11-01-2015 Week 7: Daylight Saving ends
11-01-2015 第七週: 記得改時間喔!
****!!! Mark Your Calendars 重要活動日期 !!! ****
1. 11/01/2015: Fire Drill
Scrips Sale
Speech Contest Registration
Daylight Savings Time Ends
2. 11/8/2015: Health Seminar I
Picture Day
Room Parent Meeting
We have scrip sale this Sunday at the office from 1:30 to 4:00pm, you are welcome to come by the office to help school fundraising through those gift cards as well as claim your service refund if you have already completed your service.
本週日在辦公室有販售禮券,請各位家長們踴躍參加買禮券的這項活動, 不止可以拿回 refund, 也可以幫助學校 fundraising. 如果你已經完成你的義工服務,也可在在禮券販售日來辦公室領取你的義工退費
We are rolling out the online registration this year for our speech contest. The deadline for signing up is 11/15/2015. Please go to http://goo.gl/forms/hAjLm41koA and fill out the online sign-up form.
演講比賽即日起開始報名,報名截止日期是11/15/2015,比賽日期是12/06/2015。我們將採取網絡報名,請家長上網至此網址報名 http://goo.gl/forms/hAjLm41koA
*****!!!!! Ground Supervision 校園巡邏 !!!!!! *****
Please remind your children to only play by the grassy area during recess time. Do not go to places where there is no adult supervision. Although there are four parents doing ground supervision every week, we still need all your kids’ cooperation to ensure our campus safety. Thank you. 請各位家長告知家中子女,下課時間請小朋友盡量留在草地上玩耍,請勿跑到建築後面或是人少的地方,以維護自身安全。雖然校園內有義工家長巡邏,但還需要大家配合,才能確保校園安全,謝謝。
Please remind your student again not to touch and/or use anything in the classroom, including the trash can. We are grateful to be able to use this wonderful campus. Please help take care of LJCDS classrooms and its campus so we can continue to use it. Parents, if you visit a classroom with a young child, please watch your child to make sure he/she is not touching anything in the classroom. Thank you.
麻煩家長持續提醒孩子們,教室内的所有物品都不能使用,移動,和破壞。也不能在教室裡吃東西或用教室裡的垃圾桶。我們感謝 LJCDS 借給我們這個美麗的校園,整齊的教室和安全的環境。我們很珍惜能和 LJCDS 維持良好的關係。所以希望學生們都能確實遵守規定。如果有家長帶小小孩進教室,也要特別提醒家長注意自己的小孩,不要亂動教室内的東西。
****!!! PTA Announcement 家長會與活動 !!! ****
Health Seminar 健康講座﹔
Our first PTA seminar is coming up on the 8th of November. We are honored to have Isabelle again to share some useful tips on how to eat healthy and maintain our wellness being. Stay tune for more information. 今年家長會第一次的講座很榮幸再度邀請到營養師 Isabelle 來跟我們分享如何在這個美食的世界來選擇對我們身體有幫助的食物. 請各位家長踴躍參加一起來討論及分享
Student snack store 學生福利社:
Snack Store during 2nd recess will start this week. Your choice of snack and a juice box costs only $1. Please encourage your students to stop by and get some treats. We will also have Jamba Juice coming on campus once a month. 點心時間到囉! 第二節下課時,我們將有小點心販賣的活動,自選一樣點心加果汁只要一美元,歡迎您與您的孩子前來購買。
PTA Parents Ninja Workout Club (NWC) is returning and we will start again in October. Our parent baseball team has already started their Sunday workout, join us if you would like to get under the sun during those precious three hours. Contact Jerry Han if you are interested. 家長會將於十月開始延續去年 "健人就是腳勤俱樂部"。藉由這個時間多多認識其他的家長, 也可以強健身體. 請有興趣參加的家長與Jerry 聯絡。
Volunteers Needed 家長會義工:
If you have not yet been assigned a volunteer service and would like to help. Please email sdcapta@gmail.com, we will find a position to qualify you for your service refund.
