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Thursday, February 25, 2016

2-28-2016 Week 20:  Sign up for Poetry Contest!
2-28-2016 第二十週:  趕快報名詩詞朗誦比賽喔!

****!!!        Mark Your Calendars  重要活動日期      !!! ****
1.   2/28/2016:   Make Up Picture Day
6, 9,12-year study award recipients photo
Last Day of Poetry Recitation Contest Registration
2.   3/06/2016:   Drawing for the Poetry Recitation Contest order
Scrips Selling
3.   3/13/2016:   SAT II Chinese Simulation Test
中文SAT II模擬考雙語班口試
Second Semester Midterm Exam
Bilingual Class Oral Test

****!!!         Administration  校務  !!!      ****

This Sunday our volunteer photographer will be taking group photos of the 6, 9, 12 years Chinese Studies Award recipients. Would the following students please check in to the office at the designated time. Please be on time!

Date: Sunday, Feb 28
Time: 3:20pm
Place: check in at the office

****!!!         PTA Announcement  家長會與活動  !!!      ****

Fundraising for Taiwan Earthquake desert sale
There will be a charity organization bring in Chinese Red bun to fundraise for the earthquake in Taiwan.  All sale proceed will go directly to help the people in Taiwan.  The sale will be during second recess as well as after school around the grass area.  Please come and support this event!
這個星期天將有爲台灣台南地震賑災的義賣.  一顆一元的紅豆或是奶黃餅, 義賣的所有所得將會全數捐贈於救災活動, 希望大家可以踴躍來參加這項有意義的活動!  請在第二節下課和放學後在大草坪上購買!


New Yoga class on SDCA campus
Our SDCA parent Celine Chen, a certified yoga instructor,  is offering a series of Yoga classes for the parents while your students are in their Chinese classes.   Contact if you are interested.      

嶄新的 2016,正是開始鍛鍊身體的好時機!九週的課程讓你體驗瑜伽的魔力!   孩子們努力學習,爸爸媽媽們把握當下,擁有健康就在現在!

Advertise in SDCA yearbook
Do you or someone you know have a business? For as low as $25, you can advertise in our yearbook! With 350+ students and their families/friends, your ads will reach a wide audience as well as support our school. Interested parties please contact for details.

Volunteers Needed  家長會義工:
If you have not yet been assigned a volunteer service and would like to help, please email We will find a position so you qualify for your service refund.  
如果你還沒有被安排到義工職位而且還願意在學校幫忙, 請務必通知家長會, 我們還有許多地方需要各位家長的同工.  

****!!!         Community Corner  社區園地       !!! ****


1940年2月10日《色戒》原型奇女特工蘋如 - 由張愛玲同名小說改編的電影《色戒》在第64屆威尼斯得最佳影片金獅獎,女主角王佳芝的原型, 蘋如, 也從史的埃中浮出來。位極富奇色彩的女特溪人,她是一位出身於國民黨高官家庭的上海有名美女,同又是一位中日混血的抗日女烈士。蘋如生於1918年,上海名媛,當年上海第一大畫“良友畫”曾將其作封面女郎。上海陷後,秘密加入中,利用其得天獨厚的條件,混跡於日當中,取情。後參與暗務頭子丁默村,而暴露身份,被捕,一口咬定情所困,雇兇人,成當年上海重大花之一。1940年2月,被秘密決於滬西中山路旁的一片荒地,中3年23。李安電影之後,鄭蘋如的家人曾經在美國開記者會,指責小說及電影扭曲了烈士鄭蘋如的形象. Zheng Pingru, a Kuomintang intelligence agent during World War II, was secretly executed in Shanghai on Feb 10, 1940, by the Japanese puppet government after her failed assassination of a high ranking puppet government official. Zheng served as the archetype of Lust, Caution, a book published in 1979 by famed Chinese author Eileen Chang, and Ang Lee's 2007 erotic spy thriller film that won the Venice Film Festival's top Golden Lion award. In the movie, the story was mostly set in Hong Kong in 1938 and in Shanghai in 1942, when it was occupied by the Imperial Japanese Army and ruled by the puppet government led by Wang Jingwei. It depicts a group of Chinese university students from the Lingnan University who plot to assassinate a high-ranking special agent and recruiter of the puppet government using an attractive young woman to lure him into a trap. Shortly after the film’s release, Zheng’s family staged a press release in Los Angeles, claiming that the movie was about real-life events that happened in World War II, and wrongfully portrayed Zheng as a promiscuous secret agent who seduced and eventually fell in love with the assassination target Ding Mocun. Taiwan's investigation bureau confirmed that Zheng Pingru failed to kill Ding because her gun jammed, rather than developing a romantic relationship with the assassin's target.  Director Ang Lee maintains that Eileen Chang wrote the original short story as fiction.


