianyou (26 April 1861 – 24 April 1919), or Tien Yow Jeme as he called himself in English, based on the Cantonese pronunciation, was a pioneering Chinese railroad engineer. In 1872, as a twelve-year-old, Zhan was chosen by Qing imperial officials to be sent to the United States as part of the Chinese Educational Mission. Together with thirty boys of similar age, he arrived in Connecticut, United States. After studying at a primary school and high school, and in 1878, Zhan was admitted to the Sheffield Scientific School of Yale University. His major was Civil Engineering, with an emphasis in railroad construction. In 1905, Zhan was appointed the chief engineer responsible for construction of the Peking-Kalgan Railway (Beijing to Zhangjiakou), the first railway constructed in China without foreign assistance. Zhan was a founding member of the Chinese Institute of Engineers. He was elected to the American Society of Civil Engineers in 1909. In 1919, Zhan died in Hankou, Hubei at the age of 57, and was buried at the Qinglongqiao Railway Station, where the Peking-Kalgan (Beijing-Zhangjiakou) railway crossed the Great Wall and the rugged mountains north of Beijing. A museum was also established nearby to commemorate his achievements. For his contributions to railroad engineering in China, Zhan is known as the "Father of China's Railroad".

1935年4月25日 台灣“政治頑童”李敖出生 - 1935年4月25日,李敖生於哈爾濱。1949年從上海隨家人乘船到台灣,居台中。1954年考入台大法專修科。1955年考入台大歷史系,1961年考入台大歷史研究所。1963年自動休學,出版第一本書《傳統下的獨白》。1965年在《文星》雜誌發表批評國民黨的文章,導致該雜誌被勒令停刊。1966年他的一些書被查禁。1967年被台“高等法院”以“妨害公務”罪嫌提起公訴。1968-1969年以販賣舊電器維生。1970年開始被軟禁、跟蹤。1971年被捕,被判刑11年,1976年出獄。1979年出版《獨白下的傳統》等書。1980年出版《李敖全集》。1981年再次入獄。 1982年出獄,開始發表揭露司法及監獄黑暗之文章。以後重點寫文、義賣、義助、主持節目、出版書籍。1999年5月9日舉行“禍台50年”紀念演出。 曾任台灣立法委員,2008年任滿,宣佈退出台灣政壇。因其文筆犀利、批判色彩濃厚,嬉笑怒罵皆成文章,所以自詡為“中國白話文第一人”。 “以玩世來醒世,用罵世而救世”,有《北京法源寺》、《陽痿美國》、《李敖有話說》、《紅色11》等100多本著作,前後共有九十六本被禁,創下歷史記錄,被西方傳媒追捧為“中國近代最傑出的批評家”。《李敖大全集》是他大部分著作的合集,共80冊,凡3000萬字。2005年9月訪問大陸,在北大、清華、復旦三所頂尖高校發表了名為“金剛怒目、菩薩低眉、尼姑思凡”的系列演講。Li Ao (born April 25, 1935) is a Taiwanese writer, social commentator, historian, and independent politician. He is considered by many to be one of the most important modern East Asian essayists today, although some critics have termed him as an intellectual narcissist. Li was born in Harbin, Heilongjiang Province. The entire Li family, except for two children, moved to Taiwan at the end of the Chinese Civil War in 1949. Li received his bachelor's degree from National Taiwan University's Department of History in 1959. Li was credited for his contributions to the democratic movement in Taiwan between the 1960s and 1980s. In the 1960s, he was the editor-in-chief of Wenxing (文星), a magazine that promoted democracy and personal freedom. He was jailed by the Kuomintang government for more than five years (from 1972 to 1976, and again from 1981 to 1982). Li entered the Taiwan political scene in 1999, when he announced his participation in the presidential election in 2000 as a candidate for the New Party. In October 2004, Li ran in the Legislative Election as a non-partisan candidate, and was elected to take the last winning seat. On September 19, 2005, Li returned to Mainland China for the first time in 56 years. He was invited to give speeches at Peking University, Tsinghua University and Fudan University where he was warmly received, and the trip was claimed to have had significant impact on observers of Cross-Strait relations.