如果你還沒有被安排到義工職位而且還願意在學校幫忙, 請務必通知家長會, 我們還有許多地方需要各位家長的同工.
Room Parents 班爸班媽
Recess Snack Service 學生福利社
Recess cultural Activity下課文化活動
****!!! Community Corner 社區園地 !!! ****
Karaoke Dance Party
Fun community event for parents and students 6th grade and higher. We have limited number of tickets for sale in the office this Sunday, swing by the office if you are interested. For questions please contact: SDCA.board.president@gmail.com
卡拉OK 舞會
1909年10月25日 中国奥运第一人刘长春出生 - 刘长春(1909年11月25日-1983年3月25日),大连人,東北大學體育系學生, 著名短跑运动员,与当时另一位短跑名将程金冠并称为“北刘南程”。他也是代表中国参加奥林匹克运动会的第一人。1929年5月,在瀋陽市東北大學舉行的第14屆華北運動會,劉長春一舉打破了100米、200米和400米三個短跑項目全國記錄,其中在100米決賽更跑出10秒80佳績,平了1928年第九屆奧運會男子100米冠軍時間,震驚全國. 1932年的洛杉矶第十届奥运会舉行在即,刘长春拒绝代表满洲国與會, 后在张学良资助8000银圆下得以代表中华民国成行。1932年7月29日下午4时刘长春抵达洛杉矶。7月31日,体育比赛正式开始,刘长春参加了当天的百米预赛,被分在第二小组,有6名运动员参加,取头3名。比赛结果,刘长春在日记中写到:「第一名为星卜森,胜余有4码,成绩 10秒9,余居第5,当在11秒左右。起跑时头五六十米在先,约至80米后,被后来者超过,原因毕业考试一个月,航行劳顿,缺少练习所致。」刘长春在经过3个星期海上漂浮,体力已大受影响,因此原来报名3个项目,他只参加100公尺和200公尺,400公尺则因体力不支,没有出场比赛。参加的两个项目,都未能晋级。8月21日,刘长春起程回国,9月16日返抵上海,受到上海市民的欢迎。1933年在第5屆全國運動會上,劉長春以10秒7和22秒的成績,再創100米和200米兩項全國紀錄獲冠軍,成績接近世界水平,保持長達25年之久才被打破。1936年,劉長春再次代表中國參加第11屆奧運會,69人代表團經過27天的海浪顛簸,恢復不及時,與程金冠、傅金城參加男子100米跑均於預賽便遭淘汰,以致望洋興嘆「弱國無外交;弱國無體育」。劉長春的兩項遺願, 一是中国人能在奥运会上夺得金奖;二是中国有朝一日能举办奥运会, 在1984年奥运会,及2001年時確定2008年奥运会由北京主辦時,分別獲得實現。中國第一面奧運金牌的獲得地,就是他當年參加奧運的地方——洛杉磯。Liu Changchun, born Oct. 25, 1909, in Liaoning Province, China was a Chinese sprinter. Liu was the first athlete to represent China in competition at an Olympic Games. He was the sole competitor from the Republic of China at the 1932 Summer Olympics in Los Angeles; four years later he again represented the Republic of China at the 1936 Summer Olympics in Berlin. Liu had two wishes: He wished that the Chinese would win a gold medal and that China would host the Olympic Games. He died in 1983, just a year before China won its first Olympic Gold Medal, during the course of the 1984 Summer Olympics in Los Angeles, China won not only one but 15 gold medals. His second wish was fulfilled 25 years after his death when China hosted the 2008 Summer Olympic Games. Liu's life became a subject of a film entitled The One Man Olympics. The film was released in 2008.