1938年2月16日名家小樓病逝 - 1938年2月16日,晚清京名家, 著名武生小樓因病逝世。小樓幼年入小榮椿科班,武生。28,成內廷供奉,常在中演唱,並受到慈禧太后的賞識。1912年,小樓首次赴上海,演40天,目不重。1921年,崇林社排《霸王別姬》,1922年舊正月,在第一舞台首演。此後,每有大義務戲是以小樓、出《霸王別姬為壓台大。“七·七”事後,北平陷,小樓再不公演。Yang Xiaolou (1878-2/16/1938) was a famous Peking Opera master. He developed his own operatic style and had his own Kung Fu show. His performance was praised by Empress Dowager Cixi, as well as Peking Opera fans everywhere. With Mei Lanfang and Yu Shuyan, he was regarded as part the Three Saints in the circle of Peking Opera. Along with Mei Lanfang, Yang was the original cast of the Peking Opera classic, Farewell My Concubine. Yang passed away on Feb 16, 1938, due to illness.

1997年2月16日 著名實驗物理學家健雄女士去世 - 1997年2月16日,著名的實驗物理學家、中國科學院外籍院士、美國哥大學裔教授健雄女士於1997年2月16日因再次中不幸去世,享年85健雄1912年5月31日生於中國江省太倉縣瀏,1936年赴美國留學,1940年美國加利福尼大學博士學位,之後又美國普林斯、耶和哈佛等著名高等學府的理學博士學位。她期從事科學試驗,研究原子物理學,取得了卓越的成就。她曾參與曼哈頓計劃與“原子之父”奧卡海默共事,1956年她率先以一個相當精確而困實驗證實振寧與李政道提出的理,使、李成為頭兩個榮獲諾貝爾獎的中國人,她打破普林斯大學百年傳統而成首位得榮譽博士學位,也是美國物理學會有史以來的第一位女性會。她得了除諾貝爾獎以外的幾乎所有大,是諾貝爾獎得主推崇的奇人物,她先後得16個榮譽博士學位。健雄生前關心中國科技事展。她從1973年起多次到中國探學,1982年北京大學、南京大學的名譽教授,1992年在南大學建立了健雄實驗室。1994年當選為中國科學院首批外籍院士。遵照她本人生前的願望,教授的骨灰安放在她的故倉瀏. Chien-Shiung Wu (May 31, 1912 – February 16, 1997) was a Chinese American experimental physicist who made significant contributions in the field of nuclear physics. Wu was born in the town of Liuhe in Taicang, Jiangsu province, China, on May 31, 1912. Second of three children and the only daughter, Wu and her father were extremely close and he encouraged her interests passionately, creating an environment where she was surrounded by books, magazines, and newspapers. Wu studied at the National Central University (later renamed Nanjing University), first in mathematics, but later transferring to physics. In August 1936, she embarked for the United States on the SS President Hoover. Wu enrolled in the University of California, Berkeley, where she met her future husband, physicist Luke Chia-Liu Yuan, a grandson of Yuan Shikai, the first President of the Republic of China. Wu completed her Ph.D. in June 1940, and then embarked on an unprecedented career as a Chinese female physicist of her time. Wu worked on the Manhattan Project, where she helped develop the process for separating uranium metal into uranium-235 and uranium-238 isotopes by gaseous diffusion. She is best known for conducting the Wu experiment, which contradicted the hypothetical law of conservation of parity. This discovery resulted in her colleagues Tsung-Dao Lee and Chen-Ning Yang winning the 1957 Nobel Prize in physics, and also earned Wu the inaugural Wolf Prize in Physics in 1978. In 1975 Wu served as the first female president of the prestigious American Physical Society (APS). Her expertise in experimental physics evoked comparisons to Marie Curie. Her nicknames include "the First Lady of Physics", "the Chinese Madame Curie", and the "Queen of Nuclear Research". She passed away on February 16, 1997 in New York City at the age of 85 after suffering a stroke. She was survived by her husband and son. In accordance with her wishes, her ashes were buried in her hometown of Liuhe, in the courtyard of the Ming De School that her father had founded, and that she had attended as a young girl.