3-27-2016 Enjoy Easter Holiday / Spring Break
3-27-2016 祝大家有個愉快的假期
****!!! Mark Your Calendars 重要活動日期 !!! ****
1. 3/27/2016: Easter Break - NO SCHOOL
2. 4/03/2016: Poetry Recitation Contest (2)
詩詞朗誦比賽 (2)
3. 4/10/2016: Character Recognition Contest
****!!! Administration 校務 !!! ****
Poetry Recitation Contest
We started our school-wide Poetry Recitation Contest last week (3/20/2016) and will continue the week after Easter break (4/03/16) .
Good job all the 3/20 contestants! You are a winner already by stepping up in front of the judges. The benefit of these contests goes beyond Chinese school, it helps to sharpen a contestant’s public speaking skills. These opportunities help to equip your child with life skills to be able to stand up and speak with confidence, poise, and skill. Once they have developed this skill, it will stay with them for life. The world opens up to you when you can get your point across on your feet!
Good luck to our 4/3 contestants. Don’t forget to practice every day during the break.
Here is the World Journal (世界日報) reporting of the 3/20 competition:
****!!! PTA Announcement 家長會與活動 !!! ****
Parent Seminar
See below flyer for details
1926年3月20日 廣州暴發“中山艦事件” - “中山艦事件”是大革命時期蔣介石同共產黨爭奪領導權的一次衝突事件。也有學者認為該事件為偶發性事件,純粹軍隊調度出問題。1926年3月18日,黃埔軍校管理科交通股股長兼駐省辦事處主任歐陽鐘向海軍局代局長、中山艦艦長共產黨員李之龍傳達指令,派中山、寶璧兩艦出海到黃埔救援被匪徒攻擊的一艘外輪。軍艦到了黃埔後向黃埔軍校教育長鄧演達請示任務,鄧演達回答不知。3月19日下午,由於蘇聯使團欲參觀中山艦,李之龍電話請示蔣中正調中山艦回廣州。蔣表示:「我沒有要你開去,你要開回來,就開回來好了,何必問我做什麼呢?」按照共產黨的說法李之龍事先得到汪的指示要將一些水兵調離以防蔣重新奪回海軍,而蔣則聽到了一些謠言說李之龍要將他綁架到海參崴。3月20日,蔣中正前往汕頭的半路返回廣州,下令全城戒嚴,這是防止中共和蘇聯顧問季山嘉要兵變。歐陽格、陳肇英奉蔣中正命令佔領中山艦並在家中逮捕李之龍,包圍蘇聯顧問和共產黨機關,扣留了第一軍和黃埔軍校中周恩來等中共黨員,嚴密監視鄧演達。中山艦艦長換成歐陽格。蔣中正表示這只是針對個別人,聯俄容共政策並未動搖。「西山會議派」給蔣中正發電報「以迅速手段,勘定叛亂,忠勇明敏,功在黨國。」但蔣中正立刻回電表示自己「唯革命是從」,繼續反對「西山會議派」。不過這顯然為第一次國共合作投下陰影,為一年後的四一二政變打下伏筆。<附:中山艦> 中山艦可以說是中國最為出名的軍艦之一,有「濃縮的中國現代史」之喻。它原名「永豐艦」,是清政府在1910年以68萬銀元向日本三菱造船廠訂製的 鋼木結構砲艦。戰艦於1913年建成,艦長65.837米,寬8.8米,型深4.5米,設主副炮8門,最快航速每小時25公里。中山艦與諸多歷史事件有關聯。1922年,軍閥陳炯明在廣州發動武裝叛亂,炮擊總統府。「臨時大總統」孫中山在深夜突圍後即登上「永豐艦」指揮平叛,歷時55天,使此艦成了他的流動總部。1924年11月,孫中山最後一次搭乘「永豐艦」,轉赴北京共商國 事,次年3月在京病逝。同年3月30日廣州國民政府將「永豐艦」改名為「中山艦」。一年後,中山艦又因蔣介石製造的「中山艦事件」而再度聞名。歷經磨難的中山艦則在抗日戰爭中的1938年,於長江武漢附近江面被日軍擊沉。1996年11月12日孫中山誕辰130週年紀念日時,中山艦打撈工程正式啟動。59年後即1997年1月20日,這艘名艦被打撈出水, 中山艦主樓的欄桿最先升出江面。中山艦出水後移至湖北造船廠啟動修復工程。同時,在中山艦沉沒地武昌金口規劃出了3000畝土地,用以興建中山艦陳列基地。中山艦現已基本修復完成,並在金口興建了永久性的展館中山艦博物館,將一直在此展出。