1910年4月26日 中國早期著名女影星阮玲玉出生 - 阮玲玉,原名阮鳳根,學名阮玉英,原籍廣東中山,生於上海。幼年喪父,1926年(16歲)時為自立謀生奉養母親,考入明星影片公司,開始其電影藝術生涯。前期多主演通俗社會片,飾演低下階層的墮落女性或者是受欺壓而不反抗的弱女子。1930年轉入黎民偉、羅明佑創辦的聯華影業公司,受新興電影運動(又稱左翼電影運動)影響,表演風格有所轉變。 譬如她在《三個摩登女性》中飾演對舊社會覺悟的女工周淑貞,在《小玩意》中飾演抗日的農村手工藝人等,演活了社會各階層不同的女性形象。1930年主演《野草閒花》(飾演賣花女)一舉成名,奠定她在影壇的地位,一生共主演29部電影。阮玲玉是中國默片時代最具票房號召力的演員之一,被認為代表了早期中國演員的演技最高水準。阮玲玉之於中國影壇的貢獻被一些人比喻為奧黛麗·赫本、凱瑟琳.赫本之於美國好萊塢。阮玲玉成名後陷於前夫張達民和同居男友唐季珊的名譽誣陷糾紛案,不堪輿論誹謗的阮玲玉心力交瘁,於1935年婦女節當日服安眠藥自盡。噩耗傳來震驚電影界,魯迅曾為此撰文《論人言可畏》。一代影星殞落,年僅25歲。國內外電影界人士和廣大觀眾均表哀痛和惋惜,各方唁電、輓聯不可勝數,遺體在上海萬國殯儀館舉行公祭。3月14日殯葬,有約20萬民眾到場弔唁,送葬隊伍長達3里。其墓地位於上海閘北聯義山莊。Ruan Fenggen (April 26, 1910 – March 8, 1935), better known for her stage name Ruan Lingyu, was a Chinese silent film actress. One of the most prominent Chinese film stars of the 1930s, her exceptional acting ability and suicide at the age of 25 led her to become an icon of Chinese cinema. Ruan was born to a working class family in Shanghai. Her father died when she was young, and her mother brought her up working as a housemaid. In 1926, to help make ends meet, Ruan signed up for the prominent Mingxing Film Company. She made her first film at the age of 16. Her first big break came in Spring Dream of an Old Capital (故都春夢 or Reminiscences of Beijing, 1930) which was a massive hit in China. Her 1934 film, The Goddess, is often hailed as the pinnacle of Chinese silent cinema. Ruan acted in a total of 29 films, created a variety of different female characters. Faced with her various public issues and intense private problems, Ruan poisoned herself with an overdose of barbiturates in Shanghai on March 8, 1935, at the age of 25. An estimated 200,000 people joined her funeral procession, which was reportedly 3 miles (4.8 km) long, with three women committing suicide during the event. The New York Times called it "the most spectacular funeral of the century".

1917年4月26日 世界知名建築師貝聿銘出生 - 貝聿銘1917年出生於廣東而成長於蘇州,17歲就負笈遠涉重洋來美國求學。先後在麻省理工學院和哈佛大學學習建築設計。31歲的時候,開始從事商業住房的設計,之後成立了自己的設計公司。他設計的項目,一些有代表性的,包括像美國國家藝術館的 東樓,約翰肯尼迪紀 念圖書館,還有巴黎羅浮宮的重建工程等等。他的這些建築,被人稱為是充滿激情的幾何結構,也成為現代主義的經典之作。貝聿銘從事建築設計近40年,是世界公認的第一流建築師。貝聿銘設計的建築物,遍佈美國各大城市,在法國、伊朗、新加坡、加拿大、澳大利亞、西班牙, 也都有他的作品。他的主要作品有40多座,其中有22座獲獎。舉世聞名的巴黎盧浮宮,也由他負責擴建。Ieoh Ming Pei (born April 26, 1917), commonly known as I. M. Pei, is a Chinese American architect born in Guangdong province. His first major recognition came with the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Colorado; his new stature led to his selection as chief architect for the John F. Kennedy Library in Massachusetts. He went on to design Dallas City Hall and the East Building of the National Gallery of Art. He returned to China for the first time in 1975 to design a hotel at Fragrant Hills, and designed Bank of China Tower, Hong Kong, a skyscraper in Hong Kong for the Bank of China fifteen years later. In the early 1980s, Pei was the focus of controversy when he designed a glass-and-steel pyramid for the Musée du Louvre in Paris. He later returned to the world of the arts by designing the Morton H. Meyerson Symphony Center in Dallas, the Miho Museum in Japan, the Suzhou Museum in Suzhou, and the Museum of Islamic Art in Qatar. Pei has won a wide variety of prizes and awards in the field of architecture, including the AIA Gold Medal in 1979, the first Praemium Imperiale for Architecture in 1989, and the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum in 2003. In 1983, he won the Pritzker Prize, sometimes called the Nobel Prize of architecture.