1937年10月26日 謝晉元將軍率800壯士堅守四行倉庫抗日 - 謝晉元出身貧苦,1926年畢業於黃埔軍校,1937年任88師262旅524團團副,在團長負重傷後,升為團長。眼見日軍當時慘殺中國人民,謝晉元和戰士無不摩拳擦掌,要同日軍決一死戰。當時日軍氣焰囂張,揚言“3天內攻佔上海”,但謝晉元率軍同日軍作戰2個月,仍堅守陣地。10月26日,日軍突破大場防線,中國軍隊由謝團掩護退卻,晚上11時,謝奉命率第一營800人堅守蘇州河畔四行倉庫。四行倉庫是七層鋼骨水泥建築。謝發誓死守,願與陣地共存亡。日軍原認為這個小據點不難拔除,但出乎意外,從27日下午發動進攻,雙方對峙4日4夜,800人打退了敵人1萬人多次進攻,斃敵200多人,自己只犧牲了5個人。到30日,謝晉元接到撤退的命令,只好忍痛撤出,由蘇州河隔岸過橋進入公共租界。壯士們揮淚離開陣地,謝最後一個離開。至此,上海戰爭結束。800孤軍進入租界後,被租界英軍藉口解除了武裝,安置在膠州公園邊一個臨時營房中。謝晉元一直想歸隊,但上海租界淪為孤島,無路可走。當時,孤軍營成為照耀上海全市的一座燈塔,每天前往訪問的人不斷。謝晉元治軍極嚴,每天升旗、上操、學習,生活井井有條,大家都等待有朝一日重返戰場。不幸事件發生在1941年4月24日凌晨,當時有四名不肖士兵同外界相勾結,利用早操時間,身帶匕首、鐵鎬向謝頭部、胸部猛擊,謝流血倒地,不久即逝世,年僅37歲。 這件事震動了全國。第二天在孤軍營舉行棺殮儀式,前往吊唁的有6萬多人。The defense of Sihang Warehouse took place from October 26 to November 1, 1937, and marked the beginning of the end of the three-month Battle of Shanghai in the opening phase of the Second Sino-Japanese War. Led by commander Xie Jinyuan, the 800 defenders (known as the eight hundred heroes) of the warehouse held out against numerous waves of Japanese forces more than ten times of its numbers and covered Chinese forces retreating west during the Battle of Shanghai. The successful defense of the warehouse provided a morale-lifting consolation to the Chinese army and people in the demoralizing aftermath of the Japanese invasion of Shanghai. Some say the number of defenders were actually 423 instead of 800, because commander Xie Jinyuan not wanting to reveal their true strength to the Japanese and provided an exaggerated number to the public.
1651年10月31日 清改“承天門”為“天安門”- 公元1417年(明永樂十五年),明成祖朱棣準備遷都北京,派蒯祥等著名匠師分工負責皇宮建築群的設計和施工。蒯祥就精心設計了皇城正門,1420年竣工,當時叫“承天門”,為黃瓦飛簷3層樓式的5座木牌坊,是沿用唐代皇城正門的舊稱,表示皇帝“承天啟運”,“受命於天”。明英宗天順元年(1457)承天門被火燒燬,憲宗成化元年(1465)由工部尚書白圭主持重新修建。這回不再是牌坊,而是9開間門樓了,到了明末又毀於兵火。清順治八年,即1651年,世祖福臨重新修建這座城樓,改建以後,10月31日,將承天門改稱天安門,大體成了今天這個樣式。The Tiananmen, or Gate of Heavenly Peace, is a famous monument in Beijing. Tiananmen is the entrance to the Imperial City, within which the Forbidden City is located. The gate was originally named Chengtianmen, or Gate of Accepting Heavenly Mandate. The original building was first constructed in 1420 and was based on a gate of an imperial building in Nanjing from the Tang dynasty era. The gate was damaged by lightning in July, 1457, and was completely burnt down. In 1465, Chenghua Emperor ordered Zi Gui, Minister of Works, to rebuild the gate, and the design was changed from the original paifang form to the gatehouse that is seen today. It suffered another blow in the war at the end of Ming Dynasty, when in 1644 the gate was burnt down by rebels led by Li Zicheng. Following the establishment of the Qing Dynasty, the gate was once again rebuilt, beginning in 1645, and was given its present name upon completion on Oct 31, 1651.