Zhong Shan, originally named Yung Feng, is a Chinese coastal defense ship built in Japan in 1913 of 830 tons and later renamed in 1925 to Chung Shan in honor of Dr. Sun Yat-sen, the founder of the Republic of China. Coastal defense ship Yongfeng (永丰) is the first unit of a total of four Yongfeng-class coastal defense ship ordered by the government of the Qing dynasty in 1910 and was built by Mitsubishi. Due to their small size (less than 1000 tons displacement), these ships are also frequently referred as gunboats. In 1922 the Chung Shan fought its way past the Pearl River forts controlled by Chen Jiongming while carrying Sun Yat-sen and Chiang Kai Shek. The ship was the center of the famous Zhongshan Warship Incident in 1926, involving a suspected plot by Captain Li Zhilong of the warship Chung Shan to kidnap Chiang Kai-shek. It triggered a political struggle between the Communist Party of China and Kuomintang, resulting in Chiang becoming the head of the Kuomintang party and commander-in-chief of all the armies for the Northern Expedition. In the Second Sino-Japanese War (1937–1945), the ship participated in the battle of Wuhan and was bombed and sunk in the Yangtze River by Japanese invaders on 24 October 1938 with 25 casualties. The shipwreck was salvaged from the river in January 1997. The salvaged and restored Zhong Shan gunboat is now located in its own museum in Wuhan, showing the world the part of turmoiled Chinese modern history that it witnessed.
1943年3月20日 毛澤東成為中共的真正領導者 - 1943年3月20日,中共中央政治局召開會議,會議決定中央書記處由毛澤東、劉少奇、任弼時組成,毛澤東任中央政治局、中央書記處的主席,並兼任中央黨校校長。會議通過了《關於中央機構調整及精簡的決定》,該決定規定,書記處“會期不固定,得隨時由主席召集之,會議中所討論的問題,主席有最後決定之權。”這樣,中共實現了權力的高度集中和毛澤東在全黨領導地位的確立。On March 20, 1943, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) held reform meetings and established the leadership of Mao Zedong.
1943年3月26日 著名作家三毛出生 - 三毛(1943年3月26日-1991年1月4日),原名陳懋平。出生於重慶。中國文化大學哲學系選修生、西班牙馬德里大學文哲學院、德國歌德語文學院畢業,是臺灣1970至1980年代的著名作家. 幼年時期的三毛就喜歡讀書,五年級下學期第一次看《紅樓夢》。初中時期幾乎看遍了市面上的世界名著。初二那年休學,由父母親悉心教導,在詩詞古文、英文方面,打下基礎。並跟隨顧福生、韓湘寧、彭萬墀三位畫家習畫。三毛在她的散文《我的三位老師》中記錄了這三位繪畫老師。1976年5月出版第一部作品《撒哈拉的故事》, 以其在撒哈拉沙漠的生活及見聞為背景,以幽默的文筆發表充滿異國風情的散文作品成名,其讀者遍佈全世界華人社群。1989年4月首次回大陸家鄉,發現自己的作品在大陸也擁有許多的讀者。並專程拜訪以漫畫《三毛流浪記》馳名的張樂平先生,了卻夙願。1990年從事劇本寫作,完成第一部中文劇本,也是她最後一部作品《滾滾紅塵》。三毛於1991年住院時逝世。三毛在“新中國60年最有影響力文化人物網路評選”活動中文學類排名第十,總人氣榜排名第三十五。Sanmao (March 26, 1943 – January 4, 1991) was a novelist, translator and writer. Born as Chen Mao Ping (陳懋平), the writer's pseudonym was adopted from a character of acclaimed caricaturist Zhang Leping's most famous work, entitled Sanmao. In English she was also known as Echo Chan, the first name she used in Latin script, based on the homonymous Greek nymph. Her work ranges from autobiographical writing, to travel writing and reflective novels, to translations of European comic books. Sanmao studied philosophy and taught German, in addition to a serious later career in writing.